I can't compile the JavaMail demo

Can somebody please help me out. I am trying to compile one of the demos in JavaMail. It compiles successfully but it won't execute. It keeps giving me the normal exception when there is no 'main()' in a code. The code is below:
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.event.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.activation.*;
* Demo app that exercises the Message interfaces.
* Show information about and contents of messages.
* @author John Mani
* @author Bill Shannon
public class msgshow {
static String protocol;
static String host = null;
static String user = null;
static String password = null;
static String mbox = null;
static String url = null;
static int port = -1;
static boolean verbose = false;
static boolean debug = false;
static boolean showStructure = false;
static boolean showMessage = false;
static boolean showAlert = false;
static boolean saveAttachments = false;
static int attnum = 1;
public static void main(String argv[]) {
     int msgnum = -1;
     int optind;
     InputStream msgStream = System.in;
     for (optind = 0; optind < argv.length; optind++) {
     if (argv[optind].equals("-T")) {
          protocol = argv[++optind];
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-H")) {
          host = argv[++optind];
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-U")) {
          user = argv[++optind];
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-P")) {
          password = argv[++optind];
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-v")) {
          verbose = true;
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-D")) {
          debug = true;
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-f")) {
          mbox = argv[++optind];
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-L")) {
          url = argv[++optind];
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-p")) {
          port = Integer.parseInt(argv[++optind]);
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-s")) {
          showStructure = true;
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-S")) {
          saveAttachments = true;
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-m")) {
          showMessage = true;
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("-a")) {
          showAlert = true;
     } else if (argv[optind].equals("--")) {
     } else if (argv[optind].startsWith("-")) {
"Usage: msgshow [-L url] [-T protocol] [-H host] [-p port] [-U user]");
"\t[-P password] [-f mailbox] [msgnum] [-v] [-D] [-s] [-S] [-a]");
"or msgshow -m [-v] [-D] [-s] [-S] [-f msg-file]");
     } else {
try {
     if (optind < argv.length)
     msgnum = Integer.parseInt(argv[optind]);
     // Get a Properties object
     Properties props = System.getProperties();
     // Get a Session object
     Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null);
     if (showMessage) {
          MimeMessage msg;
          if (mbox != null)
          msg = new MimeMessage(session,
               new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(mbox)));
          msg = new MimeMessage(session, msgStream);
     // Get a Store object
     Store store = null;
     if (url != null) {
          URLName urln = new URLName(url);
          store = session.getStore(urln);
          if (showAlert) {
          store.addStoreListener(new StoreListener() {
               public void notification(StoreEvent e) {
               String s;
               if (e.getMessageType() == StoreEvent.ALERT)
                    s = "ALERT: ";
                    s = "NOTICE: ";
               System.out.println(s + e.getMessage());
     } else {
          if (protocol != null)          
          store = session.getStore(protocol);
          store = session.getStore();
          // Connect
          if (host != null || user != null || password != null)
          store.connect(host, port, user, password);
     // Open the Folder
     Folder folder = store.getDefaultFolder();
     if (folder == null) {
     System.out.println("No default folder");
     if (mbox == null)
          mbox = "INBOX";
     folder = folder.getFolder(mbox);
     if (folder == null) {
     System.out.println("Invalid folder");
     // try to open read/write and if that fails try read-only
     try {
     } catch (MessagingException ex) {
     int totalMessages = folder.getMessageCount();
     if (totalMessages == 0) {
          System.out.println("Empty folder");
     if (verbose) {
          int newMessages = folder.getNewMessageCount();
          System.out.println("Total messages = " + totalMessages);
          System.out.println("New messages = " + newMessages);
     if (msgnum == -1) {
          // Attributes & Flags for all messages ..
          Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages();
          // Use a suitable FetchProfile
          FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
          folder.fetch(msgs, fp);
          for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
          System.out.println("MESSAGE #" + (i + 1) + ":");
          // dumpPart(msgs[i]);
     } else {
          System.out.println("Getting message number: " + msgnum);
          Message m = null;
          try {
          m = folder.getMessage(msgnum);
          } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iex) {
          System.out.println("Message number out of range");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
     System.out.println("Oops, got exception! " + ex.getMessage());
public static void dumpPart(Part p) throws Exception {
     if (p instanceof Message)
     /** Dump input stream ..
     InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
     // If "is" is not already buffered, wrap a BufferedInputStream
     // around it.
     if (!(is instanceof BufferedInputStream))
     is = new BufferedInputStream(is);
     int c;
     while ((c = is.read()) != -1)
     String ct = p.getContentType();
     try {
     pr("CONTENT-TYPE: " + (new ContentType(ct)).toString());
     } catch (ParseException pex) {
     pr("BAD CONTENT-TYPE: " + ct);
     String filename = p.getFileName();
     if (filename != null)
     pr("FILENAME: " + filename);
     * Using isMimeType to determine the content type avoids
     * fetching the actual content data until we need it.
     if (p.isMimeType("text/plain")) {
     pr("This is plain text");
     if (!showStructure && !saveAttachments)
     } else if (p.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
     pr("This is a Multipart");
     Multipart mp = (Multipart)p.getContent();
     int count = mp.getCount();
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
     } else if (p.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {
     pr("This is a Nested Message");
     } else {
     if (!showStructure && !saveAttachments) {
          * If we actually want to see the data, and it's not a
          * MIME type we know, fetch it and check its Java type.
          Object o = p.getContent();
          if (o instanceof String) {
          pr("This is a string");
          } else if (o instanceof InputStream) {
          pr("This is just an input stream");
          InputStream is = (InputStream)o;
          int c;
          while ((c = is.read()) != -1)
          } else {
          pr("This is an unknown type");
     } else {
          // just a separator
     * If we're saving attachments, write out anything that
     * looks like an attachment into an appropriately named
     * file. Don't overwrite existing files to prevent
     * mistakes.
     if (saveAttachments && level != 0 && !p.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
     String disp = p.getDisposition();
     // many mailers don't include a Content-Disposition
     if (disp == null || disp.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.ATTACHMENT)) {
          if (filename == null)
          filename = "Attachment" + attnum++;
          pr("Saving attachment to file " + filename);
          try {
          File f = new File(filename);
          if (f.exists())
               // XXX - could try a series of names
               throw new IOException("file exists");
          } catch (IOException ex) {
          pr("Failed to save attachment: " + ex);
public static void dumpEnvelope(Message m) throws Exception {
     pr("This is the message envelope");
     Address[] a;
     // FROM
     if ((a = m.getFrom()) != null) {
     for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++)
          pr("FROM: " + a[j].toString());
     // TO
     if ((a = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)) != null) {
     for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
          pr("TO: " + a[j].toString());
          InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress)a[j];
          if (ia.isGroup()) {
          InternetAddress[] aa = ia.getGroup(false);
          for (int k = 0; k < aa.length; k++)
               pr(" GROUP: " + aa[k].toString());
     // SUBJECT
     pr("SUBJECT: " + m.getSubject());
     // DATE
     Date d = m.getSentDate();
     pr("SendDate: " +
     (d != null ? d.toString() : "UNKNOWN"));
     // FLAGS
     Flags flags = m.getFlags();
     StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
     Flags.Flag[] sf = flags.getSystemFlags(); // get the system flags
     boolean first = true;
     for (int i = 0; i < sf.length; i++) {
     String s;
     Flags.Flag f = sf[i];
     if (f == Flags.Flag.ANSWERED)
          s = "\\Answered";
     else if (f == Flags.Flag.DELETED)
          s = "\\Deleted";
     else if (f == Flags.Flag.DRAFT)
          s = "\\Draft";
     else if (f == Flags.Flag.FLAGGED)
          s = "\\Flagged";
     else if (f == Flags.Flag.RECENT)
          s = "\\Recent";
     else if (f == Flags.Flag.SEEN)
          s = "\\Seen";
          continue;     // skip it
     if (first)
          first = false;
          sb.append(' ');
     String[] uf = flags.getUserFlags(); // get the user flag strings
     for (int i = 0; i < uf.length; i++) {
     if (first)
          first = false;
          sb.append(' ');
     pr("FLAGS: " + sb.toString());
     // X-MAILER
     String[] hdrs = m.getHeader("X-Mailer");
     if (hdrs != null)
     pr("X-Mailer: " + hdrs[0]);
     pr("X-Mailer NOT available");
static String indentStr = " ";
static int level = 0;
* Print a, possibly indented, string.
public static void pr(String s) {
     if (showStructure)
     System.out.print(indentStr.substring(0, level * 2));

