HTMLDB's SVG doesn't display in SVG-enabled browsers

HTMLDB's SVG doesn't display in SVG-enabled browsers, such as firefox 1.5
The problem is in file /i/javascript/plugins.js
function detectPlugin(){
It requires the Adobe SVG Viewer plugin, but firefox 1.5 has SVG capabilities by itself, without the plugin. Please fix the detection or simply don't try to detect anything and let the browser suggest what plugin is needed, if any.

While hacking around with this I figured out a way to enable svg rendering In Firefox 1.5 beta and IE.
When a chart is created the region src html is something like this
<div id="svgRegion"><embed src="f?p=&FLOW_ID.:&FLOW_PAGE_ID.:#SESSION#:FLOW_SVG_CHART_R#REGION_ID#" width="#WIDTH#" height="#HEIGHT#" type="image/svg+xml" /></div><script src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#javascript/plugins.js"></script>
Change it to be this
<iframe src="f?p=&FLOW_ID.:&FLOW_PAGE_ID.:#SESSION#:FLOW_SVG_CHART_R#REGION_ID#" width="#WIDTH#" height="#HEIGHT#" type="image/svg+xml" style="border:0;" frameborder="0" />
I would test this very carefully if you are using it in a production application but it is working for me here

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  • SVG text doesn't display correctly in Illustrator

