HT202835 Event addresses automatically converting to English

How do I prevent the Calendar app from automatically changing event addresses from one language to another?  I travel frequently between countries and want addresses kept in their original language rather than converted to English.

Two things I believe you have to do n a mac on is to go to the system preferences and chose International and enable the language you want in the input tab then I think in this case you can go to the type panel and have the options show and then at the bottom choose the language I assume Russian. Not certain the second part is necessary.
Make certain of course you first select the georgian font you have installed before inputting.
I hope this helps.

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    Two things I believe you have to do n a mac on is to go to the system preferences and chose International and enable the language you want in the input tab then I think in this case you can go to the type panel and have the options show and then at the bottom choose the language I assume Russian. Not certain the second part is necessary.
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    I hope this helps.

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    Try this. I suggest you save it in ~/Library/Scripts, so that it will be accessible from the drop-down scripts menu. I also suggest that you try it before using it seriously - in iCal, use File/Backup database, then if you don't like what happens, use File/Revert. Feel free to ask questions!
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    end tell
    end try
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    end repeat --ThisCal in CalList
    end tell</pre>

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    OK. That means the default display lange of the OS is Thai. That is what was purchased. 
    You can try downloading  and using the  language appropriate LIPS (language interface package software) from Microsoft to change the  display language.
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    Hi pielassss,
    Could you share a sample file with me at [email protected]  so that I can check at my end?
    What version of Acrobat are you uisng?

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    Message was edited by: pac_80

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    To my knowledge, yes.
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    You mean 14:9, right?? 8mm film frame aspect ratio is  1.58. I find it hard to believe that your telecined video has the same aspect as the original film unless it has been explicitly trimmed to those dimensions. If that's the case, it's pillarboxed in the 16:9 format or letterboxed in the 4:3 format.
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    Edit > Preferences > Devices.
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