I bought the Flip Mino....

Actually I got it for my birthday and what I got was the Flip, Flip USB cords, Power adapter, and a cover.   It was a on sale bundle but I just saw the same bundle on AZ at a lesser price.  Can I take it into BB and get a price match.

BB does not price match online retailers, only local brick-and-mortar stores.
*disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

Similar Messages

  • Anyone here using FCE to edit Flip Mino HD .avi converted files- Rendering

    This question may have been answered in bits and pieces in other posts but I'm hoping some smart person here can give me the settings I need to avoid rendering .avi HD-to-quicktime clips in Final Cut Express 2.0.1.
    I'm shooting HD video with a Flip Mino HD camera which produces .avi files. I am aware FCE doesn't work with .avi files. The native codec of these .avi video files is H.264 ACC with a frame size of 1280 x 720. The quality is excellent but I am aware that H.264 is not an editing codec.
    I'm using Mpeg Streamclip to convert those .avi video files into Quicktime files. With the MPEG Streamclip program there are MANY choices for compression including Apple DV/DVCPRO NTSC, Apple Intermediate Codec and even the H.264 codec native to the Flip Mino HD. I've tried all of them with 24 frames and also 29.97 frames per second.
    And there are several frame size choices as well including the native 1280 x 720. But to avoid distortion I'm keeping with 1280 x 720 unscaled.
    The problem is, no matter what settings I seem to chose, when I import those converted clips into Final Cut Express, they need to be rendered before they can be played back or edited. I'm not talking about transitions like dissolves or titles, just straight clips. This problem does not happen in iMovie only FCE. But I hate editing in iMovie.
    I have tried to match the setting in the sequence as best I can in FCE, including RT unlimited in playback.
    Nothing has worked. Each time I import a converted clip into FCE v.2.0.1 I am forced to render the video.
    I've read the MPEG Streamclip tutorial and I've seen the demos on Youtube but nothing is working. These MPEG options and conversions may work with Final Cut Pro but they are not working for me with Final Cut Express 2.0.1 on an intel iMac running 10.4.11.
    My goal is to maintain the format frame size and quality, that I get from the Flip Mino HD, all the way into the final export from FCE 2.0.1.
    Is there anything you can suggest? Am I missing some small setting? Do I need another third party program or do I need to upgrade to the latest FCE?

    Dear Tom,
    With your help I made it work.
    I bought Final Cut Express 4 and installed it in my 13 inch Macbook Pro.
    I imported the H.264 HD Mpeg 4 clips, shot with my Flip Mino HD camera, into my MBpro.
    I used MPEG Streamclip to convert these Flip video files into Quicktime files using the following settings:
    Apple Intermediate Codec at 100% quality, 48 kHz, frame rate 29.97. Lower Field, Interlaced Scaling checked. 1280x720 HDTV 720p.
    I then opened FCE4 with a sequence setting of DV NTSC 48kHz Anamorphic.
    I imported the MPEG converted to QT Clips into FCE4
    FCE4 gave me a warning that my clips did not perfectly match my sequence setting and asked me if I wanted to correct that. I said "yes". (I'm assuming it corrected the sequence settings and not the clips)
    I was then able to drag those clips into the timeline WITHOUT having to render first!!!!
    I was able to edit those clips, add dissolves, fade outs, page wipes and a text title etc.
    I then exported the timeline sequence as a QT movie and the final outcome was very good. Keeping the original HD wide screen 16:9 format from the Flip camera.
    I then imported that exported QT video from FCE4 into iMovie 8. Using iMovie 8 I easily uploaded that video on to the share function for Youtube. The final edited on Youtube held the HD quality of 720p and format 16:9 that I originally got from the Flip Mino HD camera.
    It was a lot of steps and a lot of trial and error but the results were what I wanted.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Flip Mino HD imported movies not working right in iMovie 08

    I just bought a Flip Mino HD and imported some videos using the built in software from Flip. I then imported those videos into iMovie 08 which worked just fine the first time, but the second time the movies are all messed up. In the library, the clips are mostly gray, except for a few seconds here and there, and the sound on the latest movies is completely messed up - it just sounds like static. I upgraded to the latest version of Quicktime hoping that might fix it, but it didn't. Not sure what the problem is... anyone having similar issues or know of a fix?

    OK, but why does iMovie HD accept them? There is a program called DIVX that I have been told will deal with conversion, but I neither know how to use it nor if it will even work.
    iMovie HD automatically converts incompatible files to compatible files during import if it can. E.g., if you have the correct QT component installed (such as DivX or Perian, etc), then it normally converts the clip to DV with compatible audio. On the other hand, iMovie '08 does not perform any conversions during file imports as it assumes that whatever compression format you are trying to import is the compression format in which you want to do your editing. If that compression format is not "edit" compatible, then the file is ignored by iMovie '08. Your current option is to either manually convert your files to a compatible format and import them to iMovie '08or use iMovie HD.

