HR Correspondance - PB60

Hi all,
Apparently, I want to add company 'Disclaimer Note' (normally as seen at the bottom of email content) on every email that I've created. However, the current email content that been sent is blanked as received. The following are the steps that I've done so far:
1) Create a Standard Text to maintain company Disclaimer Note using SO10.
2) The way the email sent is using transaction PB60 (HR Module), by selecting 'E-mail Letter' option underneath Planned Activities area, at Maintain Applicant Activities screen.
3) I've checked on Program SAPMPAP3 and I'm not sure how to insert Disclaimer Note into the email content using Standard Text.
4) Please note that every email sent will enclosed with the attachement in PDF format.
My current outcome as I received the email:
a) Email body content is BLANKED (where I wish to insert Disclaimer Note).
b) PDF attachment filename is as same as the Subject Title (which is a question mark for me).
Do anyone of you have some ideas to address the above issues? Which are:
- Insert Standard Text (Disclaimer Note) to Email Content.
- Attached PDF filename should not be as same as the Subject Title, maybe the filename should concatenate with current date and time.
I've found some info regarding the above, perhaps I'm not quite sure whether it's useful, please refer document at
Transaction SPRO
Press Reference IMG button.
Path: Personnel Management > Recruitment > Applicant Selection > Applicant Activities > Applicant Correspondance > Enhancement: Create New Text Variables
SAP version: 4.7 / ABAP release: 620
Any advice would really much appreciated. Thank you.
Best regards,

Is there any progress on this issue? We are struggling with the same problems.
I would be pleased your feedback whether the issue has been solved or not.
Thanks and regards,

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    hi javier
    in pb60 the begda and endda is nothing but see if you see top under applicant details you have application received corresponding to that date will be there that data is begda and endda both the dates are same if you change under then user change date on so and so date that you can see in table pb4003. i hope you are clear

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    Edited by: Vijay Babu Dudla on Jan 28, 2009 11:07 PM

    If you have fields BSID-VBEL2 and BSID-VPOS2 are populated with the sales order, than access VBKD with the Sales Order to get the Customer PO (VBKD-BSTKD)
    First, You need to get the Billing document. Access BKPF with the BSID-BELNR to get the AWKEY where AWTYP = 'VBRK'
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    Hi Kumar,
    use a temporary table to get excel values and then parse them to a second table with the format you want.
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    2. Case (CaseId, CaseNo)
    3. Petitioner (CaseId, PartyId) ............. Link Table
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    Hello Barry,
    Thanks a lot for responding to my query. As I am completely new to .Net and following the pattern of Microsoft's Employee Tracker sample it seems difficult to clearly understand the concept and implement it in a scenario which is different than what is in
    the sample available at the link you supplied.
    To get the idea of the thing here is my code behind of a view vBoxPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vBoxPetitioner"
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:vmPetitioner}">
    <v:vPetitioner Margin="0,2,0,0" />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
    <TextBlock Margin="2">
    <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=AddPetitionerCommand}">Add Petitioner</Hyperlink>
    | <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=DeletePetitionerCommand}">Delete</Hyperlink>
    <ListBox BorderThickness="0" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CurrentPetitioner, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=tblParties}" />
    This part is working fine as it loads another view that is vPetioner perfectly in the manner I want it to be.
    Here is the code of vmPetitioner, a ViewModel:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
    Imports System
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' ViewModel of an individual Email
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class vmPetitioner
    Inherits vmParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' The Email object backing this ViewModel
    ''' </summary>
    Private petitioner As tblParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Initializes a new instance of the EmailViewModel class.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The underlying Email this ViewModel is to be based on</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal detail As tblParty)
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Me.petitioner = detail
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying Email this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    Return Me.petitioner
    End Get
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the actual email address
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldPartyId() As String
    Return Me.petitioner.fldPartyId
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.petitioner.fldPartyId = value
    End Set
    End Property
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And below is the ViewMode vmParty which vmPetitioner Inherits:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports CCIS.Model.Case
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Imports CCIS.ViewModel.Helpers
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Common functionality for ViewModels of an individual ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustInherit Class vmParty
    Inherits ViewModelBase
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    '''' <summary>
    '''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    '''' </summary>
    'Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblAdvocate
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the name of this department
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldName() As String
    Return Me.Model.fldName
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.Model.fldName = value
    End Set
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Constructs a view model to represent the supplied ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The detail to build a ViewModel for</param>
    ''' <returns>The constructed ViewModel, null if one can't be built</returns>
    Public Shared Function BuildViewModel(ByVal detail As tblParty) As vmParty
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Dim e As tblParty = TryCast(detail, tblParty)
    If e IsNot Nothing Then
    Return New vmPetitioner(e)
    End If
    Return Nothing
    End Function
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And final the code behind of the view vPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vPetitioner"
    <ResourceDictionary Source=".\CompactFormStyles.xaml" />
    <Border Style="{StaticResource DetailBorder}">
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="Petitioner:" />
    <ComboBox Grid.Column="1" Width="240" SelectedValuePath="." SelectedItem="{Binding Path=tblParty}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PetitionerLookup}" DisplayMemberPath="fldName" />
    The problem, presumably, seems to be is that the binding path "PetitionerLookup" of the ItemSource of the Combo box in the view vPetitioner exists in a different ViewModel vmCase which serves as an ObservableCollection for MainViewModel. Therefore,
    what I need to Know is how to route the binding path if it exists in a different ViewModel?
    Sir, I look forward to your early reply bringing a workable solution to the problem I face. 
    Warm Regards,

