I am getting error while attaching Menu Module to FORM

Hi to everyone, I have created a Menu Module(mmx file), now i am trying to attach that menu to a FORM, I have entered the proper Menu Module address in the property window of that FORM, but i am continously facing the following problem.
FRM-40738: Argument 1 to builtin CALL_FORM cannot be null
Also i have applied following code in that Menu Module
call_form('F:\Database Files\Contingent Database\Forms & Reports\Forms\BILL DETAIL.fmx');
but the required FORM is not running.
Please help me to sove out this problem

I did this today, in this way,
I create the menu then CRT-SHIFT K, then CRT -T
then check you have the mmx
- now you put full path to the form
Menu module like c:\aaa\bb\menuname
I did not put extension
Hope this will work.

Similar Messages

  • Attaching menu module to form module in 9i

    pls i would love someone to help me solve this problem
    i was trying to attach a compiled menu module to a form
    it generates this error
    frm:10221cannot open the file .....
    i place the modules in the the forms9i oracle home path to make it easy for me to run but i still have the problem.
    pls i need to solve this problem out fast

    this is vas. I think you did it all may be try.
    first create a menu and generates it and save it on same folder where the form stays.(respective folder) and compile both forms and menu in screen.and go to form name properties, change it to menu module --> menu name.mnx ,now save it
    and try this
    i hope it will work
    check it and reply me back.this will work only in individual form and menu not in application
    for application u ,there is a different way

  • Getting Error While Attaching Concurrent Program Output PDF file for POAPPRV Workflow

    Hi All,
    I am getting the below error when I am trying to attach concurrent program output to the PO Approval Notification.
    An Error occurred in the following Workflow.
    Item Type = POAPPRV
    Item Key = 1040589-528378
    User Key =945871
    Error Name = WF_ERROR
    Error Message = [WF_ERROR] ERROR_MESSAGE=3835: Error '-20002 - ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send'. ERROR_STACK=
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrblob(3604701, ZZ_PREVIOUS_PO_COMPARE, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachment(3604701, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachments(3604701, http://oraerp.am.corp.xxxx.com:8099/pls/DEV, 11283)
    WF_XML.GenerateDoc(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701)
    WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701)
    WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701)
    Wf_Event.setMessage(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701, WF_XML.Generate)
    Error Stack =
    Activity ID = 190844
    Result Code = #MAIL
    Notification ID = 3604701
    There are several threads for this error however I cannot find any specific solution to the problem.
    Please find the code below -
                                      itemkey=> itemkey,
                                      documentid =>'PLSQLBLOB:zz_po_reqapproval_init1.xx_notif_attachments/' || to_char(l_request_id_prev_po)||':'||to_char(l_document_num));
    -- here l_request_id_q_and_s is the request id of the program and l_document_num is the PO document number
    PROCEDURE xx_notif_attachments(p_request_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_document_num  IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_document      IN OUT BLOB,
                                   p_document_type IN OUT VARCHAR2) IS
      v_lob_id          NUMBER;
      v_document_num    VARCHAR2(15);
      v_document_prefix VARCHAR2(100);
      v_file_name       VARCHAR2(500);
      v_file_on_os      BFILE;
      v_temp_lob        BLOB;
      v_dest_offset     NUMBER := 1;
      v_src_offset      NUMBER := 1;
      v_out_file_name   VARCHAR2(2000);
      v_conc_prog_name  VARCHAR2(500);
      v_conc_req_id     NUMBER;
      CURSOR get_output_file(p_concurrent_request_id NUMBER) IS
        SELECT cr.outfile_name, cp.concurrent_program_name
          FROM fnd_concurrent_requests cr, fnd_concurrent_programs_vl cp
         WHERE request_id = p_concurrent_request_id
           AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id;
      --    set_debug_context('xx_notif_attach_procedure');
      v_conc_req_id  := to_number(substr(p_request_id,
                                         instr(p_request_id, ':') - 1));
      v_document_num := substr(p_request_id,
                               instr(p_request_id, ':') + 1,
                               length(p_request_id) - 2);
      OPEN get_output_file(v_conc_req_id);
      FETCH get_output_file
        INTO v_out_file_name, v_conc_prog_name;
      CLOSE get_output_file;
      v_out_file_name := substr(v_out_file_name,
                                instr(v_out_file_name, '/', -1) + 1);
      v_file_name     := to_char(v_document_num) || '-Previous_PO_Rev.pdf';
      utl_file.fcopy(src_location  => 'APPS_OUT_DIR',
                     src_filename  => v_out_file_name,
                     dest_location => 'PO_DATA_DIR',
                     dest_filename => v_file_name);
      --  v_lob_id := to_number(v_document_id);
      v_file_on_os := bfilename('PO_DATA_DIR', v_file_name);
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_temp_lob, cache => FALSE);
      dbms_lob.fileopen(v_file_on_os, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
      dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile(dest_lob    => v_temp_lob,
                                src_bfile   => v_file_on_os,
                                amount      => dbms_lob.getlength(v_file_on_os),
                                dest_offset => v_dest_offset,
                                src_offset  => v_src_offset);
      p_document_type := 'application/pdf;name=' || v_file_name;
      dbms_lob.copy(p_document, v_temp_lob, dbms_lob.getlength(v_temp_lob));
    END xx_notif_attachments;
    Please help me find a to the above mentioned error.

