HT203390 Error message while restoring

Does anyone know what I can do about this. I am a pilot and need my IPAD for a 7am flight. Someone please help me!!
The iPad "Greg's Ipad" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (0xE8000001)
Thats the error meesage i got an now i cant get my ipad to work, until i figure it out. It is vital that i resolve this problem b/c i use this device for my flying charts and will affect the safty of the flght.
I can also be emailed at
[email protected]
and i have Log-Me-In installed on my computer if anyone knows what to do but needs to see for themselves
Please someone smart read this message

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    I need your help...what can it be.

    I've encountered this issue when the Time Machine was encrypted with FileVault.
    Article:  HT4718
    Additional Information
    Please note that OS X Recovery must be present on the computer's startup volume in order to use FileVault 2. Using RAID partitions or a non-standard Boot Camp partition on the startup disk may prevent OS X from installing a local Recovery system. See "OS X: Some features of Mac OS X are not supported for the disk (volume name)" for more information.
    What seems to work, is reinstalling the OSX from the internet, and then using migration assistant to pull the user from the time machine backup external when logged into a temporary administrator user to move the original user back over.
    Perhaps if you're stubborn, what would work is the following from the same article:
    What to do if the installer warns that no Recovery System can be created
    Some disk partition configurations may result in the OS X installer reporting that it could not create a Recovery System. In these situations, even if you are permitted to continue the install, you may want to quit the installation and create an external, bootable OS X hard drive with a Recovery System, first. You can continue your OS X upgrade on your computer's startup drive after creating an external Recovery System.
    Your storage device must have at least 13 GB available (after formatting) to install OS X Lion or later and a Recovery partition.
    These steps erase and reformat the storage device. This article instructs you on setting up a storage device to use the GUID partition scheme and the Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format, which are required to install OS X and a Recovery partition on your external storage device. You should back up any important files that are on the device to a different drive.
    This procedure installs a version of OS X that is compatible with the Mac it was created with. Using this OS X system with a different Mac model may produce unpredictable results.
    Your computer's serial number is sent to Apple as part of this process to help authenticate your request to download and install OS X Lion.
    All of this information was collected by browsing through the public articles on the Apple Support website.

  • Re: Error message while restoring my Equium U400-124

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    Hello Jonathan
    Have you ever tried to create recovery DVD media?
    It can be that recovery image is corrupt and you cannot install OS properly.
    What you can do is to order original Toshiba recovery DVD. You can do this under

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    Hi Ckuan,
    Thanks a lot for your advice.    
    Deleting the correupted back up means to delete the information of one month since the last back up I made is one month ago.....right? 
    This back up I made right before I restored my iphone.  During the restore however my OS was upgraded to 5.1.1. and reading the comments on the internet it seems I am not the only one whom experience this problem. 
    Can it be that if I downgrade my OS back to 5.1. the back up will not be considered as corrupted?  If so, how do I downgrade the iphone?
    Thanks in advance.

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    Click here >  iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Then click: Specific Conditions and Alert Messagers
    Then click: Error 50 ...

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    Boot from another hard drive or DVD and repair with Disk Utility.

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    Apple, you have no idea the level of stress you have created today.....

    Check the console app to see if there are any error messages. I had one app showing an issue (Pet Hotel) the error was (truncated):
    ERROR: Restore message response: 102 rename error: File name too long (63) at path "/var/mobile/Library/SafeHarbor/com.pocketgems.tappethotel/Container/Documents/ savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHis tory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGa meHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/sa vedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHisto ry/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGame History/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/save dGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory /savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHi story/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedG ameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/s avedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHistory/savedGameHist ory/savedGameHistory/1313349538-pocket_gems_crash_report.txt" (MBErrorDomain/102)
    I manually snyc'ed that particular app and then re-ran the restore and am now the proud owner of a working iphone. Not sure it is the same problem or app but looking in the console was the key!

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    Error -1 is not mentioned in this article about error messages during a restore process:
    This one comes close:
    The device could not be restored. An internal error occurred, or Error 3200: This indicates a network-connectivity or traffic issue. If you see this error, wait an hour or more and try again.
    You may also check your security software settings, to make sure that iTunes can contact Apple servers during this process: iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues

  • "An error occurred while restoring from the backup.Files can't be restored"

    My 4 month old MacBook Pro 15" running 10.6.2 lobotomized itself and I had to have a new HD put in it. I backed up the old one w/ TM on an external HD. I've tried (by the book, and with direct verbal guidance from the Help People at Apple) to restore the system and files but every time it gets to 10.2% in the restoration process and then I get this message: "An error occurred while restoring from the backup. Please restart." and under the frozen progress bar is the chilling line: "Files can't be restored." I've tried restoring from several dates on the TM backup list but it always stops at 10.2% completion. Help!

    Start by booting from your SL install disc, and selecting Utilities from the menubar, but before going on to +Restore System from Backups,+ instead select +Disk Utility.+
    Make +*absolutely certain+* that your internal HD has the GUID *Partition Map Scheme* and the +Mac OS Extended (Journaled)+ Format (unless you're sure it should be +Mac OS Extended (Case-sensitive, journaled).+
    Then do a +*Repair Disk+* (not permissions) on your Time Machine drive.
    If that succeeds, quit Disk Utility, then continue with the full restore (per #14 in the FAQ).
    But if that finds errors it can't fix, it's possible that +Disk Warrior+ can fix them. It's about $100, and is probably a good long-term investment, but there's no guarantee.
    If all else fails, go back to Disk Utility and erase your internal HD, then install OSX. When your Mac restarts, use +Setup Assistant+ to transfer your users, apps, settings, and data from your backups (see #19 in the FAQ).
    Then download and instal the "combo" update to get back to 10.6.2. Info and download available at: (or for 10.6.3).
    Be sure to do a +Repair Permissions+ via Disk Utility afterwards.

