Howto:pass an ado.recordset to a stored procedure

I need to pass an adodb.recordset to a stored procedure in Oracle 8.0.5.
I am programming with visualbasic 6, an exe application.
I don4t know how to setting the parameter for the adodb.command which execute the procedure.
Any idea??

You can't do this using an OLEDB provider. There is no such a provider with this feature.
Yuancai (Charlie) Ye
See 30 real well-tested advanced OLEDB samples
Use of free SocketPro for creating super client and server application with numerous samples

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    I am using the sample code/tables provided from Oracle.
    Does anyone have an example or has actually created an updatedable recordset from a stored procedure ?

    Assuming your stored procedure is returning a REF CURSOR, it cannot be done. Oracle's REF CURSORS are read only constructs.

  • How to get an updatable ADODB Recordset from a Stored Procedure?

    In VB6 I have this code to get a disconnected ADODB Recordset from a Oracle 9i database (the Oracle Client is 10g):
    Dim conSQL As ADODB.Connection
    Dim comSQL As ADODB.Command
    Dim recSQL As ADODB.Recordset
    Set conSQL = New ADODB.Connection
    With conSQL
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Password=<pwd>;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=<uid>;Data Source=<dsn>"
    .CursorLocation = adUseClientBatch
    End With
    Set comSQL = New ADODB.Command
    With comSQL
    .ActiveConnection = conSQL
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .CommandText = "P_PARAM.GETALLPARAM"
    .Properties("PLSQLRSet").Value = True
    End With
    Set recSQL = New ADODB.Recordset
    With recSQL
    Set .Source = comSQL
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
    .ActiveConnection = Nothing
    End With
    The PL/SQL Procedure is returning a REF CURSOR like this:
    SELECT *
    END GetAllParam;
    When I try to update some values in the ADODB Recordset (still disconnected), I get the following error:
    Err.Description: Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.
    Err.Number: -2147217887 (80040E21)
    Err.Source: Microsoft Cursor Engine
    The following properties on the Command object doesn't change anything:
    .Properties("IRowsetChange") = True
    .Properties("Updatability") = 7
    How can I get an updatable ADODB Recordset from a Stored Procedure?

    4 years later...
    I was having then same problem.
    Finally, I've found how to "touch" the requierd bits.
    Obviously, it's hardcore, but since some stupid at microsoft cannot understand the use of a disconnected recordset in the real world, there is no other choice.
    Solution (VB6):
    Dim Rst As Recordset
    Rst.Open "select 1 as C1, '5CHARS' as C5, sysdate as C6, NVL(null,15) as C7, null as C8 from DUAL", yourconnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
    Set Rst.ActiveConnection = Nothing
    Dim S As New ADODB.Stream
    Rst.Save S, adPersistADTG
    Set Rst = Nothing
    With S
    'Debug.Print .Size
    Dim Bytes() As Byte
    Dim WordVal As Integer
    Dim LongVal As Long
    Bytes = .Read(2)
    If Bytes(0) <> 1 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG byte 0, se esperaba: 1 (header)"
    .Position = 2 + Bytes(1)
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 2 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG byte 9, se esperaba: 2 (handler)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' handler size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 3 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 3 (result descriptor)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' result descriptor size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 16 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 16 (adtgRecordSetContext)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' token size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 5 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 5 (adtgTableDescriptor)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' token size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(1)
    If Bytes(0) <> 6 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 6 (adtgTokenColumnDescriptor)"
    Do ' For each Field
    Bytes = .Read(2)
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' token size
    Dim NextTokenPos As Long
    NextTokenPos = .Position + LongVal
    Dim PresenceMap As Long
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    PresenceMap = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'ColumnOrdinal
    'WordVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(bytes(1)), 2))
    'Aca pueden venir: friendly_columnname, basetable_ordinal,basetab_column_ordinal,basetab_colname
    If PresenceMap And &H800000 Then 'friendly_columnname
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'Size
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' Size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal * 2 '*2 debido a UNICODE
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H400000 Then 'basetable_ordinal
    .Position = .Position + 2 ' 2 bytes
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H200000 Then 'basetab_column_ordinal
    .Position = .Position + 2 ' 2 bytes
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H100000 Then 'basetab_colname
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'Size
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' Size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal * 2 '*2 debido a UNICODE
    End If
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'adtgColumnDBType
    'WordVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(bytes(1)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'adtgColumnMaxLength
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'Precision
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'Scale
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Dim ColumnFlags() As Byte, NewFlag0 As Byte
    ColumnFlags = .Read(1) 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS, First Byte only (DBCOLUMNFLAGS=4 bytes total)
    NewFlag0 = ColumnFlags(0)
    If (NewFlag0 And &H4) = 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE (bit 2) esta OFF
    'Lo pongo en ON, ya que quiero escribir esta columna LOCALMENTE en el rst DESCONECTADO
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 Or &H4)
    End If
    If (NewFlag0 And &H8) <> 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN (bit 3) esta ON
    'Lo pongo en OFF, ya que no me importa si NO sabes si se puede updatear no, yo lo se, no te preocupes
    'ya que quiero escribir esta columna LOCALMENTE en el rst DESCONECTADO
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 And Not &H8)
    End If
    If (NewFlag0 And &H20) <> 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE (bit 5) esta OFF
    'Lo pongo en ON, ya que siendo un RST DESCONECTADO, si le quiero poner NULL, le pongo y listo
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 Or &H20)
    End If
    If NewFlag0 <> ColumnFlags(0) Then
    ColumnFlags(0) = NewFlag0
    .Position = .Position - 1
    .Write ColumnFlags
    End If
    .Position = NextTokenPos
    Bytes = .Read(1)
    Loop While Bytes(0) = 6
    'Reconstruyo el Rst desde el stream
    S.Position = 0
    Set Rst = New Recordset
    Rst.Open S
    End With
    'TEST IT
    On Error Resume Next
    Rst!C1 = 15
    Rst!C5 = "MUCHOS CHARS"
    Rst!C7 = 23423
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    MsgBox "OK"
    MsgBox Err.Description
    End If

