HTML5 errors

we have a training website which uses FlowPlayer to display videos which are MP4 files saved as web optimized. After extensive testing we have so many folks who are using FireFox and are unable to access all videos and or get error messages as follows:
HTML5: Videofilenotfound
After doing a few searches for solutions it seems this is a serious issue for many people with Firefox and Chrome. Both PC and MAC. We've tried all the solutions in adding tags, adjusting the htaccess file and nothing works. Ironically, IE 7-9 play the videos without a problem. So does Safari. Makes me chuckle as we normally anticipate problems with both these browsers.
There must be a solution or update Mozilla can offer to resolve this issue. Anyone have thoughts how we can resolve this? We have over 500 participants logging in for a distance learning training and have to specify not using Firefox.
Thanks in advance for your programming expertise.

Could you check Firefox's consoles to see whether you can get more detailed error messages when the video doesn't load?
* Web Console (from Tools > Web Developer or try Command+Shift+k) -- this shows requests and responses, and clicking the URL shows the HTTP headers including content-type, which might be relevant.
* Browser Console (from Tools > Web Developer or try Command+Shift+j) -- this is somewhat duplicative of the Web Console, but may show slightly different errors.

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  • Trying to embed a video file in HTML5: ERROR=No video with supported format and MIME type found?

    Hello all!
    I am desparate for a solution. I am testing my site on Firefox and Explorer and still no sign of a functional video yet.
    Firefox: I get the error: No video with supported format and MIME type found.
    Explorer: I just get a distorted layout.
    Here is the code I am working on:
    <table id="Table_01" width="480" height="801" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td colspan="6">
                <img src="images/Video_01.jpg" width="480" height="114" alt=""></td>
            <td rowspan="3">
                <img src="images/Video_02.jpg" width="52" height="486" alt=""></td>
            <td colspan="4">
               <video controls width="376" height="221">
                 <source src="C:\Users\aalmeida\Videos\AEMC PEL 103 6 Channel, Power & Energy Logger - with Display (Part 1).mp4" type="Video/Mp4"/>
                 <source src="C:\Users\aalmeida\Videos\AEMC PEL 103 6 Channel, Power & Energy Logger - with Display (Part 1).webm" type="Video/WebM"/>
                 <source src="C:\Users\aalmeida\Videos\AEMC PEL 103 6 Channel, Power & Energy Logger - with Display (Part 1).oggtheora.ogv" type="Video/Ogg"/>
    Please tell me that there is something missing in the code. I have spent a lot of time uninstalling-updating Firefox plugins, added MIME types in the Internet Information Manager (I'm on Windows 7)
    and  seriuously hit a dead end with this!
    Any advice would be muchly appreciated!!!

    As Jon said, you must declare the page as HTML5.
    And your server may not be set up to deliver video as a binary file if it is an .OGG file. I have not seen this problem with .MP4 or .M4V in the past, but every server is a little different.
    To add a MIME type, you need to change your .htaccess file on an Apache server thusly:
    AddType audio/ogg .oga
    AddType video/ogg .ogv
    AddType application/ogg .ogg
    AddHandler application-ogg .ogg .ogv .oga
    Additionally, MIME types can usually be changed on a server's Control Panel. One can also ask one's hosting provider to do this as well.
    Firefox makes it necessary to use OGG files. Webkit-based browsers will deal with .M4V or .MP4 and I understand Internet Exploder will work with the latter two as well.

  • HTML5 error

    I have added HTML5 video to my Muse site and it works find in site preview, but it would not work after uploaded to the server and the error message is "The video could not be loaded, wither because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported." ...Thank you.

    What is the url of the site? let us check.

