Https question(using NSStream)

Greetings everyone,
I have a question about https requests on the iPhone.
I started developing on the iPhone about two days ago so my code isn't that pretty (yet) and I still have a lot to learn. I am trying to learn by creating all sorts of small applications as test-projects.(Yesterday: Mandelbrot drawing and Twitter client.) But, I have ran into a problem with one of the projects. I need to send a HTTPS request to a server, but I want to format the request header myself.(It is even a necessity) So I started using NSStream to handle the connecting with and requesting of the server. And it works, until I tried to connect using a secure connection(HTTPS).
This is the code I use:
NSHost *host = [NSHost hostWithName:@"hostname"];
NSInputStream * iStream = [[NSInputStream alloc] init];
NSOutputStream * oStream = [[NSOutputStream alloc] init];
NSStream getStreamsToHost:host port:443 inputStream:&iStream outputStream:&oStream;<br/> <br/><br/> //[iStream setProperty:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1 forKey:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey];<br/> //[oStream setProperty:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1 forKey:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey];<br/> iStream setProperty: NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv3 forKey:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey;<br/> oStream setProperty: NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv3 forKey:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey;<br/> <br/> ;<br/> ;<br/><br/> NSString * request = @"GET /index.php HTTP/1.0
";<br/> [oStream write:((const uint8_t *)[request UTF8String]) maxLength:[request length]];<br/> <br/> NSMutableString *result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];<br/> char buffer[16];<br/> int bytesRead = iStream read:buffer maxLength:16;<br/> while(bytesRead==16){<br/> [result appendString:[NSString stringWithCString:buffer encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]];<br/> bytesRead = iStream read:buffer maxLength:16;<br/> }<br/> buffer[bytesRead] = '

I tried that, but it doesn't seem to help.
The server I am testing with is sadly enough not under my control.
I tried using the +NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest+ today and it seems to give a logical response. But the response isn't what I expect it to be and I fear that the problem might lie in the header that is send to the server.(It is really picky about the request.) I tried using NSMutableURLRequest, but it doesn't allow me to take complete control of the header.
(Note: The page seems to load in Safari on OSX and the iPhone, but again because of the request I do not get the response I am looking for.)
I do not know if this is possible, but would I be able to subclass the NSMutableURLRequest and override the method that supplies the request text?(Or is there somethings else I can do, so I can use the +NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest+, which seems to handle everything correctly, but control the request that is send letter for letter?)

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    Any ideas please

    maybe this?
    InputStream in = getClass().getResourseAsStream("database/mydatabase.txt");
    Although, you can still do this:
    File f = new File(new FIle(application.getRealPath("/")), "/WEB-INF/database/mydatabase.txt");
    You can still access the file on the JSP/servlet side that way. But you can't access that file from the browser no matter what if it's under WEB-INF, if that's what you are trying to do.

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    <datatype>XML</datatype> (optional)
    I have 2 questions here
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    But while testing how will I pass the header?
    <userid> ADT00368</userid>
    <password> ADT00368</password>

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    We are fellow users on these forums, you're not talking to Apple or iTunes Support.
    If you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) set up on your account then steps 1 to 5 on the page that you posted from should let you reset them : go to and click 'Manage your Apple ID' on the right-hand side of that page and log into your account, then click on 'Password and Security' on the left-hand side of that page and on the right-hand side you should see an option to send security question reset info to your rescue email address.
    If you don't have a rescue email address (you won't be able to add one until you can answer 2 of your questions) then you won't get the reset option - you will need to contact iTunes Support / Apple to get the questions reset.
    Contacting Apple about account security :
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use the steps half-way down the page that you posted from to add a rescue email address for potential future use.

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    HTTP Error 405 - The HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed.
    Internet Information Services (IIS)
    The frame where you normally are using for authentication has this error, the frame around is normal.
    Hope someony can help, thx in advance