  • Passing Multi-Value Parameter to a Stored Procedure

    Has anyone experienced passing a Parameter (MultiValue) to a Stored Procedure? I am aware that Crystal Passes the Param as an Array. How would you go about handling this within a Stored Procedure???

    Hi Daniel
    Try as below:
    1. Create a Crystal report, and add a multi-value parameter.
    2. Since the multi-value parameter is treated as an array, create a formula that uses the JOIN function. Create a formula as below:
    //Formula: @JoinFormula
    Join ({?Multi-value parameter array},";")
    In the formula above, a semi-colon (";") is the delimiter.
    3. Within the main report, create a subreport based on the stored procedure, and include the parameter to be populated with the multi-value list.
    4. Link the Join formula in the main report to the stored procedure parameter in the subreport.
    Doing so passes a multi-value parameter to the stored procedure.
    Hope this helps!!!!

  • How to verify the user information pass by the form with a stored procedure?

    I would like to know how to verify user information pass by the form with a stored procedure.
    I want make a portal which accepts to new user registration, but I want verify the new user's informations (like the name don't contain a number etc).
    Thanks for your help

    Hi Samson,
    You can use the UI API to do this. You can catch the form_ADD event and then validate the input from the users. You can even block the event from completing (and stop the document from being added) if your code finds some incorrect data using the bubbleEvent functionality.
    I don't have one specific example to show you, but if you look at some of the SDK samples (for example C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One SDK\Samples\COM UI\VB.NET\02.CatchingEvents) to see how to work with events, you can then create your own validation to ensure the users data is valid.

  • How to determine number of records in recordset returned by stored procedure?

    In TestStand 3.0 I am calling an SQL stored procedure where the stored
    procedure returns a recordset. Everything appears to work (I can
    iterate through the recordset and see that the data is valid).
    However, I can not figure out how to easilly determine how many
    records are actually in the recordset. Unlike the 'Open SQL
    Statement' step, in the 'Data Operation' step that actually invokes
    the stored procedure, there is no 'Number of Records Selected' option
    to specify a TestStand variable to accept this value. I know I could
    iterate through the returned recordset incrementing a counter until a
    Fetch fails, but for larger recordsets, traversing the table multiple
    times would be quite time consuming
    . I am hoping to avoid this if
    possible. Is there an easier way to get the number of records in a
    recordset returned from a stored procedure call?