  • Flip mino or flip ultra HD to use in imovie and final cut express

    i am contemplating either flip mino HD, Flip ultra HD or creative vado HD. Which one has a good video quality and design style? Is it necessary for 2 hrs movie or actually i like the flip mino coz its slimmer but only takes 1 hr video. By the way, What kind of format the flip camcorder will save as coz someone says its .avi but some says Mp4 format? If in Mp4 format, is the quality still good? most of the time i will shoot in ultra hi definition setting. I will use imovie and final cut for edit and does the Flip compatible to imovie and Final cut? How about creative vado? any recommendation?
    But most likely i will get the flip.

    The Flip cameras are easy to use and pocketable.
    Unfortunately it is their very simplicity that drastically limits what they can do.
    They are OK for someone who wants to take daft pictures of their friends and post them on YouTube but for serious film-making they are non-starters.
    They record low quality highly compressed video onto an internal memory.When you have shot your 60 minutes of video you can’t use the camera any more until you get it to a computer and download it.
    The lens is a small aperture fixed focus with no zoom.
    Actually to be correct there is a 2x digital zoom, but as we all know, digital zooms are a total waste of time and only reduce the quality still further. You can get the same effect by enlarging your picture 2x in the computer - not to be recommended.
    So what at first sight, to the uninitiated looks like a very cheap camera, quickly turns out to be a very expensive toy.
    Much better to buy a proper camera (which won't cost all that much more) like Skalicki suggests.

  • Have an ipad 2 and have bought the camera connection kit to use with my flip ultra. However when try to connect ot says there is not enough power to support accessory. Can anyone help please

    Have an ipad 2 and have bought the camera connection kit to use with my flip ultra. However when try to connect ot says there is not enough power to support accessory. Can anyone help please?

    If you have ios 5.1.1 the output power is 100ma, on the iOS 5.0.1 the power output is 500ma! This may be the cause?

  • Flip Mino Camcorder

    Last year I bought a flip camcorder. I really like the camcorder itself but the software was horrible. I don't know if it was because it is meant for PCs but it would crash all the time. I ended up losing a lot of my videos and I returned the camcorder. Recently I read in MacLife magazine a good review of the new Flip mino. Is this one going to be more compatible with my Mac and possibly iMovie?

    Hey tombo,
    There really isn't much of a difference between these two camcorders. The only real difference I could find is that the Flip Video Mino has night recording capability, while the ultra does not. If you intend on showing your videos on a HD TV I would suggest looking at the Flip Video MinoHD.
    Thanks for posting,
    Community Connector
    Best Buy® Corporate
    Allan|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
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  • Macbook Pro doesn't recognize Flip Mino camera in USB port after Yosemite upgrade

    Since I upgraded to Yosemite, my Macbook Pro doesn't recognize my Flip Mino camera in the USB port.

    I don't use FLIP, but if you get no other help here,
    consider the following ideas.
    If neither restarting your Mac
    nor reinstalling OS X fixes your
    problem, you might find some
    help if you search or post in the
    CISCO forum where Flip users post.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.10.1

  • Can't import Flip Mino HD video to iMovie 08, please help?

    when i connect my flip mino to the USB port, then open up iMovie, the video clips appear and ask me to import. I click on import all, then click to save the clips to my connected external Hard drive. I continue to get an error import message. I've tried with only one clip at a time, and same thing.
    When I called apple, the only way we got it to work was to go into the flip camcorder icon, then drag all the clips over to my external hard drive, then do a "file" "import" and get them that way.
    Does anyone know of a way around this? Not that it's a big deal, but since it recognizes the camera as soon as i plug it in, it would be nice to just click "import all" and be done with it.

    Have you seen this page: http://puredigital.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/puredigital.cfg/php/enduser/stdadp.php?p_faqid=356&p_created=1216061686&p_sid=-R74B3Uj&p_accessibility=0&p_redi rect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MTEsMT EmcF9wcm9kcz0wJnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1tYWMgaW 1vdmll&p_li=&ptopview=1

  • Can I transfer Flip Mino Video to my iPod Touch?

    The video files created in my Flip Mino are .AVI files, but they won't seem to upload into iTunes for my iPod Touch. Does anyone know if this is possible, and how to do it??
    Thanks in advance!

    The video files created in my Flip Mino are .AVI files, but they won't seem to upload into iTunes for my iPod Touch. Does anyone know if this is possible, and how to do it?
    Use a tool such as MPEG Streamclip or QuickTime Pro to convert them to MPEG-4 or QuickTime and then import those into iTunes. Some AVIs can't be used in Mac OS X.

