I have created a blog at
I use it to keep development notes for htmldb.
Beging an Oracle forms developer, i often wonder how to apply forms logic to htmldb. I try to give concrete code examples of how to accomplish certain tasks, for example creating a pre-update trigger, or creating a hyperlink to a page within an application.
I try to keep it short and sweet.
This is my first blog so bare with me as i'm learning.
Please feel free to look and post.

Hi Jari,
After scouring the web for days, the above seems to work for my tabular form autocomplete.
The only problem is that it only works on existing records.
Is there anyway to get this to work with new records as well?
Please help,

Similar Messages

  • Blogging tool for HTMLDB

    Can anyone recommend a blogging tool to create a blog in HTMLDB?

    Thanks for the replies!
    In response to Robert, I was looking for a tool similar to blogspot, but
    one designed to work in an application type environment (from our server) - one that our security guys won't go ballistic over. I am very new to blogs, never even used one, so I barely know how they work.
    Zvika, my original thought was to create one in HTMLDB, but since I quickly realized I don't have a clue where to begin, I went searching for one already built. I was hoping someone had already developed one for HTMLDB :o) If you have the time to help me create one, even if it's just to give me a starting point, that would be great! I'm not in a rush; there's no requirement for us to have one at this point,
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  • Htmldb application export to ApEx

    We are going to upgrade our htmldb 1.6 to Application Express 3.0. Since apex will be running in a new machine we have to import htmldb export file to our new apex environment. The question is, can it be done?
    Best wishes

    Hi Kristin,
    Yes problem at all.
    Your APEX administrator can export the workspaces (if it's important for you to maintain the same workspace information, such as cookie users etc), also you can use the APEX interface to export your individual applications, or if you have a lot of applications you can use the APEXExport command to automate the task for you.
    You can use the usual DB tools to export your schema and data, such as exp/imp, or my personal favorite datapump (if you've never used datapump, it rocks for migrating data between servers).
    I wrote a blog post about APEXExport a while ago, which you might find useful -
    Hope this helps,

  • Third Party Products for HTMLDB

    Are there any third party products for HTMLDB?

    Previously I posted for information for :
    I was wondering if it has any applications modules for features like:
    Discussion Forums
    Basic CMS Features (Authoring, Versioning, Workflow approval)
    Download File lists
    Aslo, what tools/techniques are there for making your own copy protected application modules for HTMLDB?
    Thank you for your kind assistance.
    Colin Sheppard.

  • Htmldb csv import using apex_plsql_jobs

    Hi I am using the csv_file_upload tool from :
    When I press on the upload button to upload the csv file and put it in an htmldb_collection I want it to run inside a apex_plsql_job. Since when I try to upload a csv larger then 4 a 5000 rows I run into the apache webserver timeout.
      l_sql               varchar2 ( 4000 );
      l_job               number;
      l_sql            :=
                csv_util.upload (
         p_file_name       => ''' || :p1_file || ''',
         p_collection_name => ''' || 'CSV_DATA' || ''',
         p_enc_by          => ''' || :p1_enclosed  || ''',
         p_sep_by          => ''' || :p1_separator || ''',
         p_rows            => ''' || :p1_lines  || '''
       l_job            :=
            apex_plsql_job.submit_process (
                   p_sql => l_sql,
                   p_when => sysdate,
                   p_status => 'Background process submitted'
      when others
        raise_application_error ( -20001, 'An error was encountered - ' || sqlcode || ' -ERROR- ' || sqlerrm );
    18-10-2013 12:59:21
    18-10-2013 12:59:21
    18-10-2013 12:59:24
    Background process submitted
    18-10-2013 12:59:24
    I see that the job is completed but even with 1 row in the csv file it's get never processed. Without the apex_plsql_job the sample application that came with the csv upload tool works fine.