    Bob -
    The cursor type of the ADO Recordset object affects whether the number of records can be determined. The Recordset.RecordCount property will return -1 for a forward-only cursor; the actual count for a static or keyset cursor; and either -1 or the actual count for a dynamic cursor, depending on the data source.
    Because ADO does not let me set the cursor type for command objects which is what a stored procedure requires, it is up to the data source to determine the type of cursor and the support for record count.
    Scott Richardson (NI)
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

  • How to pass the parameter values to the stored procedure from java code?

    I have a stored procedure written in sqlplus as below:
    create procedure spInsertCategory (propertyid number, category varchar2, create_user varchar2, create_date date) AS BEGIN Insert into property (propertyid, category,create_user,create_date) values (propertyid , category, create_user, create_date); END spInsertCategory;
    I am trying to insert a new row into the database using the stored procedure.
    I have called the above procedure in my java code as below:
    CallableStatement sp = null;
    sp = conn.prepareCall("{call spInsertCategory(?, ?, ?, ?)}");
    How should I pass the values [propertyid, category, create_user, create_date) from java to the stored procedure?[i.e., parameters]
    Kindly guide me as I am new to java..

    Java-Queries wrote:
    I have a stored procedure written in sqlplus as below:FYI. sqlplus is a tool from Oracle that provides a user interface to the database. Although it has its own syntax what you posted is actually PL/SQL.

  • Empty strings when passing a Java object to a Stored Procedure

    I'm using the interface SQLData to pass Java objects to StoredProcedures. All the object's attributes 'arrive' to the Stored Procedure ok, except the strings, which are empty.
    Here is my Oracle object:
    ARG1 CHAR(3),
    ARG2 NUMBER(4),
    ARG3 CHAR(4),
    ARG4 NUMBER(7),
    ARG5 NUMBER(13,2),
    ARG6 CHAR(1));
    The nested table of that object:
    The procedure declaration:
    PROCEDURE Pup_Instaura_Processo (                              x_crCert IN TAB_ASJFF_OBJ1,
    x_cResult OUT CHAR(4)
    My SQLData implementation:
    public void writeSQL(SQLOutput stream) throws SQLException {
    Can anybody help me?
    Thanks in advance
    Rui Gonçalves

    not exactly what you wanted but ingredients can be found at
    - JPublisher's docuemntation (especially "Type Mapping Support Through PL/SQL Conversion Functions")
    - (Best Hotels PL/SQL Sample )
    hope this helps
    I have a Java Stored procedure which takes an instance of a different java object as its parameter.
    I need to do this from a pl/sql package - can anyone point me to a sample etc (looked on the website but don't see one) ?