    The following SVG (generated via Cairo) displays correctly within browsers (Firefox and Safari), but not within Illustrator: the glyph symbols are drawn at the wrong scale, upside-down, and on top of one another. Is the problem within the SVG file itself? That doesn't seem likely, given that the browsers have no problem with the file. If the problem is within Illustrator... what is the root of the problem, and is there any possible workaround?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="700pt" height="700pt" viewBox="0 0 700 700" version="1.1">
    <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0">
    <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.3125 -9.078125 C 8.914062 -9.078125 7.253906 -8.800781 6.328125 -8.25 C 5.410156 -7.695312 4.953125 -6.765625 4.953125 -5.453125 C 4.953125 -4.398438 5.296875 -3.5625 5.984375 -2.9375 C 6.679688 -2.320
    312 7.625 -2.015625 8.8125 -2.015625 C 10.457031 -2.015625 11.773438 -2.597656 12.765625 -3.765625 C 13.765625 -4.929688 14.265625 -6.476562 14.265625 -8.40625 L 14.265625 -9.078125 Z M 17.21875 -10.296875 L 17.21875 0 L 14.265625 0 L 1
    4.265625 -2.734375 C 13.585938 -1.640625 12.742188 -0.832031 11.734375 -0.3125 C 10.722656 0.207031 9.488281 0.46875 8.03125 0.46875 C 6.175781 0.46875 4.703125 -0.046875 3.609375 -1.078125 C 2.523438 -2.117188 1.984375 -3.507812 1.9843
    75 -5.25 C 1.984375 -7.28125 2.660156 -8.8125 4.015625 -9.84375 C 5.378906 -10.875 7.410156 -11.390625 10.109375 -11.390625 L 14.265625 -11.390625 L 14.265625 -11.6875 C 14.265625 -13.050781 13.8125 -14.101562 12.90625 -14.84375 C 12.00
    7812 -15.59375 10.753906 -15.96875 9.140625 -15.96875 C 8.109375 -15.96875 7.101562 -15.84375 6.125 -15.59375 C 5.144531 -15.351562 4.203125 -14.984375 3.296875 -14.484375 L 3.296875 -17.21875 C 4.390625 -17.644531 5.445312 -17.960938 6
    .46875 -18.171875 C 7.488281 -18.378906 8.476562 -18.484375 9.4375 -18.484375 C 12.050781 -18.484375 14 -17.804688 15.28125 -16.453125 C 16.570312 -15.097656 17.21875 -13.046875 17.21875 -10.296875 Z M 17.21875 -10.296875 "/>
    <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">
    <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 16.0625 -9 C 16.0625 -11.1875 15.613281 -12.898438 14.71875 -14.140625 C 13.820312 -15.378906 12.585938 -16 11.015625 -16 C 9.453125 -16 8.222656 -15.378906 7.328125 -14.140625 C 6.429688 -12.898438 5.984
    375 -11.1875 5.984375 -9 C 5.984375 -6.820312 6.429688 -5.113281 7.328125 -3.875 C 8.222656 -2.632812 9.453125 -2.015625 11.015625 -2.015625 C 12.585938 -2.015625 13.820312 -2.632812 14.71875 -3.875 C 15.613281 -5.113281 16.0625 -6.8203
    12 16.0625 -9 Z M 5.984375 -15.3125 C 6.597656 -16.382812 7.378906 -17.179688 8.328125 -17.703125 C 9.285156 -18.222656 10.425781 -18.484375 11.75 -18.484375 C 13.9375 -18.484375 15.710938 -17.613281 17.078125 -15.875 C 18.453125 -14.13
    2812 19.140625 -11.84375 19.140625 -9 C 19.140625 -6.164062 18.453125 -3.878906 17.078125 -2.140625 C 15.710938 -0.398438 13.9375 0.46875 11.75 0.46875 C 10.425781 0.46875 9.285156 0.207031 8.328125 -0.3125 C 7.378906 -0.832031 6.597656
    -1.628906 5.984375 -2.703125 L 5.984375 0 L 3 0 L 3 -25.078125 L 5.984375 -25.078125 Z M 5.984375 -15.3125 "/>
    <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2">
    <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 16.09375 -17.359375 L 16.09375 -14.578125 C 15.257812 -15.046875 14.421875 -15.394531 13.578125 -15.625 C 12.734375 -15.851562 11.878906 -15.96875 11.015625 -15.96875 C 9.097656 -15.96875 7.609375 -15.359
    375 6.546875 -14.140625 C 5.484375 -12.921875 4.953125 -11.207031 4.953125 -9 C 4.953125 -6.800781 5.484375 -5.09375 6.546875 -3.875 C 7.609375 -2.65625 9.097656 -2.046875 11.015625 -2.046875 C 11.878906 -2.046875 12.734375 -2.160156 13
    .578125 -2.390625 C 14.421875 -2.617188 15.257812 -2.96875 16.09375 -3.4375 L 16.09375 -0.6875 C 15.269531 -0.300781 14.414062 -0.015625 13.53125 0.171875 C 12.644531 0.367188 11.703125 0.46875 10.703125 0.46875 C 7.984375 0.46875 5.820
    312 -0.382812 4.21875 -2.09375 C 2.625 -3.800781 1.828125 -6.101562 1.828125 -9 C 1.828125 -11.945312 2.632812 -14.265625 4.25 -15.953125 C 5.863281 -17.640625 8.078125 -18.484375 10.890625 -18.484375 C 11.804688 -18.484375 12.695312 -1
    8.390625 13.5625 -18.203125 C 14.4375 -18.015625 15.28125 -17.734375 16.09375 -17.359375 Z M 16.09375 -17.359375 "/>
    <g id="surface1">
    <g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;">
      <use xlink:href="#glyph0-0" x="100" y="130.94043"/>
      <use xlink:href="#glyph0-1" x="120.222656" y="130.94043"/>
      <use xlink:href="#glyph0-2" x="141.169922" y="130.94043"/>

