HTTP post data from the Oracle database to another web server

Hi ,
I have searched the forum and the net on this. And yes I have followed the links
and Eddie Awad's Blog on the same topic. I was successful in calling the servlet but I keep getting errors.
I am using Oracle 10 g and My servlet is part of a ADF BC JSF application.
My requirement is that I have blob table in another DB and our Oracle Forms application based on another DB has to view the documents . Viewing blobs over dblinks is not possible. So Option 1 is to call a procedure passing the doc_blob_id parameter and call the web server passing the parameters.
The errors I am getting is:
First the parameters passed returned null. and
2. Since my servlet directly downloads the document on the response outputStream, gives this error.
'com.evermind.server.http.HttpIOException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine'
Any help please. I am running out of time.

user10264958 wrote:
My requirement is that I have blob table in another DB and our Oracle Forms application based on another DB has to view the documents . Viewing blobs over dblinks is not possible. Incorrect. You can use remote LOBs via a database link. However, you cannot use a local LOB variable (called a LOB <i>locator</i>) to reference a remote LOB. A LOB variable/locator is a pointer - that pointer cannot reference a LOB that resides on a remote server. So simply do not use a LOB variable locally as it cannot reference a remote LOB.
Instead provide a remote interface that can deal with that LOB remotely, dereference that pointer on the remote system, and pass the actual contents being pointed at, to the local database.
The following demonstrates the basic approach. How one designs and implements the actual remote interface, need to be decided taking existing requirements into consideration. I simply used a very basic wrapper function.
SQL> --// we create a database link to our own database as it is easier for demonstration purposes
SQL> create database link remote_db connect to scott identified by tiger using
Database link created.
SQL> --// we create a table with a CLOB that we will access via this db link
SQL> create table xml_files( file_id number, xml_file clob );
Table created.
SQL> insert into xml_files values( 1, '<root><text>What do you want, universe?</text></root>' );
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> --// a local select against the table works fine
SQL> select x.*, length(xml_file) as "SIZE" from xml_files x;
   FILE_ID XML_FILE                                                                                SIZE
         1 <root><text>What do you want, universe?</text></root>                                    53
SQL> --// a remote select against the table fails as we cannot use remote pointers/locators
SQL> select * from xml_files@remote_db x;
ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables
no rows selected
SQL> //-- we create an interface on the remote db to deal with the pointer for us
SQL> create or replace function ReturnXMLFile( fileID number, offset integer, amount integer ) return varchar2 is
  2          buffer  varchar2(32767);
  3  begin
  4          select
  5                  DBMS_LOB.SubStr( x.xml_file, amount, offset )
  6                          into
  7                  buffer
  8          from    xml_files x
  9          where   x.file_id = fileID;
11          return( buffer );
12  end;
13  /
Function created.
SQL> --// we now can access the contents of the remote LOB (only in 4000 char chunks using this example)
SQL> select
  2          file_id,
  3          ReturnXMLFile@remote_db( x.file_id, 1, 4000 ) as "Chunk_1"
  4  from       xml_files@remote_db x;
   FILE_ID Chunk_1
         1 <root><text>What do you want, universe?</text></root>
SQL> --// we can also copy the entire remote LOB across into a local LOB and use the local one
SQL> declare
  2          c               clob;
  3          pos             integer;
  4          iterations      integer;
  5          buf             varchar2(20);   --// small buffer for demonstration purposes only
  6  begin
  7          DBMS_LOB.CreateTemporary( c, true );
  9          pos := 1;
10          iterations := 1;
11          loop
12                  buf := ReturnXMLFile@remote_db( 1, pos, 20 );
13                  exit when buf is null;
14                  pos := pos + length(buf);
15                  iterations := iterations + 1;
16                  DBMS_LOB.WriteAppend( c, length(buf), buf );
17          end loop;
19          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'Copied '||length(c)||' byte(s) from remote LOB' );
20          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'Read Iterations: '||iterations );
21          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'LOB contents (1-4000):'|| DBMS_LOB.SubStr(c,4000,1) );
23          DBMS_LOB.FreeTemporary( c );
24  end;
25  /
Copied 53 byte(s) from remote LOB
Read Iterations: 4
LOB contents (1-4000):<root><text>What do you want, universe?</text></root>
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> The concern is the size of the LOB. It does not always make sense to access the entire LOB in the database. What if that LOB is a 100GB in size? Irrespective of how you do it, selecting that LOB column from that table will require a 100GB of data to be transferred from the database to your client.
So you need to decide WHY you want the LOB on the client (which will be the local PL/SQL code in case of dealing with a LOB on a remote database)? Do you need the entire LOB? Do you need a specific piece from it? Do you need the database to first parse that LOB into a more structured data struct and then pass specific information from that struct to you? Etc.
The bottom line however is that you can use remote LOBs. Simply that you cannot use a local pointer variable to point and dereference a remote LOB.

