HT4527 Library transfer nightmare - HELP?

Hi all
I have just transferred my itunes library to a new computer. The itunes media file is now sitting on an external hard drive and is duplicated on the desktop, but Itunes will not pick up the content. I have followed the online tutorials but it does not work like they say it should. When I chose "Add file to library" and select my Itunes media folder, it just continually asks me to open each folder and sub folder and so on. Does this mean I have to add each file one by one???? I hope not - I haven't got enough years of  life left to do that...
Thanks for any help you can give....

But I've already said that I have followed the instructions and it's still not working. I eventually found out how to import by folder rather than file (by uh-hiding menu bar) and itunes did import my existing library on the new computer - but wouldn't show my latest purchases. Then after some un-prompted updating activity, it appeared to import the latest purchases - but then they wouldn't sync with the ipod. A dialogue box appeared asking if I wanted to erase and sync - so I clicked yes and it erased....but didn't sync. Then eventually it did sync...but only with my latest purchases and renamed my ipod as "Dell's ipod" New computer is a Dell.
I decided to put my latest purchases to a memory stick, get the old computer out of the garage upload the new songs and sync in the normal way. Apart form a few duplication incidents where itunes said it couldn't find certain songs....but actually it did import them, this stategy was the only thing that worked. I now have my full library synced on my ipod. But I dare not try and move to a new computer again - I will have to keep my old slow computer just for itunes.....

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    It seems you havent copied the actual music files over.
    See this
    Also, follow the steps given here...
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive

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    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
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    Are you doing this?
    You have to sign in and download each iTunes account individually.

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    Guys, I found another user and what he said to do worked!!! I have copied the information below:
    This was 1 of the things that happend to me too, the other one was that at the bottom of the itunes page were it says all the memory info, it marked that I had over 3gb of other memory wich I didn't.
    Anyways what I did was to unmark the calendar, contacts etc. ( so that they wont sync with the computer ), pressed apply,  then I marked all of them again, apply again and for last I pressed Sync wich is at the bottom right coner by the apply botton.
    I'm not sure that had anything to do with it but it worked, my music appeard both of my itunes playlists and the ones I bought in itunes.  Also the other memory dissapeard and it's all good.
    I'm not sure this will help you but thats my 5 cents, if the problem continues its better to call customer service and ask for a technician.
    Hope your problem gets solved. Have a nice day.

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    Refer to this thread -
    Quick answer "copy the file SQLite3.dll from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support folder to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support folder"

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    With iTunes 11 on PCs the drop-down menus are hidden by default - control-B should get the menus to show
    This screenshot is from a Mac, but it should be similar on a PC :

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    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

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    Video content purchased from the iTunes Store.
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    Video podcasts.
    iTunes Digital Copies.
    iTunes Store Movie Rentals (Requires iTunes 9 or later).

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    Some things to try:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. Select 'Choose Library' and navigate to your Pictures Folder. Select the iPhoto Library ICON (not folder) there.
    If that fails, try double-clicking on that icon.
    If that fails you may have a damaged database:
    Try these in order - from best option on down...
    1. Do you have an up-to-date back up? If so, try copy the library6.iphoto file from the back up to the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) allowing it to overwrite the damaged file.
    2. Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums back.
    3. If neither of these work then you'll need to create and populate a new library.
    To create and populate a new library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    In the iPhoto Preferences -> Events Uncheck the box at 'Imported Items from the Finder'
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

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    my photo's were in a 9.2.3 version of iPhoto. Now I can't move my library across. Help
    What exactly is the problem?
    You are now running Mavericks. What version of iPhoto do you now have installed? If you restored  an iPhoto 9.2.3 version, it will not work with Mavericks, you first need to update iPhoto to the current version 9.5.1.  Check, if you are seeing an update on the "updates" tab of the App Store, when you sign in with your Apple iD, or on the "Purchased" tab in the "Accept" portion of the tab.
    What kind of backup of your iPhoto library do you have?

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