    Yes, a browser displays it fine. But they also often display invalid html code fine. Your code does validate. And InkScape does open it fine. InkScape does have it in the root rather than on a layer, don't know if that is making a difference to Illustrator or not. Nothing else I have that opens SVG files deals with it as well as Illustrator.
    Here is the same file, text put back and resized down a bit. Run it through validation. You'll note Illustrator does not use the MathML 2.0 extensions. Perhaps that is the hang up.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 15.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
    <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
    width="612px" height="792px" viewBox="0 0 612 792" enable-background="new 0 0 612 792" xml:space="preserve">
    <symbol  id="glyph0-0" viewBox="-7.617 -9.477 15.234 18.953">
    <path id="path9_1_" fill="#010101" d="M1.711-0.07c-2.398,0-4.059,0.277-4.984,0.828c-0.918,0.555-1.375,1.484-1.375,2.797
    c0,1.055,0.344,1.891,1.031,2.516c0.695,0.617,1.641,0.922,2.828,0.922c1.645,0,2.961-0.582, 3.953-1.75
    c1-1.164,1.5-2.711,1.5-4.641V-0.07H1.711z M7.617-1.289V9.008H4.664V6.273c-0.68,1.094-1.523,1.902-2.531,2.422
    C1.121,9.215-0.113,9.477-1.57,9.477c-1.855,0-3.328-0.516-4.422-1.547C-7.078,6.891-7.617,5 .5-7.617,3.758
    c0-2.031,0.676-3.563,2.031-4.594c1.363-1.031,3.395-1.547,6.094-1.547h4.156V-2.68c0-1.363- 0.453-2.414-1.359-3.156
    c-0.898-0.75-2.152-1.125-3.766-1.125c-1.031,0-2.039,0.125-3.016,0.375c-0.98,0.242-1.922,0 .609-2.828,1.109v-2.734
    c1.094-0.426,2.148-0.742,3.172-0.953c1.02-0.207,2.008-0.313,2.969-0.313c2.613,0,4.563,0.6 8,5.844,2.031
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    c0.895,1.242,2.125,1.859,3.688,1.859c1.57,0,2.805-0.617,3.703-1.859C4.543,7.191,4.992,5.4 84,4.992,3.305z M-5.086-3.008
    c0.613-1.07,1.395-1.867,2.344-2.391C-1.785-5.918-0.645-6.18,0.68-6.18c2.188,0,3.961,0.871 ,5.328,2.609
    C7.383-1.828,8.07,0.461,8.07,3.305c0,2.836-0.688,5.121-2.063,6.859c-1.367,1.742-3.141,2.6 09-5.328,2.609
    c-1.324,0-2.465-0.262-3.422-0.781c-0.949-0.52-1.73-1.316-2.344-2.391v2.703H-8.07v-25.078h 2.984V-3.008z"/>
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    <path id="path15_1_" fill="#010101" d="M7.133-8.352v2.781C6.297-6.039,5.461-6.387,4.617-6.617
    C3.773-6.844,2.918-6.961,2.055-6.961c-1.918,0-3.406,0.609-4.469,1.828s-1.594,2.934-1.594, 5.141c0,2.199,0.531,3.906,1.594,5.125
    s2.551,1.828,4.469,1.828c0.863,0,1.719-0.113,2.563-0.344c0.844-0.227,1.68-0.578,2.516-1.0 47v2.75
    C6.309,8.707,5.453,8.992,4.57,9.18C3.684,9.375,2.742,9.477,1.742,9.477c-2.719,0-4.883-0.8 52-6.484-2.563
    c-1.594-1.707-2.391-4.008-2.391-6.906c0-2.945,0.805-5.266,2.422-6.953c1.613-1.688,3.828-2 .531,6.641-2.531
    <use xlink:href="#glyph0-0"  width="15.234" height="18.953" id="use20" x="-7.617" y="-9.477" transform="matrix(6.3499 0 0 6.3499 102.2407 253.0596)" overflow="visible"/>
    <use xlink:href="#glyph0-1"  width="16.141" height="25.547" id="use22" x="-8.07" y="-12.773" transform="matrix(6.2672 0 0 6.2672 218.9004 233.1802)" overflow="visible"/>
    <use xlink:href="#glyph0-2"  width="14.266" height="18.953" id="use24" x="-7.133" y="-9.477" transform="matrix(6.3016 0 0 -6.3016 326.4082 253.5166)" overflow="visible"/>
    Take care, Mike

  • SVG Icons Not Displaying

    Can anyone tell me how to go about getting SVG icons to display?  I'm not having any problems with PNG problems.

    crisnoh wrote:Can anyone tell me how to go about getting SVG icons to display?  I'm not having any problems with PNG problems.
    Display in what? Or where?