  • Error field is not getting populated into corresponding str. in Zrfc

    In case of error in PO creation i am not getting all the data i nto correponding structure..
    *data it_head type standard table of bapimepoheader.
      DATA ls_head TYPE bapimepoheader.
      DATA it_headx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoheaderx.
      DATA ls_headx TYPE bapimepoheaderx.
      data : it_temp_ekpo type zpo_item_60 occurs 0 with header line.
      DATA it_item TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem.
      DATA ls_item TYPE bapimepoitem.
      DATA it_itemx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx.
      DATA ls_itemx TYPE bapimepoitemx.
      DATA it_sch TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedule  .
      DATA ls_sch TYPE bapimeposchedule.
      DATA it_schx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx.
      DATA ls_schx TYPE bapimeposchedulx.
      DATA it_poact TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccount.
      DATA ls_poact TYPE bapimepoaccount.
      DATA it_poactx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx.
      DATA ls_poactx TYPE bapimepoaccountx.
      DATA it_cond TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepocond.
      DATA ls_cond TYPE bapimepocond.
      DATA it_adrc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaddrdelivery.
      DATA st_adrc TYPE bapimepoaddrdelivery.
      DATA it_condx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepocondx.
      DATA ls_condx TYPE bapimepocondx.
      DATA it_popart TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiekkop.
      DATA ls_popart TYPE bapiekkop.
      data : ret2 type bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.
      DATA ls_ekko TYPE zpo_data_60.
      DATA st_ekko TYPE zpo_data_60.
      DATA ls_ekpo TYPE zpo_item_60.
      DATA st_ekpo TYPE zpo_item_60.
      DATA:     ls_adrc TYPE zpo_adrc_60,
              ls_ekkn TYPE zpo_ekkn_60,
             ls_eket TYPE zpo_eket_60,
              ls_ekbe TYPE zpo_ekbe_60,
              w_purchaseorder type BAPIMEPOHEADER-PO_NUMBER.
      LOOP AT lt_ekpo INTO st_ekpo.
        ls_ekpo = st_ekpo.
        AT NEW ebeln.
          READ TABLE lt_ekko WITH KEY ebeln = ls_ekpo-ebeln.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            ls_head-comp_code = lt_ekko-bukrs.
            ls_head-doc_type = lt_ekko-bsart.
            ls_head-vendor = lt_ekko-lifnr.
            ls_head-purch_org = lt_ekko-ekorg.
            ls_head-pur_group = lt_ekko-ekgrp.
            ls_head-pmnttrms = lt_ekko-zterm.
            ls_head-exch_rate = lt_ekko-wkurs.
          ls_head-incoterms1 = lt_ekko-inco1.
         ls_head-incoterms2 = lt_ekko-inco2.
            ls_head-currency = lt_ekko-waers.
            ls_head-PO_NUMBER = lt_ekko-ebeln.
    *append ls_head to it_head.
    *Parameter: POHEADERX
            ls_headx-comp_code = 'X' .
            ls_headx-doc_type = 'X' .
            ls_headx-vendor = 'X' .
            ls_headx-purch_org = 'X'.
            ls_headx-pur_group = 'X' .
            ls_headx-pmnttrms = 'X'.
            ls_headx-currency = 'X'.
            ls_headx-exch_rate = 'X'.
          ls_headx-incoterms1 = 'X'.
          ls_headx-incoterms2 = 'X'.
            ls_headx-currency = 'X'.
            ls_headx-PO_NUMBER = 'X'.
    *append ls_headx to it_headx.
        ls_item-po_unit = ls_ekpo-meins.
        ls_item-po_item  = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
        ls_item-material = ls_ekpo-matnr.
        ls_item-price_unit = ls_ekpo-peinh.
        ls_item-orderpr_un = ls_ekpo-bprme.
        ls_item-net_price = ls_ekpo-netpr.
        ls_item-matl_group = ls_ekpo-matkl.
       ls_item-short_text = ls_ekpo-txz01.
        ls_item-plant = ls_ekpo-werks.
        ls_item-stge_loc = ls_ekpo-lgort.
        ls_item-quantity = ls_ekpo-menge.
        ls_item-acctasscat = ls_ekpo-knttp.
        ls_item-gr_basediv  = ls_ekpo-webre.
        ls_item-vend_mat  = ls_ekpo-idnlf.
        ls_item-no_more_gr = ls_ekpo-elikz.
        ls_item-final_inv  = ls_ekpo-erekz.
        ls_item-gr_ind   = ls_ekpo-wepos.
        ls_item-gr_non_val = ls_ekpo-weunb.
        ls_item-conv_num1   = ls_ekpo-bpumz.
        ls_item-conv_den1   = ls_ekpo-bpumn.
