How to determine number of records in recordset returned by stored procedure?

In TestStand 3.0 I am calling an SQL stored procedure where the stored
procedure returns a recordset. Everything appears to work (I can
iterate through the recordset and see that the data is valid).
However, I can not figure out how to easilly determine how many
records are actually in the recordset. Unlike the 'Open SQL
Statement' step, in the 'Data Operation' step that actually invokes
the stored procedure, there is no 'Number of Records Selected' option
to specify a TestStand variable to accept this value. I know I could
iterate through the returned recordset incrementing a counter until a
Fetch fails, but for larger recordsets, traversing the table multiple
times would be quite time consuming
. I am hoping to avoid this if
possible. Is there an easier way to get the number of records in a
recordset returned from a stored procedure call?

Bob -
The cursor type of the ADO Recordset object affects whether the number of records can be determined. The Recordset.RecordCount property will return -1 for a forward-only cursor; the actual count for a static or keyset cursor; and either -1 or the actual count for a dynamic cursor, depending on the data source.
Because ADO does not let me set the cursor type for command objects which is what a stored procedure requires, it is up to the data source to determine the type of cursor and the support for record count.
Scott Richardson (NI)
Scott Richardson
National Instruments

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    Dim conSQL As ADODB.Connection
    Dim comSQL As ADODB.Command
    Dim recSQL As ADODB.Recordset
    Set conSQL = New ADODB.Connection
    With conSQL
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Password=<pwd>;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=<uid>;Data Source=<dsn>"
    .CursorLocation = adUseClientBatch
    End With
    Set comSQL = New ADODB.Command
    With comSQL
    .ActiveConnection = conSQL
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .CommandText = "P_PARAM.GETALLPARAM"
    .Properties("PLSQLRSet").Value = True
    End With
    Set recSQL = New ADODB.Recordset
    With recSQL
    Set .Source = comSQL
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
    .ActiveConnection = Nothing
    End With
    The PL/SQL Procedure is returning a REF CURSOR like this:
    SELECT *
    END GetAllParam;
    When I try to update some values in the ADODB Recordset (still disconnected), I get the following error:
    Err.Description: Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.
    Err.Number: -2147217887 (80040E21)
    Err.Source: Microsoft Cursor Engine
    The following properties on the Command object doesn't change anything:
    .Properties("IRowsetChange") = True
    .Properties("Updatability") = 7
    How can I get an updatable ADODB Recordset from a Stored Procedure?

