Http compression gzip compression SharePoint 2013

Hi All,
Can we enable http compression for SharePoint 2013 web application?
Many Thanks,
sudesh withanage

Yes, as each request pass through the IIS, everything will be compressed.  And also it depends on the CPU utilization and settings done during the compression.  As per the article if the CPU utilization is 90% or above compression does not performed.
Please mark it answered, if your problem resolved or helpful.

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    the OData formats support communication with anonymous web services as well as with those protected by various types of authentication. In short, you have full control over the request and response for each service call. This allows you to use a series of
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    RequestorId: 2bfd5ec9-1fd1-de92-ccc2-1f2a912c49ce. Details: System.ApplicationException: HTTP 500 {"Transfer-Encoding":["chunked"],"X-SharePointHealthScore":["0"],"SPClientServiceRequestDuration":["132"],"SPRequestGuid":["2bfd5ec9-1fd1-de92-ccc2-1f2a912c49ce"],"request-id":["2bfd5ec9-1fd1-de92-ccc2-1f2a912c49ce"],"X-FRAME-OPTIONS":["SAMEORIGIN"],"MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices":[""],"X-Content-Type-Options":["nosniff"],"X-MS-InvokeApp":["1;
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    Go to one of your SharePoint boxes, open op powershell and get teh logs around the "SPRequestGUid" you see in your message...  Do something like this:
    Merge-SPLogFile -path "Desktop\wferror.log" -correlation 2bfd5ec9-1fd1-de92-ccc2-1f2a912c49ce
    This will basically grab log files from all boxes ULS logs that have to do with that transaction.
    *** not sure how far back it will look depending on your log size, but sometimes I've had to reproduce another error (with a new SPGuid) and then Merge logs with that Correlation...
    Once you get this file, you can open it with ULSViewer and then you can filter/sort by Product/Category/ErrorLevel/etc...  this will definitely help you determine what the issue is.  The key is that SPRequestGuid (which is the "Correlation ID"
    that you see when you get SharePoint Unexpected errors to reference the log files...

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    Hi Nick,
    Is only this action "Call HTTP Webservice" missing from SharePoint 2013 workflow?
    If other actions are also missing, you can reinstall and reconfigure workflow for SharePoint 2013.
    Please double check and make sure you create the SharePoint 2013 workflow platform .
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    For your issue, verify if Excel files are rendered by Office Web Apps:
    When Office Web Apps is responsible for the rendering the URL will look something like this:
    And when Excel Calc is rendering the document it should look like the following:
    Here is an article about how to enable pdf preview with OWA:
    Besides, refer to configure Office Web Apps for SharePoint 2013:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    If you wanted to integrate Team Foundation Server with SharePoint 2013,
    there are two articles for your reference:
    By the way, you can also post the question in in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server forums and more experts will assist you.
    Team Foundation Server – General
    More information:
    SharePoint Products requirements for Team Foundation Server:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Office web apps Server for Sharepoint 2013

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    For the sharepoint configuration phase, the following commands were run on the sharepoint machine:
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    2) Get-SPWOPIZone
    3) Set-SPWOPIZone -zone "external-https"
    However, office documents are still launching in the desktop office applications, not in the browser. Any ideas of what else I may need to do?

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you fail to configure Office Web Apps for your SharePoint 2013.
    How about run Get-SPWOPIZone? If you can get a result, it says that your  SharePoint  have connected with Office Web Apps.
    Then you can run below command to  change the zone to internal-https.
    Set-SPWOPIZone -zone "internal-https"
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Some of the forums suggested to add the below entry in the web config of the SharePoint web app where the SSRS reports are deployed. We did that too, still the error is appearing. Please can anyone help .
    <add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="100000" />

    Hi Surendra,
    I have tested on my local environment and the issue can be caused by the session time out ,the time out of the report precessing, database timeout,DataSet query execution timeout and so on.
    I would like to confirm that the refresh you have mentioned is the page refresh or the report reloading?
    Please reference to the setting below to don't limit the timeout values if you got the report reloading:
    Point to a report in the library.
    Click the down arrow, and select Manage processing options.
    In Processing Time-out, select Do not time out report processing or
    Limit report processing in seconds if you want to override that value with no time-out or different time-out values.
    If you got the session timeout that refresh the page, please reference to the setting in below article:
    Details information in the article below about the timeout setting for your reference:
    Set Processing Options (Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated Mode)
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • SharePoint 2013 error 8059 & Excel Web service issues