        ls_item-ir_ind      = ls_ekpo-repos.
        ls_item-unlimited_dlv = ls_ekpo-uebtk.
        ls_item-reminder1 = ls_ekpo-mahn1.
        ls_item-reminder2  = ls_ekpo-mahn2.
        ls_item-reminder3   = ls_ekpo-mahn3.
        ls_item-vend_mat  = ls_ekpo-idnlf.
        ls_item-no_more_gr = ls_ekpo-elikz.
        ls_item-final_inv = ls_ekpo-erekz.
        ls_item-gr_ind  = ls_ekpo-wepos.
        append ls_ekpo to it_temp_ekpo.
    *Parameter: POITEMX
        ls_itemx-po_unit = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-po_item  = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
        ls_itemx-material = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-price_unit = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-orderpr_un = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-net_price = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-matl_group = 'X'.
       ls_itemx-short_text = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-plant = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-stge_loc = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-quantity = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-acctasscat = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-gr_basediv  = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-vend_mat  = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-no_more_gr = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-final_inv  = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-gr_ind   = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-gr_non_val = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-conv_num1   = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-conv_den1   = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-ir_ind      = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-unlimited_dlv = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-reminder1 = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-reminder2  = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-reminder3   = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-vend_mat  = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-no_more_gr = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-final_inv = 'X'.
        ls_itemx-gr_ind  = 'X'.
        APPEND ls_itemx TO it_itemx.
        APPEND ls_item TO it_item.
        READ TABLE lt_eket INTO ls_eket WITH KEY ebeln = ls_ekpo-ebeln
                                                 ebelp = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *Parameter: POSCHEDULE
          ls_sch-po_item = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
          ls_sch-sched_line = LS_EKET-ETENR.
          ls_sch-delivery_date = ls_eket-eindt.
          ls_sch-quantity = ls_ekpo-menge .
          APPEND ls_sch TO it_sch.
    *Parameter: POSCHEDULEX
        ls_schx-po_item = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
        ls_schx-sched_line = LS_EKET-ETENR.
        ls_schx-po_itemx = 'X' .
        ls_schx-sched_linex = 'X'.
        ls_schx-delivery_date = 'X'.
        ls_schx-quantity = 'X' .
        APPEND ls_schx TO it_schx.
    read table lt_ekkn into ls_ekkn with key ebeln = ls_ekpo-ebeln
                                             ebelp = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
    *Parameter: POACCOUNT
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
        ls_poact-po_item = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
        ls_poact-serial_no = sy-tabix.
        ls_poact-quantity = ls_ekpo-menge.
        ls_poact-gl_account = ls_ekkn-sakto.
        ls_poact-costcenter = ls_ekkn-KOSTL.
       ls_poact-co_area = '1000'.
        ls_poact-tax_code = ls_ekkn-mwskz.
        APPEND ls_poact TO it_poact.
    *Parameter: POACCOUNTX
        ls_poactx-po_item = 'X' .
        ls_poactx-serial_no = sy-tabix .
        ls_poactx-quantity = 'X' .
        ls_poactx-gl_account = 'X' .
        ls_poactx-costcenter = 'X' .
       ls_poactx-co_area = 'X' .
        ls_poactx-tax_code = 'X' .
        APPEND ls_poactx TO it_poactx.
    *Parameter: POCOND
        ls_cond-itm_number = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
        ls_cond-cond_st_no = '001' .
        ls_cond-cond_type = 'PB00' .
        ls_cond-cond_value = '79.900000000' .