    There are two ways to look at what error the PLSQLBLOB API is throwing.
    1) Call your PLSQLBLOB API GNE_PO_CREATE_FILE_ATTACHMENT.Gne_Create_File_Attachment directly from a PLSQL block and verify that it returns the BLOB data successfully.
    You could also call another WF API that in turn executes the PLSQLBLOB API internally. For example,
    l_document blob;
    l_doctype varchar2(240);
    l_aname varchar2(90);
    dbms_lob.CreateTemporary(l_document, true, dbms_lob.Session);
    -- 207046 - This is the notification id of your failed workflow
    -- PO_REPORT - Document type attribute
    -- 'text/html' - Content Type being generated for
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrBLOB(207046, 'PO_REPORT', 'text/html', l_document, l_doctype, l_aname);
    -- Print the size of the document here to verify it was fetched correctly
    2) Turn on log for SYSADMIN user with following attributes.
    Log Enabled = TRUE
    Log Level = ERROR
    Log Module = wf.plsql%
    Restart the Workflow Deferred Agent Listener and Workflow Notification Deferred Agent Listener and run your workflow process. Search for log messages written for above context and you can identify the error at wf.plsql.WF_XML.GetAttachment module with message starting as "Error when getting BLOB attachment ->"
    Hope this helps.

  • Getting error While attaching Report out put Pdf file to POAPPRV workflow

    I am getting below error in workflow
    Item Type = POAPPRV
    Item Key = 60383-243513
    User Key =40515
    Error Name = WF_ERROR
    Error Message = [WF_ERROR] ERROR_MESSAGE=3835: Error '-20002 - ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send'. ERROR_STACK=
    GNE_PO_CREATE_FILE_ATTACHMENT.Gne_Create_File_Attachment(60383-243513 OAPPRV, text/html)
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrblob(207046, PO_REPORT, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachment(207046, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachments(207046, http://gnedxbebsdev.gerab.ae:8003/pls/DEV, 850
    WF_XML.GenerateDoc(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 207046)
    WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 207046)
    WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 207046)
    Wf_Event.setMessage(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 207046, WF_XML.Generate)
    Error Stack =
    Activity Id = 124108
    Result Code = #MAIL
    Notification Id = 207046
    The Code used in procedure is given below
    procedure Gne_Create_File_Attachment (document_id in varchar2,
    display_type in varchar2,
    document in out blob,
    document_type in out varchar2)
    l_itemtype varchar2(100);
    l_itemkey varchar2(100);
    l_output_directory varchar2(30);
    l_filename varchar2(255);
    src_loc bfile;
    bdoc blob;
    src_offset number := 1;
    dst_offset number := 1;
    amount number;
    l_request_id varchar2(100);
    l_itemtype := substr(document_id, 1, instr(document_id, ':') - 1);
    l_itemkey := substr(document_id, instr(document_id, ':') + 1, length(document_id) - 2);
    select attribute4
    into l_request_id
    from po_headers_all
    where to_char(PO_HEADER_ID)=l_itemtype;
    l_output_directory := 'APPLCSF/APPLOUT';
    l_filename := 'o'||l_request_id;
    src_loc := bfilename(l_output_directory,l_filename);
    dbms_lob.createTemporary(bdoc, FALSE, dbms_lob.call);
    dbms_lob.fileopen(src_loc, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
    amount := dbms_lob.getLength(bdoc);
    document_type := 'application/pdf; name=attach.pdf';
    end GNE_Create_File_Attachment;
    PROCEDURE Gne_Assign_wf_Attribute(
    itemtype IN VARCHAR2,
    itemkey IN VARCHAR2,
    actid IN NUMBER,
    funcmode IN VARCHAR2,
    resultout OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
    v_user_name varchar2(100);
    (itemtype => itemtype
    , itemkey => itemkey
    , aname => 'PO_REPORT'
    , documentid =>'PLSQLBLOB:GNE_PO_CREATE_FILE_ATTACHMENT.GNE_Create_File_Attachment/'
    || itemkey
    || ':'
    || itemtype);
    end if;
    END Gne_Assign_wf_Attribute;
    Can Any Body Please help me....
    It is very urgent..
    Thanks In Advance
    Anil Kumar