  • XMP doesn't display proper info in Photoshop CS2 for Mac.

    Dear List members:
    I have just recently installed Creative Suite CS2 and begun to explore the functionality of XMP. After purchasing Bruce Fraser's book on Camera Raw for CS2, I downloaded Metalab (Pound Hill Software) and created my first custom XMP panel that can be seen under the file info in Photoshop when an image (digital photo) is open.
    The problem is that I noticed a few odd things and began to question myself if there is some kind of bug or a problem with my installation of CS2.
    1. The window that opens under the file info command has several categories of information on the left to be chosen from, in the following order:
    (1)Description, (2)Camera Data 1, (3)Camera Data 2, (4)Categories, (5)History, (6)IPTC Contact, (7)IPTC Content, (8)IPTC Image, (9)IPTC Status, (10)Adobe Stock Photos, (11)Origin, (12)Advanced
    The Camera Data 1 option when selected opens a panel in the file info window that seems to contain all the information it is supposed to contain. The Camera Data 2 panel, on the other hand, doesn't display any information at all. Although the fields are there, they are empty. The fields are:
    (1)Pixel Dimension X and Y, (2)Orientation, (3)Resolution X and Y, (4)Resolution Unit, (5)Compressed Bits per Pixel, (6)Color Space, (7)Light Source, (8)File Source.
    All these fields are empty but when looking at the same file under Bridge the information is there, displayed under the metadata menu.
    This is something I noticed "before" installing Metalab so I know it is not a compatibility issue generated by the installation of the software.
    After installing CS2 I noticed that CS1 remained installed in my system. The version I purchased of CS2 is the upgrade one. Since I have no use for CS1 as I am now totally converted to CS2, I would like to uninstall CS1. The following are some of the questions I have:
    1. How can I uninstall CS1 without causing any problems to my installation of CS1 ? Is there an uninstall utility with the software or will I have to uninstall the entire package manually ?
    2. My G5 came with only one internal 160 GB drive where I originally installed CS1. I then purchased another internal 400 GB HD and copied the original drive onto it. This week I am going to replace the original 160 GB drive with a second 400 GB drive so that I can do regular "mirror image" back-ups between the two drives. Shold I expect any problems as I remove the drive where I originally installed CS1 ? Since I used disk utility to "copy" the 160 GB drive onto the 400 GB drive, my understanding it that any Adobe software key or authorization was also transferred to the drive. Is this right ? In case it hasn't, how can I transfer this information so that after I remove the 160 GB drive I will not experience any problems when trying to run CS2 ?
    3. How can I fix the problem with the Camera Data 2 panel under the file info window and command ? I noticed that the folder that is supposed to hold the Custom File Info Panels (HD>Library>Application Support>Adobe>XMP>Custom File Info Panels) has files for CS1 and CS2. Could this be a problem ? There many more files with .dat extenson than there are with the .txt extension. Bruce Fraser specifically says that the ones with the .txt extension are the ones that hold the XMP templates for information related to the image files. The files I have in this folder with the .txt are:
    (1)Camera1_CS2.txt , (2)Camera1.txt , (3)Camera2_CS2.txt , (4)Camera2.txt , (5)Categories.txt , (6)History.txt , (7)IPTC_Contact.txt , (8)IPTC_Content.txt , (9)IPTC_Image.txt , (10)IPTC_Status.txt , (11)StockPhotoInfo.txt
    The only ones that have two separate files one each for CS1 ad CS2 are Camera 1 and Camera 2. Camera 2 seems to be the only that is now non-functional. What should I expect to happen if I were to manually uninstall the ones that relate to CS1 ? Could that cause any problems ?
    My apologies for the long post but I didn't really know how to make it shorter.

