Huge problem with validation - dreamweaver template makes IE go into quirk mode

I made a template with dreamweaver CS5  but it gives me validation error
This is how it is setup in template page
<!doctype html><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
<title>tetielnkeh  uheiruhsiurhsuhrseuh</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="numerologija, števila, numerološka analiza, sreča, denar, ljubezen, brezplačno, kaldejska, ime, priimek, pitagora, naca, jermanj, nesrečno, življenje, kaldejci,, nesrečno število, 13, 19, luck, numerološki, program, več strani, šmalc, najboljše, najboljši, indijski, supe" />
<meta name="description" content="Profesionalna numerologija pomaga rešiti težave, numerologija razloži vpliv vibracij imena in priimka na vaše življenje. Numerološka analiza je odgovor na vaša iskanja. Vibracija imena je zelo pomemben faktor."/>
       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../numerologija.css" media="all" />
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
but when i create pages it looks like this
<!-- InstanceBegin template="Templates/osnovna.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --><!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<title>Numerologija, numerološka analiza, numerologija imena</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="numerologija, števila, numerološka analiza, sreča, denar, ljubezen, brezplačno, kaldejska, ime, priimek, pitagora, naca, jermanj, nesrečno, življenje, kaldejci,, nesrečno število, 13, 19, luck, numerološki, program, več strani, šmalc, najboljše, najboljši, indijski, supe" />
<meta name="description" content="Profesionalna numerologija pomaga rešiti težave, numerologija razloži vpliv vibracij imena in priimka na vaše življenje. Numerološka analiza je odgovor na vaša iskanja. Vibracija imena je zelo pomemben faktor."/>
<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
So why is this added in the first row?? 
<!-- InstanceBegin template="Templates/osnovna.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
That is what breaks my code and makes my site look weird in IE
Here is the proof  
and here is comment from W3C page
Line 1, Column 87: Comments seen before doctype. Internet Explorer will go into the quirks mode.
…tanceBegin template="Templates/osnovna.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
I tried to use only code with no template editing markup code and it works fine in all browsers, but because stupid dreamweaver now, my site does not work in IE

