HT4926 Files from FCP trial to FCP

How do I move project in FCP Trial to FCP?

That's the name of the application. What's the version number?

Similar Messages

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    Have anyone found a way to export DPX files from FCP, and also get the timecode in the DPX header...
    Thanks for answers!!

    Your workflow is not correct.
    In FCP I bring the clip to the timeline, trim, color correct it then File> Export> Using Compressor. Compressor opens up and places the clip into the Batch Window. This works fine, but when I go back to FCP, delete the clip from the timeline and place an other clip there and when I Export>Using Compressor, Compressor places the clip in a new Window title "Untitle 1" and so it goes on. As far as I understood, whenever you add a clip from the FCP it places it below the first clip so when I want to add my settings, I can add all 3 settings to all the clips. Did I missunderstand something?
    You're misunderstanding a couple of different things. When you send a clip or sequence from FCP to Compressor, you cannot then apply the settings you want in Compressor then go back to FCP and delete that clip from your sequence ... Compressor is trying to reference that sequence. If you keep removing clips, then Compressor won't follow those clips ... you're essentially breaking the link between Compressor and FCP by doing this.
    Try this:
    1. Load Clip A into the Viewer, Set your In & Out points and add your Color Correction.
    2. Press Command U to Make a Subclip. This will create a separate "clip" in your bin. Rename as necessary.
    3. Repeat this process for your other 19 clips.
    4. Then Select all of your new subclips in your Browser, then File > Export > Using Compressor. This will open Compressor and add all of those subclips into the Job window.
    5. Add your appropriate Target settings and set your Destinations and revise any filenames if necessary.
    6. Click Submit.
    For a good, quick overview on the basics of how and when to use Compressor, check out this video from MacBreak Weekly:

  • I am trying to burn a .mov file from fcp xpress timeline to a dvd.  The popup message I receive prior to inserting the dvd is that I need 20.05 gb of space available on dvd (a 1.25 min). How can I get this program onto a dvd that shows a max of 8.5gb?.

    I am trying to burn a .mov file from fcp xpress timeline to a dvd.  The popup message I receive prior to inserting the dvd is that I need 20.05 gb of space available on dvd (a 1.25 min program). How can I get this program onto a dvd (where the max available gb's  for off the shelf dvds-r)  shows a max of 8.5gb?.  Please help.  Thank You!

    You have posted your question in the Final Cut  Pro X forum. You want to be in this forum instead; ess_hd
    Good luck.

  • Need to export an AC3 audio file from FCP

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    Upload your audio file to my Public folder and wait 20 mins. I'll compress the audio to .ac3 for you if you're in a crunch. Check back in my Public Folder and I'll have it there for you.
    Finder/Go/iDisk/Other Users Public Folder/
    Member Name: theshow2
    Temporary Password is: temppass

  • .mov file from FCP, what's the next step to convert it to play on a dvd?

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    I'd like to either convert it to an .avi or mpeg file now but after trying a few times through QT Pro and even Mpeg Streamclip, the footage is either pixelated or is too choppy to play on my dvd (Samsung HT5500).
    What are the best settings to convert a HD .mov file to play on a dvd so it looks great. What software should I use for this... QT Pro or Mpeg Streamclip?

    DVD Studio Pro.
    And you can't make a DVD that is HD; DVDs are standard definition. You can make Blu-ray discs with a Blu-ray burner and Blu-ray player, but you DVDs will only be 720x480.
    Convert in Compressor with a preset for DVD, and import that into DVD Studio Pro.

  • Having trouble exporting mpeg2 files from FCP 3 - please help me!

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    look! ->
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE (0x0002) at 0x900b8c90
    and this->
    Thread 10 Crashed:
    0 0x095e6634 SingleEntryPointInitialize + 52
    1 0x095f828c MPEncode2__FP11CallbackRecP15EncodeParamsRec + 488
    2 0x095f85b4 MPEncode__FP11CallbackRecP15EncodeParamsRec + 16
    3 0x095e7fe8 DoIt__FP6FSSpecP11MovieRecordP19PixelToolsParameterlxP17CProgressReporter + 892
    4 0x095e48ec QTtoMPEG2__FP6FSSpecP11MovieRecordP13ConvertParamsllP17CProgressReporter + 1048
    5 0x095e297c EncodeMPEGandAIFF__FP15MPEGPrivGlobals + 1992
    6 0x095e20f0 EncodingThread + 60
    7 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90b6e0d8 InvokeThreadEntryUPP + 24
    8 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90b6dcf8 CooperativeThread + 220
    9 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002b200 pthreadbody + 96
    thanks for reading this far! anyway I've tried suggestions for similar sounding problems, they haven't worked - anybody
    got any ideas?