    I can't fin a upload button , so the file in plain text gepasted
    Hope it is readable :
    #Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0
    #Version: 1.0
    #Date: 2012-02-29 12:19:21
    #Fields: date time s-sitename s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/logon.aspx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/res/ - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/js/utils.js.ashx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/js/helpSystem.js.ashx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/common/appService.aspx service=skinning&resource=img&img=img.banner.logon.pattern 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/listing/blank.aspx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/common/appService.aspx service=skinning&resource=img&img=img.banner.logo 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/logon/logon.aspx parameter=logonService 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:19:21 W3SVC1 POST /PlatformServices/Shared/Logon/Logon.aspx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE7.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 405 0 1
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/logon.aspx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/res/ - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/js/utils.js.ashx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/js/helpSystem.js.ashx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/listing/blank.aspx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/common/appService.aspx service=skinning&resource=img&img=img.banner.logon.pattern 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/common/appService.aspx service=skinning&resource=img&img=img.banner.logo 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 GET /InfoViewApp/logon/logon.aspx parameter=logonService 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:32:05 W3SVC1 POST /PlatformServices/Shared/Logon/Logon.aspx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT5.2;Trident/4.0;.NETCLR1.1.4322;.NETCLR2.0.50727;.NETCLR3.0.4506.2152;.NETCLR+3.5.30729) 405 0 1
    2012-02-29 12:33:17 W3SVC1 OPTIONS /c$ - 80 - Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 200 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:33:17 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /c$ - 80 - Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 501 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:33:17 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /c$ - 80 - Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 501 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:33:17 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /c$ - 80 - Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 501 0 0
    2012-02-29 12:33:17 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /c$ - 80 - Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601 501 0 0
    Thx in advance for your reply

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    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
    response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=&#35299;&#27770;.zip");
    // I actually has file name in utf-8 here to set to the header, and I know that the name is correctly
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    Content-disposition: attachment; filename=&#65533;zn&#65533;�.zip
    I am using Tomcat 5.0.28. Any idea how to get this working?
    Thanks in advance!

    You are setting the charset for the content to be UTF-8. (That is why the method is called setContentType.) But HTTP headers are not part of the content and so that has no effect on the header.
    The original specification for HTTP only allowed US-ASCII characters in headers. It is possible that more recent versions have features that allow for non-ASCII header data, but I don't know if that is the case or how you would use those features if they exist.

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    Prefix the request URI with the https protocol.
    The answer is too easy and straightforward that I guess that you mean something else. If you just want to know how to configure an SSL environment for your own webapplication, refer to the Java EE tutorial chapter 28:

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    Hi All,
    If some one who has tried HTTPS communication using HTTP receiver adapter using URL address as Address type can you please guide me what are the steps need to be done.
    Note : Address type is a parameter in HTTP adapter setup .

    Check this,
    Configurations in Integration Directory
    The plain HTTP adapter gives the receiver system the following specifications:
    &#151; Specifications for addressing using a URL address:
    Target host, service number, and path prefix including query string:
    You can identify the target host (HTTP port) of a SAP Web Application Server using
    ICM monitor
    Host and port of the HTTP proxy (optional if there is a firewall between the plain
    HTTP adapter and the receiver system)
    Authentication data for the receiver system.
    See also: transaction Display and Maintain RFC Destinations (SM59).
    &#151; Specifications for addressing using an HTTP destination:
    HTTP destination
    &#151; Parameters from the communication channel for technical routing
    Content type (the entry text/XML is expected as default)
    Specifies the format that the message contents (the payload) should have.
    Optional header fields for the receiver-specific protocol
    Attributes for the query string
    1. Sender party
    2. Sender service
    3. Receiver Interface
    4. Message ID
    5. Quality of service
    6. Queue ID
    All attributes are selected except for the queue ID. If you do not want a value to be
    transferred to the receiver, deselect it. The queue ID is only required if the quality of
    service is EOIO.
    Specifications for payload manipulation
    XML code (default UFT-8)
    Specifies the character set.
    URL escaping
    Presents the XML in a URL-enabled format. Special characters that could be
    interpreted as control characters are replaced with escape characters (masked).
    Enhances the payload for particular servers (optional, see below).
    Enhances the payload for particular servers (optional, see below).
    Enhancing the Payload

  • Why is the https protocol used on all pages of arch wiki & forums ?

    I don't know if it's true, but I heard that the https protocol requires more server resources than http, maybe because the server has to encrypt the data before sending it to the client. Therefore, as far as I know, https is usually used only on web pages containing login forms, and others that transmit sensitive data. I'm not complaining about the wiki or forum performance, they're loading fast, but is there a reason for using https on all pages of arch wiki and arch forums ? Shouldn't https be used only for logins to the wiki and forums, and http for all other pages, just like archlinux home page ?
    Last edited by Chrys349 (2011-10-14 00:14:54)

    I don't know the specific reasons as far as Arch is concerned, but there is a trend... See for example the HTTPS Everywhere extension. Many sites started offering or forcing https (including Google.) This can help avoid censorship and eavesdropping, two things that are on the rise too in many countries.