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<title>Numerologija, numerološka analiza, numerologija imena</title>
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
<meta name="keywords" content="numerologija, števila, numerološka analiza, sreča, denar, ljubezen, brezplačno, kaldejska, ime, priimek, pitagora, naca, jermanj, nesrečno, življenje, kaldejci,, nesrečno število, 13, 19, luck, numerološki, program, več strani, šmalc, najboljše, najboljši, indijski, supe" />
<meta name="description" content="Profesionalna numerologija pomaga rešiti težave, numerologija razloži vpliv vibracij imena in priimka na vaše življenje. Numerološka analiza je odgovor na vaša iskanja. Vibracija imena je zelo pomemben faktor."/>
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                    <h4><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="slogan" -->Vsako ime, priimek vam lahko prinaša srečo anli nesrečo v življenju. Ime in priimek nsta samo sklop črks, ampak vibracije, kot je vibracija zvok. Vibracije lahko delujejo negativno ali pozitivno. <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></h4>
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                    <strong>Kako lahko naročite numerološko analizo, vse od plačila, kdaj jo prejmete in kako nas kontaktirati dobite na spodnjem linku</strong><a href="">KLIKNI TUKAJ</a>
            <h3>KAJ ANALIZA VSEBUJE</h3>
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                    <strong>Kaj numerološka analiza vsebuje, koliko strani obsega, katera področja vašega življanja opisuje, vse to na spodnjem linku</strong><a href="">KLIKNI TUKAJ</a>
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                    <strong>Dobil sem že ogromno pričevanj od ljudi, katerim sem naredil analizo. To so ljudje iz različnih poklicev, starosti, hobijev. </strong><a href="">KLIKNI TUKAJ</a>
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                    <h3>NUMEROLOGIJA UVOD</h3>
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        <h2>Kaldejska in Pitagorejska metoda </h2>
        <p>Na naslednjih straneh, vam bom poskušal predstaviti <strong>Numerologijo</strong> v čim bolj jasni luči. Veliko dejavnikov vpliva na naše življenje.      Obstaja mnogo različnih načinov, kako si pomagati v težavah. Poti do      uspeha so različne. Numerologija je tudi ena od rešitev in je zelo      uspešna pri reševanju problemov. <br>
          Kvantna fizika je ugotovila, da je <strong>celotno stvarstvo v bistvu samo energija</strong> (človek je sestavljen iz celic, te so sestavljene iz molekul, te iz      atomov, atomi so iz elektronov, ti pa so v bistvu energija). Vse okoli      nas je energija, ki vibrira z različnimi vibracijami. </p>
        <p>Tudi <strong>naše misli , dejanja imajo svojo vibracijo, energijo, moč</strong>. Vsak zvok vibrira s svojo vibracijo. Če <strong>izgovarjamo črke ali besede ustvarjamo energijsko valovanje</strong>.      Različna valovanja imajo različno delovanje oz. učinek. Tudi naše   ime    in priimek imata svojo vibracijo, ki je lahko dobra ali slaba.   Lahko    nam prinašata denar, srečo, ljubezen ali pa vse dobro   uničujeta,    preprečujeta z negativnimi vibracijami. </p>
        <p> Naše ime je zelo <strong>močna vibracija</strong>.  Je     vibracija, pod katero nas poznajo vsi okoli nas. Ta vibracija zelo      močno vpliva na naše življenje. Ljudje, ki nas poznajo pod to vibracijo      nezavedno kreirajo naše življenje. Če ima naše ime pozitivno   vibracijo,    nam vsi ko nas poznajo prinašajo pozitivne učinke, če je   negativno,    negativne učinke. <br>
        <p>Ogromno  ljudi je po narejeni numerološki analizi dobilo     čisto drugačen vpogled  na svoje življenje. Kar naenkrat recimo     ugotovijo, zakaj se jim vsi  načrti pokvarijo, zakaj nimajo sreče v     ljubezni, zakaj imajo vedno  izgubo itd. </p>
        <p> </p>
        <p><strong>Numerologija</strong> jim pomaga doseči cilj.</p>
        <p>Niste kdaj pomislili, kako bi se (ali se je) s <a href=""> spremembo imena</a>, priimka ali vašega življenjskega partnerja spremenilo vaše življenje? Kako bi vam lahko numerologija pomagala?</p>
        <h2>Osebna izkušnja z numerologijo </h2>
        <p>Tudi  meni je numerologija pomagala doseči prej     nedosegljive cilje. Delam to  kar želim, imam dovolj denarja, potujem po     svetu. Vse to mi je pomagala  omogočiti <strong>numerologija</strong>. <strong>Numerologija</strong> mi pomaga tudi pri ljubezni. Moje zveze s puncami so popolnoma drugačne kot so bile prej. </p>
        <p>Numerologija mi pomaga najti veliko lepša dekleta brez osebnostnih težav, kot je recimo <strong>bulimija</strong> itd. Nekaj let nazaj sem bil vzvezi, ki me je skoraj uničila. Ženska s      katero sem bil je imela toliko problemov sama s sabo in sovraštva,      ljubosumja, jaz sem pa vse to prenašal. Po spremembi imena sem kmalu      spoznal da to ni to in takoj prekinil katastrofalno zvezo.</p>
        <h2><br />
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                                          profesionalni numerolog<strong><br>
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    Hi Mani Nair,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on the exact nature of the issue you are describing. If you are talking about having issues with a 3G cellular data network, you may find the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article helpful:
    iPhone cellular data connection issues
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    please help me on this matter . i will wait for the reply please tech support help me.

    saftan wrote:
    I've made several attempts to use the Akamai Downloader to download the Trial version of InDesign CS5 but it just I have no luck.
    As soon as I start the Akamai Downloader it just pauses down on me, on every attempt!
    Please help me with this as I am trying to get my current employer to buy the new version and need to show them the advantages of the upgrade.
    Thank you for your assistance.
    Best Regards.
    Staffan R.
    Contact me at: [email protected]
    If your browser is Safari, try FireFox.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Problem with validation - can this be fixed?

    Hello I used an online tutorial to create an "express CSS
    menu" the menu looks really good but it does not validate and in
    IE7-Vista every page you try to access prompts an error that says
    "Problems with this webpage may prevent it from displaying
    properly.... error object expected..."
    Is there anyway for me to fix this and keep this menu??
    here is the link:
    I did validate the menu example I used before I began but did
    not realize the example used doctype html 4.01 and I am using xhtml
    1.0, if I try to change my doctype to html 4.01 I get all sorts of
    errors so my question is can i make this menu validate in xhtml

