Html mail show image

Hi Experts,
I am trying to send email from pl-sql procedure. The following procedure works,but does not show image,i wantto show the jpg file for message.
Is it possible to show image and how? Please help.
p_sender IN VARCHAR2,
p_recipient IN VARCHAR2,
p_subject IN VARCHAR2,
p_message IN CLOB)
l_mailhost VARCHAR2(255) := '';
l_mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;
v_add_src VARCHAR2(10000);
v_addr VARCHAR2(10000);
slen number := 1;
l_message clob;
crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
i NUMBER(12);
len NUMBER (12);
part NUMBER(12) := 16384;
l_stylesheet CLOB := '<html><head>
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family     : Verdana, Arial;
font-size : 8pt;}
.green { color           : #00AA00;
font-weight : bold;}
.red { color           : #FF0000;
font-weight : bold;}
pre { margin-left     : 10px;}
table { empty-cells     : show;
border-collapse : collapse;
width : 100%;
border : solid 2px #444444;}
td { border          : solid 1px #444444;
font-size : 8pt;
padding : 1px;}
th { background      : #EEEEEE;
border : solid 1px #444444;
font-size : 8pt;
padding : 2px;}
dt { font-weight     : bold; }
<img src="BANKALAR/HALKBANK/GelenSenetDosyalari/KUTLAMA.JPG"/>';
l_mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(l_mailhost,25);
utl_smtp.helo(l_mail_conn, l_mailhost);
utl_smtp.mail(l_mail_conn, p_sender);
if(instr(p_recipient,';') = 0) then
utl_smtp.rcpt(l_mail_conn, p_recipient);
v_add_src := p_recipient || ';';
while(instr(v_add_src,';',slen) > 0) loop
v_addr := substr(v_add_src, slen, instr(substr(v_add_src, slen),';')-1);
slen := slen+instr(substr(v_add_src, slen),';');
Dbms_Output.put_line('rcpt ' || v_addr);
utl_smtp.rcpt(l_mail_conn, v_addr);
end loop;
end if;
--utl_smtp.rcpt(l_mail_conn, p_recipient);
utl_smtp.open_data(l_mail_conn );
'MIME-version: 1.0' || crlf ||
'Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9 ' || crlf || -- charset=ISO-8859-9
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' || crlf ||
'Date: ' || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
'From: ' || p_sender || crlf ||
'Subject: '|| p_subject || crlf ||
'To: ' || p_recipient || crlf);
utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_mail_conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_stylesheet));
i := 1;
len := DBMS_LOB.getLength(p_message);
WHILE (i < len) LOOP
utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_mail_conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(DBMS_LOB.SubStr(p_message,part, i)));
i := i + part;
utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_mail_conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw('</body></html>'));
utl_smtp.close_data(l_mail_conn );
Thanks a lot

Thank you for your replay, it is helpful for me, i examine the examples, they are explain how to insert jpg file as an attachment(i tried attached and it succeed)
but i want to show the jpg as the message body, so my problem is continue, do you have any other suggestion?

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    Could any body tell me how to send HTML mail with images in "multipart/related" message,if any body can give the code ,it would be helpful.

    Could any body tell me how to send HTML mail with
    ith images in "multipart/related" message,if any body
    can give the code ,it would be helpful.
    Refer to
    I've found it very helpful.
    Look at the last part for a code showing how to send HTML mail!

  • Send HTML mail with image

    Hi experts and gurus,
    how can I send an HTML email which is displaying an image in the HTML context (table)?
    I'm using the 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' like below:
          document_data              = ls_doc_data
          document_type              = 'HTM'
          put_in_outbox                = 'X'
          commit_work                 = 'X'
          object_content             = gt_mail_body
          receivers                  = gt_receiver .
    I think that might switch to function module 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1', but I have no clue how to set up the PACKING_LIST properly and to incorporate the image into the HTML code afterwards.
    Can anybody help me?
    Regards, Steffen