    There are two ways to look at what error the PLSQLBLOB API is throwing.
    1) Call your PLSQLBLOB API GNE_PO_CREATE_FILE_ATTACHMENT.Gne_Create_File_Attachment directly from a PLSQL block and verify that it returns the BLOB data successfully.
    You could also call another WF API that in turn executes the PLSQLBLOB API internally. For example,
    l_document blob;
    l_doctype varchar2(240);
    l_aname varchar2(90);
    dbms_lob.CreateTemporary(l_document, true, dbms_lob.Session);
    -- 207046 - This is the notification id of your failed workflow
    -- PO_REPORT - Document type attribute
    -- 'text/html' - Content Type being generated for
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrBLOB(207046, 'PO_REPORT', 'text/html', l_document, l_doctype, l_aname);
    -- Print the size of the document here to verify it was fetched correctly
    2) Turn on log for SYSADMIN user with following attributes.
    Log Enabled = TRUE
    Log Level = ERROR
    Log Module = wf.plsql%
    Restart the Workflow Deferred Agent Listener and Workflow Notification Deferred Agent Listener and run your workflow process. Search for log messages written for above context and you can identify the error at wf.plsql.WF_XML.GetAttachment module with message starting as "Error when getting BLOB attachment ->"
    Hope this helps.

  • Getting Error while running Developer Suite 10g forms.

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    You may not have admin rights to install Jinitiator on your box.

  • Error while attaching a image in forms10g envion..

    i am getting this error while attaching a image in forms 10g enviornment.
    ERROR>WUC-24 [URLDownload.pullFile()] Error reading URL http ://

    did you install jacob ? with the correct version number described in the installation-guides.
    jacob is not an oracle tool, which normally is only useful for COM-commands against windows.
    What did you do with the image?

  • Error while opening application module xml file

    Hi All,
    I am using Jdeveloper When I open any of my application module xml class say (Session.xml) , I am getting following exception in Jdeveloper
    Error while invoking menu action:Edit Session.xml
         at java.util.HashMap.get(HashMap.java:320)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.findHelper(URLFileSystem.java:126)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.findHelper(URLFileSystem.java:163)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
    I am wondering where things are wrong. Is it a bug in Jdeveloper.

    Hi All,
    I am using Jdeveloper When I open any of my application module xml class say (Session.xml) , I am getting following exception in Jdeveloper
    Error while invoking menu action:Edit Session.xml
         at java.util.HashMap.get(HashMap.java:320)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.findHelper(URLFileSystem.java:126)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.findHelper(URLFileSystem.java:163)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
         at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1007)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystemHelper.openInputStream(URLFileSystemHelper.java:993)
         at oracle.ide.net.URLFileSystem.openInputStream(URLFileSystem.java:1164)
         at oracle.ide.net.IdeURLConnection.getInputStream(IdeURLConnection.java:44)
    I am wondering where things are wrong. Is it a bug in Jdeveloper.

