I am currently using media fork to encode my movies and encoding them H.264

then when I click on them to bring them to itunes the format says mpeg4, my question is how do we know if a movie is in h.264. Is there anyway to tell and do you know if maybe when we take them to itunes somehting is happenning where they turn into mpeg4.

If you go to the file itself (outside of iTunes in the folders) and open the file in QuickTime Player, View -> Show Movie Info and in the resulting window there is a section for Format which will indicate specific encoding used like H.264, Sorenson Video, etc.

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    Also follow this workflow to help assure the best qualty video DVD:
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    To check the encoding mount the disk image, launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding is good.
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    Goal: Use Final Cut Pro X 10.0.7 to produce a 640x1136 video (iPhone 5 Portrait). You can use these same steps to produce virtually any dimensions you want. My example is for the iPhone 5, in Portrait mode.
    This information is available in various places, but you have to realy work to find it, so I thought I'd post a step-by-step guide here.
    By the way, you might think you could just create a FCPX Project with your desired dimensions, but you can't (at least with 10.0.7). Projects only support certainly dimensions. But there are other ways, as the rest of this post describes:
    1) Create an initial movie with the desired dimensions, to serve as a template. We'll call it "Template.mov". The only thing that matters is the dimensions. It can be in any codec FCPX understands, and virtually any length.
    I'm using a 2 second video shot on my iPhone for the template. You could also create a blank image (.png, whatever) with the proper dimensions, copy and paste it into a new Quick Time Pro 7 window, and Export it using custom settings. There's lots of different ways to do this.
    2) Drop Template.mov into a FCPX event.
    3) Select Template.mov in the Event browser, and select File->Duplicate (or command-D). You probably could just edit "Template.mov", but it's a good idea to save it for reuse.
    3) Change the name of the copied video. I'm using "iPhone Video".
    4) Right-click "iPhone Video" and select "Open in Timeline".
    5) If you made the Template video from a still image, you may need to change the duration (ctrl+D). You don't have to make it very long, but it needs to be longer than 1 frame. A few seconds should be enough.
    6) Use this timeline like you'd use a project's timeline. Drop in new content, trim, transition, etc. There may be things you can't do in it, but I haven't found any yet. I'm guessing Chapters may not work, but I haven't tried them.
    7) Note that when you drop new content into the timeline, it may size funny. That's because the default setting for "Spacial Conform" is "Fit". Simply select the newly-dropped content, and in the Video settings inspector, scroll down to "Spacial Conform" and change it. You could use "Fill", which fills the frame vertically, or "None", which uses the source's original height. Then crop/transform/whatever to get what you want.
    8) When you're ready to render, select "iPhone Video" in the Event browser, then use the "Share" button. You want to use the "Export File" destination, which you may have to add. Pick your codec, and let 'er rip.
    9) When the rendering is done, you should have a video in your desired dimensions.
    That's all there is to it. Hope this helps someone.
    PS: Don't ask why someone would want to create an iPod video using FCPX. The point is that you may need to create a video with non-standard  dimensions at some point in time, and this is how to do it.
    PPS: Most of this information came from http://library.creativecow.net/articles/payton_t/FCPX_Custom-Resolution-Timeline s/video-tutorial. I just wrote it down, while I tried to do what the video suggested.

    Instructions for using QuickTime Pro 7 to create a template video with unusual dimensions.
    I suspect that anyone savy enough to be using FCPX has probably already figured out how to do this, either using my technique or another, so there probably isn't a real need for me to post this. For that matter, I may be the only person who cares about this at all. However, while I was trying to learn how to do all of this, I would have really appreciated having all the information in one place, so here goes.
    If you want to create a video with unusual dimensions (like 640x1136) using my steps above, you'll need a "template" video first. Here's an easy way to create one, using any image editor, and QuickTime Pro 7.
    1) Open QuickTime Pro 7 (QTP for short).
    2) From the menu, select File->New Player. You'll get a window with just the bottom portion of the player, i.e. the playback controls.
    3) Using an image editor, create a still image in the desired dimensions. You can use any image editor. It doesn't matter what the image contains (although it will end up showing as a thumbnail in FCPX).
    4) Copy the image to the clipboard.
    5) Switch back to QTP, and paste the image into the new player. Don't worry that there isn't a video window showing - just paste it into the window that has only playback controls. As soon as you do, the video window appears.
    6) Advance to the end of the movie (the short, 1-frame movie), then hold down Command+V (paste) and keep holding it down to paste multiple images in. Watch the time advance. You could, if you want, just hold down Command+V until you get the length you want. But if you want a long video, there's an easier way:
    7) When you reach a few seconds (or whatever duration your patience allows), select all (Command+A) and copy (Command+C). Then hold down Command+V to keep pasting in the longer clips. Wait until you reach a longer duration, then repeat the process. So, for example, 1 second, then 10 seconds, then 1 minute, then 10 minutes, then 1 hour. Or whatever you want.
    8) Save the video however you want. I usually use File->Export with H.264, with Quality set to "Least". Just make sure you don't let it change the dimensions. If you resized the player window, depending on which "save" or "export" method you've chosen, it might default to the resized dimensions, so double check that to make sure.
    That's it. You now have a template video you can use with my previous post(s).

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  • How do I use For loop to check each node and import them to a new document?