    APEX_PLSQL_JOB is a wrapper for DBMS_JOB.
    Everything that is true for DBMS_JOB applies to APEX_PLSQL_JOB.
    If you read the free documentation regarding APEX_PLSQL_JOB, you will realize that the process runs outside of any APEX environment.
    This means that the job does not have access to your session's collections.
    basically, you need to put EVERYTHING in the process that you call.  Including the final INSERT ... SELECT statement.
    due to the potential complexity, you are best putting this in a procedure (in a package) and calling that procedure via APEX_PLSQL_JOB.
    since you have parameters, you'll need to store those values in a table.
    In your case, the 'parameter table' will look like this:
    create table PARAMETER_TABLE (
      job_id int primary key
    ,enclosed_by varchar2(4)
    ,separated_by varchar2(4)
    ,new_lines varchar2(8) -- i'm guessing this is what p_rows means
    ,actual_file BLOB
    The process you call should look like this:
      l_job_id int;
      -- set up JOB
      l_job_id := APEX_PLSQL_JOB.submit_process( 'BEGIN  process_csv( JOB ); END;' );
      -- note : JOB doesn't start until you call COMMIT
      -- Record the parameters for the job
      -- and copy file from WWV_FLOW_FILES into the PARAMETER_TABLE
      insert into parameter_table (job_id, enclosed_by, separated_by, new_lines, actual_file
      select l_job_id, :p1_enclosed_by, :p1_separator, :p1_lines, W.file
      from wwv_flow_files where filename = :p1_file; -- you'll need to double check my code.  I'm writing from memory.
      -- delete file from wwv_flow_files
      -- i'm just going to skip typing this out.
    Here is the trick... all data is stored in the PARAMETER_TABLE.
    When you call DBMS_SUBMIT, there are some variables that are already setup.
    Again, APEX_PLSQL_JOB is a wrapper for DBMS_SUBMIT.
    One of those variables is JOB... it holds the JOB_ID of the currently running job.
    You use that value to find the correct parameters to run.
    (reminder : this can get complicated.  Put it in a package.)
    create or replace
    procedure process_csv( p_job_id in int )
      l_enclosed_by  parameter_table.enclosed_by%TYPE;
      l_separated_by parameter_table.separated_by%TYPE;
      l_new_lines    parameter_table.new_lines%TYPE;
      l_file_blob      parameter_table.actual_file%TYPE;
      -- get actual parameters for this run
      select enclosed_by, separated_by,new_lines,file_blob
        into l_enclosed_by, l_separated_by, l_new_lines, l_file_blob
      where job_id = p_job_id;
      -- do something with them
      -- this will have to be different than the parser you've written
      -- delete data from parameter_table
      -- i'm sure you can write this code
    end process_csv;
    note : csv_util is not a standard Oracle package.  You will need one that doesn't do collections
    ORA-00001: Unique constraint violated: SELECT * FROM spreadsheet (or How to parse a CSV file using PL/SQL)

  • HTMLDB certification

    Is there some certificate or exams I could do to prove my competence with HTMLDB? I already have OCA as developer, but the only certification path ahead from it I saw in the web was to learn Oracle Forms, which our company does not use and so would be pointelss to me.

    I would suggest something better than paper chasing!
    Why not get real recognition by:
    - Contributing to HTML DB Studio
    and/or better still:
    - Start up a website (using HTML DB and some demo apps) and blog about using HTML DB. (Make sure your name shows on the google search that will direct people researching you to it!)