    The Photoshop and/or Bridge forums would be more likely places to get answers to your questions. This forum is inhabited more by programmer types interested in implementing the XMP specification in applications we write.
    I'd expect CS2 to ignore CS1 panels so I doubt that's the issue. Panels don't interfere with each other--they just offer different views of the data. In any case, move the extra panels to your desktop and see what happens.
    As far as I know, all you need to do on the Mac is drag the CS1 application folder to the trash to uninstall it.

  • Mac Mini Doesn't Display through Philips Tube HDTV

    I have a Philips tube HDTV with a VGA connector in the back, and used the DVI-VGA connector that came with my new Mac Mini to connect. I don't have a computer monitor at home. The TV doesn't display anything.
    So then I took the Mac Mini over to a friend's. He has a VGA monitor, and so he ran the Mac Mini through setup and set it to the lowest possible display settings. I came back here, rebooted and plugged it back in; still no display.
    Then I tried this:
    "First thing to try is to boot the mini into safe mode by holding down the shift key as it boots up. This should allow it to boot, and then give you access to the display preference pane to adjust the settings back to those that worked.
    If that doesn't work, try disconnecting the TV, and rebooting the Mac with no display attached. Once it has fully booted and enough time has passed to allow the desktop to be displayed, reconnected the TV. This should force the mini to boot into a low-res mode that works with just about anything, then when you reconnect the display, either cause it to auto-sense the correct resolutions, or give you access to display preferences."
    This didn't work either. Any suggestions?

    Hi Alan,
    Check your TV manual to see what resolutions your VGA/RGB connector on your TV will accept. Being a HDTV it is likely to be from 480p to at least 1080i.
    You then set the resolution in your Display preference pane to 640x480 and you should get a picture on your TV. The trick is to set it when you can't see anything! Attaching to another device may not help because the Mac detects that device when you set the Display and will know its not that when attached again to your TV. When attached to your TV it is setting another resolution it thinks will work. It is clearly guessing the wrong screen resolution when you do connect it.
    I overcame this situation myself using a VNC client. That requires you to have another computer you can use to control your Mac Mini via VNC. You can then access the Display pane via VNC and set the 640x480 resolution which will work.
    For setting 1080i (and the VNC process) please see: %2BMini
    I am guessing you can also use an S Video adapter - available from Apple - to connect to an S Video port your TV may also have. That won't help with the VGA connection though.
    Hope this helps.

  • Secondary Cost Element Values doesn't display in Profit Center Report

    Hi everyone,
    I'm having a problem with our Profit Center plan/actual/variance reports wherein it doesn't display the postings I made to the Secondary cost element when I executed an assessment cycle (KSU5). I already set in the configuration that all postings to be done in the cost centers, should have a parallel posting to the profit center assigned to it. I can see the postings in my cost center reports, but not in my profit center report. Could I have missed out on any procedure to enable the secondary cost element parallel posting in my profit centers? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    it might be the configuration of the library or some parameter in the report (record type should be 0 and 2 for actual values, where 2 stands for distributed values and 1 and 3 for planned values)
    but it also might be that the reconciliation is done between different CC and same PC
    - check your CC organisation asignment
    - if sender cost center and receiver cost center have tha same PC it is probably the reason
    - I had that problem my self and didn't solve it

  • WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT sometimes doesn't display the generated PDF file

    Hi all,
    I'm using the following code to generated my report from Forms:<br><br>
          V_TMP_PDF := :GLOBAL.APACHE_HTML_FOLDER ||'rpt'|| V_JOB_ID  ||'.pdf' ;
        WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(:GLOBAL.AS_HOME_URL ||  'rpt'|| V_JOB_ID  ||'.pdf' ,'_BLANK');     
        END IF;
    END LOOP; <br><br>
    Everything works fine except the WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT part. In some clients, this command does what it required from it and opens a new browser window with the PDF report displayed on it. In some other clients, this command does nothing: now window dispalyed. When I refer to the Application Server, I see the PDF report successfully generated there. When I put the URL of the generated report manually in the browser address, I can see the report.
    <b>Why the WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT doesn't display the generated PDF report in some clients?</b>

    I agree with the previous 2 posters.
    Also firefox and ie handle it differently. Make sure you test on what your clients use.
    Sometimes acrotray.exe is completely retarded and doesn't work.