  • Getting error while Enable Dashboard Widget

    Dear Experts,
    I am getting error while Enable Dashboard Widget
    u201CInstall SAP Business One Integration Service before enabling the dashboard widgetu201D
    Even I follow all step by step process.

    Hi Kamlesh,
    Have you tried the following:
    Deactivate the cockpit in your Business One database - Disable My Cockpit and also disable cockpit in General Settings
    Run EventSender Setup (in first step try to avoid using localhost or IP addresses)
    In third step press Test Connection, in fourth step make sure that your database is checked, press also Receiver but ton and then Test Connecion.
    Finish EventSender setup.
    Click on SLD in the B1i Framwork and ensure connection to the Company databsae (B1DI and JDBC) is successful.
    Go back to B1i Framework UI, click Scenarios in upper menu, then select Control in left menu and (re)activate Xcelsius scenario.
    Restart EventSender service, Integration Service and Proxy services via Servies (Computer Management)
    Now you can enable cockpit in your Business One database - enable cockpit in General Settings and then enable My Cockpit.
    After installation of B1ic, the company is not listed in the SLD
    Delete all entries of table SLSP and SLSPP in SBOCOMMON. Restart integration service. In SAP Business refresh the company list.
    These solutions are documented in the attached Note 1619422.
    Kind regards

  • Error while opening the receipt entry form in AR module.

    Error while opening the receipt entry form in AR module. We have created one new responsibility of Receivables for new operating unit . When we open the corresponding
    forms , we are getting the error message as :
    FRM-40735: PRE-FORM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-20002.
    Kindly help in resolving.
    We have ERP version of

    Please also see the following docs.
    Transactions Workbench Error: Listing of ORA Errors [ID 1336495.1]
    APP-AR-96996: The Defined Sales Representatives Have Incorrect Id'S [ID 437107.1]
    ARXSUDRC Receipt Classes Errors With APP-AR-96994: Please Define Sales Representatives [ID 357454.1]

  • Getting Error while creating Genric Datasource

    I was try to create genric extracter where i was getting error
    While creating view genric extracter where i am getting error "Entry A ZV_ZFRT  does not exist in DD02L - check your entry".
    My requirement is need to create extracter which is getting populated from three modules like SD,MM,FI/CO.From these three module i am using several tables and some of the tables don't have relation btween these tables as like foreign key and refrence key.
    Which extracter i need to create as given scenario?
    Does view will fullfill with my requirement or any other extracter.
    Please some one can help me in this scenario.
    Answer would be great appreciate.

    Rather than writing a program write a function module. Create a structure and include all the necessary fields in the structure. Then in the function module write the logic to extract the values for those fields. While creating the datasource specify the function module and structure name.
    Refer this link:
    Hope this helps.

  • Getting error while creating the Shopping cart.

    Hi ,
    I am getting error while creating the Shopping cart.
    a.Error in account assignment for item 1  (Item  Testing SC ) 
    b.Duplicates of Cost Centre T10063 are defined in SRM  (Item  Testing SC ) 
    Kindly provide the solutions.

    Try the following in the ERP backend system:
    Standard Hierarchy Inconsistencies
    Issue: one Cost Center is repeating in more than one node in Cost Center Standard Hierarchy.
    Update from SAP Global support, the following was the email received:
    in transaction KSH3 please run both the ambiguity and completeness check(Menu -> Extras -> Check and Help functions).
    If you think that your standard hierarchy is inconsistent you can check that as following:
    Run transaction Extras -> Hierarchy - Master data -> Test. The result shows you if there are in consistencies. If that is the case run also Extras -> Hierarchy - Master data -> Comparison.
    Alternatively, you can run the report 'RKCORRH1' (TN SE38).
    Run both the Hierarchy->Master data->test and the
    Hierarchy->Master data->comparison.
    As stated above inconsistency message showed after Test. Run the comparison and you get a similar message.
    Once the above two are run, again when you go to test, the inconsistency disappears.

