HP 2311 gt (Big Black Border)

I have a 'HP 2311 gt 3D' monitor.
It was working fine, until the Windows 8.1 update - now the screen has a thick black border around it; i thought it would sort itself out, but its not doing anythig. I tried the HP suggestions at http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01775596&tmp_task=solveCategory&cc=uk&dlc=en&la... but they werent accurate.
Please help me someone as this is getting very frustrating! 
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Sorry about this- ive fixed it. it was a simple grahics card driver update.

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    You are lucky to see anything - iMovie 5 is not really compatible with Snow Leopard, which only supports iMovie 6 and above.
    Snow Leopard only runs on Intel Macs. iMovie 5 was never written, AFAIK, for Intel, just for the PPC Macs they had in those old days!

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    I watched your Chigago Public School and Ogsby Funiture commercials in IE 7 , and didn't see any black borders.
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    Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.
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    Rich Hayhurst wrote:
    Here's what you need:
    Aperture BorderFX 1.1
    Thanks, Rich. That's a good plug-in, and does cover what I need (with lots of other features, too). The problem, though, is it requires an export of the image, which I then have to either print from another application, or reimport to Aperture to print. I was hoping to find something that will either just apply the border to the print job, or that would serve as more of an Edit With . . . type of plug-in than an Export plug-in, so I can keep everything in one place. Thanks again.
    Message was edited by: jeffd55

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    Try to get hold of a real spider and take a look at its anatomy, specially where the legs sprout from :-)

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    Just curious: Why whould you want to add navigation Rules at run time. I believe the navigation rules should be set to begin with - "by s/w Architect Design".
    Else you can always use Redirect / Forward.

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    My guess is that the 1280 x 720 was the last Project Preset used, and was still there, when you chose New Project.
    As for your output, will you be outputting an SD (Standard Def), or HD (High-Def) file for uploading?
    Do you ONLY have the TIFF Still Images, or are you mixing in any Video?
    The Frame Size difference, between the 960 x 720, and the 1280 x 720 will cause black borders. The two choices are to use the 1280 x 720 Project, and then use Motion>Scale to increase the Scale of your TIFF's. Note that the Aspect Ratio of those TIFF's does not match the 1280 x 720, so to get rid of ALL black borders, you will Scale up the TIFF, and effectively crop your TIFF's. If there is no margin on your TIFF's, that can be a problem.
    As PrE only supports standard Video Frame Sizes, there will not be one that matches the 960 x 720.
    Good luck,

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    Thank you so much for your help.
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    Thanks KC

    Hello KC:
    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    I do not do what you describe, but see if this article is of help:
    http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=QuickTime%20Player/7.6/en/c2qt4.htm l

  • Sequence frame size/black border

    I created several sequences in Final Cut Pro 4, which all seem to have the same settings, but some of them have a black border around the picture and a smaller picture size. When I export a Quick Time Movie of the sequence, the boarder still exists in iDVD.
    How do I make the picture fill the entire frame?
    My footage was filmed on Mini DV.
    My clip and sequence settings are: 29.97 fps (video rate), 720x480 (frame size), DV/DVC Pro (compressor), NTSC - CCIR 601 (pixel aspect) 48.00 KHz (audio rate)
    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hey Cala
    As you say, when you set your sequence as JPEG accidently, and keeping the aspect ratio and everything as you say, it shouldn't have to reduce your frame size of your media.
    Have you tried to make a new sequence with the preset settings for DV and put the referred clip on it? It should present it normally, filling all the frame.
    Checking on your screenshot, it seems to present it as if it were capture it like Photo-JPEG Offline edit. It is the same way appears the clips when are captured with that setting on a DV preset sequence.
    I don't know how much problem would be to recapturing that clip again, before put your sequence settings on the preset for DV, as the same for the Capture preset. Then, it must work all fine.
    About the configuration between Panther 3.9, QT 6.5 and FCP 4.5, in my case never have appeared some situation like this one. Even on Tiger-QT7-FCP 5.
    This is so odd. I can only think on recapturing checking all the presets pointing in DV/DVCPRO NTSC. Hope it works! (It ought to be)
    Best regards!

  • 16:9,  Black border all the way around the video.

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    Everything looked great on my 4:3 TV. It looked like it letterboxed just fine and would project on an HD TV just fine. However, once it opened up on screen it only covered about 95% of the screen. There was a black border all the way around the video.
    Anyone have an explanation for this. Better yet, a solution to correct this problem.

    If you had got the settings wrong I would expect there to be large borders down the sides, as if you were watching a 4:3 channel on a 16:9 TV that is not set to zoom the image. I don't think you would describe that as 95%.
    When you say open up on screen, do you mean on a computer, or on a projection screen? In either case you see the whole image, including the stuff beyond action safe, which you probably wouldn't see on a 4:3 TV or a 16:9 HDTV. Many cameras only fill 702 of the 720 pixels. If you look at the original DV file from the camera, does it fill the full width of the 720 wide image space, or does it have thin black broders?

  • How do I export video without a black border?

    Hi everybody,
    Hope there are a few altruistic users of Motion out there who can put me on the right track!
    I have just bought Motion 5 - I have used Motion in the past and videos exported perfectly,  with no issues, but now even if I create a custom preset which is simply 1920 x 1080 and 25fps the resulting video has a thick black border and doesn't fill the screen - I'm trying to create backgrounds for titles and need the resotution to match HD video footage. At the moment i have a small area of vidieo in a black space.
    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

    Sounds like you need to scale up the video you have. It's not a border. It's just the background; and your video isn't filling the frame.
    Click in the viewer window and hit Shift-Z, to make sure you're seeing the whole canvas frame. Then it should be evident whether your video is filling the frame or not.

  • How can I automatically crop a photo based on its content (a black border)?

    I scanned hundred of negatives.
    The scanner produced .jpg files.  Most of the scanned images show the negatives holder to one side as a black border.  The black border is thicker or thinner depending on the photo.
    Please see pictures attached. 
    Is there a way to automate the detection of such a border and remove it by cropping the photo?  Ideally I would like the processing to only remove the thickness that is required to keep the photo unaltered as much as possible.
    I have Photoshop 12 and I know about Actions.  I just don't know how to tell the engine to only crop if it is required, and by how much.
    This could save me days of manual work.  Thankyou.
    Environment Information:
    ·  I am running Photoshop 12.1 *64 bit
    ·  Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
    ·  Amount of installed RAM: 6GB
    ·       Scanner:  Canon CanoScan 8800F
    ·  Amount of free disk space:
                C:\ - OS and Software disk - Total size:139GB showing 20GB free
                G:\ - Data disk - Total size:1.81 TB showing 437GB free
    ·  Make/Model of Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT

    Thank you miss marple for your Image>Canvas Size... suggestion.  I used it to implement a semi automated process.
    I programmed a couple of actions:
    - one to trim all sides by 7 pixels
    - one to trim the top side by 7 pixles
    Then I assigned a shortcut key to each action.
    Since I have to open each photo individually anyway to remove larger scratches (see my other post), it is easy to hit a couple of keyboard keys to trigger the relevant 'border removal' action.
    The main thing is that in 95% of cases I don't have to use the mouse to fix the borders, but I use keyboard keys only.  It is a real time saver.

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