    4 years later...
    I was having then same problem.
    Finally, I've found how to "touch" the requierd bits.
    Obviously, it's hardcore, but since some stupid at microsoft cannot understand the use of a disconnected recordset in the real world, there is no other choice.
    Solution (VB6):
    Dim Rst As Recordset
    Rst.Open "select 1 as C1, '5CHARS' as C5, sysdate as C6, NVL(null,15) as C7, null as C8 from DUAL", yourconnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
    Set Rst.ActiveConnection = Nothing
    Dim S As New ADODB.Stream
    Rst.Save S, adPersistADTG
    Set Rst = Nothing
    With S
    'Debug.Print .Size
    Dim Bytes() As Byte
    Dim WordVal As Integer
    Dim LongVal As Long
    Bytes = .Read(2)
    If Bytes(0) <> 1 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG byte 0, se esperaba: 1 (header)"
    .Position = 2 + Bytes(1)
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 2 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG byte 9, se esperaba: 2 (handler)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' handler size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 3 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 3 (result descriptor)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' result descriptor size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 16 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 16 (adtgRecordSetContext)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' token size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    If Bytes(0) <> 5 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 5 (adtgTableDescriptor)"
    LongVal = Bytes(1) + Bytes(2) * 256 ' token size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal
    Bytes = .Read(1)
    If Bytes(0) <> 6 Then Err.Raise 5, , "ADTG, se esperaba: 6 (adtgTokenColumnDescriptor)"
    Do ' For each Field
    Bytes = .Read(2)
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' token size
    Dim NextTokenPos As Long
    NextTokenPos = .Position + LongVal
    Dim PresenceMap As Long
    Bytes = .Read(3)
    PresenceMap = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'ColumnOrdinal
    'WordVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(bytes(1)), 2))
    'Aca pueden venir: friendly_columnname, basetable_ordinal,basetab_column_ordinal,basetab_colname
    If PresenceMap And &H800000 Then 'friendly_columnname
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'Size
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' Size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal * 2 '*2 debido a UNICODE
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H400000 Then 'basetable_ordinal
    .Position = .Position + 2 ' 2 bytes
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H200000 Then 'basetab_column_ordinal
    .Position = .Position + 2 ' 2 bytes
    End If
    If PresenceMap And &H100000 Then 'basetab_colname
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'Size
    LongVal = Bytes(0) + Bytes(1) * 256 ' Size
    .Position = .Position + LongVal * 2 '*2 debido a UNICODE
    End If
    Bytes = .Read(2) 'adtgColumnDBType
    'WordVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(bytes(1)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'adtgColumnMaxLength
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'Precision
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Bytes = .Read(4) 'Scale
    'LongVal = Val("&H" & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(3)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(2)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(1)), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(Bytes(0)), 2))
    Dim ColumnFlags() As Byte, NewFlag0 As Byte
    ColumnFlags = .Read(1) 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS, First Byte only (DBCOLUMNFLAGS=4 bytes total)
    NewFlag0 = ColumnFlags(0)
    If (NewFlag0 And &H4) = 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE (bit 2) esta OFF
    'Lo pongo en ON, ya que quiero escribir esta columna LOCALMENTE en el rst DESCONECTADO
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 Or &H4)
    End If
    If (NewFlag0 And &H8) <> 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN (bit 3) esta ON
    'Lo pongo en OFF, ya que no me importa si NO sabes si se puede updatear no, yo lo se, no te preocupes
    'ya que quiero escribir esta columna LOCALMENTE en el rst DESCONECTADO
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 And Not &H8)
    End If
    If (NewFlag0 And &H20) <> 0 Then 'DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISNULLABLE (bit 5) esta OFF
    'Lo pongo en ON, ya que siendo un RST DESCONECTADO, si le quiero poner NULL, le pongo y listo
    NewFlag0 = (NewFlag0 Or &H20)
    End If
    If NewFlag0 <> ColumnFlags(0) Then
    ColumnFlags(0) = NewFlag0
    .Position = .Position - 1
    .Write ColumnFlags
    End If
    .Position = NextTokenPos
    Bytes = .Read(1)
    Loop While Bytes(0) = 6
    'Reconstruyo el Rst desde el stream
    S.Position = 0
    Set Rst = New Recordset
    Rst.Open S
    End With
    'TEST IT
    On Error Resume Next
    Rst!C1 = 15
    Rst!C5 = "MUCHOS CHARS"
    Rst!C7 = 23423
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    MsgBox "OK"
    MsgBox Err.Description
    End If

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    you can use Summary Columns in the Data Modell. Create them on group higher that your wished group (so on the pane for an first group of a query), use as Source the primary column and as reset at the group, where the summary column is located.
    If you hide some instances via format triggers, that you could use a counter inside the format triggers to count the rows.

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    Thanks so much Neale!!!
    In a message dated 2/19/2014 7:05:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  How to determine number of photos I have?
    created by nealeh (  in Photoshop 
    Elements - View the full  discussion

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    can anybody tell me how to determine number range for billing document based on company code & tax departure country if required??
    Amit...plz help me!!

    Hi Amit,
    1. Define different Billing Document number ranges in  SPRO -> Sales & Dist -> Billing -> Define number ranges for billing docs. (VN01). Make sure that all are internal number ranges.
    NO.  From number To Number    Current number  Ext
    A1   0930000000    0930999999
    A2   0940000000    0940999999
    A3   0950000000    0950999999
    2. Define a Ztable ZNUMB_RANGE as follows
    Comp. Code | Tax departure country | Billing Doc Type | Number Range
    100                IN                               F2                      A1
    200                IN                               F2                      A2
    200                US                              F2                     A3
    3. In user exit RV60AFZZ (USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE)
    Read table ZNUMB_RANGE for Number Range with Comp. Code, Tax country and Billing Doc.
    If found pass this number range value to us_range_intern.
    us_range_intern is a standard SAP variable which tells program which number range use to create the current document which is under process.
    Let me know if you are clear.