  • Questions on Master-Detail HTMLDB HOW-TO

    Hi all
    I have created a 3 page application based on the master detail how-to given at
    Instead of DEPT and EMP tables I have PERSON and PERSON_ADDR tables. The PK of PERSON is the person_id and the PK of PERSON_ADDR is the person_id and addr_start_dt. Person_id column in PERSON_ADDR is obviously the FK to the master table PERSON(person_id).
    At first I had problems trying to create the pages themselves because the wizard always hides the person_id column on all the forms(and I don't want that,even though it is a sequence number I still want people to see it) , it being the PK, then somehow I managed it to display the person_id by replacing the EDIT link with the person_id itself. Now if a person already has an address and I click on EDIT then it copies the person_id values and others to the next page and all looks good but when I try to create a new address it does it ?? (It should take across the person_id as well)
    My PERSON report is on page 1, when I click edit against a person it takes me to page 2 where I can see+change all the person details plus I can see the person_addr details. When I click edit against a person address it takes me to page 3 and I can edit all the address details nicely copied to the new page but when I click CREATE on the page 2, then all the fields appear as NULL on page 3( all the fields but the person_id should be null here). How can I fix this ?
    Also, for my person address I would like to validate the address dates , there should be no overlapping start and end dates for a person's address. How to do this ? I think I will need to create a function to which I pass the person id and the new start and end dates and this function returns error message,if any, or null. I had a play around with validation and I think I need to use "function returning error text", what should I put in the "validate expression 1" box then...just something like
    If yes, then what variables would store the new start date and new end date of an address.
    Lastly, for every table do I have to user a sequence number or a trigger to define a primary key, what if the primary key is just a character code and I want the users to add it ?
    Thanks a lot in advance !!

    thanks Marc.
    Yes you are right, I used the 1.5 viewlet. I will try the master-detail wizard now.
    With the primary key problems, for things to work nicely in HTMLDB, do you suggest each and every tables should have a sequence number generated primary key ? We have some tables for various statuses like ACTIVE,CLOSED where these codes themselves are the primary keys, so you suggest making these codes unique keys but still have a sequence number PK ? Also when I want the users to enter the primary key themselves I will let them enter new ones but not update existing ones, so data entegrity is maintained.
    I was able to work out how to create validations using "functions returning error text" but my problem is I need to be able to compare what the user has just updated/entered with the data that already exists in the table. I have a table called person_Address having columns like person_id, start_dt,end_dt and various other fields. The primary key is person_id and start_dt and I need to put a validation which avoids any overlapping addresses. Overlap as in there can be only 1 active address for a given start and end date range. Does HTMLDB has something like :new.start_dt the way we can write database triggers ? Please suggest a way to do this.
    Lastly, how does HTMLDB handles error messages raised by table triggers. Can they be shown along with the item on the page as we can with the other HTMLDB validations ? I have many tables with all sorts of triggers and if any validation fails I generally do...raise_application_error(-20001,get_my_message(234));
    get_my_message function returns the message text for message number 234 . Will this message be displayed somewhere or not ? Do I have to duplicate my validations , once in the triggers and then in HTMLDB as well ?

  • Questions on printing in htmldb

    I try to create an invoice page to print.
    Some questions I ask to myself:
    - Is it possible to print to an A4 (papersize)? (I mean, does the application have notions of pagesize or is everything controlled by the browser? this is important when you need to repeat some information on the second page)
    - can I include "pagenumber of total pagenumbers"?
    - Is it possible to repeat an header / footer?
    In my opinion it is very hard to do this with htmldb...
    I started my "print report" like this:
    - created static html like I would like to have my report(in notepad)
    - in htmldb I try to create "the same thing", first I tried with the creation of a report, but, because you 'll always have rows, I stopped with that (I need to say "that item needs to be placed there"). Than I created a form, afterwards I added some other forms (regions) to the same page. One region for every table. I still have problems to place my items like I wish, because of region overlapping. Should I create other items in an other region (and link them) if I want to show the content of an item of an other region in that region?
    I try to replace an Access application, and it looks good so far, but replacing the reports is very difficult!?
    Is it me?

    I found the answer on most of my questions on this site:
    In short: you can a lot with css! so for my htmldb application: I probably need to change (create a new) my "print" template
    HTMLDB is a very nice product and in a way it can replace an Access application, but in my opinion we are limited by the html.
    What I would like to have in htmldb (compared with access):
    - submission of a region and not the whole page (like in access subforms)
    - in the tabular form, automatic one (or more) empty line(s) to create a new record (in access you have a new empty record)
    - an easier why to customize the templates/css, for the default ones you can't change everything... (in access you can "draw" your form/report, that's very easy, in htmldb it's more difficult)

  • My blog will not load--it gives me a blank white page.

