HT1688 my apple ID is wronge and i cannot change it

cannot get my apple ID on phone, shows up different when i try to update my apps

Well Joe Bailey and Jackm831, those both seemed like logical solutions but alas they still didn't work.  It is odd, it seems that I am logged in as myself to the App store, but when I go to Softward Update and try to download the needed software update from the App store I still get my daughter's gmail account as the default login.  I wonder if it is somehow tied to the suggested update.  It is called the Unarchiver.  When I try to click on the "forgot password" link for the erroneous Apple ID login, I get this message:  “Google Chrome” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. " I don't know why the Apple ID login is somehow linked to Chrome because my default browser is Safari, although I do have Chrome loaded as well.  Does this make any sense?  Thanks for your help, by the way!

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