I am having challenges with computers without quicktime loading my web page

is it a requirement for a user to have quicktime to view an iweb website that has mp3 files loaded? I would have thought that any media player should have worked. My web site is thekarimfamly.com.

I've used other hosting solutions on mine such as YouTube or google video to host media on my sites. I'm fairly certain you can use any application and that you're not restricted to quicktime. I've experienced the same thing with my friends. Host on YouTube and select the media as private. That way, only the people on your site will have access!

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    scoot down the page and you will see
    Use the autoplay parameter and attribute to set whether the
    movie starts
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    user needs to hit
    the Play button to start the movie (false).
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    > Best Regards,
    > Chris Jumonville

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    The technique is known as Poster Movies. A tiny image file saved as .mov file that can either act as a "placeholder" (target="myself") or act like a "link" (target="quicktimeplayer").
    Free software to help write the proper page code.
    Another method is a QuickTime Media Link (.qtl file). These tiny text based files can be placed anywhere in a Web page and will always download (Mac or PC) and will launch the QuickTime Player.
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    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    QT_WriteOBJECT('sample.mov', '644', '76','','controller','true','autoplay','true','showlogo','true','cache','false' ,'enablejavascript','true');
    // --></script>
    and I put at the top of the page, right before </head>
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    I have a couple questions, however, regarding fine-tuning it a little more.
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    Thank you very much in advance, to whomever can help with these code questions.

    Thank you for your reply, Kirk,
    1)Yes, I do have "fast start" enabled in my files, and they were made with QT Pro, newest version. So no, there is no "trouble with my files".
    However, I would still like to have that flashing "Loading" icon when the file is loading, as I see on other sites. (And yes, even with "Fast Start" enabled, depending on the size of the file, the speed of the computer and internet connection, it can take a little time beforeit starts.) Anyone know how to create that flashing "Loading" icon, rather than just the static Q?
    2)I just wondered if there was a way for the javascript to recognize if the user does not have javascript, and bring up a message if that is the case, telling the user they need to enable it to see the content. (As would happen if the user does not have the QT plugin installed.) Yes, I realize it would not work to include in the normal way the embed and object tags as well, I wondered if there was a way to invoke them only if the user doesn't have javascript. Perhaps impossible, but I thought I'd ask, in case someone knows of a way to do that.
    4)Yes, I guess I could just put a separate direct text link to the movie file for downloading. I just wondered if there was a way to put that in the javascript, so that if someone right-clicks on the QT icon, they can download rather than view it, rather than use a separate link. That may also be impossible, but I thought I'd ask, and see if there is a way to do that.
    Your question to me regarding dimensions--I forget which was the QT movie, that I took that sample from. Yes, I have some in unusual sizes. They are not normal movies. I don't have time to explain more now though, and that has no bearing on the questions I asked.
    Once again, thanks for replying, and if you or someone else could help further with my questions, I would appreciate it very much.
    Have a nice day!

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    I'd say the main problem is that you have both rows with the same name 'Rangée1'. This is not a good idea, especially as the first row is the repeatable row.
    When objects have the same name, you can see the instances in the hierarchy, eg 'Rangée1[0]' and 'Rangée1[1]'. The instances use a zreo-based numbering system.
    By the way you can also see it in the Object > Binding tab:
    So that is when you have multiple objects with the same name.
    The problem with your form is that when objects are repeated (add new instance button), then these new objects also have instances, eg 'Rangée1[0]', 'Rangée1[1]', 'Rangée1[2]', etc.
    So the Acrobat gets confused ;-)
    I have renamed the second row 'Rangée2'. That seems to have solved the problem.
    Here is the form back to you: https://acrobat.com/#d=jcCs7X85xeRYQjvI2Yb*Cw
    Good luck,

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    "Will Quicktime Alternative work? Will that run off a CD-R without doing the install process?"
    The only way to make a .mov file play "guaranteed" on a Wintel box is to not distribute it as a .mov file (-: Use a "player agnostic" format like MPEG-1 instead.
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    Make sure you did not mute the sound. Locate the side switch and move to its unlocked position. Identifying the side switch: The sound is muted when the switch is in its lock position, an orange circle above, and in down position. The sound is not muted when side switch is in its unlocked position, in up position with nothing n the bottom. If your side switch is switched to lock screen rotation, double tap the home screen button, and slide to the left of the multitask bar. Click on the speaker with a sash through it, and it should transform to a regular speaker.

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    The easiest way to set up to most provider routers is to set up the time capsule to bridge mode with dhcp enabled--meaning the time capsule pulls an IP address from the providers router. Then connect the other express or extreme to time capsule using apples built in bridging.
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    "Ain't updates a thrill!" Yah, have seen the artwork not matching the song or the wrong play list come up, What I have found if you switch the display it will clear and go back to the correct order of content, (like doing a refresh). Haven't experienced the pause issues, then again I tend to just let the music play. Have you tried to reset? Nothing will be lost on your iPod. push the power and home buttons at the same time and hold a few seconds until the Apple logo appears. See if that resolves your issues. If all else fails, you could do a full restore from your computer with iTunes and restore as a new iPod, you need to backup all your stuff first, (music, pictures, etc) or you'll lose some stuff. After the restore is complete put your music, pictures, apps back on. I have made the jump to 7.0.4. I'm not seeing many issues now, things so far are running quit well. Hope this helps, Good luck!

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