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    (MXXEQ35) RE.IWYD_Z70945 is not a valid RE.ENTRY
    I think one of the report entry is corrupted in catalog but I am not sure how to restore/resolve it. Is there any way to resolve this problem ?
    This is urgent Please let me know if any one have work around for this.

    See Note 230019.1 on Metalink for the solution to this problem.
    Hope this helps,
    Oracle Business Intelligence Product Management
    BI on Oracle:
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    BI Beans
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    BI Samples:

  • Error occurred while restoring from the TimeMachine backup

    I have an brand new HD that I want to restore from TimeMachine.
    Erased and partitioned this brand new drive.  Created 2 partitions and formatted as “OS Extended Journaled/ GUID.”
    Did a “Command R recovery boot” and went through the steps to backup from TM to my new HD.
             15 seconds into the restoration process Msg. reads: 
    “Error occurred while restoring from the backup.
    Restart your computer and then try restoring again.”
    Trouble shooting:
    Luckily my original files and initial boot drive that TM was backing up from remains fine and I performed some more TM back ups as well as a TM backup onto another drive as well.
    I even tried restoring to another empty drive with older backups and backups off of another HD and got the same error message.
    All my BU’s and BU attempts have been within 10.7.3 on the same MP.
    Thank you in advance for any help!!

    These are the four hard drives I am using for troubleshooting:
    1. Internal new 1TB drive
    2. External erased and reformatted 500GB firewire drive
    3. Internal original 500GB drive designated for TimeMachine with               
    ~200Gigs of successful backup (Including entire bootdrive)
    4. External erased and reformatted 300GB drive that I told              
    TimeMachine to back up to for testing purposes.
    I have only erased and reformatted the first 2 empty drives to use as a future boot drive once I can finally restore from my TimeMachine files to one of them successfully.
    My troubles all started when I couldn’t get my cpu to boot from my initial boot drive.  That’s what has put me on this track.  I have since repaired that boot drive with DiskWarrior to perfect order.
    Through a lot of my trouble shooting, I have left that initial boot drive in but have since taken it out.  I don’t have lion installed on any other drive.  Again, my 2 test drives are empty.
    I don’t know how long this old boot drive will remain in perfect order and am glad I have found that I cant use TimeMachine on this side of needing it desperately.
    Pondini- Thank you again for hangin' in there with me.  I think I understand your last recommendation: 
             Do I load a new copy of Lion from this location?:
    The suggestion of “coping the installer” is to have a hard copy like I used to in SnowLeopard etc. for a faster future install?

  • Factory restore error message - "Product Restore %s failed to restore your system"

    While doing a factory restore I am getting the error message - "Product Restore %s failed to restore your system".
    Not sure what it means ... I am on a Lenovo 3000 N100. I've been having not so much battery won't charge as battery won't stay charged problems. 
    When starting up with the battery in ... the battery seems to bedrawing so much from the adapter the N100 shuts down.
    While shutdown the battery seems to draw from the cmos battery.
    When I power up again the cmos battery is drained ... the bios clock has to be reset.
    A few times like this and I took the battery out and just ran on the adapter. 
    Taking the battery out didn't stop the n100 from timing out(read turning off). What did stop it 
    is going into the memory panel when its off and power is diconnected and shorting the Cmos battery.
    Then when powered up it goes straight into loading the recovery package and actually 
    gets to the point where it is ready to format the disk before it gives me the message - "Product Restore % failed to restore your system".
    Last night I actually got it to factory restore ... but then like a complete idiot I put the battery 
    back in thinking the restoration would have resolved the charging problem ... it didn't.
    I know ... I know ... I'm a couple of months too late for a new battery ... but if anybodies got any ideas
    how to get around this ""Product Restore %s failed to restore your system"" so I can get back
    to windows I'd appreciate it.

    I've had a similar problem when attempting a restore to factory settings on my Lenovo 3000 N200, running Windows XP.  I resolved it by leaving the battery plugged in, but by disconnecting the AC power adapter. Then when the restore was up and running I then plugged in the adapter so the laptop wouldn't run out of power before completing the restore.

  • Can anyone help? When I sync ipad and it asks me if I wish to continue to restore an error occurred while restoring ipad (-50)

    When I sync my ipad with itunes it asks me if I wish to continue restore, when I click continue it comes up with an error message:
    "An error occurred while restoring ipad (-50)
    Can anyone assist?
    Thank you in advance.

    are you trying to restore defaults through itunes?
    try rebooting the device and try it again.  this usually works.  memory is required for it to restore.

  • Anyone know what this error means/how to fix it?:  An error occurred while restoring this iPhone (-50).

    My sister-in-law wanted the new Operating System for the IPhone 4, and i plugged her phone into MY macbook in order to do this.   Before I updated the operating system, I synced her phone (at least I thought) to my computer.   It went through the whole process, transferred her purchases and everything.   But once I updated the operating system, it gave me the error message "An error occurred while restoring this iPhone (-50)." right at the end.   Then her photos, videos, and contacts were all gone.   Could these possibly still be on my computer somehow and I just can't see them?  I don't want her to lose all of her stuff.   Thanks.

    Normally you would be able to do a Restore from Backup in iTunes, but since no backups are saved in YOUR iTunes, you're out of luck.

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