    The issues I am getting is a 8059 error "and exception occurred when trying to issue security
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    Code Below
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    05/22/2014 17:08:08.16  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Browser ajfya   Medium  MossHostHelperMethods.IsUserLicensedForExcelServices:
    User passed 'ExcelServices' license check.    d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.16  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Browser alv5s   Medium  ExcelWebRenderer.OnLoad:
    Starting loading external EWR  d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Excel Calculation Services  ai4hl  
    Medium  MossHost.GetSPFile: exception System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl(String strUrl, Boolean includeQueryString, Boolean canonicalizeUrl)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.MossHost.MossHost.TryGetSPFile(SPWeb web, String fileUri, SPFile& file) accesing SPFile for url = Documents/Business Development/Documents List.xlsx, possibly UNC or
    permissions   d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Browser ajfya   Medium  MossHostHelperMethods.IsUserLicensedForExcelServices:
    User passed 'ExcelServices' license check.    d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Excel Calculation Services  ai4hl  
    Medium  MossHost.GetSPFile: exception System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl(String strUrl, Boolean includeQueryString, Boolean canonicalizeUrl)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.MossHost.MossHost.TryGetSPFile(SPWeb web, String fileUri, SPFile& file) accesing SPFile for url = Documents/Business Development/Documents List.xlsx, possibly UNC or
    permissions   d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Browser ajfya   Medium  MossHostHelperMethods.IsUserLicensedForExcelServices:
    User passed 'ExcelServices' license check.    d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  SharePoint Server   Logging Correlation Data    xmnv
       Medium  User=i:0#.w|bpdconsulting\gharwood  d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Web Front End   6k3v   
    Medium  LoadBalancer.GetNextServer: failed to get server using load balancing scheme Local, falling down to health base d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Web Front End   abho   
    Monitorable ServerSession.GetNextServerHealthBased: There are no healthy servers although the number of available server in the farm is 1; updated with no candidates available for the health based load balancing. The update duration was 0 millisecs   
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Web Front End   ablz   
    Monitorable LoadBalancer.GetNextServerHealthBased: There are no healthy server in the farm  d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Web Front End   abgn   
    Medium  LoadBalancer.GetFailoverServer: Failed to get a failover server using health based load balancing scheme.   d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Browser aeh11   Medium  EwaState.OpenWorkbookAndUpdateState:
    errors occurred while trying to open the workbook, [MessageId: RetryError, MessageIdHash: -80526566]   d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.18  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Excel Calculation Services  ai4hl  
    Medium  MossHost.GetSPFile: exception System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl(String strUrl, Boolean includeQueryString, Boolean canonicalizeUrl)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.MossHost.MossHost.TryGetSPFile(SPWeb web, String fileUri, SPFile& file) accesing SPFile for url = Documents/Business Development/Documents List.xlsx, possibly UNC or
    permissions   d66d939c-c124-d0d5-5242-d280742cae03
    05/22/2014 17:08:08.19  w3wp.exe (0x0E20)   0x1FB0  Excel Services Application  Browser 3kdd  

    We've seen this error when the system was under load using SharePoint 2013 workflows. We tracked it back to problems with the distributed cache service. The fix is supposed to be applying CU3 or CU4 for the AppFabric Cache and potential changing some of
    the timeouts for the distributed cache. Take a look at this article:
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

  • Sharepoint 2013 - OWA sometimes doesn't open the review frame

    I have an issue with the feature review file of Office Web Apps, this is an sometimes issue because sometimes it's able to open the review frame to review the PDF file but sometimes it doesn't as below
    Could anyone help me on this issue? thank in advance
    Binh Duong

    Hi Binh,
    By default PDFs are not previewed in OWA in document libraries, you will need to do some additional configuration. Wictor Wilen has written an excellent blog covering this subject.
    Please ensure that you mark a question as Answered once you receive a satisfactory response. This helps people in future when searching and helps prevent the same questions being asked multiple times.

  • Unable to open any Sharepoint 2013 Apps

    Hi all,
    I am having an issue whenever I try and open third-party SharePoint 2013 Apps on our on-premises server. I have configured the app domain as per and installed some random third-party apps (eg. "Yammer App for SharePoint", "Corporate News App").
    I can go to the Microsoft Store and purchase apps and make them available to sites, however whenever I go to any of these sites "Site Contents" page and click to open any of the Apps it ends up redirecting the user back to the top-level sites homepage.
    Initially it was freezing on a blank page, but looking through the logs on the server there was an authentication error with a service account password. Having resolved that issue it now just returns to the homepage of the top-level site.
    Looking through the logs it appears that it gets redirected to the appropriate app domain URL, it then gets an Access Denied errors and attempts to redirect to an "Authenticate.aspx" URL in the apps domain. It then seems to fail authenticating
    with "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" and go back to the top-level site.
    A copy of the log file can be found at:
    The main sites web application is configured to use claims-based authentication via ADFS, anybody have any ideas?

