HT201622 Transferring purchases to different store

I made some purchases on the Egyptian store, now i'm on the US store and the items that i purchased is no longer available unless i switched back to the Egyptian store. Is there a way that I can use different stores but still can download the same items that I purchased in different stores ?

What country are you in ? If you are in Egypt then you can only use the Egypt store, so you will have to have your Egyptian address on your account - you can't purchase from the US store, or redownload US store purchases, unless you are in the US (and similarly for ant other country's store).
Apps you might be able to redownload for free if you move countries (if you have a free then try redownloading it and see if you get a prompt about having previously 'purchased' it and it will redownloaded for free, and then try the same thing for a cheap app) - but media (music, films etc) you can't redownload from another country.
You can copy iTunes downloads from your phone to your computer's iTunes library via File > Devices > Transfer Purchases (that will only copy the downloads, it won't copy contents of apps), and you can then copy them from your computer onto your backup drive.

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    This has been covered here literally dozens of times, but once again: the content owners do not allow cross-border sales from any of the legal download stores. You must therefore have legal residence in the country of the iTunes Store you wish to use. So in order to buy from another country's iTunes Store, you must (as proof of residence) have either:
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    Assuming your library is in the default location and all of the media is stored within the library's media folder then this is what you need to do:
    Copy the entire iTunes folder from <User's Music> on the source computer to <User's Music> on the target computer.
    You can do this directly over a network (making use of shared network folders) or by making a copy on an external drive, moving the drive between computers, and copying again. Any way that works is good. However if you say that you cannot use Home Sharing (doesn't work properly anyway) because the source and target are not on the same network then method 2 as I describe it won't work either.
    Your playlists, play counts, ratings etc. are stored inside the database iTunes Library.itl which is inside the iTunes folder and a successful migration includes all of this information, not just the media files. I recommend method 1 from the earlier link as it sets you up with a backup mechanism to use in future. All hard drives fail eventually and often without warning, or at least a warning that is noticed and then heeded.
    If the initial assumption is wrong, or you need help checking, just ask.

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    There will indeed be taxes, assuming you are in an area where sales tax is normally charged.

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    At the AT&amp;T store. Tried using iCloud but only 120 songs were transferred and when I access my iTunes account now it only shows 120 and not the 450 anymore that I purchased on my old phone. Tried to sync again from the phone to iTunes and it still not working.
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    If you could please help me I will appreciate, I'm out of the country now and can't stay on the phone for a long time.
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    Depending on which European country (should their mains access plug/port shape vary) the
    cord set with correct ends on it has to match. You can buy a cord that plugs into the Mini
    where the factory cord goes, and the other end has one for the wall source shape. The wire
    for the application should be able to support 110~240VAC.
    With the cord or an accurate image in hand, you could either get a new cable to match both
    realities (mini + wall supply mains local) or an adapter (US/Standard to EU/Local) for just
    the head or input part of the original Apple cable. One plugs into the other, then into wall.
    If you have a new Mini with a small modular plug/port on the computer end of the power wire,
    it would have only two holes and no ground; the other end would have two prongs of equal
    shape and size. Not a polarized plug and not a grounded three-prong. To get a replacement
    power wire for the MINI to go from power source to the Mini is recommended, if you are going
    to be staying in one location for awhile. A Travel Kit that offers no electrical conversion but only
    the physical shape adapter kit, should a available in travel stores, airports; big box discount
    stores, computer and electronic stores. This page shows the cord end of the appliance shapes.
    The other end would be the mains shape for whichever country you are going to....
    So to match the country or regional power mains type is a primary concern for obtaining the
    correct replacement cord to supply the Mini with local mains power. The end which plugs into
    the Mini is of a certain type (numbers for EU and elsewhere are published, see link + images)
    & the end that gets plugged into the mains or utility side, needs to match the local specification.
    The link to Apple, to contact for Support and Service information in prior post, should be able
    to help find a source for the local replacement type cord they'd sell local people with a Mini.
    Apple local sources offer replacements for this purpose; and for travelers, a second cord for
    a direct use (not adapter plugs) is a better bet. For those who only need a cord in two places.
    If you are traveling to Denmark, UK, Swiss or other EU countries require different adapters.
    Even places where the power itself may be somewhat similar. However your MINI has an
    automatic power supply that will conform to that energy standard, you only need to supply a
    correct non-transforming adapter. Simply a connection to adapt one shape to another.
    The general purpose travel kit that is not specialized to Apple power adapters, would have a
    plastic plug/adapter with the local pins on one side, and the US/standard two slots on the other.
    So, no circuitry nor any other change of electrical power inside this device would be required.
    In other words, I believe my other post already covered this. On the ground on either end of the
    path, adapters are common and the Mini does not use proprietary electrical components IF you
    have one of the more recent shape aluminum models with the power supply built in. The older
    Mini has the power brick and two wires. A US/Standard plug adapter to EU/Local would work in
    either case, since all you'd do is plug the adapter plug into the local mains and the US plug into
    that one... I see these kinds of discards for as little as 25¢ in thrift stores in Alaska. Or you can
    buy a new one. Or you could get a complete cord with correct ends on it, for Mini + local mains.
    Hopefully this helps somewhat. The only info missing is which EU country or region is involved.
    Their shapes of plug are different, so the adapter end for local supply has to match their standard.
    Swiss, Denmark, UK, and others offer different shapes and so on.
    The Apple store in the location you are traveling should be able to supply you with a replacement
    cable for a modern MINI, that has the correct local mains end, and the correct Apple mini end on
    the opposite. Since the unit is automatically switching, the magic is done.
    Since I supplied a means to locate any number of Apple stores, authorized service providers &
    other Apple related vendors in my earlier reply: you could contact
    any of them along your route in the City in whichever EU country, to find a local MINI power cable.
    In any event, I'm done...
    Good luck and happy trails...

