[httpclient] Earn duke dollars easily ;-)

Hello everybody,
How can I accept every cookie using the httpclient API ?
Here is the warning message I get when I download an Altavista source code :
19 juil. 2004 10:39:53 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase processResponseHeaders
ATTENTION: Cookie rejected: "B=600d0a50fn273&b=2". Illegal domain attribute ".yahoo.com". Domain of origin: "fr.altavista.com"
Thank you for advance

It is not a valid cookie - it is trying to suggest it is from a domain that
it isn't really from.
What are you trying to do ? Are you writing the cookie or receiving it ?
Does your standard browser accept it ?I'm trying to retreive an Altavista result page.
Altavista has recently been bought by Yahoo Corp.
That's why when you do a request on altavista.com, you're redirected to yahoo.com (who puts a cookie) and again to altavista.com (which is also defining a cookie)
No problem for a standard browser, but the "redirection+cookie" milkshake seems to be fatal for appache httpclient API.
Have you read the info on Jakarta's site?
Note: HTTPClient does't currently support version 2 cookies, this might be your problemYes, of course, but there's nothing about accepting any cookie without validation, and that's what I want to do.

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    cheers everyone
    private void polling()
    try {
    } catch (Exception e){
    try {
    Stack male = new Stack();
              Stack female = new Stack();
              File esbian = new File("02May2002_Test_Facts.txt");
              FileReader ond = new FileReader(esbian);
              BufferedReader hecker = new BufferedReader(ond);
    int ef;
    String incident = "INCIDENT" ;
              while (true)
                   String lum = new String();
                   String umber = "";
                   String olyfeck = hecker.readLine();
                   if (olyfeck == null)
                   StringTokenizer tarman = new StringTokenizer(olyfeck);
                   while (tarman.hasMoreTokens())
    umber = tarman.nextToken();
                        for( ef=0; ef < 1; ef++)
    umber = umber.replace('\u0028' , '\u0020');
    umber = umber.replace('\u0029' , '\u0020');
                        umber = umber.trim().toUpperCase();
    if (umber.equals("INCIDENT" ) || umber.equals("EVENT") ||umber.equals("ALARM") || umber.equals("FAULTRECORD") || umber.equals("INTERPRETEDFAULTRECORD"))
    lum = umber;
                             agentout.append("subscription succeeded: " + umber + "\r\n");
    catch(IOException efe)
         System.err.println("ERROR: " + efe) ;
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    I have created this method, it is supposed to read a text file when a button is pressed after i have allocated an amount of time to check the text file. the text file must be checked every 2mins or so to see if there have been any changes!
    i have some code here but 'wait(10000)' doesnt seem to have any effect!
    can anybody help
    theres 15 duke dollars in it for the best solution
    cheers everyone
    private void polling()
    try {
    } catch (Exception e){
    try {
    Stack male = new Stack();
              Stack female = new Stack();
              File esbian = new File("02May2002_Test_Facts.txt");
              FileReader ond = new FileReader(esbian);
              BufferedReader hecker = new BufferedReader(ond);
    int ef;
    String incident = "INCIDENT" ;
              while (true)
                   String lum = new String();
                   String umber = "";
                   String olyfeck = hecker.readLine();
                   if (olyfeck == null)
                   StringTokenizer tarman = new StringTokenizer(olyfeck);
                   while (tarman.hasMoreTokens())
    umber = tarman.nextToken();
                        for( ef=0; ef < 1; ef++)
    umber = umber.replace('\u0028' , '\u0020');
    umber = umber.replace('\u0029' , '\u0020');
                        umber = umber.trim().toUpperCase();
    if (umber.equals("INCIDENT" ) || umber.equals("EVENT") ||umber.equals("ALARM") || umber.equals("FAULTRECORD") || umber.equals("INTERPRETEDFAULTRECORD"))
    lum = umber;
                             agentout.append("subscription succeeded: " + umber + "\r\n");
    catch(IOException efe)
         System.err.println("ERROR: " + efe) ;
    } // end of method polling

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    At the top of your post, ther will be an option to "Assign" duke dollars. Once you assign them to your post, you will see an option to "Award" duke dollars in the header of the replies to the post.
    Why don't you assign a few to this post to witness that! :-)

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    That's in the FAQ which you can see here: http://forum.java.sun.com/faq.jsp

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  • Test topic for duke dollars test case

    Have had issues reported regarding not being able to assign duke dollars. This is a test to see if there's an issue or not. -- DanG

    it should look like:
    Forum Home > New To Java Technology
    Topic: test to assign Duke dollars
           Duke Dollars
           If you'd like, assign Duke Dollars to this topic to encourange
           others to answer your question. [More Info]  at the top of this thread.

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