    If I type in my blog's URL I can see it fine. But if I try to login or search on it or go into the archives, it gives me a blank white page. Not an error code. Just a white page. I can see my favicon in the address bar.
    I've tried it on FF and Safari. Same thing happens. I've tried it on other computers and the same thing happens.
    I have asked my host to look into it, they don't know what to do. I asked my ISP about it and they said it's probably browser issues.
    I looked thru all the help forums and altho' some people have this same problem not one of them had it resolved.

    In your WordPress administrative panel, try deactivating the WP Super Cache plugin to bypass any problems with cached pages. Similarly, scrutinize your other plugins to see whether any of them are not absolutely necessary, in case there is a conflict.
    Then clear your Firefox browser cache and try again.
    Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > Network > "Clear Now"
    Any difference?
    Edit: Oh... if you cannot log in, then it's hard to administer plugins, isn't it. You might need a WordPress doctor to explain how to make changes using an FTP client or your web host's file manager.

  • Multiple blog summary pages

    I'm creating a new website for sharing news and photos for my family. I want to use the iWeb blog for my entries and plan to do some customization of my site through HTML snippits, iFrames, etc. I've been reading quite a bit on this forum and other useful sites on how to do more with iWeb, but I can't seem to find a solution for the following problem.
    Let's say I allow 15 blog entries to be shown on my blog summary page yet over time I build a site with 50 or more entries. Then at least 35 will be on the archive page and that's alot to scroll through. I'd like to have the first 15 on blog summary page 1 then the next 15 on blog summary page 2, etc. Call it multiple archive pages if you will. But I want iWeb to keep track of the blog entries on those additional pages instead of me having to create new non-blog pages and copy and paste links to my entries.
    Here's an example
    Any way to do this with iWeb 09?
    FYI, I know there are a lot of other blogging software and hosting sites out there, but I want to use iWeb 09 because I've already created one site in the past with iWeb so I'm familiar with it. I also have a Mobile Me account with a domain name through goDaddy, so I'm publishing my iWeb site to Mobile Me with password protection.
    Appreciate the help.

    first, iweb limits blog summary to display 50 entries, so you are kinda limited if you want to have a continuous blog over the years.
    if you have less than 50 entries per year, you have to break your blog into the year and have a master archive page and link all archive blog(s) to it.
    once you decide what to do, you can use iweb rss feed widget to display the archive as feed, but i don't recommend iweb rss feed widget because it depends on mme server, unreliable at best.
    instead you can use yahoo's pipes:
    yahoo pipes is reliable and flexible, you can build your own feed that you can merge other feeds into one or keep them separate, here is my example of merged feeds:
    or you can tag blog entries by key words or categories, your users can narrow down the entries display with it, here my iweb blog tagging (click on any tagged word on the right side):
    all code is linked to my examples. to do the above, you need to know yahoo pipes, ajax/javascript and iweb inner working parts.

  • Request timed out.- Error while opening a item in Blog

       We have a blog in our share point portal which was running properly before few days.
    We get Request Timed out error while opening an item in the blog. The list contains about        
       3500 items
    [HttpException (0x80004005): Request timed out.]
    We were able to create a new item but not able to view the item.
    When we check the server SQLSERVR.EXE takes more than 90% of the CPU Usage.
    Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

    According to your description, Please check the RAM allocated to your SQL server. MOSS server needs 2GB RAM
    to preform well. SQL requires 2GB RAM for optimum performance.
    Messages like this are mainly due to lack of RAM Allocation.
    Best Regards
    David Hu