        ls_cond-currency = ls_ekko-waers.
        ls_cond-currency_iso = 'USD'.
        ls_cond-cond_unit = 'KG' .
        ls_cond-cond_p_unt = '1' .
        ls_cond-change_id = 'U' .
        APPEND ls_cond TO it_cond.
    *Parameter: POCONDX
        ls_condx-itm_number = ls_ekpo-ebelp.
        ls_condx-cond_st_no = '000' .
        ls_condx-itm_numberx = 'X' .
        ls_condx-cond_type = 'X' .
        ls_condx-cond_value = 'X' .
        ls_condx-currency = 'X' .
        ls_condx-change_id = 'X' .
        APPEND ls_condx TO it_condx.
    *Parameter: POPARTNER,
       ls_popart-partnerdesc = 'OA' .
       ls_popart-langu = 'EN' .
       ls_popart-buspartno = '0000001100' .
       ls_popart-partnerdesc = 'GS' .
       ls_popart-langu = 'EN' .
       ls_popart-buspartno = '0000001200' .
       ls_popart-partnerdesc = 'IP' .
       ls_popart-langu = 'EN' .
       ls_popart-buspartno = '0000001000'.
       APPEND ls_popart TO it_popart.
    Address data
        READ TABLE lt_adrc  INTO ls_adrc WITH KEY addrnumber = ls_ekko-adrnr.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          st_adrc-addr_no = ls_adrc-addrnumber.
          st_adrc-name = ls_adrc-name1.
          st_adrc-street = ls_adrc-street.
          st_adrc-district = ls_adrc-city2.
          st_adrc-postl_cod1 = ls_adrc-post_code1.
          st_adrc-city = ls_adrc-city1.
          st_adrc-country = ls_adrc-country.
          st_adrc-region = ls_adrc-region.
          APPEND st_adrc TO it_adrc.
        AT END OF ebeln.
             poheader                     =  ls_head
             poheaderx                    = ls_headx
      POADDRVENDOR                 =
      TESTRUN                      =
      MEMORY_UNCOMPLETE            =
      MEMORY_COMPLETE              =
      POEXPIMPHEADER               =
      POEXPIMPHEADERX              =
      VERSIONS                     =
      NO_MESSAGING                 =
      NO_MESSAGE_REQ               =
      NO_AUTHORITY                 =
      NO_PRICE_FROM_PO             =
       EXPPURCHASEORDER              = w_purchaseorder
      EXPHEADER                    =
      EXPPOEXPIMPHEADER            =
             return                       = ret2
             poitem                       = it_item
             poitemx                      = it_itemx
             poaddrdelivery               = it_adrc
             poschedule                   = it_sch
             poschedulex                  = it_schx
             poaccount                    = it_poact
             poaccountx                   = it_poactx
      POCONDHEADER                 =
      POCONDHEADERX                =
             pocond                       = it_cond
             pocondx                      = it_condx
      POLIMITS                     =
      POCONTRACTLIMITS             =
      POSERVICES                   =
      POSRVACCESSVALUES            =
      POSERVICESTEXT               =
      EXTENSIONIN                  =
      EXTENSIONOUT                 =
      POEXPIMPITEM                 =
      POEXPIMPITEMX                =
      POTEXTHEADER                 =
      POTEXTITEM                   =
      ALLVERSIONS                  =
            popartner                    = it_popart
      POCOMPONENTS                 =
      POCOMPONENTSX                =
      POSHIPPING                   =
      POSHIPPINGX                  =
      POSHIPPINGEXP                =
    if w_purchaseorder is not initial.
           LOOP AT ret2 WHERE type = 'S'.
                lt_success_po-ebeln =   ret2-message_v2.
                lt_success_po-type = ret2-type.
                lt_success_po-message = ret2-message.
                append lt_success_po.
                clear : lt_success_po.
    append lt_ekko to lt_ekko_error.
    append it_temp_ekpo to lt_ekpo_error.
    append ls_eket to lt_eket_error.
    append ls_adrc to lt_adrc_error.
    append ls_ekkn to lt_ekkn_error.
    *loop at ret2 where type = 'E'.
    **move-corresponding lt_ekko to lt_error_po.
    **move-corresponding ls_ekpo to lt_error_po.
    **move ret2-type to lt_error_po-type.
    **move ret2-message to lt_error_po-message.
    **clear :
      CLEAR : ls_ekko,
    Message was edited by:
            ruban R

