HP 655 System Diabled, code 82531735 displayed

HP 655 Notebook, Need to re-set sytem passwords  & remove all new passwords, don't like to be locked out.
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    use this date:date-time()
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  • Data model 0G: No authorization for entity type Account (Company Code) - activity Display

    Hello Expert,
    I have a problem with authorization in MDG-F.
    I want to create Account with Collective processing. After, entered Entity type, Edition and Chart of account,  Blocking message "Data model 0G: No authorization for entity type Account (Company Code) - activity Display" is displayed.
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    Please, check screen shot below :
    Blocking message :
    and in PFCG transaction
    Could you help me to solve this point?
    Kind regards,

    Hi Heri,
    the system behavior is correct. The account in company code consists of three entity types:
    1) COA - Chart of Accounts (Type 3)
    2) ACCOUNT - Account (A-Segment, related to ECC table SKA1, Type 1)
    3) ACCCCDET - Account in Company Code (B-Segment, releated to ECC table SKB1, Type 1).
    3) includes 1) and 2) whereas 2) includes 1). If you grant authorization only for 3) but not for 1) and 2), you cannot do anything.
    Best regards

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Figure 1: Error message
    The error displays when ...
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    Below post it has almost the same situation:

    Insteresting how I fixed the issue, Adding the Application Name into the SQL OLAP Connection String Fixed the issue. I am not sure why SQL Server wasn't able to open the file remotely without this.

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    I'm having the same type of issue.  I can bulk load the same file into the same table on the same server using the same login on one workstation, but not on another.  I get this error:
    Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Cannot bulk load because the file "\\xxx\abc.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).
    I've checked SQL client versions and they are the same, I've also set the client connection to TCP/IP only in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.  Still this one workstation is getting the error.  Since the same login is being used on both workstations and it works on one  but not the other, the issue is not a permissions issue.  I can also have another user login into the bad workstation and have the bulk load fail, but when they log into their regular workstation it works fine.  Any ideas on what the client configuration issue is?  These are the version numbers for Management Studio:
    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
    Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
    Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.085.1132.00 (xpsp.080413-0852)
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    My Site creation failure for user XXXX\cwr.SMahindrakar' for site url 'https://XXXXXXXX/personal/cwr_smahindrakar'. The exception was: Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.PersonalSiteCreateException: A failure was encountered while attempting to create the site. ---> System.ArgumentException: Error during decryption. System error code 0.
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPCredentialManager.DecryptWithApplicationCredentialKey(Byte[] rgbEncryptedPassphrase)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPeoplePickerSearchActiveDirectoryDomain.get_Password()
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPActiveDirectoryDomain..ctor(SPPeoplePickerSearchActiveDirectoryDomain peoplePickerDomain)
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    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility.ResolvePrincipalInternal(SPWeb web, SPWebApplication webApp, Nullable`1 urlZone, String input, SPPrincipalType scopes, SPPrincipalSource sources, SPUserCollection usersContainer, Boolean inputIsEmailOnly, Boolean alwaysAddWindowsResolver)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility.ResolvePrincipal(SPWebApplication webApp, Nullable`1 urlZone, String input, SPPrincipalType scopes, SPPrincipalSource sources, Boolean inputIsEmailOnly)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSiteCollection.Add(SPContentDatabase database, SPSiteSubscription siteSubscription, String siteUrl, String title, String description, UInt32 nLCID, String webTemplate, String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail, String secondaryContactLogin, String secondaryContactName, String secondaryContactEmail, String quotaTemplate, String sscRootWebUrl, Boolean useHostHeaderAsSiteName)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.SelfServiceCreateSite(String siteUrl, String title, String description, UInt32 nLCID, String webTemplate, String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail, String contactLogin, String contactName, String contactEmail, String quotaTemplate, SPSiteSubscription siteSubscription)
    at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.<>c__DisplayClass2.<CreateSite>b__0()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.<>c__DisplayClass2.<CreateSite>b__0()
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.<>c__DisplayClass4.<RunWithElevatedPrivileges>b__2()
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SecurityContext.RunAsProcess(CodeToRunElevated secureCode)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(WaitCallback secureCode, Object param)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(CodeToRunElevated secureCode)
    Error is coming on Prod Env, I have tried diffrent trial and Error method but still I am not able to find root cause.
    Please mark answer , if you think answer is helpful or correct.

    Hi All,
    To resolve these issues I have checked following things, and which all seems no issues
    1)Quota Limit
    2)Database read only mode
    3)Appl pool account access to database
    4)Changed app pool account with farm account
    5)Added app pool account to MySite admin group
    6)Database size limit
    7)Site collection site limit to MySite host
    8)User Profile service is running or not
    9)Self site creation to user
    10)Service application association to MYsite Host
    All above I have tested but it seems no error, still I am getting above Error.
    One more things I want to add is that Central admin  people picker does not recognize users. 
    That can be an issue?
    Please mark answer , if you think answer is helpful or correct.

