HT203167 Interupted download now itunes is crashing

Help, I interrupted a download of a tv programme and now I am trying to resume it itunes keep crashing. I have tried re-installing itunes and it is still happening. What can I do to fix it?

It seems like quite a few people have had this problem. I had it earlier in the week, and fixed it by the solution posted in this thread:

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    Thank you so much. I finally got it to work. I don't know why it has to be such an ordeal when it comes to Adobe products!
    Todd McVey
    Art Direction
    [email protected]

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    Withour know what the error message said try:
    iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues

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    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
      Application Name: iTunes.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp: 54c76235
      Fault Module Name: CoreAudioToolbox.dll
      Fault Module Version:
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      Exception Offset: 00000000001fa332
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      Additional Information 3: d541
      Additional Information 4: d5412c482da827ac7c87233e1aba574c

    Ok, I found the answer on my own. The problem is on the Microsoft side. Just update your windows and that will do. I have been not updating my windows for some time and the accumulated update is almost 1GB+ . After I update, I can open the iTunes again fine.

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    Hi there clydezxr,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    -Griff W. 

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    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    If you've already tried a complete uninstall and reinstall try opening iTunes in safe mode (hold down CTRL+SHIFT as you start iTunes) then going to Edit > Preferences > Store and turning off Show iTunes in the Cloud purchases. You may find iTunes will now start normally.

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    Try downloading any free app directly on the iPad (as that appears to reset something) and then re-try any of your apps - you can then delete the free app.
    You can then re-try syncing. If that doesn't work then a reset of the iPad might help : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

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    Great thanks for sharing
    Now what is your your question?
    what happens when you try to download it?

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    Would this help?

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    " When I did this, my library showed all the music I have "purchased" from itunes but did not have the music that I downloaded a long time ago through itunes from my old CDs."
    " How can I get that music to show up in my library now on my new computer?  "
    Copy it from your old computer or your backup copy of your old computer.
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  • Computer/Windows crashing when downloading from iTunes 7.

    Hi everyone, thanks in advance for taking a look and helping me out. Just a few days ago I downloaded the new version of iTunes - 7.0. Until I did this, everything with iTunes and my iPod worked fine, no problems at all. However, once the new version was installed, when I try downloading something my computer shuts down and I get a blue screen telling me there was a serious error and Windows has been shut down. It has happened three times so far and ONLY when I am downloading files from iTunes music store.
    I tried to pause all the downloads I had going, since it is multiple downloads now, hoping that having only one download going at a time would fix the problem... it didn't. What's worse is the second time it did this my iTunes library was empty upon start up. Fortunately, I was able to restore it minus one episode of a TV show and an album.
    I'm hoping someone can tell me what may be going on with this. I can tell you that the first time it happened was when I tried to download all the episodes of the National Geographic podcast. It happened again when I was trying to download a season of a TV show (twice). The TV show was not harmed and over time I was able to get the entire season downloaded.
    When I restored my library by renaming a backup dated library as iTunes Library.xml it was missing an album I had downloaded the same day as well as an episode of another TV show I mentioned before. They are also not in the iTunes folder at all.
    This is really scaring me as I'm adraid to download anything, knowing I might be losing my library again and anything I had downloaded previously. I do have backups but nevertheless I can't back up every single thing that I download. I buy a lot of stuff on iTunes and that would mean hundreds of CD's, which is one of the reason I switched to digital music in the first place, to eliminate the amount of CD's I need to have around.
    I was also wondering if anyone could tell me how to search for the lost music files and add them back into my library... I'm hoping they're not gone forever, as I'll have to buy them again, which I personally think is wrong.
    Also, is there anyway I can make a copy of my iTunesLibrary.xml file each time I add something to it, so if this problem occurs again and wipes out my library all of the files I had in there previously are still there. I don't want to us a Library four days old as it might be missing lots of stuff.
    Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to give as much detail as possible. Thanks.