  • MSI 970a-g46 motherboard starts up but doesn't display anything.

    Hello, I'm having problems with a new motherboard I got from Amazon, specifically the 970a-g46. The following are my specs in use with this motherboard:
    CPU: AMD Phenom 2 x4 965
    GPU: nVidia GeForce 560 GTX
    Ram: 8gb Kingston HyperX Fury 1866mhz.
    PSU: Corsair 650TX (650 Watts)
    Compatability-wise, everything checks out so I wasn't expecting problems at first. All the other parts excluding the ram I've used before. Here's exactly what happens:
    I power up the computer after everything is installed and connected. The 4 phase LEDs turn on which tell me the CPU is powered up and working (so I assume). I don't get any beeps or buzzs mainly because I don't see any speaker/buzzer on this board. The monitor blinks and while it is connected to my GPU, it doesn't display anything, it's just a black screen. I can leave it on for a few minutes and I'll still not see anything happen. An important observation here is that my keyboard which has LEDs will turn on after a short period of time in boot-up (with my older set-up that is). This does not happen ever regardless of how long I leave my computer on on this new mobo.
    I've gone over and checked/tested numerous things:
    * The PCI-E and ATX cables for the GPU, motherboard and CPU are all connected and secured (I've tried both 4-pin and 8-pin connections for the CPU, neither help).
    * I've tried jumping the CMOS multiple times to no avail.
    * I tested the ram on another computer and it worked just fine on that one.
    * I've tested the motherboard without a GPU and it still does nothing (though I think that's because this motherboard doesnt have its own integrated GPU for some reason).
    So far the only possible reasons why my computer is not working is because of my PSU (very unlikely as it's only a year old and it's a Corsair, which I've heard is very reliable in the long-run), GPU (It is quite a few years old but even without the GPU my computer still doesn't go past boot-up), CPU (possible due to its age and how many freaking time I've reseated it (probably around 8 times) so I wouldn't doubt it, but before I put it into this motherboard I did check its pins and they were all there and placed nice and smoothly into the socket.) and finally the motherboard (it's possible that this is just a defected motherboard and giving me a super hard time which would be a first in all the years I"ve spent computer building).
    The best case scenario of course is me giving some kind of oversight to how I transferred over the parts and connectors. I might've missed something obvious to please any advice/insight on how I can solve this problem would be greatly appreciated
    EDIT: Some other things I did but forgot to mention:
    * Checked ground nut things and ensured they matched the specifications of the motherboard ATX; only 6 are under the board and each one is aligned up with the holes on the board as designed.
    * Tried booting up without powering the CPU. Only one phase LED light came on, still the same problem (for an obvious reason this time now).
    * Re-seated GPU multiple times, re-connected cables multiple times.
    What I have NOT done is re-seat the CPU because I am almost out of acetone so I would need to get another supply of that which won't be until tomorrow. I also have not re-seated everything back on my older motherboard to check if it still works. Tomorrow I'll most likely do that and if I find that the old motherboard works flawlessly then that tells me that the new motherboard I got is either defected or there's some compatability issue I"m missed out on.
    EDIT 2: Just found a speaker and plugged it into the motherboard. Booted it up and I got no beeps whatsoever. So this mobo is giving me no video activity (there is a signal it's just blank), and no beeps from the motherboard. I have no idea what that could mean at this point.
    EDIT 3: I decided to test a few things with the new speaker I just got. First I removed ram and tried running, I got 3 beeps which I assume is the beep sequence of faulty/no ram. Removed the power to CPU and the GPU itself individually, gave no beeps this time.