    > <script type="text/javascript"
    That would be correct assuming the file is IN THE TEMPLATES
    FOLDER. It
    should not be.
    All links in the TEMPLATE file *should* be one of three kinds
    1. Relative to the template file, e.g.,
    <a href="../ (meaning that you must go up one level from
    the template folder
    to reach the root of the site, hence all other files, since
    none of them
    should be in the templates folder)
    2. Relative to the site root, e.g.,
    <a href="/ (meaning that one would begin looking for the
    linked file at the
    root of the site and follow the pathing from that point)
    3. Absolute, e.g.,
    <a href="
    http:// (meaning that the link is to a page
    external to the site).
    If you are seeing any other kind of link, then it hasn't been
    made properly.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "shonts" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g16sce$a2k$[email protected]..
    > HI something very strange going on.
    > the code in my template reads : <link
    > rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    > <script type="text/javascript"
    > but when all the child pages created from the template
    the code appears
    > <link href="truestyles.css" rel="stylesheet"
    > media="screen" />
    > <script type="text/javascript"
    > <!--[if lte IE 7]>
    > <style>
    > The file "templates" is added there is nothing in my
    templates folder but
    > templates.
    > if you access
    where the
    > template
    > tells you to you will see the file has been uploaded.
    > any ideas why the "template" is being added to the code
    on child pages??

  • Problem with Validation in Struts

    Dear All,
    I am facing a proble with validation in struts.
    I have got this code in my action class
    //Initial Code...
    ArrayList branches=new ArrayList();
    branches.add("B01", "Main Branch");
    branches.add("B02", "Second Branch");
    branches.add("B03", "Third Branch");
    DynaValidatorForm memberForm=(DynaValidatorForm)form;
    //Finalizing code.....This form is getting validated in validation.xml.
    This action is being forwarded to folllowing JSP.
    //Initial Code...
                <td align="right"><strong>Branch Name </strong></td>
                <td> </td>
                <td align="left">
                    <html:select property="branid">
                        <html:optionsCollection name="memberForm" property="branches" value="key" label="value"/>
    //Later code...I have action mapping as..
            <action path="/member/save" input="" name="memberForm" validate="true"
            scope="request" type="com.mlm.action.MemberAction" parameter="action">
                <forward name="success" path="/" redirect="true"/>
            </action>Now, the problem is that when the form doesn't pass the validation then it gives an exception that..
    Can't find collection 'branches' in bean

    sauanu wrote:
    Ok, now I am giving full code of my module...
    <form-bean name="memberForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
    <form-property name="id" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="membname" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="address" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="branid" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="branches" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
    </form-beans>Validation is being done for all fileds except "branches". Validation type is "requried"
    My Jsp....
    <html:form action="/member/save?action=save">
    <html:hidden property="id"/>
    <td align="right"><strong>Member Name </strong></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td align="left">
    <html:text property="membname"/>
    <td align="right"><strong>Address</strong></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td align="left">
    <html:text property="address"/>
    <td align="right"><strong>Branch Name </strong></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td align="left">
    <html:select property="branid">
    <html:optionsCollection name="memberForm" property="branches" />
    <td align="right">
    <b><td>   </td></b>
    <html:button value="Cancel" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" property="cancel"/>
    </html:form>This is the code..
    I tried to find out the problem and I found that.. when the form does not pass the validation its input page gets displayed..
    Now, when the input is getting displayed.. "branches" field of the form contains null???Why?
    Edited by: sauanu on ?? ??????, ???? ??:?? ?????????Forget,about Validations.
    Who is forwarding the control to this JSP page or view ??
    Is it Action method code which metioned earlier doing it ??
    Or some other Action is involved if it is some other action please intialize Values of branches component in the respective action.
    ArrayList branches=new ArrayList();
    branches.add("B01", "Main Branch");
    branches.add("B02", "Second Branch");
    branches.add("B03", "Third Branch"); I believe you need to get a good understanding of Java Collection classes aswell.
    You can add things as entities in the above case lets create a simple java bean named Option.
    public class Option implements Serializable{
        private String label;
        private String value;
        public void setValue(String value){this.value = value;};
        public String getValue(){return this.value;}
        public void setLabel(String label){this.label = label;}
        public String getLabel(){return this.label;}
    } and inside the action which is forwarding to the respective view
    ArrayList branches=new ArrayList();
    Option option = new Option();
    option.setLabel("Main Branch");
    option = new Option();
    option.setLabel("Second Branch");
    option = new Option();
    option.setLabel("Third Branch");
          <html:select property="branid">
                   <html:options name="memberForm" collection="branches"   value="value" label="label" />
           </html:select>and one more thing is is that after the validation if it is not validated it'd be sent back to input page which destorys the request therefore try making scope of "memberForm" to session in your action mappings and check.
    Hope this might help :)

  • Problem with action script 3 make input text box and button....

