HT1338 cannot connect to app store why??

im connected to the internet but its still giving me that messege ??

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    Best regards

    Hi Just go to ITunes Sign out then Sign back in. This may help. Also you need to update software to ios 8.1 Cheers Brian

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    The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store he-itunes-store/
    iTunes Store: Associating a device or computer to your Apple ID
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Best Fixes for ‘Cannot Connect to iTunes Store’ Errors store-errors/
    Try this first - Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    This works for some users. Not sure why.
    Go to Settings>General>Date and Time> Set Automatically>Off. Set the date ahead by about a year.Then see if you can connect to the store.
     Cheers, Tom

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    The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store he-itunes-store/
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    This works for some users. Not sure why.
    Go to Settings>General>Date and Time> Set Automatically>Off. Set the date ahead by about a year.Then see if you can connect to the store.
     Cheers, Tom

  • TS3638 i have an internet connection but when i open app store it shows error message "cannot connect to app store".when i try to sign in with my valid apple ID and password it says "connection failed".i tried keychain access settings but it did not help.

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    Open Sysem Preferences from your Apple () menu top left in your screen then select the Firewall tab.
    Make sure the Firewall is turned off.

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    I still have access.  Must be your phone or your internet connection.

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    So here is the deal.
    It won't let me sign in to my appple ID in settings- the password and username is right cos i just used it to sign in here. It says "cannot connect to app store" 
    I have fibre optic internet and 3G with full reception on both and i am able to go on safari and browse.
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    I have tried closing the apps, turning off wifi and 3G and turning them on, and restarting my ipad and setting my cookies. No progress.
    Ipad 2 IOS 7.0                        

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    Are you trying to download the amazon store app? Does this happen with all apps or just amazon?
    Try this
    Make sure IOS is updated to latest version
    (How to update your iOS device
    Reboot device by pressing both the home button and sleep/wake (power) buttons at the same time for 10-15 seconds until the apple logo appears on the screen, then let go.
    If that doesn't work then reset the device by going to settings/general/reset/reset all settings  (or for network connection issues 'reset network settings').
    (no media or data will be deleted from the device, this will only take a minute).

  • I can connect to the internet and everything is working o.k. but I cannot connect to the app store. Error message reads Cannot connect to App Store

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    Hey William,
    It sounds as though you are having difficulty with your Mac being unable to connect to the Mac App Store. This article has some steps that may help you troubleshoot -
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support
    Note that the title is for the iTunes Store, the steps are still relevant.
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Happy computing,
    Brett L 

  • Cannot connect to app store after downloading mountain lion

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    That poor wordpress site has collapsed in exaustion from trying to keep up with the 3mil hits a day
    here is a "copied" version with credits for those looking for a solution to an annoying problem Apple should patch.  (Yes, I'm aware of the irony of that statement)
    July 18, 2012 · by Arthur Lockman · in Apple, Tutorials
    After doing a reinstall of Lion a few weeks ago, I found that my computer suddenly would reject every VeriSign certificate that it encountered. Using Chrome, that meant that I couldn’t even access, because it thought that the certificate was wrong. I couldn’t login to the Apple developer portal, I couldn’t authenticate a device with XCode, I couldn’t make a purchase at, I couldn’t download updates from the Mac App Store, and I couldn’t login to, among other sites. I essentially couldn’t do anything that used a VeriSign certificate for SSL.
    What did I do? I called my trusty AppleCare advisor, hoping for an answer. I thought that maybe they could help me figure it out. After getting to senior support, I was told to reinstall Lion, which I did to no avail. My case was then forwarded to the Apple engineering team, with 3 to 5 days to wait until I had an answer. I looked around, through my console logs and through Keychain access, and finally came up with an answer, and a solution to my problems.
    It turned out that my solution was pretty simple. I had to delete a few files and reset one to its default setting.
    Delete the files /var/db/crls/crlcache.db and /var/db/crls/ocspcache.db. These can be found using Finder’s Go >; Go To Folder menu (Cmd + Shift + G). This resets the cache of accepted certificates in the system. It doesn’t remove them, it just forces the system to rebuild the caches upon restart.
    Open Keychain Access (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access). Select Certificates in the Category picker on the left side. In the search bar, type in the word Class. Look through that list, and find any certificates that have a blue + symbol over their icon. These are the ones you need to modify.
    Select one that has a blue +, and hit Command + I. Click the disclosure triangle beside the “Trust” list to show the list of permissions. Now, what we need to do is to set this certificate to use the system defaults. However, for some reason, when you select it, it doesn’t save. So what you need to do is this. Under “Trust”, where it says “Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)”, change the dropdown menu to say “No Value Specified”. Then, close the window. It will ask for your administrator permissions. Then, open the info pane for that certificate again. Under “Trust” again, now set the dropdown that says “When using this certificate:” to say “Use System Defaults”. You can then close out of the info pane, and enter your password again. Do this for any of the certificates that have a blue + on their icon. There should only be one or two at most.
    Restart your system.
    This solution seemed to work just fine for me. All of my certificate problems have been fixed. It must be something with the OSX installer that causes this certificate issue. I’ll file a bug report. Hopefully someone looks into it and fixes the flaw in the OS. And, I hope that this fixed the flaw for you.
    Addendum – a note on security:
    This procedure won’t affect the security of your Mac. I’ve had some questions come in about that, and if anything, it makes it more secure because then sites that require SSL certificates can actually use them, unlike before where they might default to non secure connections because the certificate was bad.

  • Cannot connect to app store on macbook pro

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    i tried reinstalling 10.6.8 combo and still not working.
    Any ideas on how to solve this?

    If you have anti virus software installed, disable that.
    Try turning off the Firewall in System Preferences > Security.
    Go to ~/Library/Caches/com.appstore
    Move the Cache.db file from the com.appstore folder to the Trash.
    Restart your Mac, try the App Store

  • Cannot connect to App Store on iPhone 6

    I purchased a new iPhone 6 two weeks ago.
    Upon turning it on and attempting to download some apps I constantly came upon the error message 'Cannot Connect to App Store'.
    There is no connectivity issue in terms of my wifi or 3/4G. Basically I cannot download or update Apps and it is very inconvenient.
    I attended the Apple Store 2 days after I purchased the phone but the Genius there updated the phone and eliminated any hardware issues. He said that it was an issue specific to my phone connecting to the Apple Store. He helped me contact Apple to inform them.
    Unfortunately the replies I got from Apple were absurd - they completely missed the issue and just fixated on whether I had an internet connection or whether my phone was updated, even though I had said in my question that I had been through all that.
    Does anyone have any advice? I would be very grateful as I do not have the time to go in and dispute this with Apple and arrange a new iPhone.
    PLEASE do not link me the article below because it is not helpful:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support

    Hi mate, I had the exact same problem and just figured it out.
    On your phone, go to
    Settings>> iCloud, then sign out.
    Settings >> Itunes & App Store, then click on your Apple ID username and sign out. Then sign in again.
    Try going to the App store again and it should work. Worked for me.
    Found another blog that highlighted some issues between iCloud login and App store login causing some kind of conflict.
    Haven't got to the bottom of it yet, but at least I can use the app store for now.

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    already connected to wifi, has secure connection but cannot connect to app store errrormessage is a secure connection could not be established. please check your date & time settings. please help

    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Best Fixes for ‘Cannot Connect to iTunes Store’ Errors | iPad Insight

  • When i launch the apple store i see "cannot connect to app store"

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    Sign out of App Store and sign in again
    Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID>Sign out

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    Any help?

    Are you trying to connect via wifi?
    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Also try this - Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
     Cheers, Tom 

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