  • Possible Bug with Drag-and-Drop Being Published via HTML5 - Getting "Undefined" Error When Dragging Object

    I came up with a way to use drag-and-drop interactions that will take advantage of file input so that I may create a drag-and-drop interaction that uses one draggable object over and over allowing multiple scoring/tracking possibilities.  Example having the draggable object be dynamic in that it randomly changes its text so that a learner can drag a term it's possible classification.........thus allowing the possibility of having many terms easily loaded without having to redo a drag-and-drop interaction for each needed terms/classifications updates/changes.
    My Issue: When using a variable to represent the text for a draggable Smart Shape object, I'm getting the error message "undefined" when, clicking/pressing on the object, as well as during the drag of the object. This issue occurs when publishing the project in an HTML5 format.  Flash interestingly enough seems to work perfect...but we are not interested in publishing via Flash any longer.
    To better help you explore this error message, I've set up a test project so that you can see when and how the "undefined" message shows up during a drag-and-drop interaction.  I've also included the Captivate 8 project file used to make the exploration project I'm sharing in this post.
    Link to Captivate project I created for you all to explore "undefined" error message":
    Link to this Captivate 8 Project file:
    It's pretty interesting how things react in this demo, please try the following actions to see some interesting happenings:
    Drag the Yellow (or variable drag box) to the drag target.
    Drag Black Hello square to Drag target and click undo or reset - watch the undefined message come up on the Yellow (or variable drag box).
    Drag the Yellow (or variable drag box) to the drag target and then use the undo or reset.
    Move both draggable boxes to the drag target and use the undo and reset buttons...
    Anyhow, I know you all are sharp and will run the demo through its paces.
    I'd really be very honored if anyone help me figure out how I could (when publishing out to HTML5) no longer have the "undefined" error message show up when using drag-and-drop with a variable for shape text. This technique has been well received at the college I work at...and I have many future project requests for using such an idea on a variety of similar interactions. I'd love see a solution or see if this might be a bug Adobe may be able to fix!
    I tried to find a solution to the issue documented here for quite some time, but I was not able to find anyone with this problem much less attempting the idea I'm sharing in the help request -  save the darn "undefined" message that comes up!
    Many thanks in advance for any help and/or direction that you all may be able to provide,

    I just wanted to supply a minor update related to my drag-and-drop question/issue stated above:
    I did another test using Captivate 7, and found that the undefined error (publishing as HTML5) does not appear and the variable data remains visible - except the variable data turns very small and does not honor any font size related settings.
    I did go ahead and submit this to Adobe as a possible bug today.
    Thanks again for any help related to this issue.  If the issued documented above is solved, it will allow many amazing things to be done using Captivate's drag-and-drop for both regular type projects as well as interaction development for iBooks! 
    Matter of fact if this issue gets fixed, I'll publish a Blog entry (or video) on way's I've used Captivate's drag-and-drop to create dynamic learning activities for Higher Ed. and for use in iBooks.
    ~ Paul

  • Error on export from Flash CC to Javascript/HTML5

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    An unexpected error occurred during export. [NOSYMB (innerWheel)]
    innerWheel is a movieClip that contains 784 frames of frame by frame animation. The elements that animate are the small letters (text saved as movieClips) and background to the small letters. See below - capital letters stay fixed in place.
    I can't find any information on what NOSYMB means. Has anyone else had the same problem?
    When I query the instance:
    I get this message in the console (Safari):
    [Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.innerWheel.visible')
    Any help is much appreciated. I'm tearing my hair out.

    I isolated the problem to a particular range of frames, removed those and rebuilt the animation. I can now publish with no errors.
    Still no idea what exactly was causing the error. When I inspected each instance on the stage they looked fine. But at least I'm not getting an error so all good.
    Would still be great to know what NOSYMB refers to though.

  • Error loading player html5 player not found safari

    (Ipad Air Cellular 64gb)
    The problem is : it is impossible to read and run the streaming video ('KTO en direct') on the site  ''  with the Safari or Google Chrome Web Browsers. The message error is as follows : ' Error loading player html5 player not found '.
    So, the problem is not depending on Web Brower used but it is due to the operating system (iOS 7).
    However, this streaming video is running very well with a PC equipped with the OS Windows 7 whatever the Web Browsers used (Firefox, Google Chrome, IE11).
    I think it is important to indicate this bug to Apple !
    Thank you in advance for your support.