    Can you use DVDSP to do the encoding for you?
    FCP3 was really not intended to be run from Tiger, in fact, I believe it will not install on a clean 10.4 disk.
    Do your part in supporting your fellow users. If a response has been Helpful to you or Solved your question, please mark it as such as an aid to other lost souls on the forum.
    Also, don't forget to mark the thread Answered when you get enough information to close the thread.

  • Export Multiple files from FCP

    Somewhere along, I have a feeling, I have overseen something:
    I have many clips (about 20 sec each) to encode to 3 different formats.
    In FCP I bring the clip to the timeline, trim, color correct it then File> Export> Using Compressor. Compressor opens up and places the clip into the Batch Window. This works fine, but when I go back to FCP, delete the clip from the timeline and place an other clip there and when I Export>Using Compressor, Compressor places the clip in a new Window title "Untitle 1" and so it goes on. As far as I understood, whenever you add a clip from the FCP it places it below the first clip so when I want to add my settings, I can add all 3 settings to all the clips. Did I missunderstand something?

    Your workflow is not correct.
    In FCP I bring the clip to the timeline, trim, color correct it then File> Export> Using Compressor. Compressor opens up and places the clip into the Batch Window. This works fine, but when I go back to FCP, delete the clip from the timeline and place an other clip there and when I Export>Using Compressor, Compressor places the clip in a new Window title "Untitle 1" and so it goes on. As far as I understood, whenever you add a clip from the FCP it places it below the first clip so when I want to add my settings, I can add all 3 settings to all the clips. Did I missunderstand something?
    You're misunderstanding a couple of different things. When you send a clip or sequence from FCP to Compressor, you cannot then apply the settings you want in Compressor then go back to FCP and delete that clip from your sequence ... Compressor is trying to reference that sequence. If you keep removing clips, then Compressor won't follow those clips ... you're essentially breaking the link between Compressor and FCP by doing this.
    Try this:
    1. Load Clip A into the Viewer, Set your In & Out points and add your Color Correction.
    2. Press Command U to Make a Subclip. This will create a separate "clip" in your bin. Rename as necessary.
    3. Repeat this process for your other 19 clips.
    4. Then Select all of your new subclips in your Browser, then File > Export > Using Compressor. This will open Compressor and add all of those subclips into the Job window.
    5. Add your appropriate Target settings and set your Destinations and revise any filenames if necessary.
    6. Click Submit.
    For a good, quick overview on the basics of how and when to use Compressor, check out this video from MacBreak Weekly:

  • Send part of audio file, not the entire file, from FCP to STP

    Is there an easy way to send only part of an audio file to STP as an audio file project from FCP 5.1.2?
    Everything that I've tried so far always sends the entire audio file for processing in STP.
    1) using the blade tool to slice the audio
    2) creating a subclip of a piece of audio
    3) setting in/out points in both the timeline and the viewer
    I realize that I could export the piece of audio and then import that into FCP and then send that to STP, but that is a lot of work.
    Is there an easier way?
    G5 Dual 2 gig   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   4.5 GIGS RAM

    Maybe one of these work:
    * LeechBlock:
    * BlockSite:

  • Do I need to uninstall old Download manager exe (Akamai?) file from past trial to install new one?

    I just purchased CS5.5 Design Premium (student edition) at Amazon. Everything went smoothly while validating that I am a student. I installed the 1st of 2 disks. Second one won't install.
    The PDF help sheet says to look for DesignPremium_CS5_5_LSx.exe in my program files to extract the files from the second disk, but its not in there.
    Since I purchased this at Amazon, even though I have the correct serial number, I can't re-download the manger.exe file from Adobe because it is not in MyOrders at the Adobe store.
    Perhaps it could be because last semester I downloaded different trials, I think Master Suite 5.5 and maybe Flash 5, but I can't remember for sure.
    When this problem surfaced over the weekend, I went back and tried to uninstall all the trial stuff (they don't work anymore anyway), but still no luck.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer

    You can always download the trial and input your serial. Other than that I'm sure there is a way to get your downloads from Amazon, you will probably just have to contact their customer support to unlock it again so it's available from your account there...