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    The output from the BPEL process will be in XML format.
    Your requirement is not clear, please state it properly what are you trying to do.

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    You can't do this using an OLEDB provider. There is no such a provider with this feature.
    Yuancai (Charlie) Ye
    See 30 real well-tested advanced OLEDB samples
    Use of free SocketPro for creating super client and server application with numerous samples

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    For example:
    SQL> create or replace
      2    procedure p1
      3      is
      4          cnt number;
      5      begin
      6          select count(*) into cnt from emp;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Procedure created.
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      2          referenced_name
      3    from  dba_dependencies
      4    where owner = 'SCOTT'
      5      and name = 'P1'
      6      and referenced_type = 'TABLE'
      7  /
    SCOTT                          EMP
    SQL> SY.

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    Assuming your stored procedure is returning a REF CURSOR, it cannot be done. Oracle's REF CURSORS are read only constructs.

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    I want to know how to find count of records coming from the database for a particular field based on some condition.
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    Thanks in advance,

    A simple formula can do that:
    //Formula begin
    if {your account field}<>"Euro" then 1
    //Formula end
    This formula can be summarized. (by group or report)
    Bryan Tsou@Taiwan

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    From the content it is difficult to get the number of records, if it is more in number.

    Hello ,
              Please check the following thread,
    Number of records in a infocube
    hope it helps,
    assign points if helpful.

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    Many thanks,

    You could always analyze the tables:
      for X in (select owner, table_name from all_tables
                select owner, table_name from all_external_tables) LOOP
          dbms_stats.Gather_Table_Stats(X.Owner, X.Table_Name) ;
      end loop;
    /Then: Select Owner, Table_Name, Num_Rows from All_Tables ;

  • Hi Gurus! how to count number of records in any column of ALV Grid report

    Hi Guys!
    I want to know how can we count the number of records in any column selected by the user. Like for oe customer there might be 20 sale order that means for 10 customer there will be 200 Sale order. So if i select cutomer number column ti should give 10 out put and whern select sale order it should give 200 as output.
    -Anurag Jain

    Either you can use the hotspot_click event or double_click to show the Pop-up info of the Sales Order count or customer Count depending on the selection.
    In the hotspot_click event  method you have E_ROW_ID E_COLUMN_ID..using these you can find the Sales Ordert or customer Number.. Loop the internal table and find the Count.
    In the double_click event  method you have E_ROW E_COLUMN..using these you can find the Sales Ordert or customer Number.. Loop the internal table and find the Count.

  • How to control number of records in batch insert by eclipselink

    We are using eclipselink(2.2) to persist objects and we use following configuration -
    <property name="eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing" value="Oracle-JDBC" />
    <property name="eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing.size" value="5" />
    however the number of records inserted is much more than 5( I have seen 5000 records being inserted ). How can we control the number of records inserted once?

    Binding can be configured using the "eclipselink.jdbc.bind-parameters" property, and is on by default - it should be on for jdbc batch writing.
    Batch writing defaults to 100 statements, so I am not sure why it would include all statements in one batch unless it is not batching at all. If you set the logs to finest or all it should print of the values it is using for each property, and also show the SQL and statments it is executing. Can you turn on logging and post portions of the logs, particularly the part showing the transaction in question (though maybe only 6 lines of consecutive inserts).
    Logging is controlled through the "eclipselink.logging.level" properties.
    Best Regards,

  • How to find number of records retrieved

    hi everyone,
    suppose you made tap canvas and 2 tab page one for dept table and one for emp table and you make non database text item in the emp tab page. i need when i press in row on dept page navigate to emp page and display the number of records retrieved in this text item
    any help i greatly appreciated

    What happens if you create one text item (non database) with numeric datatype in the emp block and set the property No. of display records to 1.
    Then set the Calculation Mode to Summary.
    Then Set the Summary Function to Count.
    Then Choose the Summarized Block from list as EMP block and choose any column from the Summarized Items list.
    The run the form.

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