SVG text doesn't display correctly in Illustrator

The following SVG (generated via Cairo) displays correctly within browsers (Firefox and Safari), but not within Illustrator: the glyph symbols are drawn at the wrong scale, upside-down, and on top of one another. Is the problem within the SVG file itself? That doesn't seem likely, given that the browsers have no problem with the file. If the problem is within Illustrator... what is the root of the problem, and is there any possible workaround?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="700pt" height="700pt" viewBox="0 0 700 700" version="1.1">
<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0">
<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.3125 -9.078125 C 8.914062 -9.078125 7.253906 -8.800781 6.328125 -8.25 C 5.410156 -7.695312 4.953125 -6.765625 4.953125 -5.453125 C 4.953125 -4.398438 5.296875 -3.5625 5.984375 -2.9375 C 6.679688 -2.320
312 7.625 -2.015625 8.8125 -2.015625 C 10.457031 -2.015625 11.773438 -2.597656 12.765625 -3.765625 C 13.765625 -4.929688 14.265625 -6.476562 14.265625 -8.40625 L 14.265625 -9.078125 Z M 17.21875 -10.296875 L 17.21875 0 L 14.265625 0 L 1
4.265625 -2.734375 C 13.585938 -1.640625 12.742188 -0.832031 11.734375 -0.3125 C 10.722656 0.207031 9.488281 0.46875 8.03125 0.46875 C 6.175781 0.46875 4.703125 -0.046875 3.609375 -1.078125 C 2.523438 -2.117188 1.984375 -3.507812 1.9843
75 -5.25 C 1.984375 -7.28125 2.660156 -8.8125 4.015625 -9.84375 C 5.378906 -10.875 7.410156 -11.390625 10.109375 -11.390625 L 14.265625 -11.390625 L 14.265625 -11.6875 C 14.265625 -13.050781 13.8125 -14.101562 12.90625 -14.84375 C 12.00
7812 -15.59375 10.753906 -15.96875 9.140625 -15.96875 C 8.109375 -15.96875 7.101562 -15.84375 6.125 -15.59375 C 5.144531 -15.351562 4.203125 -14.984375 3.296875 -14.484375 L 3.296875 -17.21875 C 4.390625 -17.644531 5.445312 -17.960938 6
.46875 -18.171875 C 7.488281 -18.378906 8.476562 -18.484375 9.4375 -18.484375 C 12.050781 -18.484375 14 -17.804688 15.28125 -16.453125 C 16.570312 -15.097656 17.21875 -13.046875 17.21875 -10.296875 Z M 17.21875 -10.296875 "/>
<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">
<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 16.0625 -9 C 16.0625 -11.1875 15.613281 -12.898438 14.71875 -14.140625 C 13.820312 -15.378906 12.585938 -16 11.015625 -16 C 9.453125 -16 8.222656 -15.378906 7.328125 -14.140625 C 6.429688 -12.898438 5.984
375 -11.1875 5.984375 -9 C 5.984375 -6.820312 6.429688 -5.113281 7.328125 -3.875 C 8.222656 -2.632812 9.453125 -2.015625 11.015625 -2.015625 C 12.585938 -2.015625 13.820312 -2.632812 14.71875 -3.875 C 15.613281 -5.113281 16.0625 -6.8203
12 16.0625 -9 Z M 5.984375 -15.3125 C 6.597656 -16.382812 7.378906 -17.179688 8.328125 -17.703125 C 9.285156 -18.222656 10.425781 -18.484375 11.75 -18.484375 C 13.9375 -18.484375 15.710938 -17.613281 17.078125 -15.875 C 18.453125 -14.13
2812 19.140625 -11.84375 19.140625 -9 C 19.140625 -6.164062 18.453125 -3.878906 17.078125 -2.140625 C 15.710938 -0.398438 13.9375 0.46875 11.75 0.46875 C 10.425781 0.46875 9.285156 0.207031 8.328125 -0.3125 C 7.378906 -0.832031 6.597656
-1.628906 5.984375 -2.703125 L 5.984375 0 L 3 0 L 3 -25.078125 L 5.984375 -25.078125 Z M 5.984375 -15.3125 "/>
<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2">
<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 16.09375 -17.359375 L 16.09375 -14.578125 C 15.257812 -15.046875 14.421875 -15.394531 13.578125 -15.625 C 12.734375 -15.851562 11.878906 -15.96875 11.015625 -15.96875 C 9.097656 -15.96875 7.609375 -15.359
375 6.546875 -14.140625 C 5.484375 -12.921875 4.953125 -11.207031 4.953125 -9 C 4.953125 -6.800781 5.484375 -5.09375 6.546875 -3.875 C 7.609375 -2.65625 9.097656 -2.046875 11.015625 -2.046875 C 11.878906 -2.046875 12.734375 -2.160156 13
.578125 -2.390625 C 14.421875 -2.617188 15.257812 -2.96875 16.09375 -3.4375 L 16.09375 -0.6875 C 15.269531 -0.300781 14.414062 -0.015625 13.53125 0.171875 C 12.644531 0.367188 11.703125 0.46875 10.703125 0.46875 C 7.984375 0.46875 5.820
312 -0.382812 4.21875 -2.09375 C 2.625 -3.800781 1.828125 -6.101562 1.828125 -9 C 1.828125 -11.945312 2.632812 -14.265625 4.25 -15.953125 C 5.863281 -17.640625 8.078125 -18.484375 10.890625 -18.484375 C 11.804688 -18.484375 12.695312 -1
8.390625 13.5625 -18.203125 C 14.4375 -18.015625 15.28125 -17.734375 16.09375 -17.359375 Z M 16.09375 -17.359375 "/>
<g id="surface1">
<g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;">
  <use xlink:href="#glyph0-0" x="100" y="130.94043"/>
  <use xlink:href="#glyph0-1" x="120.222656" y="130.94043"/>
  <use xlink:href="#glyph0-2" x="141.169922" y="130.94043"/>