    I am also trying to send the image in the mail body but the image is not being displayed in the mail.
    I am using cl_bcs class to send the image as the attachment in the mail and the body content but the
    image is not being displayed instead all I can see a box with red cross however, the attached gets open.
    But it is not able to find the image source I guess.
    I am using Lotus notes to check the mail.
    Please help me ......
    I am uploading the image file from desktop into my code then I am attaching it in the mail.
    Please let me know the solution
    The code is as follows :
    REPORT  ztest_mail_544.
    DATA: l_send_request         TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
            l_document             TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
            l_sender               TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs,
            l_sub                  TYPE char50,
            l_recipient            TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
            tl_contents            TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soli,
            tl_reciev              TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF somlreci1,
            lp_encrypt             TYPE bcsd_encr,
            wa_contents            TYPE solisti1,
            l_doc_len              TYPE so_obj_len,
            l_cnt                  TYPE sy-tabix,
            l_rcv_email            TYPE adr6-smtp_addr,
            l_result               TYPE sy-binpt,
            l_bcs_exception        TYPE REF TO cx_bcs,
            l_subj                 TYPE string,
            l_doc                  TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
            e_result               TYPE sr_state,
            ls_receivers           TYPE somlreci1,
            ll_text                TYPE uname.
    DATA filename TYPE string .
    DATA : it_tab TYPE solix_tab.
    filename = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\otter.jpg'.
        filename                      = filename
        filetype                      = 'BIN'
        data_tab                      = it_tab
       file_open_error               = 1
       file_read_error               = 2
       no_batch                      = 3
       gui_refuse_filetransfer       = 4
       invalid_type                  = 5
       no_authority                  = 6
       unknown_error                 = 7
       bad_data_format               = 8
       header_not_allowed            = 9
       separator_not_allowed         = 10
       header_too_long               = 11
       unknown_dp_error              = 12
       access_denied                 = 13
       dp_out_of_memory              = 14
       disk_full                     = 15
       dp_timeout                    = 16
       OTHERS                        = 17
    wa_contents-line = 'Mail containing pics <br/>'.
    APPEND wa_contents TO tl_contents.
    CLEAR wa_contents.
    wa_contents-line = '<p><img src="otter.jpg" width="304" height="228"></img > </p><br/>'.
    APPEND wa_contents TO tl_contents.
    *-- Create persistent send request
        l_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
           tl_contents[] = it_mail_body[].
    *-- Get the length of the Document
        DESCRIBE TABLE tl_contents LINES l_cnt.
        READ TABLE tl_contents INTO wa_contents INDEX l_cnt.
        l_doc_len = ( l_cnt - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( wa_contents ).
    *-- Subject of the mail
        CLEAR l_sub.
        l_sub = 'test mail for image'.
        l_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                     i_type       = 'HTM'
                     i_text       = tl_contents
                     i_length     = l_doc_len
                     i_subject    = l_sub
                     i_language   = sy-langu
                     i_importance = '9' ).
    *-- Add document to send request
        CALL METHOD l_send_request->set_document( l_document ).
    *-- Don't send delivery info for successful mails
        CALL METHOD l_send_request->set_status_attributes
            i_requested_status = 'E'
            i_status_mail      = 'A'.
    *-- Set sender
        l_sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( 'HR_SUPPORT' ).
        CALL METHOD l_send_request->set_sender
            i_sender = l_sender.
        DATA : i_attachment_type    TYPE  soodk-objtp,
               i_attachment_subject TYPE  sood-objdes .
        DATA : t_attachment TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF  solix.
           l_att_type = i_attachment_type.
           l_subject  = i_attachment_subject.
            i_attachment_type = 'jpg'.
            t_attachment[] = it_tab[].
            l_doc = l_document .
            i_attachment_type = space.
            i_attachment_subject = 'otter.jpg'.
            CALL METHOD l_doc->add_attachment
                i_attachment_type    = i_attachment_type
                i_attachment_subject = i_attachment_subject
                i_att_content_hex    = t_attachment.
          CATCH cx_document_bcs.
        l_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address('xyz' ).
        CALL METHOD l_send_request->add_recipient
            i_recipient  = l_recipient
            i_express    = 'X'
            i_copy       = ''
            i_blind_copy = ''.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
        CALL METHOD l_send_request->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).
    *-- Send Email
        CALL METHOD l_send_request->send(
              i_with_error_screen = 'X'
              result              = l_result ).
        COMMIT WORK.
      CATCH cx_bcs INTO l_bcs_exception.
        write : 'mail not sent '.

