HT201301 How to share file?

How to share music file downlaod form other app to itune on my iphone.

set "manually manage music" in Itunes Iphone settings and drag and drop the .mp3 file into the music section of the Iphone as seen within Itunes.

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    stephenfromdagenaham wrote:
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    stephenfromdagenaham wrote:
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    Without knowing what you did it is impossible to give advice on how to correct it.
    If these were files you copied over from some other system then just Re-Copy them replacing the ones that are corrupted.
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    Suggest that you enable File Sharing on both computers. Assuming that you have Macs....
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    Regards :
    whit the best regard : Raha

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    but when we install windows server as host there is not our windows in the 
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    thanks you both again 
    Best Regards :
    whit the best regard : Raha

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    Hi Tonberry,
    Based on my knowledge, you are using the correct way to share files in windows store app. The share app provides some frequent Contacts as the following image. But there is no options to set the recipients programmatically. If you want this feature, I would
    recommend you feature a request on
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    Chuck S
    Los Angeles, CA

    Just to confirm, your router is square, not a UFO, right? If so, you need a USB 2 hard drive that doesn't spin down or go to sleep. People have complained about some Western Digital drives. I've been using a 1TB Lacie and a 1TB Seagate FreeAgent quite happily.
    Attach the drive to your computer and run the Disk Utilities program in your Utilities fold. You may need to visit the partition tab of the program to make sure it is partitioned for a Mac (go ahead and partition it Mac GUID if it has been pre-formated for DOS). While it is connected to the Mac transfer the files you want to place on the drive (faster that way, especially if there are a lot of them). Then eject & disconnect the drive from the computer (turn it off too).
    Connect the drive to your AEBS. If you are already sharing a printer with the base station you can connect a USB hub to the AEBS and then plug the printer and hard drive to the hub. After connecting the hard drive and turning it on, go back to the computer and run the AirPort Utility program to configure your 'Air Drive'.
    After the Airport Utility program runs click on your base station and select the 'Manual Setup'. In the button bar you'll see a disk icon labeled Disks. Click on it. The disk connected to your airport should show up there. Select it and click on the 'File Sharing' tab. The 'enable file sharing' option should already be check marked - if it isn't select it. Select your security level - I use the default 'with Airport password' and remember password in keychain since I'm not worried about security in my house.
    Click on Update and once the airport is showing green again, you should see your airport air drive in the 'sharing' tab of the Finder sidebar. The airdrive, I've found, is not reliable for using TimeMachine but for sharing files it is great. I even keep my music and movies on it for my notebook. Syncing my Touch via WiFi is a bit slower than connecting it to my desktop but the convenience more than makes up for it.

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    I went through all the help pages concerning this, but it doesn't seem to help any. On our house internet connection, both our computers use the same IP address. I tried connecting directly to his computer using ethernet cable, but his computer never showed up. Our workgroup name should be the same, his is WORKGROUP but I'm not sure how to officially make mine that. I went to Network in System Preferences and clicked on Advanced... then went to the WINS tab and it has workgroup in the workgroup box, does this mean my computer is using that workgroup name? I'm at a loss and would like to share files with my friend's computer.

    Desidarius wrote:
    I went through all the help pages concerning this, but it doesn't seem to help any. On our house internet connection, both our computers use the same IP address.
    Do you have a router?
    If not then sharing files will not be easy.
    I tried connecting directly to his computer using ethernet cable, but his computer never showed up. Our workgroup name should be the same, his is WORKGROUP but I'm not sure how to officially make mine that. I went to Network in System Preferences and clicked on Advanced... then went to the WINS tab and it has workgroup in the workgroup box, does this mean my computer is using that workgroup name? I'm at a loss and would like to share files with my friend's computer.
    The add the Mac to the WORKGROUP
    Applications > Utilities > Directory Access
    Select SMB/CIFS
    Click Configure
    Change Workgroup to match the Windows Workgroup.

  • How to share files in icloud

    Is it possible to share files (kenote, numbers, etc...) through iCloud with other people....? How?

    You can't share that kind of files through iCloud because iCloud is a service that only you can access to, unless you give your account information to the person you want to share the files with.
    There are many ways to share a file. You can always e-mail your file to the other person or if the other person has a Mac, you can use AirDrop.
    You can find AirDrop on Finder.To use AirDrop you just have to drag the file you want to share into the other Mac user icon and that's it!
    Hope it helped.

  • How to share files on 2nd drive in Mac Mini, not 1st

    I am totally new to Apple's Server software so I may have some very obvious questions.
    I just bought the latest Mac Mini server and want my team to all share files on the second 500GB hard drive. When a user connects to the server (from the side menu under "Shared") they see "Groups" "Public" and "Users" - and these 3 directories are on the primary drive in the Mac Mini.
    I'd like to just have all the media files they're creating to be stored on the 2nd 500GB drive.
    Can anyone tell me how to set this up?
    Thanks for the help!

    Hello Brian -
    I'm relatively new to Snow Leopard Server, but these forums have been a great great help so I am keen to help others when I can!
    This is relatively straightforward to do.
    1) Make a directory on the second drive (This can be done using the Sharing Pane of Server Admin if you wish, or through SSH / Screen Sharing) - call it Data or something similar.
    2) In Server Admin make a share for your new folder. I'd suggest making it automount and fill in the options accordingly.
    3) Check the permissions are correct and amend if necessary - again through Server Admin
    Your users will now be able to connect to the server with their logon credentials and see the new share, which of course is stored on the second drive.
    Make sure you've got backups configured somehow (Time Machine maybe?)
    Hope this helps.

  • HT4783 I'm trying to learn how to use Airdrop between my wife's Mac and mine. We both have it, but this article did not help us learn HOW to share files.  Yippeee that we can...but HOW?

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    Thanks for your help out there...

    1. Open a new Finder window or use one that's already open
    2. Click on Airdrop, press Shift+Command+R, or find "Airdrop" in the "Go" menu
    3. Drag your file to the icon of the person you want to send the file to (if you have mountain lion, you can use the share button).
    4. The other person has to click "save"
    5. The file will send and appear in the receiver's downloads folder
    In Mountain Lion, a new feature was added: the share button. It's a button with a picture of a box and an arrow jumping out of it. Click on it and the third (and last) option is "Airdrop" and clicking on it will allow you to send files over Airdrop without opening it in Finder.

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