    However, once the new version was installed, when I try downloading something my computer shuts down and I get a blue screen telling me there was a serious error and Windows has been shut down. It has happened three times so far and ONLY when I am downloading files from iTunes music store.
    okay, let's get a minidump of the blue screen and send it to the Apple Engineers to see if they can make head or tail of it.
    To set up your machine to capture a minidump, right click on "My Computer", select "Properties", select the "Advanced" tab, select the "Startup and Recovery" Settings button, select "small memory dump" from the popup. When it crashes, look for the MiniDump file. It's usually in the folder "C:\WINDOWS\Minidump" and is called something like Mini<number>-<number>.dmp.
    collect the minidump, and send it to this email address
    in the email, include the URL to this thread so that the person who gets the email has some context, but also give as much information about the context of the crashing as you can.

  • Computer/Windows crashing when downloading from iTunes.

    Hi everyone, thanks in advance for taking a look and helping me out. Just a few days ago I downloaded the new version of iTunes - 7.0. Until I did this, everything with iTunes and my iPod worked fine, no problems at all. However, once the new version was installed, when I try downloading something my computer shuts down and I get a blue screen telling me there was a serious error and Windows has been shut down. It has happened three times so far and ONLY when I am downloading files from iTunes music store.
    I tried to pause all the downloads I had going, since it is multiple downloads now, hoping that having only one download going at a time would fix the problem... it didn't. What's worse is the second time it did this my iTunes library was empty upon start up. Fortunately, I was able to restore it minus one episode of a TV show and an album.
    I'm hoping someone can tell me what may be going on with this. I can tell you that the first time it happened was when I tried to download all the episodes of the National Geographic podcast. It happened again when I was trying to download a season of a TV show (twice). The TV show was not harmed and over time I was able to get the entire season downloaded.
    When I restored my library by renaming a backup dated library as iTunes Library.xml it was missing an album I had downloaded the same day as well as an episode of another TV show I mentioned before. They are also not in the iTunes folder at all.
    This is really scaring me as I'm adraid to download anything, knowing I might be losing my library again and anything I had downloaded previously. I do have backups but nevertheless I can't back up every single thing that I download. I buy a lot of stuff on iTunes and that would mean hundreds of CD's, which is one of the reason I switched to digital music in the first place, to eliminate the amount of CD's I need to have around.
    I was also wondering if anyone could tell me how to search for the lost music files and add them back into my library... I'm hoping they're not gone forever, as I'll have to buy them again, which I personally think is wrong.
    Also, is there anyway I can make a copy of my iTunesLibrary.xml file each time I add something to it, so if this problem occurs again and wipes out my library all of the files I had in there previously are still there. I don't want to us a Library four days old as it might be missing lots of stuff.
    Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to give as much detail as possible. Thanks.

    However, once the new version was installed, when I try downloading something my computer shuts down and I get a blue screen telling me there was a serious error and Windows has been shut down. It has happened three times so far and ONLY when I am downloading files from iTunes music store.
    okay, let's get a minidump of the blue screen and send it to the Apple Engineers to see if they can make head or tail of it.
    To set up your machine to capture a minidump, right click on "My Computer", select "Properties", select the "Advanced" tab, select the "Startup and Recovery" Settings button, select "small memory dump" from the popup. When it crashes, look for the MiniDump file. It's usually in the folder "C:\WINDOWS\Minidump" and is called something like Mini<number>-<number>.dmp.
    collect the minidump, and send it to this email address
    in the email, include the URL to this thread so that the person who gets the email has some context, but also give as much information about the context of the crashing as you can.

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    iCloud Backup is for your iPad, not for your computer.
    Whatever you bought from iTunes is yours forever and can be downloaded as many times as you want. This assumes what you purchased is still available in the Store.
    Here is the procedure for your reference.
    On a computer, launch iTunes. Click on iTunes Store on the left
    On the right you will see this
    "Sign in" using the Apple ID used to purchase your songs, then click on "Purchased" (with the orange blob)
    On the summary page that appears select the tab "Not on This Computer" on the right.
    On the list that appears, select what you want and then click the "Download" button.
    Whatever you have that did not originate from iTunes will have to be obtained from whatever means you used to obtain it in the past.

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