    Quote from: rhradacut on 06-January-15, 16:49:14
    What's the serial number of your MB? Needed to determine what BIOS may be on the MB. Exactly which version of the CPU is it? There were several different 965 CPUs and they required different BIOS versions, 1.2, 1.9,2.2 depending on which CPU you actually have.
     Also another problem may be that native memory supported by your CPU is DDR3-1333, not 1866
     None of the supported CPUs have integrated graphics, any MB graphics would be in the chipset, not CPU. Examples would be 785G, 880G
    Thank you very much rhradacut! The problem was that the mobo for whatever reason was forcing 1866mhz on my CPU when it only supported up to 1600mhz. I had to install a spare ddr3 module to downclock it so that I could access the BIOS and manually set the DRAM timing to 1600mhz for it to work. That's a very strange problem that I figured would've been auto-resolved by the hardware, and would also be a big problem if I didn't have any spare DDR3 ram to work with.
    Once again thanks for helping out on solving my problem.

  • My iPod and iPhone are not recognized in Windows 7 iTunes. I've reinstalled iTunes and restarted windows. Now iPod briefly displays, then device manager mass storage shows a yellow exclamation point. iPhone doesn't display in iTunes at all. Please ad

    My iPod and iPhone are not recognized in Windows 7 iTunes. I've reinstalled iTunes and restarted windows. Now iPod briefly displays, then device manager mass storage shows a yellow exclamation point. iPhone doesn't display in iTunes at all. Please advise

    Try Andrei Cerbu's post here, JF Fourie's post here, or see TS1538: iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows, in particular section 5, forcing a driver update. See also TS1363: iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes.

  • IPod Touch doesn't display playlists in ascending ASCII order, why /  It shows up in correct ASCII order in iTunes Devices listing?

    My iPod Touch doesn't display playlists in ascending ASCII order, why /  It shows up in correct ASCII order in iTunes Devices listing?

    Any suggestions? Anyone?
    MacBook Pro 15" 1.83GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   3G 20gb iPod

  • Mapping canvas of the mapping editor doesn't display

    I don't want to reinstall the OWB, I've tried on everything on the Design Center GUI, the mapping canvas has just being hiding somewhere seeing me tearing my hair. I will almost die. But all the pluggable mappings show their mapping canvas as they did.
    I can't remember what I've done in the other day and so lose the mapping canvas, every mapping in the same module just doesn't display its canvas, all other windows (palette, explorer...) show normally.
    I've tried creating a new project and creating a mapping in it. The mapping canvas still doesn't come to the display.
    Is there any configuration file to set control over the mapping canvas as well as all other GUI elements?
    Any direction, Thanks a million.
    Work Flow 2.6.4

    I solved it.
    It's in <owb_dir>\owb\bin\admin\MappingEditorLayout.xml.
    I replaced
    <SPLITTER orientation="0">
    <DOCKABLE tag="ROOT" width="714" height="660" min_width="50" min_height="16" pref_width="714" pref_height="660" collapsed="false"/>.
    Of course, then relogin to the design center.
    It works for me.

  • JSP doesn't display Oracle varchar2 Items on screen

    I recently bought new laptop with windows XP professional with service pack 2. Loaded Oracle 10g Client on it. I have a Dell server with Linux and Oracle database 9i. Accessed the this database through new laptop using SQL plus window and works OK. (With that it is sure that my hosts file updated correct with proper IP address of server and tnsnames.ora files).
    I have created a JSP application to access this database. It works perfectly OK in my old laptop with Windows XP home with service pack1. The connections are established through ODBC Data Source Administrator (Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources) by adding a System Data Source. The application works perfectly OK and displays all fields that I intended and coded for. Only thing is it has Oracle 9i client.
    But the same application in the new laptop doesn't work properly. It doesn't display Varchar2 values. It displays only Number and Date data types. This shows it is connecting to the database (oracle 9i). But varchar2 values are not displayed. The connections are established through ODBC Data Source Administrator.
    I'm using Tomcat server (jakart-tomcat-5.0.27) on both the laptop. Please help me here.