  • In BCS HTML mail images are broken

    HI experts,
    I'm using the BCS calls to send out nice looking HTML which also includes one logo.
    Internally, in our LAN, the mails are looking quite nice and the image/logo is displayed correctly (MS Outlook)
    When external users using Lotus Notes try to open such an HTML mail, the image is attached correctly to the mail, but it isn't displayed, just a broken image picture. There's no chance to make the image visible inside the mail, they can just open the attached image itself, outside the mail context.
    Question is now how can I reach that the image is displayed correctly? If this is not possible at all, how can realize that the Lotus Notes users get a "Show Images" link (security restriction - add sender to safe senders)???
    Please find my current coding below, do I miss a parameter some where???
    Best regards, Steffen
    "Create Mail Document
      l_subject = 'Expiring Authorization Notification'.
          lr_email_body = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                                           i_type = 'HTM'
                                           i_text = i_mailtext
                                           i_subject = l_subject ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs .
      "Add attachment to mail  
                    i_attachment_type     = 'GIF'
                    i_attachment_subject  = 'sap_logo'
                    i_att_content_hex     = pick_data ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs .
      "Create mail object
          lr_email = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs .
      "Set email document
          lr_email->set_document( lr_email_body ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs .
      "Set status attribute for read receipt
      "Read receipt should also be disabled in TCODE SCOT
      "N  No Status Is to Be Returned, suppress also in SOST
      "E  Only Error Statuses Are to Be Returned
      "A  Return All Statuses
      l_request_status  = 'N'.
      l_status_mail     = 'N'.
      "Set that you don't need a Return Status E-mail
                  i_requested_status = l_request_status    "E=suppress read receipt N=suppress also in SOST
                  i_status_mail      = l_status_mail ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs .
            lr_receiver = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( l_mail_address ).
          CATCH cx_address_bcs .
            lr_email->add_recipient( i_recipient = lr_receiver ).
          CATCH cx_send_req_bcs .
      "If not imported create BCS sender from sy-uname
      IF i_sender IS INITIAL.
            l_sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
          CATCH cx_address_bcs .
        l_sender = i_sender.
      "Set Sender
          lr_email->set_sender( l_sender ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs .
      "Send email directly
          lr_email->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs .
      "Now send the mail
          l_send_result = lr_email->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs .

    I also had this problem with the Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql install.
    I battled with this for a while, I manged to get the images displayed etc.. by adding the following directive in httpd.conf
    <Directory "/yourpath/Apache/Apache/apex/images/">
    allow from all
    Still playing around with it - perhaps I need to dig further/security rules etc..
    But at least its something.

  • Download images in HTML mail

    I have my HTML mail set to not download images automatically, and it's always worked fine... load the email to begin with, BB key > Load images > wait a few seconds > eureka, email and images all download.
    Since approx 36hours now, this has stopped working. I've tried a few reboots, hopped between mobile-network & WiFi connections, sent new HTML mails, toggled the various options off/on.. alas it's totally random but has stopped reliably working... Now, it works for a little while but then "load images" option has precisely no effect. The only consistent factor that is always involved is, I guess, BIS.
    I appreciate this might need formally reporting to my network, but... anyone else having similar problems? Email send/receive & internet browsing (with images) all absolutely fine...

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    With a strong carrier network signal (e.g., not merely WiFi), I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (steps 1 and 2 each should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
    1) Register HRT
    KB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
    Please wait for one "registration" message to arrive to your Messages app
    2) Delete and Resend Service Books
    KB05000Delete the service book for the BlackBerry Internet Service email account from the BlackBerry smartphone
    If you have no CMIME entry, then skip the deletion
    KB02830 Send the service books for the BlackBerry Internet Service
    Please wait for "Activation" Messages, one per already configured email account, to arrive in your Messages. If you have no already configured email accounts, please wait 1 hour.
    3) Reboot
    With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes.
    See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    Hopefully that will get things going again for you! If not, then you should try deleting and re-adding your configurations for the affected email accounts. Otherwise, you should contact your mobile service provider for formal support.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
    BSCF General Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
    Knowledge Base Updates
    PIN: C0005A9AA   Display/Scan Bar Code

  • Load remote images in html mail setting does not get saved. I have to turn it off every time I log in. Is this a bug?

    Load remote images in html mail setting does not get saved. I have to turn it off every time I log in. Is this a bug?

    Plug your phone into the wall charger for at least 30 minutes...make sure you have a sim card in the phone...then:
    Leave the USB cable connected to your computer, but NOT your phone, iTunes running, press & hold the home button while connecting the USB cable to your dock connector, continue holding the home button until you see “Connect to iTunes” on the screen. You may now release the home button. iTunes should now display that it has detected your phone in recovery mode, if not quit and reopen iTunes. If you still don’t see the recovery message repeat these steps again. iTunes will give you the option to restore from a backup or set up as new.
    Make sure you have no anti-virus software running or any firewalls...turn all of that stuff off.