    In my function I would like to use a For loop to get all the statutes (xml) inside the object
    objXmlBcaResponseDoc. In my case there are 2 statutes. I would like the output to look like the one I have posted here below. I am not sure how to do the For loop. The commented For loop is from another function but it is not working inside
    this function.
    The output is added into the **objXmlResponseMessageDoc** object and should look like this with 2 statutes (ns1:Statute) and a totalCount=2
    <BasicSearchQueryResponse xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/service/4.0">
    <Statutes runType="Request" runDateTime="2015-03-17T10:23:04" totalCount="2">
    <ns1:Statute xmlns:ns1="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/messages/4.0">
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">8471</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">60</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">55</Section>
    <Subdivision xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0"/>
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">9722</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">90</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">25</Section>
    <Subdivision xsi:nil="true" xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0"/>
    My xml doc is found inside objXmlBcaResponseDoc Here is xml inside
    objXmlBcaResponseDoc object
    <BasicSearchQueryResponse xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/service/4.0">
    <ns1:Statutes xmlns:ns1="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/messages/4.0">
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">8471</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">60</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">55</Section>
    <Subdivision xsi:nil="true" xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0"/>
    <StatuteId xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">9722</StatuteId>
    <Chapter xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">90</Chapter>
    <Section xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0">25</Section>
    <Subdivision xsi:nil="true" xmlns="http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/4.0"/>
    Here is my function
    Function GetStatutesByChapter(ByVal aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode As XmlNode, ByVal aobjXMLNameSpaceManager As XmlNamespaceManager, ByVal aobjBroker As ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.Broker) As XmlDocument
    Dim objXmlRequestMessageDoc As XmlDocument
    Dim objXmlResponseMessageDoc As XmlDocument
    Dim intCount As Integer
    aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseInformationalMessage("Chapter found.", 1)
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    'Add the first element into the document GetStatuteByChapter with its namespace
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("BasicSearchQueryResponse", "http://crimnet.state.mn.us/mnjustice/statute/service/4.0"))
    'Build the initial response document
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    'Add the first element into the document GetStatutesResponse with its namespace
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("GetStatutesResponse", "http://www.courts.state.mn.us/StatuteService/1.0"))
    'Add a child node to the GetStatutesResponse node
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("StatutesXml", "http://www.courts.state.mn.us/StatuteService/1.0"))
    objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse/ss:StatutesXml", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.CreateElement("Statutes", "http://www.courts.state.mn.us/StatuteService/1.0"))
    'Convert the node Statutes into an element and set the runType attribute (runType="Request") by adding it's value Request
    CType(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse/ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), System.Xml.XmlElement).SetAttribute("runType", "Request")
    'Convert the node Statutes into an element and set the attribute (runDateTime="2015-03-05T10:29:40") by adding it
    CType(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:GetStatutesResponse/ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), System.Xml.XmlElement).SetAttribute("runDateTime", Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))
    'Create the BCA request message
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns1")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest/ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns2:Chapter", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("st")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest/ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns2:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("st")))
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:BasicSearchQueryRequest/ns1:BasicSearchCriteria", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns2:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("st")))
    'Uncomment last working section below
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria/st:Chapter", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Chapter", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
    'check if there is a section and or subdivision if it is there then set the value
    If Not (aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager) Is Nothing) Then
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria/st:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Section", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
    End If
    If Not (aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager) Is Nothing) Then
    objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:BasicSearchCriteria/st:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectSingleNode("ss:Statute/ss:Subdivision", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
    End If
    'check if there is a section and or subdivision if it is there then set the value
    aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseSnapshot(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.OuterXml, "Request Message", 1)
    'Call the BCA service
    intCount = 0
    'This is where I want to use a For loop to check for the statutes found using the Chapter
    'Loop through each Id
    'For Each objXmlStatuteIdNode In aobjXmlGetStatuteRequestNode.SelectNodes("ss:Statute/ss:StatuteId/ss:Id[string-length(.)>0]", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager)
    'Create the BCA request message
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc.AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns:SingleStatuteRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns")))
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns:SingleStatuteRequest", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.CreateElement("ns:statuteId", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace("ns")))
    'objXmlRequestMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns:statuteId", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText = objXmlStatuteIdNode.InnerText aobjBroker.PostMessageWarehouseSnapshot(objXmlRequestMessageDoc.OuterXml, "Request Message", 1)
    'intCount = intCount + 1
    'objXmlBcaResponseDoc = New XmlDocument
    'File name is BCASearchQueryResponse.xml
    'objXmlResponseMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager).AppendChild(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.ImportNode(objXmlBcaResponseDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:Statute", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), True))
    'Count how many Statute nodes found
    CType(objXmlResponseMessageDoc.SelectSingleNode("ss:BasicSearchQueryResponse/ss:StatutesXml/ss:Statutes", aobjXMLNameSpaceManager), System.Xml.XmlElement).SetAttribute("totalCount", CStr(intCount))
    Return objXmlResponseMessageDoc
    End Function

    What is XPath and what does it do that you're impressed with?
    Yes, I see your link, but give me the abbreviated elevator speech on what it is please. It has me curious.
    The way that all this is being used by me now on a project is the HTML controls on the screen are built by XML not only about what the controls are and their attributes,   but the data from from the database is XML too with both going through transfermations
    vis XSLT as the HTML controls are built dynamically by XML data for the controls and the XML database data with decision being made in the transfermation on the fly.
    There are many usages with Xpath not just this one I am talking about with Xpath. You can do the same kind of thing with XAML and WPF forms as they are dynamically built. But it goes well beyond what I am talking about and the usage of Xpath. Xpath 3.0
    is the latest version. 
    Thanks - I'll look into that at some point.
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.

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