  • Having Problems importing XML file from FCP 6 onto a FCP 5 application

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    any ideas?

    make sure you exported your XML from FCP6 using a compatible XML version (1, 2 or 3) ... version 3 would make the most sense as its the most recent FCP5 compatible version .... don't export using version 4 (the default for FCP6), that one is for transfering projects between different installations of FCP6 only

  • Compressor opens but am not able to transfer files from FCP studio?

    Help! I have tried installing FCP Studio (6.02) 2 to 3 times. I have tried removing Compressor from the Applications list under the library preferences.
    When I open Final Cut and highlight the sequence and then send to to Compressor, I see the Compressor title open up at the top but my files do not appear. I don't know if its corrupt or if there is a reset to cause all the windows to appear. I am able to use the drop down list to make the inspector and other windows appear but cannot find my files.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    That signals a problem with QMaster, which is most likely something you didn't remove prior to your reinstall. Apple published a document to help troubleshoot this problem, which has been linked to numerous times on this forum.

  • Exporting QT file from FCP with multiple audio channels...?

    Is there a way to export a QT file out of FCP that will not mix down all of your audio? This file could be a FCP QT or just a regular QT, doesn't really matter!
    But If I wanted to edit with self contained Qts that had been synced from a wav file that had 8 tracks, Each from a different mic. How is this possible?
    Thanks in advance.
    Jesse Korosi

    Hi -
    For FCP 7:
    Click on your timeline.
    Type Command - 0 (Zero) and click on the Audio Outputs Tab.
    Change the number of outputs you want, and set the track pairs up as stereo or dual mono, as you want.
    Click OK, a warning dialog box will come up that you can dismiss.
    On the timeline, Option-Click on each audio track right below the auto-select toggle icon, and from the drop down menu, route the track to the desired output track.
    When done, export the Quicktime movie.
    The only way you will verify that all the tracks are there is to either open the exported quicktime in Quicktime pro and menu Window > Show Movie Properties. You'll see the additional tracks listed there -OR- just import the exported movie back into FCP and bring it up in the Viewer, you'll see all the audio tracks.
    Make sure you restore your sequence back to two channel ouput, if you want, when you are done.
    Hope this helps.

  • Output of Quicktime File from FCP 7 for iDVD

    I just finished a client project using FCP 7 and he seems to have issues doing the following (on a MacBook Pro):
    1) Placing the file on the main hard drive
    2) Importing to QuickTime, or iMovie, iDVD
    Ideally, my client would like to have the ability to burn the file onto iDVD.  Is there an Intermediate Codec for SD that may be supported?  My observations so far is the Intermediate Codec is in HD.

    Does your client have the codec needed to read/play the file on his system?

  • Importing xml file from FCP 7.0 to 6.0

    Hi all.
    I am sure many of you have figured this out, but after a few grey hairs today, I was finally able to open a clients project done in FCP 7.0 into my 6.0.
    In text editor you need to open the xml file and change: <xmel version= "5"> to "4". Then save as an xml file and import into FCP. Everything came across fine including renders, effects, etc.

    GOOD TIP! And to add to it:
    #46 - Supported XML versions
    Shane's Stock Answer #46 - Final Cut Pro and versions of XML it supports
    FCP4 supports XML version 1 only
    FCP5 supports XML versions 1 and 2
    FCP5.1 supports XML versions 1, 2 and 3
    FCP6 supports XML versions 1, 2, 3 and 4
    FCP7 supports XML versions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • Recovering file from FCP X

    Hello guys...
    Recently my eternal hard drive decided to call it a day.
    I have been fortunate to recover 98% of teh files.
    However, I was edting a project with FCP X, does anyone know what files names I should be looking for?
    The file names I see are 'Backups', 'Current Project', 'old Versions', 'Render files', 'shared items'
    Any help would be brilliant and appreciated.

    thanks Ian.....will have another look to see what and where.
    Appreciate the feedback...

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