  • In sales order for the condition type MWST, **Tax code** is displaying wron

    In sales order for the condition type MWST, *Tax code* is displaying wrongly at header level i.e. FF instead of AO (under account determination tab)
    AO tax is 0% but for FF it is 19%
    I have checked with the Access sequence it is picking access 08 correctly according to this it should show AO in tax code field for MWST but it is not so..
    There is a manual change for tax classification for material master in va02 initially it was blank now it is changed to ' 0 ' is any way influencing....?
    Even if I consider material tax classification and customer tax code  should not be FF because  tax code  FF is not maintained for the combination of access sequences for condition type MWST
    Please help me.
    Rajendra Prasad

    Dear Rajendra,
    There is a manual change for tax classification for material master in va02 initially it was blank now it is changed to ' 0 ' is any way influencing....?
    Definitely material Tax classification will influence to determine the Tax code.
    -->So Make sure that customer and material master having proper tax classification indicator.
    -->Have you Update the price after changing the tax classification in the sales order.by going to item dat -->condition tab then click on Update push button bottom of the conditions screen.
    -->Once again the check the condition record maintanence also for your MWST access sequence.
    I hope this will help you,

  • IDocStatus:Error in ALE service Cross-system company code does not exist

    HI All,
    I am sending CREMAS04 IDOC from XI to one R/3 system,and in R/3 a vendor should get created in master table.
    My IDOC is getting posted successfully but in R/3 system I am getting error that
    IDoc: 0000000000705816 Status: Error in ALE service
    T100 Text: Cross-system company code XXX does not exist
    I have created partner profiles in receiver system and in partner profiles I have set the process code as CRE1.
    Please help me to resolve this problem.

    Hi Shweta
    Have you checked with the data i.e. company code .
    May the company code which you are passing is not there in ur receiver system.
    Just check it out.

  • When I try to install adobe photoshop 13 on my computer it comes up with the following error message " This installer does not support installation on a 64bit windows operating system" error code 6. How to I recify this? TIA

    When I try to install adobe photoshop 13 on my computer it comes up with the following error message " This installer does not support installation on a 64bit windows operating system" error code 6. How to I recify this? TIA

    You can try downloading the 64 bit version.  You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
    Photoshop/Premiere Elements 13: http://prodesigntools.com/photoshop-elements-13-direct-download-links-premiere.html

  • You are not authorized to logon to the target system (error code 1)

    Dear Expert,
    I met some problems that 'You are not authorized to logon to the target system (error code 1)' when I tried to do the auth. testing for RFC SM_CLNT<SID>_TRUSTED in satellite system.
    Following SAP note 128447, I recreated the RFCs in SMSY in solution manager for satellite system using existing user.
    It was still error ''You are not authorized to logon to the target system (error code 1)'.
    In SMSY in solman, I checked the RFCs connection which I recreated using RFC wizard, they are ok(green).
    I have already maintain the auth. obj S_RFCACL for user who is running this.
    So, I am confused what authorization I did not maintain in user? Please help me out!
    Thanks a lot!
    Edited by: lucy YANG on Mar 19, 2011 6:59 AM
    Edited by: lucy YANG on Mar 19, 2011 7:01 AM

    Hello Lucy,
    The error is pretty clear that the calling system is not a trusted system so I don't think you should bother with an authorization trace at this time, because authorizations is not quite the issue. The calling system is NOT a trusted system, authorizations or not.
    Please refer to SAP Note 128447 Trusted/Trusting systems
    The error is listed there:
    Authorization errors that occur when using an RFC destination for which
    the 'Trusted Systems' indicator is set are documented with the following
    "No authorization to log on as a trusted system (Trusted RC = #)."
    In this case, the trusted return code # (# = 0, 1, 2, 3) has the
    following relevance:
    1   The calling system is not a trusted system, or the
         security key for the system is invalid.
         Solution: Recreate the trusted system (see
    These are the links the Note provides for the documentation:
    ] in accordance with the documentation
    The Note states to recreate the Trusted system according to the Documentation (links above)
    This is all in the Note. Please follow the Note to reslve this known error.

  • How to unlock MacBook Air System Pim Code

    I have a big problem for my MacBook Air (A1370) System Lock Pim Code. How to unlock System Pim Code for MacBook Air (A1370) ?

    You have to take the computer to the Apple store along with ownership documents like invoice.

  • Error during encryption or decryption. System error code 997.

