HT1695 If I am more than 5 feet away from router I lose my wifi on my iphone5

What do I do about this?

Sounds like your WiFi antenna is not functioning or is disconnected. To make sure it is not software problem, Reset Network Settings, tap Settings App > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. See if better. If still problem, Restore iPhone with iTunes on computer. If still problem after Restore, then make Genius reservation and take iPhone to Apple for resolution under Warranty.

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    Kind Regards
    & a Happy New Year

    Click Your Stuff in the upper right and select Profile. In your profile there is a link to the right to manage email notifications.

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        plz provide me a solution..........
           very urgent..........

    Create seperate element for each row and then set values.
    for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
    IPrivate<view name>.I<node name>Element element = wdContext.node<node name>().create<node name>Element();
    wdContext.node<node name>().addElement(element);
    to retrive:
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    for(int j=0;j<s;J++){
    Check this link about tables
    Vijayakhanna Raman

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    As durga said, its a wrong design, you will have issues in real time. You wont get the response back most of the time. It can be otherway around, async is waiting for sync process.
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    When you instantiate your (prepared) statement, specify a scrollable resultset --
    PreparedStatement stat= connection.prepareStatement(query,
    ResultSet rs= stat.executeQuery();The following method reads 'size' rows, starting at position 'pos' --
    void read(int pos, int size) {
       if (rs.absolute(pos))
          do {
          } while ( && --size > 0);
    }kind regards,

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