  • IMovie 09 doesn't import my Flip Mino HD video in native resolution

    My Flip Mino HD records video at 1280x720 resolution. I can confirm this by saving a clip directly to my Mac and looking at its settings in Quicktime. However, when I import into iMovie 09 and try to export the clip, the resolution is only 960x540. What's going on Apple? I even went into Preferences and selected Video and told Import 1080i video to import in full resolution. But no go. Am I missing a setting here or does iMovie have a bug in it?

    iMovie does import your video in it's native format. It does not alter it. You have to use QuickTime export to achieve any size over 960x540. As long as your video is progressive 720p (which I believe your Flip is) there should be no issues (there is an issue with Interlaced source). Use Share--> Export using Quicktime and use a high quality codec like h.264 or AIC and set your size to 720.
    Message was edited by: imoviebill

  • Flip Mino HD, problems, going crazy, desesperate

    Hi everyone,
    I use my flip mino HD to film my things and I used to import directly the .mp4 files in Adobe Premiere Element 7 and everything worked perfectly fine. You can see the results here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAL2qGOXwfE .
    I made a few of them. http://www.youtube.com/user/coeurdepierreluc
    But recently, It looks like Adobe Premiere Element 7 doesn't like my .mp4 anymore. I don't know why, it comes from nowhere. When I edit a movie (that is less in time than many of my other), it doesn't want to export them. I go on share-> personnal computer and I've tried almost every setting there. Everytime, it freezes with 5 seconds left.
    When it gets to 5 seconds left, dang. Freeze time! It is like a curse.
    But... what the... it used to work!
    So I searched on the internet and found out that there Adobe Premiere Elements to check everything: Yes, there is enough space on my drive. Yes, the files are on the same hard drive that I try to export (the same folder). Yes I have enough RAM, I did it six time. Yes, I have updated everything I could.
    So, the last thing I tried is to convert into .avi as they say here http://forums.adobe.com/thread/437535?tstart=0 .
    But, when I drag a movie into the timeline, I understand that the little bar above the timeline must be green, but it is still red. And when I try to edit those .avi, it runs slower than with the .mp4, the voice doesn't follow the image and the pixel are huge. Maybe I took the wrong settings for them. What "Project Setting" should I use if I convert the file into .avi file as it says on the url above?
    Thank you!
    (Or if you can tell me how to make it work again with the .mp4 as I use to.)

    Coeurde PL
    Please check my response to your issue that you post at another forum that I frequent.
    From the screenshots that you posted there, it would appear that you used Prism to convert your flip video using the Xvid MPEG-4 codec, not the DV Codec.
    Please correct me if I am wrong.
    (Steve Grisetti, please see my recent thread in this forum regarding "where as the aspect ratio settings?" in Prism.

  • Flip Mino Video No longer shows up in iPhoto 09

    Please help, my flip mino is showing up on the desktop as an external hard drive and no longer opening up in iphoto 09 (version 8.1.2) for easy quick imports. Could this be something to do with 10.6.4 upgrade or does anyone have any solutions to get it to show up again- ie: any drivers to download or any tips. Any help would be appreciated.

    A few tests you can try to narrow down if it is the OS, the Flip itself, or something in your user profile.
    First thing to try is simply open up iMovie and see if iMovie can access the Flip (my preferred method of downloading from my Flip is via iMovie, so I know it normally works, at least under Leopard 10.5.x). If that works then there is probably something in iPhoto having an issue.
    If iMovie doesn't work, then next thing to try is creating another user account (you can delete it later), open iPhoto in that account (it will be a new blank library) then plug in the flip and see if iPhoto sees it in the new account. If so, then you may have an issue with your main account.
    I am not sure what the fix would be for some of the above, but the above will at least help you narrow down who is the culprit.

  • I bought the wrong HP battery...!

    I bought it online a couple days ago and it arrived today. I opened the package and to my horror the battery didn't fit my laptop. My laptop is a 13.1 inch HP Pavilion dv3. I bought the HP dv3000 Notebook 6-Cell battery thinking it would fit, but unfortunately it didn't. Can anybody tell me what battery I actually need to purchase for my laptop?
    Most importantly: Can I return this and get an exchange or something? It cost me 145$, and I don't know what to do with a laptop battery that won't fit my laptop. 

    Thank you for the link.
    As for checking with the vendor... since I bought it online I called yesterday to the tech support number. They talked a lot about some stuff and then told me they don't have the information for what I want. They gave me a number which I am now calling and I've been on hold for 18 minutes and counting. I think I'll try again tomorrow.
    I'm sure they'll let me exchange... if I can get hold of them. I sure don't want to be stuck with a 145 dollar piece of junk.

  • A few days ago i bought the macbook pro in a Providence. In late Summer i will come back to my Country - Ukraine. I would like to know about a tax for my laptop. Can i return tax? Through the TAX FREE or return in airport? What should i do?

    A few days ago i bought the macbook pro in a Providence. In late Summer i will come back to my Country - Ukraine. I would like to know about a tax for my
    laptop. Can i return tax? Through the TAX FREE or return in airport? What should i do?

    You need to talk with the tax authorities in the countries to which you traveled and that of your home country. We are all end-users liek you and not Apple agents.

  • Is there a way to create a flipping book with the flipping 5k adobe software?

    Am I the only one pissed with the f adobe products?
    Is there a way to create a flipping book with the flipping 5k adobe software? Is it Flash, etc?

    Maybe a forum search on "Windows registry" would turn up some useful things. You're not the first to ask this. You might save yourself and everyone else some time if you'd simply do that.

Maybe you are looking for