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    Hi H.James,
    According to your description, the issue is a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected while pulling data from an Oracle database in SSIS.
    Based on the error message, the issue should be you are comparing a number column to a non-number column in a query. Such as the query below (ConfID is a number, Sdate is a date):
     where C.ConfID in (select C.Sdate
                       from Conference_C C
                       where C.Sdate < '1-July-12')
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    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
            <DatabaseInstanceId xmlns="">2</DatabaseInstanceId>
            <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
                <u:Timestamp xmlns:u='' u:Id='uuid-327b6ed1-b26d-4a61-81d5-e326174c1961-3'>
                <o:UsernameToken u:Id='uuid-327b6ed1-b26d-4a61-81d5-e326174c1961-3' xmlns:u=''>
                    <o:Password Type=''>password</o:Password>
                    <o:Nonce EncodingType=''>vJBQhCc28bAeszej7gOaiC2tVCQ=</o:Nonce>
        <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
            <ReadProjects xmlns="">
                <Filter>Id = 'EC00515'</Filter>
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    The problem has been fixed.
    If you wanna to load data from Oracle DB,the connect String should be like this: "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=orcl;User Id=fdmitf;Password=fdmitf"
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    You said:
    Do you know ahead of time how many columns are in the file?
    yes, It has 8 columns.
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    Salray History Report in PDF format
    Page 1
    Date 10-21-2005
    Russell 14000 .4
    Partners 13500 .3
    Errazuriz 12000 .3
    Cambrault 11000 .3
    Zlotkey 10500 .2
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    Page 1
    Date 10-21-2005
    End of Page 1
    Date 10-21-2005

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    Your Oracle databases are so old you might want to look around and see if you can find dinosaur bones near by.
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    Have you tried with Database links?
    SELECT column_name FROM schema.table@external_oracle_db WHERE column_name = 'column_value';

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    This idea intrigued me, so a did a Google search on "extract photo metadata", which resulted in some interesting links.
    You might want to investigate some of these further.
    One which looked quite interesting along the lines of the read/write of metadata can be found here:
    Good Luck...

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    Need some urgent help.
    While uploading data to infotype 6 (addresses) in subtype 4(emergency address), I have uploaded the data twice and it has created a duplicate record now in table PA0006.
    I have done this in the quality server. Will this effect the user acceptance testing(UAT) in anyway and how can I delete this data from table PA0006
    Pls help me urgently.

    Hi  Naveen ,
    1 .Check what is the time constraint for address infotype .
    2.If it is 2 , it would have delimited the record , if it is 3 it would have created another record , if it is one there will be no problem as it would have deleted the recored provided u have given the dates into consideration .
    3.It will not be  a problem for UAT . If it is not required do  a scat for deletion of records .

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    2. Uncompressed it
    3. Changed the database settings in the file
    4. Made it a WAR file again
    5. Imported it in Eclipse IDE using File -> Import
    6. Ran a test client by right clicking the WSDL and selecting Web Services->Generate Client
    Now when I insert data using the client, it is still entering that on the old server and not the new one. I am so lost in terms of modifying WAR files.

    Obviously one or more of the steps you took was not performed correctly but the detail is important and we don't have any.
    I would guess that if you extract the content of your modified war file you will find that you did not actually change anything but who knows.

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    I have 2 databases. I need to create a database link to copy a table from one of the database to another.
    Both of them are Oracle 10g v2
    Please advice me on how can I go about it.
    I am trying to avoid import and export.
    What are the options left to me?

    user5160274 wrote:
    Hi Kanchana,
    I am using Oracle 10g/Windows Server 2008. I have created a dabaselink. The link works perfectly fine. I want to copy the table (Oracle 11g) from remote server in to my database. It is ongoing process ie, it has to be scheduled and I want the updated rows to be copied in to my database on a daily basis. Please help me out.
    Eagerly awaiting for your response.
    Narayanan NAnd once again a new member of the forum, on their very first post, goes on an archeological dig and tries to raise the dead. This thread is well over a year old. You should have started your own thread for your own issue. You say you have created a link and it works, so whatever your problem is, it is NOT even related to the question the OP raised.
    At exactly what point are you unsure about the process? Scheduling a processes? The command to use? Exactly what have you tried? What results do you have so far?.
    Please, start a new thread explaining your issue.
    Moderator --- please lock this thread.

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