    I am trying to reconnect to a farmafter my PDC crashed and I had to create all the new users, When I run the sharepoint configuration tool and can get as far as entering the DB server which then finds the sharepoint_config. I add the connection details and select next which then throws up the following error:
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              The parameter user is chosen,
    so returning the value as IPIC\cdigby
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Entering function Command.this[string key]
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                Entering function CommandCollectionBase.Get
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  Found value in collection for key password
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                Leaving function CommandCollectionBase.Get
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                Found parameter password in collection
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Leaving function Command.this[string key]
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              The parameter password is chosen, so returning the value as ***************
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              The parameter password is chosen, so returning the value as ***************
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Entering function Common.CreateSecureSringFrom
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Leaving function Common.CreateSecureSringFrom
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Entering function Farm.IsJoinedToFarm
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                Entering function Farm.TryIsJoinedToFarm
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  My cached Farm object is null, so will load it
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  Calling SPFarm.Local and SPServer.Local to get the local farm objects
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  SPFarm.Local returned null.  This usually means that the server is not joined.  But, you can delete a server from the configdb without unjoining, which would mean that this machine still thinks it is joined.
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  Trying to access the server farm connection string
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  Entering function TaskCommon.TryGetWssVersion3ConnectionStringExists
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                    Entering function RegistryHelper.RegistryHelper
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                      The RegistryHelper has the key name as SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0\Secure\ConfigDB and the registry hive as LocalMachine
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                    Leaving function RegistryHelper.RegistryHelper
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                    WSS v3 registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0\Secure\ConfigDB for the connection string does not exist
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                    Unable to get the WSS v3 connection string
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  Leaving function TaskCommon.TryGetWssVersion3ConnectionStringExists
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  DID NOT discover a v3 connection string and SPFarm.Local indicates that this machine is not joined.
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  Entering function Farm.Clear
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                    Entering function CentralAdminServiceInstance.Reset
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                    Leaving function CentralAdminServiceInstance.Reset
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                  Leaving function Farm.Clear
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                                Leaving function Farm.TryIsJoinedToFarm
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Leaving function Farm.IsJoinedToFarm
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Creating connection string for config db SharePoint_Config server IPIC-SERVER2\SHAREPOINT
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Creating connection string for admin content db SharePoint_AdminContent_938f78c4-0a10-4a04-b4e0-26a95d7a9022 server IPIC-SERVER2\SHAREPOINT
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Using NTLM for sql connection string
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Openning configdb so that I can join it at server IPIC-SERVER2\SHAREPOINT database SharePoint_Config in farm mode
    09/13/2008 13:20:34  8  INF                              Now joining to farm at server IPIC-SERVER2\SHAREPOINT database SharePoint_Config
    09/13/2008 13:21:38  8  ERR                              Task configdb has failed with an unknown exception
    09/13/2008 13:21:38  8  ERR                              Exception: System.ArgumentException: Error during encryption or decryption. System error code 997.
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPCredentialManager.DecryptWithMasterKey(Byte[] rgbEncryptedPassphrase)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPEncryptedString.GetSecureStringValue()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPEncryptedString.get_SecureStringValue()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPProcessIdentity.get_SecurePassword()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPApplicationPool.Provision()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebServiceInstance.Provision()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm.Join()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ConfigurationDatabaseTask.CreateOrConnectConfigDb()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ConfigurationDatabaseTask.Run()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.TaskThread.ExecuteTask()
    If anyone can help me work around this I would be extremly grateful.

    I found an article explaining the issue: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927156.
    Please try to disconnect the configuration database from existing farm environment, and then create a new configuration database:
    1.      Click Start, click Run, type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK.
    2.      At the command line, change to the following directory: \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions
    3.      At the command prompt, type the following command to create a new configuration database: psconfig -cmd configdb -create -server
         ServerName -database ConfigDBName -user Domain\User -password Password
    4.      Rerun the SharePoint Products and Technologies Wizard.
    Hope it helps.

  • Tax code not displaying in me2j - Need Report for PO tax codes

    Dear Guru's,
    For Trading materials, while creating PO, we are inserting Tax codes in "Invoicing Tab". But the same(TAX CODE) is not displaying in ME2J report.
    But For service materials, we are entering tax codes in the "Services Tab" and it is displaying in the report ME2J.
    Kindly tell me a report where we can see the taxcodes for PO.

    I did that already, but no code is displaying in that "Tax code Column" for Trading materials.
    But tax code has been entered while creating PO in "Invoicing Tab" as "V0" for example.. V0 is not displaying in ME2J Report.
    Pls. reply
    Edited by: deepa rani on Jun 4, 2008 2:54 PM

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