HT201472 Help I have lost my I Pad.

ok i have lost my I Pad. I have not enabled the find my i phone.... can apple help locate it for me? i have the serial number, if i contact them can they switch it on remotley for me? any help ?

Apple (and no one else) can not assist (with serial number or iCloud) in finding a lost or stolen iPad.
Report to police along with serial number. Change all your passwords.
These links may be helpful.
How to Track and Report Stolen iPad
Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
What to do if your iOS device is lost or stolen
iCloud: Locate your device on a map
Report Stolen iPad Tips and iPad Theft Prevention
How to recover a lost or stolen iPad
How to Find a Stolen iPad
What NOT to do if your iPhone or iPad is lost or stolen
Apple Product Lost or Stolen olen
Oops! iForgot My New iPad On the Plane; Now What?
If you don't know your lost/stolen iPad's serial number, use the instructions below. The S/N is also on the iPad's box.
How to Find Your iPad Serial Number
iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number
 Cheers, Tom

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    Do NOT reset anything in your settings. Try the reset this way.
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    In the event that you did miss something in the system sounds settings, this may help you to better understand how they work.
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