    This sounds like a website bug possibly. What site?

  • Error Loading Player: HTML5 player not found

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    This sounds like a website bug possibly. What site?

  • When I publish a SWF/HTML5 module with Captivate 8 and try to run it using IE9 - I get the following error "The content you are viewing is not supported in the current Document Mode" - anyone know why?

    When I publish a SWF/HTML5 module with Captivate 8 and try to run it using IE9 - I get the following error "The content you are viewing is not supported in the current Document Mode" - anyone know why?

    TLCMediaDesign wrote:
    I've seen a lot of threads about getting rid of these kind of messages. Those messages are there for a reason most of the time. If you have CSS animations or other HTML5 standards that cannot be rendered in IE9 they won't magically start working becuse you got rid of a message. I use IE9 since that is the minimum standard for the client. I have never seen that message publishing to HTML5 content.
    IMO, if your client has IE9 I think that you should develop with IE9 in mind not IE11.
    When you say "develop with IE9 in mind not IE11" do you mean use SWF instead of HTML5? I used the standard question types, and a converted PowerPoint presentation. I didn't add anything out of the ordinary.

  • Error messages svg-plugin HTML5-pack for Illustrator

    I just added the HTML5 Pack to Illustrator.
    I get two error messages every time I open Illustrator:
    "error loading plugins SVG file format.aip"
    "Operation cannot be complete because of an unknown error."
    The problem appears on every start of illustrator.
    I use Illustrator CS5 15.0.2
    I use Windows7
    I checked: all the new files (4x plugin, 1x support/content) are in the right place.
    Can anyone help me with this??

    And moreover: after installing the HTML5-pack: the new features (that are promised by Adobe) are not there.
    I tried to restore Illustrator to the state it was in, before I installed the HTML5-pack, by replacing the 5 new files by the old/original ones.
    But that does not help.
    I keep getting error-messages, illustrator keeps telling me to restart because of new plugins, and the menu-item displaying all the panels is a mess.
    I'm really getting pissed here.
    Please help me

  • Error message when viewing HTML5 on IE10

    I have a simulation created in Captivate 6 and publisged in HTML5. I have incorporated the HTML5 output into a Lectora file, published as SCORM and loaded to our LMS. When I try to view the Captivate simulation, I get an error message that states "The browser does not support some of the content in the file you are trying to use. Use one of the following broswers: Internet Explorer 9 or above." However, I was on Internet Explorere 10 when I got the message. Any ideas?

    I haven't completely solved this yet, but I have determined what is going on - at least in my situation. I discovered that our LMS provider has a setting to force any IE browser down to IE7. So, if someone views the course on IE 8 or above, then the LMS automatically pushes the browser down to IE7. HTML5 can only be viewed on IE 9 or above. So, even when I would go in to view the course on IE10, the LMS makes IE10 think it is IE7 and the HTML5 code doesn't work with IE7. I'm having our LMS admin work with our provider to see if we can change this setting. You may want to check with your provider to see if they are doing something similar.

  • Switch to  HTML5 - Posting to Finance - SRT: HTTP error: ("HTTP Code 401: Unauthorized - Details see in error log of transaction SRTUTIL")

    Hi SAP,
    I've switch my tenant to HTML5 and now the postings are not going through. I've not changed anything in the communication arrangement, I kept everything i had when working in silverlight, but the postings have stop working.
    thank you in advance,
    Teresa Rosa

    Dear Rosa,
    Are you trying to post Expense reports to ERP System and you are getting this error?
    Error Unauthorized (401) generally means the User ID in ERP backend maintained in outbound communication is not valid. Could you please check if the user is valid in ERP with the proper roles and its password is well maintained? If this is well maintained, Check Connection should return Ping Successful.
    Once the ping is successful on communication arrangement "SAP ERP Financials using IDoc"
    Go to work center Postings, Show Posted Reports. Find report & select it. Select the below tab Request a Transfer Restart.
    Please feel free to write to us in case of any further clarification required.