  • Using Safari to send HTML Mail message but Mail keeps dropping images?

    I'd like to use Safari to send html Mail messages, but when I click on File>Mail Contents... Mail opens a new window but my graphics are gone. (I'm creating the html pages using MS Word for the Mac.) I get a flash of the graphics for a second, and then they are replaced by a little blue lego. Any ideas? I've tried all kinds of mail preferences but nothing seems to help.

    Figured it out (at least one way): had to load the image to a server and then add the image as a link only (uncheck "save picture with document" box).

  • Send HTML mail with an image

    Hi there,
    I'm trying to send html mail with an image. I'm able to see the image but in another section, at the very bottom of my message. Is it possible to display the image in the main part of my message ?
    Here my code :
    MimeMultipart multi = new MimeMultipart();
    BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    String htmlText = <H1>Test</H1><img src=\"cid:image\">";
    messageBodyPart.setContent(htmlText, "text/html");
    MimeBodyPart imagePart = new MimeBodyPart();
    DataSource fds = new FileDataSource("C:\\Resources\\Templates\\logo.jpg");
    imagePart.setFileName( "geologo.jpg" );
    imagePart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));

    How many different e-mail clients have you tested that with?

  • Embedding images in html mail

    Is there a sample anywhere that shows how to send an html email with images where the images are embedded int he displayed html?
    thanks - dave

  • Rendered html pages in results file(html) not showing the images of origina

    rendered html pages in results file(html) not showing the images of original page
    when i click on rendered html pages of different html section of a results file.
    both master and tested as well.

    By design, the report will not show the images, will not apply imported css or javascript files and will not show framesets. Also, in the case that an image is shown there is no guarantee that that was the image that was seen when recording/playback the script.
    The rendered html pages that are shown in the report only contains the structure of the html page. If an image is shown the image will be a reference to the location of the image and not a saved copy of the image as part of the report. If the website has a simple structure this can give an idea of what was different. If the website relies extensively on images, stylesheets or javascript to present the information then this report feature becomes less useful.
    Few weeks ago I requested a feature request in order to be able to see in the report the page exactly as it was when recording the script and exactly as it was when the script was played back. In the way that the feature request was written it specifies the use of screen captures or saving the page as a pdf file.

  • Setting html content with setContent() does never show images

    I've an application set sets dynamically generated html-content in a webview node by using the webengine.setContent() method. This generated html content uses image-tags.
    Here's the problem: the image is not displayed. I tried all variations (absolute url like "http://localhost/c:/test.png" or "file://c:/test.png", relative urls like "test.png" with png in jar-file).
    Anyone out there who has a workaround for me? I appreciate any comment.