  • Not able to retrive the recordset from oracle stored procedure in VC++

    I am trying to retrieve the records from the reference cursor which is an out parameter for an oracle 9i store procedure in VC++ application. But it is giving the record count as -1 always. Meanwhile i am able to get the required output in VB application from the same oracle 9i store procedure .
    Find the code below which i used.
    //// Oracle Stored Procedure
    PROCEDURE GetEmpRS1 (p_recordset1 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
    p_recordset2 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
    OPEN p_recordset1 FOR
    OPEN p_recordset2 FOR
    END GetEmpRS1;</PRE>
    ///// VC++ code
    <PRE lang=c++ id=pre1 style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px">ConnectionPtr mpConn;
    _RecordsetPtr pRecordset;
    _CommandPtr pCommand;
    _ParameterPtr pParam1;
    //We will use pParam1 for the sole input parameter.
    //NOTE: We must not append (hence need not create)
    //the REF CURSOR parameters. If your stored proc has
    //normal OUT parameters that are not REF CURSORS, you need
    //to create and append them too. But not the REF CURSOR ones!
    //Hardcoding the value of i/p paramter in this example...
    variantt vt;
    m_pConn.CreateInstance (__uuidof (Connection));
    pCommand.CreateInstance (__uuidof (Command));
    //NOTE the "PLSQLRSet=1" part in
    //the connection string. You can either
    //do that or can set the property separately using
    //pCommand->Properties->GetItem("PLSQLRSet")->Value = true;
    //But beware if you are not working with ORACLE, trying to GetItem()
    //a property that does not exist
    //will throw the adErrItemNotFound exception.
    m_pConn->Open (
    bstrt ("Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;PLSQLRSet=1;Data Source=XXX"),
    bstrt ("CP"), bstrt ("CP"), adModeUnknown);
    pCommand->ActiveConnection = m_pConn;
    pParam1 = pCommand->CreateParameter( bstrt ("pParam1"),
    adSmallInt,adParamInput, sizeof(int),( VARIANT ) vt);
    pRecordset.CreateInstance (__uuidof (Recordset));
    //NOTE: We need to specify the stored procedure name as COMMANDTEXT
    //with proper ODBC escape sequence.
    //If we assign COMMANDTYPE to adCmdStoredProc and COMMANDTEXT
    //to stored procedure name, it will not work in this case.
    //NOTE that in the escape sequence, the number '?'-s correspond to the
    //number of parameters that are NOT REF CURSORS.
    pCommand->CommandText = "{CALL GetEmpRS1(?)}";
    //NOTE the options set for Execute. It did not work with most other
    //combinations. Note that we are using a _RecordsetPtr object
    //to trap the return value of Execute call. That single _RecordsetPtr
    //object will contain ALL the REF CURSOR outputs as adjacent recordsets.
    pRecordset = pCommand->Execute(NULL, NULL,
    adCmdStoredProc | adCmdUnspecified );
    //After this, traverse the pRecordset object to retrieve all
    //the adjacent recordsets. They will be in the order of the
    //REF CURSOR parameters of the stored procedure. In this example,
    //there will be 2 recordsets, as there were 2 REF CURSOR OUT params.
    while( pRecordset !=NULL ) )
    while( !pRecordset->GetadoEOF() )
    //traverse through all the records of current recordset...
    long lngRec = 0;
    pRecordset = pRecordset->NextRecordset((VARIANT *)lngRec);
    //Error handling and cleanup code (like closing recordset/ connection)
    //etc are not shown here.</PRE>

    It can be linked to internal conversion. In some case, the value of internal or extranal value is not the same.
    When you run SE16 (or transaction N), you have in option mode the possibility to use the exit conversion or not.

  • Would like to pass multi-value parameter to a stored procedure

    Is it possible to pass a multi-value parameter to a stored procedure using crystal reports.
    Is there is a way to do so??/

    Is it that you want to pass 2 or more parameters to a stored proc. it is possible
    go to database expert
    select your connection and click on add command their you will have to create parameters and pass to a proc
    for ref..
    {CALL `menagerie`.`sp_timer`({?delay time},{?delay time2})}
    where `menagerie`.`sp_timer` is a stored proc.
    and delay time and delay time2 are  parameters.
    but if it is like you have to pass multiple values to stored proc using single parameter as per my experience its
    not possible.

  • How to pass a presentation variable to a stored procedure?

    Hi All,
    We have a complex security model to emulate. In order to achieve that, we need to find a way for OBI to run and pass parameter to a stored procedure (SP).
    "APlus_BI_EmplName2" is the name of the stored procedure.
    This SP requires a param and can be run in toad for SQL as : - exec APlus_BI_EmplName2 @ empno
    here is one example:- exec APlus_BI_EmplName2 128807
    It will result in empno, empname (128807,Looney VALERIE).
    Also, I have made a sample report on the Dashboard.Here i'm capturing a employee number via a dropdown in a presentation variable ( "empno") which i would like to pass to the stored procedure... just a way of testing that a variable/param can be passed to SP...
    Can anybody tell how to achieve the same?

    What session variable now?
    You asked something else:
    Hi All,
    We have a complex security model to emulate. In order to achieve that, we need to find a way for OBI to run >and pass parameter to a stored procedure (SP).
    "APlus_BI_EmplName2" is the name of the stored procedure.
    This SP requires a param and can be run in toad for SQL as : - exec APlus_BI_EmplName2 @ empno
    here is one example:- exec APlus_BI_EmplName2 128807
    It will result in empno, empname (128807,Looney VALERIE).
    Also, I have made a sample report on the Dashboard.Here i'm capturing a employee number via a dropdown in a >presentation variable ( "empno") which i would like to pass to the stored procedure... just a way of testing that a >variable/param can be passed to SP...
    Can anybody tell how to achieve the same?To understand your problem please post your init. block code and your dashboard prompt field explanation.