  • In transferring purchases most of my music got transferred apart from the most recent three albums. Now I don't have them on my ipod or on my itunes

    I have transferred purchases before and have had no problems but this time when i tranfsferred to another computer the most recent albums didi not transfer. I only realised this once I had gone through the erase and sync. I did not have a backup for these three albums yet. My purchases clearly state that I have bought all those albums. I don't even understand why this happened!

    On the newer computer launch iTunes. From the menu bar click Store / Authorize This Computer.
    For your albums, try here.   Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    Hi Everyone:
    My name is Mark. I'm new to the Mac World. I purchased a MacBook Pro with Retina Scan, as I'm going to make multi media self help books (I'm an author and psychotherapist). I have been getting a number of inconsistencies in answers to the same questions.
    1 - Can I do a 1:1 by phone? When I bought my 1:1 the salesperson told me yes.
          Now I find out the answer is no.
    2 - I've started signing up for group, individual, and open training.
    It seems that I cannot sign up for a second one until I have taken the first of any of these trainings.
    So if I want to sign up for 3, 1:1's in 3 different stores, on 3 different days I can't (if I read the terms and conditions properly.) until I have my first 1:1, open, or group training.
    I was told when I purchased my 1:1 that I could have as many trainings as I wanted to, and as much as I wanted. I could even spend a whole day going to different training at the same store on thew same day.
    Have others found inconsistencies in what you are told by sales people and what the rules are?
    Thank you for any help you can give me.
    Mark Dworkin LCSW P.C.

    1) The One-to-One program is in person in an Apple Store. I've never heard of any phone-based training. Perhaps the salesperson was confusing that with AppleCare which extends the phone support on your product.
    2) Here is the relevant part from the official terms:
    Members may have no more than one (1) Personal Training, one (1) Group Training and one (1) Open Training session reserved at any given time. After the completion of your session, you may schedule your next.
    If the saleperson gave you incorrect information that makes the One-to-One service unusable, talk to the store manager and tell him or her what information you were given incorrectly, and ask about a refund of the cost of the program.

  • TS1424 i have purchased 2 different movies of itunes but i could not down load them straight away as my wifi was down but now i cantfind them to download. The money has already been taken from my account.

    i purchased 2 different movies from the itunes store. batman begins on 05/04/12 and The lord of the rings on 07/04/12 i was unable to download at the time becuase my wifi was down but now i cant find them anywhere to try and download again. where can i find these movies to download?
    thanks jake

    PinguXeF wrote:
    , while I have taken a backup of the iTunes Library,
    this means nothing if it was not done correctly...
    To have  EVERYTHING on a New Computer...
    From your OLD computer...
    Copy your ENTIRE iTunes FOLDER to an External Drive... and then from the External Drive to your New Computer..
    Full Details Here  >

  • Has anyone gotten the following error message when trying to do in-app purchases? Error purchasing from App Store, then underneith that ,Cannot connect to itunes Store (0)

    I'm getting an error message when trying to make in-app purchases.
    Error purchasing from App Store
    Cannot connect to itunes Store (0)
    I can purchase songs in itunes, but not the in-app purchase for Kingdoms at War. I've checked the parental controls and all the other obvious things in settings. Let me know if anyone knows how to correct this. Thanks.

    Here is an update and more information:  I actually have two MBP's.  One is a mid-2009 model and one is a new, mid-2012.  I transferred files from the mid-2009 to the mid-2012, but I use both computers frequently.  This problem only occurs on the mid-2009 and not on the mid-2012.  I have authorized both computers. 

  • I want to import songs frm my Ipod to my itunes library.  Songs were ripped from CDs to the ipod not purchased from itunes can this be done?

    I want to import songs frm my Ipod to my itunes library.  Songs were ripped from CDs to the ipod not purchased from itunes can this be done?

    You would have to let itunes rip the songs from the cd's, or you would have to copy the music from the computer which ripped cd's.
    iTunes does not support transferring music from the ipod unless it was purchased from the store.

  • Stuck while Transfering Purchases

    I recently bought a new computer. I am trying to transfer my iTunes store
    purchases from one computer to the other one via my iPod. I have had to do this
    For some reason, while I am transfering my purchases, it gets stuck on one of my TV show episodes. I have left it on for hours and this one TV Show episode will not transfer. Until this TV Show episode is transfered, none of my other songs and TV Shows will transfer. I have 154 other songs and TV Shows that have not been transfered yet because this one episode is stuck. About half of the content that was on my iPod is now in my iTunes library.
    I have been given advice to set my iTunes to Manually manage music and videos so I may transfer each item individually over to my computer so that I can bypass that episode, and then try that episode individually to see if it works. I have set it to Manually manage music and videos, but I cannot figure out to how to individually transfer a single song or TV Show episode at a time.

    I am having the same issue. Ihave transferred purchases (652 out of 724) from my iPod to my new computer. It then stops at one particular song. I have stopped and restarted the transfer 3 times and continues to be stuck on one song - ANY THOUGHTS!

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