  • Would like to disable HTTP and use only HTTPS yet I get side effects

    I have established a secure connection between the AS ABAP and AS Java.
    I would like assure that all communication between the servers is using https and for that, as a test, I have deactivated the http service using SMICM transaction.
    The only side effect I could recognize so far is that the Web Dynpro for ABAP stuff doesn't work through transaction SE80, the working area simply doesn't come up. If I activate HTTP again it is working.
    Am I doing the right thing by disabling HTTP completely and if yes, what else do I need to do in order to prevent this side effect from happening?

    humuhumunukunukuapuaa wrote:
    If I get some nice approvals on my app spree in 10 days, I would like to close Talbots and Abercrombie and Fitch store cards. Total CL for the 2 is $2,700 ($1,350 each)  but I can make up for that closure and utilization loss by getting quite a bit more than those amounts on majors during my app spree. Talbots has only been open 4 months, A&F one year. I have other cards that are the same age or older so should not majorly affect AaoA. Thoughts? I know some will say don't close cards, but they're store cards and I don't need to be responsible for store cards I don't use.If you have no use for them and don't foresee using them in the future then you should probably close them out.  They won't affect your AAoA as the cards will stay in your reports for 10 years.  No sense in keeping cards that you don't want just to take up room in your sock drawer.

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    Thanks Marc.
    Let me rephrase the scenario.
    I have an external application which is capable of sending information only in XML through HTTP requests. It does not send SOAP messages. I guess in this case, we would need to use the HTTP binding using POST method. Much like the sample at which uses the GET method.
    In this sample reynolds is using the GET method. I have been trying to get the POST method to work.

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    Many thanks Alex

    When you set up the program, you can (or not) enable interactive "from the field" questions.
    The client provide a button that can be pressed to flag the presenter that a field question is pending.
    The presenter can then address the questions as possible.
    Depending on the scope and location of the audience, you may also consider bringing up a conference bridge for voice-based questions.
    Good Luck

  • Post an XML on HTTPS URL using XI

    Hi All,
    My scenario is SAP SRM - XI - HTTP, where I am posting an XML message from XI to HTTPS URL using HTTP receiver adapter.
    Can you tell me what all step needs to be done to configure HTTP receiver adapter in this case. Also, since I have to post an XML message on HTTPS URL (Which is outside the domain), do I need to apply SSL certificates as well?
    Appreciate your help!!!
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Amit
    regarding HTTP URl  just check these
    You can use the HTTP adapter. Refer to following SDN TV demo of the HHTP adapter for details steps involved into it.
    HTTPS using XMLSPY
    The HTTPS configuration data of the Adapter Engines has to be configured in the SLD.
    More Information in the "SAP Security Guide XI"
    Under Security Check for Inbound Messages, you can specify which HTTP Security Level is to be assumed for incoming messages. You can choose from the following security levels:
    &#9675; HTTP (default value)
    &#9675; HTTPS without client authentication
    &#9675; HTTPS with client authentication
    <b>Pls reward if useful </b>

  • Logging of Forwarded HTTP Requests using RequestDispatcher in Weblogic

    Can anyone help me on this?
    Logging of Forwarded HTTP Requests using RequestDispatcher in Weblogic
    Access Log File:
    1. I have a servlet(S1) which decides which JSP to be published based on
    some logic. If I try to forward the request from a servlet to a JSP or to
    another servlet from within S1 using RequestDispatcher, it doesn't get
    logged in the access log, only the initial request to S1 gets logged, when I
    switch on HTTP logging by setting weblogic.httpd.enableLogFile to true. Is
    there any way of logging this forwarding of request in the access log?
    2. If there is no solution for (1), I woiuld like to make entries into the
    access log file of weblogic in the common log format, when I forward a
    request to a JSP or a servlet throught the RequestDispatcher, so that I can
    use standard tools to analyze the logfile.The two issues with this are (i)
    is there any weblogic service that gives a handle to the access log file
    like the LogServicesDef which gives a handle to the weblogic log file. (ii)
    Is there any utility class available that can format a URL pointing to a JSP
    to a string confirming to the common log format.

    The log4j:ERROR messages are not coming from Log4j 2 and are most likely from Log4j 1.x. Somehow Log4j 1.x must be getting the log4j2 configuration.

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