Yes, a browser displays it fine. But they also often display invalid html code fine. Your code does validate. And InkScape does open it fine. InkScape does have it in the root rather than on a layer, don't know if that is making a difference to Illustrator or not. Nothing else I have that opens SVG files deals with it as well as Illustrator.
Here is the same file, text put back and resized down a bit. Run it through validation. You'll note Illustrator does not use the MathML 2.0 extensions. Perhaps that is the hang up.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 15.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="612px" height="792px" viewBox="0 0 612 792" enable-background="new 0 0 612 792" xml:space="preserve">
<symbol  id="glyph0-0" viewBox="-7.617 -9.477 15.234 18.953">
<path id="path9_1_" fill="#010101" d="M1.711-0.07c-2.398,0-4.059,0.277-4.984,0.828c-0.918,0.555-1.375,1.484-1.375,2.797
c0,1.055,0.344,1.891,1.031,2.516c0.695,0.617,1.641,0.922,2.828,0.922c1.645,0,2.961-0.582, 3.953-1.75
c1-1.164,1.5-2.711,1.5-4.641V-0.07H1.711z M7.617-1.289V9.008H4.664V6.273c-0.68,1.094-1.523,1.902-2.531,2.422
C1.121,9.215-0.113,9.477-1.57,9.477c-1.855,0-3.328-0.516-4.422-1.547C-7.078,6.891-7.617,5 .5-7.617,3.758
c0-2.031,0.676-3.563,2.031-4.594c1.363-1.031,3.395-1.547,6.094-1.547h4.156V-2.68c0-1.363- 0.453-2.414-1.359-3.156
c-0.898-0.75-2.152-1.125-3.766-1.125c-1.031,0-2.039,0.125-3.016,0.375c-0.98,0.242-1.922,0 .609-2.828,1.109v-2.734
c1.094-0.426,2.148-0.742,3.172-0.953c1.02-0.207,2.008-0.313,2.969-0.313c2.613,0,4.563,0.6 8,5.844,2.031
<symbol  id="glyph0-1" viewBox="-8.07 -12.773 16.141 25.547">
<path id="path12_1_" fill="#010101" d="M4.992,3.305c0-2.188-0.449-3.898-1.344-5.141C2.75-3.074,1.516-3.695-0.055-3.695
c-1.563,0-2.793,0.621-3.688,1.859c-0.898,1.242-1.344,2.953-1.344,5.141c0,2.18,0.445,3.887 ,1.344,5.125
c0.895,1.242,2.125,1.859,3.688,1.859c1.57,0,2.805-0.617,3.703-1.859C4.543,7.191,4.992,5.4 84,4.992,3.305z M-5.086-3.008
c0.613-1.07,1.395-1.867,2.344-2.391C-1.785-5.918-0.645-6.18,0.68-6.18c2.188,0,3.961,0.871 ,5.328,2.609
C7.383-1.828,8.07,0.461,8.07,3.305c0,2.836-0.688,5.121-2.063,6.859c-1.367,1.742-3.141,2.6 09-5.328,2.609
c-1.324,0-2.465-0.262-3.422-0.781c-0.949-0.52-1.73-1.316-2.344-2.391v2.703H-8.07v-25.078h 2.984V-3.008z"/>
<symbol  id="glyph0-2" viewBox="-7.133 -9.477 14.266 18.953">
<path id="path15_1_" fill="#010101" d="M7.133-8.352v2.781C6.297-6.039,5.461-6.387,4.617-6.617
C3.773-6.844,2.918-6.961,2.055-6.961c-1.918,0-3.406,0.609-4.469,1.828s-1.594,2.934-1.594, 5.141c0,2.199,0.531,3.906,1.594,5.125
s2.551,1.828,4.469,1.828c0.863,0,1.719-0.113,2.563-0.344c0.844-0.227,1.68-0.578,2.516-1.0 47v2.75
C6.309,8.707,5.453,8.992,4.57,9.18C3.684,9.375,2.742,9.477,1.742,9.477c-2.719,0-4.883-0.8 52-6.484-2.563
c-1.594-1.707-2.391-4.008-2.391-6.906c0-2.945,0.805-5.266,2.422-6.953c1.613-1.688,3.828-2 .531,6.641-2.531
<use xlink:href="#glyph0-0"  width="15.234" height="18.953" id="use20" x="-7.617" y="-9.477" transform="matrix(6.3499 0 0 6.3499 102.2407 253.0596)" overflow="visible"/>
<use xlink:href="#glyph0-1"  width="16.141" height="25.547" id="use22" x="-8.07" y="-12.773" transform="matrix(6.2672 0 0 6.2672 218.9004 233.1802)" overflow="visible"/>
<use xlink:href="#glyph0-2"  width="14.266" height="18.953" id="use24" x="-7.133" y="-9.477" transform="matrix(6.3016 0 0 -6.3016 326.4082 253.5166)" overflow="visible"/>
Take care, Mike