    one non-working apple <img src="apple.png"> You loaded the page content with loadcontent, then inside the page content provided a relative url. This is likely an error.
    The question is, what is this url relative to?
    The answer is either likely undefined as no protocol was used to load the page content and so it can't be determined how to load the relative url resource.
    and two non-working peaches <img src="http://localhost/c:/peaches.png">
    You attempted to load content using the http protocol server on the localhost, but you have no such server on the host, so this cannot work.
    and a working remote image url <img src="">
    This works because you fully specified how to load the content by providing the protocol and valid resource reference.
    OK, so the question remains how do you images from the local drive?
    There are three options for this in the following code.
    package org.jewelsea.examples.webviewlocal;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.*;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane;
    import javafx.scene.web.WebView;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    /** Example of a webview loading resources from the file system. */
    public class WebViewLocal extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    //    URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new HandlerFactory());
      public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
        final FlowPane layout = new FlowPane();
        WebView webView = new WebView();
    //    webView.getEngine().load("jar:file:///C:\\dev\\javafx\\JavaFXidea\\out\\artifacts\\JavaFXidea_jar\\JavaFXidea.jar!/org/jewelsea/examples/webviewlocal/timeforgotten.html");
    //    webView.getEngine().load("resource:///org/jewelsea/examples/webviewlocal/timeforgotten.html");
        webView.getEngine().getLoadWorker().exceptionProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Throwable>() {
          @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Throwable> observableValue, Throwable oldThrowable, Throwable newThrowable) {
            System.out.println("Load exception: " + newThrowable);
        // layout the scene.
        Scene scene = new Scene(layout, 1000, 600);
    }which loads the following html file:
      <style type="text/css">p { color: sienna; font-size: 20px; text-align: center; }</style>
    <body bgcolor="cornsilk">
        On either side the river lie,<br/>
        Long fields of barley and of rye,<br/>
        And through the fields a road runs by,<br/>
        To many towered Camelot.
    <p><img src="camelot.jpg"/></p>
    </html>If you want to test this example the camelot.jpg image is downloadable from
    Option 1: The file:// protocol for lookup from the filesystem.
    This is the most straight-forward as it is just based on standard html layout in the filesystem - just place your html and it's relative referenced images somewhere in your filesystem in locations relative to each other - if your browser loads it properly, then your webengine will to if you give it the right file:// path.
    In the case of file:///C:\\dev\\gettingstarted\\timeforgotten.html, timeforgotten.html is placed in c:\dev\gettingstarted and camelot.jpg image is placed in the same directory.
    Option 2: The jar:file:// protocol for lookup from a jar hosted on the filesystem.
    This makes use of the to find your resources.
    If your application resources are packaged in a jar file (could be the same jar file as your main application class) then you can reference the jar file through the file protocol, then pick out the resources packaged in the jar file via their relative paths.
    Option 3: The resource:// protocol for lookup based on the classpath.
    This type of resource lookup is the one most Java programmers are familiar with - a classloader is used to load a resource. The pattern is widely used in web application frameworks on the server. But usually the means to do this is via a classloader.getResource() call, not via a URL.
    Java does not, by default, have a URL protocol handler for looking up resources on the classpath, so if you want to do this, it is necessary to create your own protocol and install it.
    The installation function is the commented out line: // URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new HandlerFactory());
    It is a system wide call for the VM and should be called (just once) before any URL Connections are established.
    To get this to work I used a resource handler from which included the following classes: on how all this works are in which defines "A New Era for Java Protocol Handlers" by defining a URL handler extension mechanism which is hardly ever used.
    As a final note to my way overly long forum post, when the WebEngine doesn't process the urls sometimes you can get info on what went wrong via the monitoring the loadWorker's exception property, but sometimes I was able to get more complete stack traces by trying to open a connection on a URL to see if I had got the URL correct - for example:
        URL url = new URL("jar:file:///C:\\dev\\javafx\\JavaFXidea\\out\\artifacts\\JavaFXidea_jar!/org/jewelsea/examples/webviewlocal/timeforgotten.html");
        url.openConnection();Anyway, just using the file:// protocol in webEngine.load() will probably accomplish what you need.
    Note that if it is a webstart or browser embedded app, then you'll need to sign it if you want to access the local file system.

  • How to Show images in mail box with java mail??????????

    Hello everyone,
    Iam sending mail using java, my mail format consisit of colored text and images,that should be diplsyed to reciever in mail box,my code is working fine reciever gets mail in inbox but problem is when we recieve mail like that images doesnot show up in the mail automaticaly,when i click on show images link in my mail box only then images become visible,i tested my mail in gmail,rediff and yahoo and in all cases i have to mannually click on "show images" link to view images that i sent with my mail,why so? is this due to security reasons in mailbox??? can i write such code that can overcome this problem i.e my images shows directly in anymailbox without clicking on showimages link.
    Please help.

    anie wrote:
    can i write such code that can overcome this problem i.e my images shows directly in anymailbox without clicking on showimages link.No. That's a security function of the browser, and not something you can control.
    On another note, please refrain from posting unnecessary, excessive punctuation. It only clutters up your message, which isn't a good thing. Thanks!

  • Mail does not show images anymore server stopped responding on my iPad 2 when attempting to browse web

    Over the last couple of days my ipad 2 has started to play up. First the mail would not show images in mail then when trying to browse the web it now will not open any pages. I have attempted a wipe & reload but still no difference.

    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iPad?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after It shuts down, press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds).

  • Sample Java  Code to send an HTML mail with embeded image

    Please can I get a sample Java code on sending an HTML mail with embeded image.
    The HTML message and relevant input parameters withhbe supplied from a PL/SQL that will call the class , the class will embed the image and send the mail to the recepient.

    tev wrote:
    Please can I get a sample Java codeNo. This is a forum, not a code mill.
    Recommended reading: How to ask questions the smart way

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    If you want to display attached pictures as icons, close Apple Mail, open Terminal, issue this command
    defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes
    To get back to the default picture view, close Apple Mail, open Terminal, issue this command
    defaults delete DisableInlineAttachmentViewing

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