  • HowTo: Using special characters in SQL passthrough stored procedure parameters?

    Hi all,
    I am creating a Visual FoxPro 5.0a application, where I am trying to call a stored procedure in my Oracle database with the following SQLEXEC command (SQLEXEC is the Foxpro function to send sql statements to the ODBC driver):
    lcSQL = "{Call Insert_FRB.NewItemPage('KABO)n$i,30000000000', '184927', '184927', 'MAIR2001011216151314', 'MAIR')}"
    /* Sorry the above command should of course not break accross pages*/
    lnSuccess = sqlexec(1,lcSQL)
    With the parameters given, I get the ODBC error: "Connectivity error: [Oracle][ODBC Oracle Driver]Syntax Error."
    I get the same error, when using the Oracle ODBC 32bit Test utility.
    The call works just fine, if I replace the "$" in the first parameter 'KABO)n$i,30000000000' with a "normal" character, e.g. 'KABO)nAi,30000000000'. Oracle handles the $-character just fine, the stored procedure is working properly when called directly in SQLPLUS8.
    I am using the Oracle ODBC driver sqo32_73.dll Version2.00.03.01.
    How do I have to submit the "$" to the ODBC driver, in order to be passed through to Oracle unchallenged?
    Does anybody know of other special characters, which are not accepted by the ODBC-drivers for Oracle?
    Thanks to any hints,

    You could try downloading the Oracle 8.1.7 client and the latest
    Oracle8 ODBC driver, install them on your machine, and verify
    that the failure goes away. That's obviously the acid test.
    I can tell you that when I worked in the ODBC driver group we
    did identify and fix some bugs where our parser wasn't skipping
    string literals. If this particular bug wasn't fixed earlier,
    it almost certainly was then (I'm guessing that work was done 12-
    18 months ago).

  • Pass PL/SQL Record variable to Stored procedure in Java

    Can some one please give me a code snippet for passing a Record Type variable returned by Stored Procedure. Following is the scenario.
    A record type variable REC_VAR is made of three columns of a table as follows
    EmpNo Number, Empname Varchar2(50), Zip_Code Varchar2(5).
    I am populating this variable in Java code and passing it to Stored Procedure.
    Can I referance Record Type variable in a Oracle package from Java code.
    How would I define these variables as per table’s column type and pass to SP in a java program.

    The following entry -- from the Ask Tom Web site may be helpful (assuming you haven't already seen it):
    how to access variable
    If it doesn't help, you can always search the site.
    Good Luck,

  • URGENT: Passing Array from JSP to a Stored Procedure

    Can some one please help me understanding how can I pass array from JSP page to a stored procedure in database.
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried and was successful in passing array values to the stored database procedure.
    How can I use this class in JSP? Like I have first JSP where in I will collect input from the user and then submit it to the second JSP - that needs to call the to pass the values as array to the database.
    How should I call this java code in my second JSP?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Pass BLOB as parameter to Packaged Stored Procedure

    Does JDBC (thin or otherwise) support passing a BLOB as a parameter to a packaged stored procedure in Oracle, or do we have to do an 'insert' statement to get it in?
    All the articles I've seen seem to refer to insert and select, but I want to strictly enforce all access to the database being through a package rather than table level access.
    We've certainly had no difficulty receiving blobs from the resultset returned by our packaged procedures.
    Any help appreciated,

    C5112736 wrote:>
    > And then these 2 formulas 'Formula # 1' and 'Formula # 2' can be used to pass on to the stored procedure.
    Can someone please demonstrate exactly how to use formula results as date parameters to a SQL stored procedure?  Keep in mind, there are two parameters to the stored procedure.
    I have gleaned this much: Use Add Command and insert the procedure with
    EXEC ServerName.dbo.usp_sprocName;1 '{?StringParameter}'
    but if I try to do
    {CALL ServerName.dbo.usp_SprocName({@Formula1},{@Formula2})}
    then it gives the error "No value given for one or more required parameters". 
    Both of the parameters are VARCHAR(50).
    I have finally found this link: [|]
    This Microsoft site defines the format of the ODBC escape sequences, but I still do not know how to convince Crystal to insert it's parameter results or formula results.
    Pulling what's left of my hair out . . .
    ~ Shaun

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