  • Getting an Error While Retrieving a Blog Data From Database

    I am trying to make a blog. I  have successfully instered the blog into the database. Now I have displayed the stored blog on the main page and tried linking it to the database to open the blog on the seperate page.
    Now when the data is linked to the destination in the data base, it should open what ever is stored in the database. But instead I am getting a strange error. It gives me an error of PAGE NOT FOUND along with the data stored in the database. It does retreive the data but also displays the PAGE NOT FOUND error. The image of dataset displayed on main page is given below:
    The error which is displayed when I click the link is displayed below:
    Can anyone please tell me how can I remove this error and get only data stored in the database?
    Any material or help will be very much appreciated.
    Bilal A. Khan

    Thank you very much for the reply. I have made a seperate table of Blog in the database with several fields in it. I then made a simple text boxes, text field and a submit button and with insert command I insterted it in the database. The insertion works fine.
    After that, I recorset of blog was made in the dreamweaver on the main page and simple repeat region was put on the table along with the data fields. After that I linked the data field with the data base like in the picture given above.
    All the data is stored in the root folder and all data is stored in the database. I am using PHP and MYSQL for develpment and using WAMP Server.
    I hope I have explained about how I have made the blog. If I have not answered what you had asked, please tell me again, I will provide you with more information.
    Bilal A. Khan

  • How do I create an archive system for a blog created with a custom app?

    I had to create a blog using a custom app, because I needed an image to show up in the list view (a feature I can't believe does not exist in the blog module). Anyways, I am wondering how can I create an archive system? Do I need to create categories for each month/year and then classify the post each time we create one. Then manually create links each month to pages that filters listing by that category? This is the system I tried, but I was wondering if there was a better way.
    Also, I would like to have a sidebar that shows all the authors/contributors of the blogs and have a count under their photo that shows how many blogs they have contributed to, and have this update dynamically each time they create a new post. I was wondering if a data source tag is the way to do this but I don't have enough information on how the data source tag even works, to really know how to do this.
    I have searched google for hours, and even signed up for BC gurus tutorials with no real luck. I thought BC gurus was going to have the answer but it wasn't quite detailed enough. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    You can use classifications but there is no auto feature to archive like that on web apps.
    In terms of the blog, Like I have said to everyone that has posted about blog preview images:
    Just one example of an image at the start of the blog post rendering out, not hard at all.

  • Error Message when installing Companion CD for HTMLDB 1.6 and HTTP Server

    Hi. First time forum user so bear with me.
    I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this but the assistance of anyone who may be able to shed some light on the problem whould be greatly appreciated. I am having a problem when attempting to install the Companion CD for HTMLDB 1.6 and HTTP Server, details given below:
    The following Oracle components have been successfully installed
         Oracle 10gR2 Database.
         Oracle 10gR2 Database patch 10.2.03.
         Critical patch up date (security).
    The following Oracle component failed to install.
         Companion CD for HTMLDB 1.6 and HTTP server
    Scenario leading up to failure
         Extracted companion CD installation files to D:\oracle\utilities\Oracle_10_2_0_Companion
         Executed D:\oracle\utilities\Oracle_10_2_0_Companion\companion\setup.exe.
    The following error message is displayed in a "JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE LAUNCHER" dialog box
         "Could not find the main event class. Program will exit."
    I have been attmepting to resolve this problem for over a week and have already checked the following with no resolution to the problem:
    Cause. This issue may have to do with two issues (and may occur more on Windows):-
    1. Within the ORACLE_HOME directory full pathname there is a space.
    2. The directory from where the software / patch is being installed has a space within the directory full
    pathname (where the file for the installation by default is named products.jar or products.xml).
    Solution. To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:-
    1. Rename the full pathname directory NOT to contain a space.
    2. Launch again the OUI... and verify if the problem occurs.
    Any further guidance would be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: user10386555 on 03-Oct-2008 02:51

    Can you install using OUI from the RDBMS installation? IIRC, there is a problem using OUI on companion to install companion items.