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you encountered an authentication error 
    when you try to open third-part SharePoint 2013 Apps on your on-premises server with ADFS authentication.
    Configuring the app domain is
     necessary for setting up SharePoint Apps Development environment. If you just install and open third-part SharePoint 2013 Apps, it is not necessary.
    Also for your issue, you can have a look
     to the blog:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Publish Sharepoint 2013 with UAG 2010 SP3

    Hi All,
    I'm hoping some of you may be trying to accomplish the same task I am and are seeing similar problems.
    We have a single SharePoint 2013 Server running in our forest behind a UAG server that is setup to publish other applications (Exchange and RDS Connections which all works fine).  When publishing the SharePoint site following the instructions found
    here ( we are presented with the logon to UAG and then
    redirected to the SharePoint site where I'm informed that I don't have access to the site.  One change that we made to the instructions above was to terminate SSL on the UAG server and are using HTTP to the sharepoint server from UAG.
    The SharePoint site shares the same DNS name as the internal network and the users can access the site internally with no issue. 
    My gut feeling on this issue is that some where UAG is not passing the credentials to the SharePoint server correctly but I'm not able to locate a log to determine failed login attempts.  If someone could point me to where that may be that could be
    pretty helpful.
    Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Jeremy,
    Did you ever get this sorted? We've just migrated from Sharepoint 2010 to 2013 and everything looks good - except in the UAG (2010 SP3) that gives a "this site hasnt been shared with you". We also have SSL termination in the UAG, and the internal name is
    different from the external name, but it worked in Sharepoint 2010 without this issue. And yes we recreated the application with the 2013 template.
    // Kristoffer

  • Setting up multi-tier SharePoint 2013

    Hello Friends,
    I would like to set-up multi-tier farm on my VM. I have installed 2 Windows server partitions. Requirement is to set-up SQL server on 1st VM and 2nd VM will act as App server and WFE.
    I'm new to this installation stuff, so can you all guide me how to proceed further regarding services to be activated and connecting SQL on 1st VM with CA on 2nd VM

    Please check those links
    already Built trial environment
    Kind Regards,
    John Naguib
    Technical Consultant/Architect
    MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation
    Please remember to mark your question as answered if this solves your problem

  • SharePoint 2013 visual upgrade: Behind the Scene

    I recently migrated site collection from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. But is not visually upgraded yet. I wanted to create evaluation site collection before actual upgrading. My questions are:
    1) Will it create a new Web application?
    2) Will it extend a the existing web application?
    3) will it create only a new site collection? If yes, will the size of content database become double?
    I am worried about the size of content database, as my DB is almost 50 GB and haven't much space left.
    any help would be really appreciated.

    Hi Rizwan,
    Evaluation Site Collections is a new feature in the SharePoint 2013 upgrade story. Evaluation Site Collections lend site collection administrators the ability to try out the 2013 version of their site collection before actually upgrading the production site
    collection’s UI and content.
    An upgrade evaluation site collection creates an upgraded version of the site in a new, separate copy of the site that is running on SharePoint 2013. Unlike visual upgrade in SharePoint Server 2010, the upgrade evaluation site collection is a complete copy
    of the site collection, separate from the original. Actions taken in the upgrade evaluation do not affect the original site.
    Evaluation site collections have a default expiration period of 30 days. And the evaluation site collection will also automatically be deleted when its parent production site collection is upgraded.
    More information, please refer to the links:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Free version of sharepoint 2013 and workflows

    Our company just switched to the free version of Sharepoint 2013. I just need to know if we are able to do workflows with custom lists in this version and be able to route the list to other people within the company. We just need to know if it
    is possible first before we dig into it.

    I assume you mean SharePoint 2013 Foundation. You can see the detailed set of features here:
    If you get down to Workflows, you'll see that Foundation does not have those options.
    Edit: Correction. That is 2013 Workflows. You are able to make 2010 Workflows.
    Andy Wessendorf SharePoint Developer II | Rackspace [email protected]

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