    Suggestion: don't use the ODBC driver to connect to Oracle. I presume you are using sun's JDBC-ODBC bridge?
    Oracle have got a reasonably good 100% java JDBC driver which is all you need, and is a lot better than the ODBC bridge. I would recommend using the Oracle thin driver.
    Your java code should remain largely unchanged. The only thing you would need to alter would be
    1 - driver class being loaded (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)
    2 - driver url (default would be something like: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
    3 - You would need the oracle jdbc driver in the classpath (ojdbc14.jar) You can find that in [ORA_HOME]/jdbc/lib
    If you've written your database connection using a JNDI datasource, then all you would need to change would be the configuration in your tomcat server.
    Hope this helps,

  • IE doesn't display navigation menus or slideshows correctly

    I'm fairly new to Muse and was pretty excited for it as an alternative to using Dreamweaver all of the time but now I wish it would come with a disclaimer that the sites created with it are not compatible across all browsers.
    I have a simple horizontal navigation menu that won't work in IE but appears fine in Firefox and Chrome. The slideshows on the homepage as well as the project pages doesn't display correctly either. As you can imagine, the client is none too happy. Also, the Google map widget does not work correctly in IE either.
    Are there known issues with IE? Are there any fixes short of redoing the site in another program?
    The URL is:
    Any help or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    We are experiencing similar issues. We have used the slideshow widget in Muse on several pages and it fails to work under IE 10 or IE 11, but works fine on all current versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

  • Picasa Web albums: doesn't display all uploaded photos. This only happens on my desktop computer. All photos displayed on my laptop.

    Not all of my uploaded photos display in my Picasa web album. All the photos upload, but 17 out of 90 photos don't display. Some are landscape, some are portrait. This is no pattern to what doesn't display (e.g., not every third photo). This only happens when I use my desktop computer. When I use my laptop, all uploaded Picasa web album photos display.

    * [[Images or animations do not show]]
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

  • Power Map doesn't display in ribbon

    I installed Power Maps Preview and the add-in is active, but it doesn't display in the ribbon. I unistalled the program several times and re-downloaded it, but it still does not work. Many of the discussion threads on this topic contain dead links for fixes
    or don't provide much information. How have others solved this issue? I have Home Office 2013. Thanks!

    That's a strange one. Run Thinkvantage System Update, or just download and install most recent PM driver and software. Maybe refreshing these will give you PM back. Otherwise, I believe you may also have a setting in the BIOS for the beep. Not in front of my X100 now, but I know I have this setting on my X60s.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error While Transporting Transformation

    Hi Gurus, I have this issue that I am getting an error while transporting Transformation. I made sure that that only transformation is sected and nothing else. I am getting this error message while importing it in BWQ environment "Formula 4AY060939P5

  • Reinitialize a task flow on click of row in a table

    Hi All I am using JDev and WLS 10.3.6 I have a requirement where i would like to re initialize the task flow each time by clicking on row of another table. I have a table in a page and there is other region which I need to refresh every time

  • Open correspondence in vendor.

    Hi Friends, when i want to reset clearing document by using FBRA i am getting the message that"the open correspondence should be deactivated or not" here what is the open correspondence? thaks in advance, Srini,

  • Acrobat X support for older version plug-ins

    Hi,         We have some plug-ins, which were created for acrobat version 7, later we upgraded them to support acrobat 8, and 9 also.          Now with the release of acrobat X, we want to support this latest version also, is it possible to support a

  • Mexico Digital Invoice Implementation without XI.

    Hi All, We are in the process of generating Digital invoice for Mexico. Is it possible to generate the Digital invoice without the XI system? If possible then what are the hurdles and challenges in achieving this. I did go through the list of Notes m