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    xft:WenQuanYi Bitmap Song:size=8, \
    xft:FreeSerif:style=Regular, \
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    You can reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Hold down the Shift key and left-click the Reload button
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (Mac)
    Clear the cache and cookies only from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    You can remove all data stored in Firefox from a specific domain via "Forget About This Site" in the right-click context menu of an history entry ("History > Show All History" or "View > Sidebar > History") or via the about:permissions page.
    Using "Forget About This Site" will remove all data stored in Firefox from that domain like bookmarks, cookies, passwords, cache, history, and exceptions, so be cautious and if you have a password or other data from that domain that you do not want to lose then make sure to backup this data or make a note.
    You can't recover from this 'forget' unless you have a backup of the involved files.
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    I have not found any topic on this, here or in google. can someone please help?
    macbook pro 2.33 3GB   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Tom, very kindly, has got me most of the way to a happy ending.
    one or another font file or cache was causing the problem. i removed all fonts from Home/Library/Fonts, then ran FontFinagler, rebooted, and things display correctly.
    now i must figure out how to establish which fonts are suitable suitcases to be used.
    macbook pro 2.33 3GB    

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    Is there a way to set the Color Depth default  on remotetool to 24bbp ?
    When we close the remote session, Synapse crashes or doesn’t display any pictures, leaving them black.
    Here’s how the user would see it
    On the other hand if we pre-set the colour depth to 24bbp before opening Synapse. Everything is displayed correctly on both admin and the remote workstation, while in a remote session.

    Yes, I know this is an old post, but I’m trying to clean them up.
    To my knowledge there is no way to do this, however I would suggest looking at remote desktop instead of CM0-7 Remote control.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

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    Adobe Acrobat will not open any documents, it tells me it is a trial, I click on license product and get a thank you for your Adobe Cloud subscription... but then when I try to open a pdf I get the same message it just keeps looping from trial will r

  • How to turn OFF quicktime but leave installed?

    I need quick time installed to use Itunes per Apple. But when trying to download podcasts on some web sites, quicktime just automatically plays the podcast instead of letting me save the podcast as a file. if I uninstall quicktime my problem goes awa

  • Screen goes wacky after possible overheating

    I recently updated my phone to iOS 8.2 (I didn't skip any versions, I was just lagging ~2 months behind on downloading 8.2). Soon after (though I'm not sure it's related) -- within a week -- my phone got really...wonky. I have a YouTube/video link to

  • Get cl_gui_alv_grid header commentary

    Hello, I am using BADI FI_ITEMS_MENU01(t. FBL3N ...)  for upload cl_gui_alv_grid content to Excel, but i dont know how i can to get alv header commentary from the reference to cl_gui_alv_grid. Is there any possibility to do that? Thank you in advance