HT4528 Why do emoticons such as a smiley face translate as a J in email on Iphone

Smiley face translates as a J ????

This happens to me on my work e-mail but only when I send it to certain other co-workers but we all use the same e-mail serice.  Some see the smiley face, some see a J, which is odd cuz my name starts with that letter lol.

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    Hi d,
    d3adm8n wrote:
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    And you neglected to add "for many years."
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    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

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    Welcome to the    Discussions
    I am not sure I have it totally.
    Are you saying that when you get a Text Chat Invite - what you can see of the Message may include a Smiley that appears in Picture form but when you open that the Text only shows the text form of that Smiley ?
    Do you have Show Smiley's Off in the iChat View Menu > Messages sub menu ?
    I thinks this may be a quirk between the Invite settings view and the options not to Show Smileys in the Menu mentioned.
    8:16 PM Friday; November 27, 2009
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    No clue why you cannot make video calls over your cellular operator... have you tried contacting them?
    If you're referring to FaceTime, it is currently limited to Wi-Fi only.
    Sending files via Bluetooth is not a supported feature of the iPhone or iOS.  A simple search of the web or these forums would have made that abundantly clear.
    Threatening to throw away valuable items in these forums only serves to make you look less than intelligent.  No one here is an Apple employee, we are all users like yourself.  As such, we could care less what you do.  If you choose to be stupid, that's up to you.
    Educate yourself and stop whining.

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    example1("hello", "world")
    example2("hello", "world" )
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    Message Edited by Scott Richardson on 11-14-2008 11:19 AM
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

    Feature request (however I don't see why anyone should post alphanumer code
    Maybe a code box (just like IPBoards).
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

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  • Yellow smiley face icon

    Hey guys. I have a BB Curve 9300 and on the top of the screen, next to my notifiers, there's a yellow teardropped shape smiley icon and because the features of the icon is not as defined as the other notifier icons, I suspect it to be a virus. I don't have any unopened notifications and did not subscribe to Yahoo. I'm baffled. A little advice please. Thanks.

    No, it's not a virus. BlackBerrys have never gotten and are not yet susceptible to any virus, you're not the first. I don't understand why users jump to that first off.
    It's a third party application notification of some sort. Since I don't know what third party apps you have installed, I can't say which, but if you'll check each of your apps for a notification or message or alert, I'm sure you'll find it.
    The Yahoo Messenger icon is not tear-drop shaped, but is a round yellow smiley face .
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