  • Captivate 7 - Published HTML5 for mobile fine on laptop but 404 error on mobile devices

    I published a Captivate 7 project in HTML5 for mobile devices and transfered the folder with all the subfolders and files to my web server using FTP and FileZilla. The project plays fine in multiple browsers on laptop and desktop computers. However, iPhones, iPads, and Android tablets opening the same URL get the error: "404: Page Not Found - Sorry the page you are looking for does not exist". Here is the link:
    My project
    Did I transfer the files incorrectly? Is there a setting I should change on my web space provider ( Are there other settings I should be using when I publish? I'm relatively new to Captivate and I've tried the tutorials and help pages and can't seem to find any helpful information. Any help would be great! Thanks!
    - James
    Update on 1/1/13 - I submitted a support ticket with my web space provider ( and they were able to update the  ".htaccess code" and the project works. Anyone with similar issues, contact your web hosting provider, or if you are knowledgeable and able, the .htaccess code needs to be updated.

    Do you know what the .htaccess code was for? I am uploading to an LMS, and get no error message on tablets, no message at all. Just blank. Does this .htaccess code apply to LMS, do you know?

  • Javascript "out of memory" error when publishing for HTML5

    I've created a Flash animation using the "HTML5 Canvas" format in Flash Pro CC. When I publish the file,  I get the following cryptic error:
    While executing main.jsfl, the following Javascript error(s) occurred:
    At line 56 of file "Publish.jsfl":
    out of memory
    I have no idea what this means. I have a brand new 27" iMac running OSX Mavericks, with 16GB of memory. I tried restarting the computer and still get the error. It's a two-minute animation with quick cuts between about twenty different short little shots/scenes. The file exports fine as a .mov video file, for example, so I don't understand why it says I don't have enough memory.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    If you get that error that quickly that sounds pretty suspect to me as well.
    When you rendered your .mov did you set it to render in RAM or Disk from the settings during export? If you rendered it in RAM, something else is going on.
    If there's nothing proprietary in the animation I'd be happy to try to export it on Windows to isolate it to a potential OSX issue. I have a 16GB and 32GB system with Win64 Flash CC on it I can try. Just post a link or private message a link and I'll give it a try.
    Typically export issues are related to ADT limited to 128MB ram by default but it doesn't seem likely CreateJS or JSFL would utilize it. Just for fun you may want to increase the default size of the JVM at this path:
    /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CC/<language>/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0/jvm.ini
    Close Flash, open that file, increase the value from 128 to say, 384:
    Save the file, restart Flash. See if it can export.

  • Error msg says browser does not support HTML5 video. My FF and Flash up to date. Now what?

    Accessing bird nest cam on Cornell website. Plays well on PC. For my Samsung phone error says "==browser does not support html5" Updated FF for Android and Flash for Android, restarted phone and got same error message. Settings set for tap to play. Help

    Hi midlovines
    We need more troubleshooting details to help you:
    # What Android phone or tablet are you using? What version of Android OS (4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.1-3 jelly bean, 4.4 kitkat or 5.0 lollipop etc)
    # Please provide the URL of the "bird nest cam on Cornell website"

  • HTML5 throwing up error message with IE9

    I've published some courseware as HTML5 and Flash, in a folder.  When I run the "index.html" file, I get a message about this only working with IE 9, Safari, etc.  However, this is in IE9.  When I close the error message, I get an arrow to play the course anyway, but I'm wondering if others are seeing this message.
    Does the device-detect only work in an LMS, and not when you run the course from a folder?

    When my colleague tested it, she got this message:
    The problem seems to be RoboHelp interacting with the browser.
    When I launch the project from the browser, I can correct the problem by following the instructions above.
    When I use RoboHelp's preview mode to test the link to the Captivate file, it defaults to FireFox (though IE 9 is my default browser).  In the preview screen, you can't see which browser is in use.  When I click View With and choose IE 9, the problem is corrected.
    Thanks for your suggestions.

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