    You must get all the messages into
    You need to fill your ZRFC's RETURN table with the data from RET2 after the FM 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' call. Because your BAPI is calling mulitple times and henceforth your RET2 is being refreshed and contains the last executed BAPI's return message.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING RET2 TO IT_RETRUN.   " << This is the table which you need to pass back to ZRFC
    Naimesh Patel

  • Enable or disable particular record in list item based on a corresponding c

    How can i Enable or disable property of particular record in list item (multi record) based on a corresponding check box(multi record) ,
    e.g Form Structure:
    if press a button then record should populate where multi_post_query
    if my_check_box = 1 then
    my_list_item  disable to update;
    my_list_item  enable to update;
    end if;
    now wanted result is like below
    my_check_box ---- my_list_item
    Here "+" means checked,"_" means unchecked and "enable" means updatable "Disable" means not updatable
    the pseudo code is like,
    if my_check_box = 1 then
    my_list_item enable to update;
    my_list_item disable to update;
    end if;
    Note: my_check_box is not updatable
    please tell me which trigger and where I should create
    Edited by: 838602 on Feb 21, 2011 11:12 PM
    Edited by: 838602 on Feb 22, 2011 1:40 AM

    Hi Abdetu,
    I created WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE Trigger at data block level
    And I need should work like below pseudo code (sorry for previous pseudo code)
    if my_check_box = 1 then
    my_list_item  disable to update;
    my_list_item  enable to update;
    end if;
    so change code as
    :multi.action := 0;
    END IF;
    Sorry, still I am not getting desired o/p. even i check item (ACTION) level Trigger
    Note: my_check_box is not updatable
    that would assign at time of button press (post query) as i mentioned
    Edited by: 838602 on Feb 22, 2011 1:41 AM

  • HTML links from Full Check Accessibility report do not open the corresponding PDF links

    I regularly generate full Check accessibility reports for the PDF user guides I create in MSWord. However, when I click the links in the HTML file/report generated, they are supposed to link/highlight the corresponding errors in the PDf file. Instead, I get an error message that "There was an error opening this document. Bad parameters."
    How can I get the links to work so I know which section in my PDF has the error (inaccessible items).

    I understand you are creating HTML reports and then using them to find errors/view the PDFs. 
    Is this a new problem or  have you always had problems with the links?  If it's a new problem, what has changed on your system?
    Can you view other PDFs in your browser? 
    Have you moved any of the files since you created the report -- as you may know the HTML report references a specific lcoation on your hard drive and if you moved the PDF after creating the report, it may not be able to find the file.

  • END ROUTINE to calculate time differnce for two corresponding dates

    Hi All,
    I have to write an END ROUTINE in which I have 2 DATE FIELDS (e.g. DATE_1, DATE_2) and corresponding TIME fields (e.g. TIME_1, TIME_2).
    I have to calculate difference between the TIME fields for the two dates and populate a TIME_DIFF field.
    Can someone pls help me by posting sample code as i am new to BI.
    Thanks in ADVANCE!!!

    End Routine:
    End Routine and Expert Routine

  • Payroll period does not correspond to master data error in INLK run & soln

    Dear All,
    Just wanted to share this Issue and solution which i found after debugging.
    I am not sure it is 100% correct.
    I am working on indian payroll and was doing lagacy data transfer with INLK schema
    i was used to get error '2 payroll period does not correspond to master data'
    and this was for only new joinees in that period .what i found out after debugging is
    for e.g. employee is hired in 03.06.2011 .and record in t558b is
    90300035 1  2011    1 2011 3 01.06.2011 31.06.2011
    where 01.06.2011 is a for period begin date ,
    now in payroll program this is being checked with joining date in following subroutine check_aper_versus_t558b
    so it ends up with above if i go and change 01.06.2011 to 03.06.2011 in T558B then payroll will be successful.
    I dont no whether this is right approach but this removed that error.Just wanted to share so
    It might help the members.

    la diferencia es la fecha del campo FPBEG que debe ser la fecha para los empleados que no esten con el año o periodo completo
    the difference is the date field FPBEG Table T558B to be the date for employees who are not full with the year or period