  • Getting error while uploading multiple files in sharepoint hosted app in 2013 with REST API

    Hi All,
    In one of my tasks, I was struck with one issue, that is "While uploading multiple files into custom list with REST API".
    Iam trying to upload multiple files in library with REST calls for an APP development, my issue is if i wants to upload 4 image at once its storing only
    3 image file and further giving "Conflict" error". Below is the attached screenshot of exact error.
    Error within screenshot are : status Code : 409
    status Text :conflict
    For this operation i am uploading different files as an attachment to an list item, below is the code used for uploading multiple files.
    my code is
    function PerformUpload(listName, fileName, listItem, fileData)
        var urlOfAttachment="";
       // var itemId = listItem.get_id();
        urlOfAttachment = appWebUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('" + listName + "')/items(" + listItem + ")/AttachmentFiles/add(FileName='" + fileName + "')"
        // use the request executor (cross domain library) to perform the upload
        var reqExecutor = new SP.RequestExecutor(appWebUrl);
            url: urlOfAttachment,
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose",
                "X-RequestDigest": digest              
            contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
            binaryStringRequestBody: true,
            body: fileData,
            success: function (x, y, z) {
            error: function (x, y, z) {

    THis is common issue if your file size exceeds 
     upload a document of size more than 1mb. worksss well for kb files.
    or try the below method
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • I am getting error while doing MFBF for semifinisg good

    i am getting error while doing MFBF for semifinisg good
    Existing standard cost estimate cannot be used
    Message no. RM175
    This error appears under the following circumstances:
    The existing standard cost estimate cannot be used for backflushing activities as the repetitive manufacturing profile was not maintained correctly when the standard cost estimate was carried out.
    The standard cost estimate must come from product costing. Other cost estimates (such as base object controlling) are not possible.
    The repetitive manufacturing profile assigned to the material at the time of the planned cost estimate must be a profile for repetitive manufacturing with product cost collector.
    Use product costing to create the standard cost estimate.

    I had already check REM profile repetitive mfg profile final backflush w. activities.
    this particular material is semifinish material attached in BOM of finish material.
    backflush of finish good is possible but now new requirement is to do production booking for the semifinish material.
    i had assign production version , done routing and maintain REM profile,
    created material cost with quantity structure ck11n then run the costing in ck40n.
    still getting the error what else is to done to able to book this thru MFBF.

  • I am getting error while deploying "shared library" to FP-2010

    i am getting error while deploying "shared library" to FP-2010
    screen shot is also attached
    error24.JPG ‏128 KB

    Hi mazhar.ali,
    Do you explicitly reference a DLL in your code? 
    What is the size of your code?  (The FP-2010 only has 32 Mbytes of RAM, so if you're trying to deploy and run your code from RAM, this might be something to take into account.)  (How Much Memory Does My FieldPoint Controller Have?)
    Kevin S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Type error while calling function module with in FOX formula

    I am getting following error while calling function module from FOX Formula:
    "Types of parameter DAY_IN () and variable J_CALDAY(D) are inconsistent"
    Following is the code:
    DATA    KYF              TYPE KEYFIGURE_NAME.
             DAY_IN  =  I_CALDAY
             LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH = N_CALDAY.
        {KYF, N_CALDAY}  =  {KYF, L_CALDAY}.
    Import parameter DAY_IN is of type sy-datum (that inturn is data element SYDATUM of data type DATS - same as 0CALDAY). Not sure why error is being thrown. Any idea? Thanks.
    Edited by: SAP_BOY on Dec 4, 2009 5:26 PM

    I think It will not identify ,though you have  (data element SYDATUM of data type DATS - same as 0CALDAY).Check it out by assigning it through a variable of type D.
    Hope it may work out.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Function Module for creating ASSET MASTER

    Hi, Is there any function module for asset master creation. transaction AS01. Regards, Neslin.

  • JSP Rendering issue

    I am displaying around 20000 records in my jsp view.I fetch the value from DB and use ArrayList of model objects and send that ArrayList to the view where I iterate over the ArrayList and display the table values. I am facing some performance issues.