  • Outlook can not display htmldb mail message correctly

    We are using some applications which constructed by HTML DB. All mail messages from HTML DB applications can not be displayed correctly in Outlook, but they are displayed very well in Netscape mail client. This issue happens in both HTML DB 1.5 and 1.6. Therefore, I am not sure this is HTML DB mail package issue or outlook issue. Have anyone experienced this issue. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
    Here is a sample in our application.
    We see the mail message in Outlook:
    This message generated by the HTML DB Mail Package. -----=1T02D27M75MU981T02D27M75MU98
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    <BR><FONT color=#0000ff>E-Leave System Notification for SGT China.<FONT
    size=2>(Note: it is NOT an official leave system)</FONT></FONT> <HR align=left width="70%" noShade><TABLE width="80%"><TBODY><TR><TD width="20%"><FONT color=#336699>Leave User :</font></TD><TD width="50%">[email protected]</TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT
    color=#336699>Type :</font></TD><TD>Personal<BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT
    color=#336699>Begin Time :</font></TD><TD><FONT color=#ff0000>04-MAR-05 11:30</font></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>End Time :</font></TD><TD><FONT color=#ff0000>04-MAR-05 13:30</font></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>Urgent Contact :</font></TD><TD>13811512211<BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT
    color=#336699>Note :</font></TD><TD>Go to CCB Haidian Branch for my debit cards again :(<BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P><A
    Content-Type: text/html;
    <BR><FONT color=#0000ff>E-Leave System Notification for SGT China.<FONT
    size=2>(Note: it is NOT an official leave system)</FONT></FONT> <HR align=left width="70%" noShade><TABLE width="80%"><TBODY><TR><TD width="20%"><FONT color=#336699>Leave User :</font></TD><TD width="50%">[email protected]</TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT
    color=#336699>Type :</font></TD><TD>Personal<BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT
    color=#336699>Begin Time :</font></TD><TD><FONT color=#ff0000>04-MAR-05 11:30</font></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>End Time :</font></TD><TD><FONT color=#ff0000>04-MAR-05 13:30</font></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>Urgent Contact :</font></TD><TD>13811512211<BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT
    color=#336699>Note :</font></TD><TD>Go to CCB Haidian Branch for my debit cards again :(<BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P><A
    And this is my code:
    l_body_html varchar2(4000);
    l_subject varchar2(100);
    l_subject := 'eLeave Notification from ' || lower(:app_user) || ''; l_body_html := '<BR><FONT color=#0000ff>E-Leave System Notification for SGT China.<FONT size=2>(Note: it is NOT an official leave system)</FONT></FONT> ' || '<HR align=left width="70%" noShade>' || '<TABLE width="80%"><TBODY><TR>' || '<TD width="20%"><FONT color=#336699>Leave User :</font></TD><TD width="50%">' || lower(:app_user) || '' || '</TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>Formal:</font></TD><TD>' || :P3_FORMAL || '</TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>Type :</font></TD><TD>' || :P3_LEAVE_TYPE || '<BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>Begin Time :</font></TD><TD>'
    || '<FONT color=#ff0000>' || :P3_BEGIN_TIME || '</font>' ||
    '</TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>End Time :</font></TD><TD>' || '<FONT color=#ff0000>' || :P3_END_TIME || '</font>' || '</TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>Urgent Contact :</font></TD><TD>'
    || :P3_CONTACT ||
    '<BR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT color=#336699>Note :</font></TD><TD>' || :P3_NOTE || '<BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P><A
    P_TO => :P3_MAIL_TO,
    P_FROM => '[email protected]',
    P_CC => :P3_MAIL_CC,
    P_BCC => :P3_MAIL_BCC,
    P_BODY => l_body_html,
    P_BODY_HTML => l_body_html,
    P_SUBJ => l_subject);

    This was not well documented, but we have improved the doc for the next relase. Essentially, you need a carriage return / line feed every 1000 characters. This is part of the SMTP spec. The package does not do this automatically for you, so try adding them yourself. You can use utl_tcp.crlf for the crlf.

Maybe you are looking for

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