  • Enter values from numeric indicator into corresponding cells of array

    Hi Friends.
    I have a doubt in arrays.
    I used WA Multiscale Peak detection.VI and coolected the location values in an array and subtracted the values using  Index array, like the first one with second and second one with third and so on.
    I inserted a numeric array at the output terminal of  "subtraction function".
    Is there a way to insert the values being displayed continuously in numeric indiactor, into an array?
    I tried doing it, but ended with an array were the values continuosly displayed in numeric indicator are being entered only in the first cell of the array.  
    Kindly help me.
    Good Day 

    As I dont have ASPT Toolkit installed, I dont have "WA Multiscale Peak detection.VI"... so I used simulated data.
    To resolve the issue, you need to do that calculation again in a loop... as soon below...!!
    I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.
     Make your LabVIEW experience more CONVENIENT.
    corresponding cells of ‏11 KB

  • From which table check 'cost element' and its corresponding GL account?

    May i know from which could i check the cost element field and its corresponding GL account field??
    "the getting cost element should check the corresponding GL account, but I canu2019t find the
    corresponding table which include these two fields. So, if you know the table in which cost element can check the corresponding GL account, please tell me ."
    Is below way correct:
    From table CSKA, i could get the chart of accounts related with the cost elements.
    Then from table SKA1, i could get the GL account according to chart of accounts field.
    Then i got an relation between Cost element with GL account??

    Could not locate the table, but could find that, if you come to transaction KA02, click on Environment - Display General Ledger account - In Chart of Account/ In Company Code option, then you can display the GL account for individual cost elements.
    Parag Bhargava

  • How to track the corresponding CWIP and Asset after settlement in reports

    Dear gurus,
    We are trying to develop a single report which would have commitments, actual costs, Auc amounts and Final Asset postings w.r.t a project or WBS element.
    What is the table where we can find AuC amount and CWIP number for given WBS elements. Similarly where can we find the Final Asset number corresponding to the WBS element.
    Is there any way we can work around the settlement rules.. Is there any table where the settlement rules are saved??
    Pls guide..
    Thank you

    Prafulla wrote:
    we are mentaining few envs where all the envs get refreshed from the same baseload.But due to some reasons in a particular QA env after some time of the db refresh due to some test script execution or from the application, some data are getting deleted .Is there any method to trace the time and the content of the change and send an alert automatically without using trigger, I mean is there any audit method so that we can enble and check and also send the alert.And if possible ,Can any one let me know the details how to send mail from Oracle.
    Code instrumentation?
    As for e-mail - come on! This forum is littered with questions and answers about sending e-mail from Oracle. How about using the search button?

  • VC - Report for charateristics with their corresponding BOM components?

    In our company, we define our finished products as configuration material.That means we have
    used the variant configuration(VC) in SAP.
    We have created super BOM for our finished products. And when our sellers create sales order
    in SAP ,they will choose the configuration,and after they choose that,the BOM for production
    will be formed.
    For example,just like computer as finished products ,customer may choose different
    configurations. For example ,hard disk ,customer may choose 120G or 200G.
    In SAP ,to realise that ,we will create one charateristic as HARD DISK, and it has two
    characteristic values:120G and 200G.
    And in our super BOM for computer ,we will write object dependency(OD) for two components:
    one is 120G hard disk material,we may write :TZ_HARD_DISK = '120G' ; the other is 200G hard disk material ,we may write: TZ_HARD_DISK = '200G". That means when customer create a order and choose 120G hard disk ,the 120G hard disk material will be a component in the BOM,and the 200G hard disk wiil not be a component in the BOM.
    My question is that there is correspondence relationship between charateristic and BOM component(object dependency as link), can we get a report or a list to show all the charateristic with their corresponding BOM components?
    By use CT11(find characteristics in object dependency) and CU04 (find object dependency with BOM component),we could find BOM component once a time.
    So there is a report to show all the charateristic with their corresponding BOM components?
    By ABAP development? Or there is standard report? Or ther is third party tools?
    Thanks for any reply!

    Are there any other experts who are reach in the Variant Configuration of SAP know?
    If there is a report to show all the charateristic of Variant Configuration with their corresponding BOM components?
    We are looking for the standard report.
    By use CT11(find characteristics in object dependency) and CU04 (find object dependency with BOM component),we could find BOM component once a time.
    Are there another TCODE or programme like CT11 but can find many characteristics in object dependency) once a time?By now ,use CT11, we only can find one characteristics in object dependency once a time?
    Only by ABAP development? Or there is standard report? Or ther is third party tools?
    Edited by: Fei Liu on Mar 17, 2009 7:19 AM

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