    Hi every one I am trying to make a family book using "Air for Android" with a simple search engin in the book
    air for android only work with AS3,
    the search function is to type a person's name and hit submit then go to a specific frame.
    have a problem making below code to work in AS3 and hopefully one of you guys can lead me in the right direction to fix the issue.
    Currently, I have an input text box and a button. When you type specific words into the input box and then hit the button it sends you to a specific frame.
    (it work find in AS2 but not in AS3,)
    Here is my current code that is placed on the main timeline, first frame:
    onEnterFrame = function () {
        submit.onRelease = function() {
            switch (yourname.text) {
            case "name1" :
            case "name2" :
    My button that checks if the phrase is correct is called "submit" and my input box has an instance of "yourname".
    My phrases that will be accepted in the input box are "name1" and "name2" which bring me to two different frames.
    Basically, I'm having a problem with making this to work with AS3.

    you should use the default option in the switch statement
    that way yourname contains something not in one of the case statements it will go to the default bit and execute teh code there
    function onSubmit(e:MouseEvent):void
                                  switch (yourname.text)
                                            case "name1":
                                            case "name2":
                                                      goToAndStop(you frame you want);

  • Problem with f95 called from make inference rule

    I am porting an existing FORTRAN application to a Sun Solaris machine.  The application is built with a moderately large make file and the source files span multiple directories (basically grouped by functionality).  All foo.f,  foo.o  and foo.lst files are referenced by their absolute path names within the make file.  The Sun Studio 12.3 FORTRAN compiler successfully finds the /home/uid/ ... /foo.f files from all the source directories as input and writes foo.lst files to the same directory as was specified for the matching foo.f file.  However, foo.o object files are written to the current working directory from where the make was executed and not to the same directory as the corresponding foo.f file.
    Using a different make does not change the outcome.
    Changing compilers (with no other change to the make) restores the proper functionality for writing output files to the same directory as was specified by the corresponding *.f locations.
    Have I found a bug or am I just making a newbie's mistake ?

    Sorry, I missed that info. I can reproduce the problem when combining -Xlist with -c option only.
    Look like we have a bug with the new driver when combining the two output options and producing the two output files in the same compilation.
    In this case, the -Xlisto is still accepted and produces the output .lst file at the specified location but the -o option for the ,o file is completely ignored. Is that what you ran into ?
    Since the -Xlist option is not needed to build the application, you can work around the problem by removing the -Xlist option to build the app and use the -Xlist option only when you need to look at the .lst file.
    Sorry about the trouble.

  • PostCode - problem with validation

    I have problem with codes in Netbeans.I Have two code.
    The first is to mask formatter and i put in on Post int code
    MaskFormatter PostCode = new MaskFormatter("##-###");
    RegisterPostCode = new JFormattedTextField(PostCode);
    catch (ParseException e) {
    }The Second check, the RegisterPostCode is not null
    class Steps implements ActionListener{
       int step = 0;  
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
          if (step == 0){
    String NotEmptyPostCode = RegisterPostCode.getText();
             if(NotEmptyPostCode == null || NotEmptyPostCode.length() == 0) {
       jLabel4.setText("This Field is empty");
          }Problem is the second code doesnt work and I dont now how to create code to check the JFormatterField is compatible with the first code
    Please help.

    Hi! I have an HTML region and on my "before header process" I fetch only one record (the data is got from a package I've created on the DB).
    This region has a few items and when I press the save button (I created on the screen) the value of all the items are cleared if the validation ocurrs, I don't know why, is this because the page doesn;t perfom again my "before header process"?

  • Problem with Great Estate Template in iWeb

    Having problems with the Great Estate template for iWeb: On the blog, the picture shows up fine, in the larger, overview version it is all blurred. The software company cannot help me, say it is a program flaw in iWeb? Has anyone else encountered this problem and how did you fix it? Thanks

    I have been corresponding with the company in Lithuania for a few days and we have tried everything we could think of to solve the glitch. I am very much aware of the fact that it is a custom theme, in fact I have further customised it.
    The website in question is a private one. In my home country, we are legally required to post our address on the page. I would not want to braodcast that across the Apple community, if I can help it, so that is not an option. Sorry.
    I would really appreciate if someone who uses GraphicNodes templates could help me out. Thank you

  • Problems with customising menu template backgrounds

    I am experiencing problems with changing the background of the included disc menu templates in PE9. I can change the background image to anything i like on the computer and all seems to work OK but when i burn the project to disc (PAL_Dolby DVD) the custom background image has gone and been replace with the default template imagine.
    Anyone got any ideas whats going on!

    This issue showed up with PrE 9. I do not recall reading of it with earlier versions.
    I do not know if the PSD files have some corruption, or if some change in PrE 9's code "did the deed," but many have filed a Bug Report, and I ask that you please do, as well. It should be an easy fix for Adobe (but I am not a coder, or software engineer, and could be wrong).
    Good luck to us all,

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