Oh, I didn't specify any command line argument. I don't really get what arguments I should specify. Could please explain it to me. My main objective is to learn and be able to apply this to my personal project.
One more thing if you don't mind. I was very good at java (then I used Jdk 1.2) but I have lost touch due to not using Java for a very long time. I am also learning to Servlets at the moment but I just can't deploy it. In the past we used deploytool and I could get that to work but I just don't get how to deploy the servlet I wrote.
Thanks ever so much!

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    JDeveloper Team (guest) wrote:
    : Sujit,
    : I assume that you have access to the OAS jars needed to compile
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    : Regards,
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    : : Hi,
    : : The error is still there.
    : : I have tried as you suggested.That brought me the code of
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    : mentioned.This
    : : means my libraries are properly installed.
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    : : for(int i=0;i<WRB_tags.length;i++) {
    : : try {
    : : hp.setItemAt(WRB_tags[0], new SimpleItem(
    : : this.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(
    : : "get"+WRB_tags[i][2],null).invoke(this,null)));
    : : catch (java.lang.Exception ex) {
    : : hp.setItemAt(WRB_tags[i][0],
    : new(SimpleItem(WRB_tags[i][1]));
    : : return hp;
    : : I didn't change anything on that.What else should I do?
    : : waiting for your early reply in this regard.
    : : Thanks
    : : - Sujit
    : : JDeveloper Team (guest) wrote:
    : : : Sujit,
    : : : Test this:
    : : : Bring up JDeveloper
    : : : Press Ctrl / - Control key and the Slash key
    : : : Type in java.lang.Class
    : : : This brings up the code for java.lang.Class
    : : : If it does not, then somehow your libraries
    : : : are not properly installed for JDeveloper to find
    : : : (see IDEClassPath ).
    : : : Otherwise, there you should see many methods including:
    : : : public Method getDeclaredMethod(String p0, Class[] p1)
    : : : throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
    : : : // implementation not available
    : : : Also note: Your spelling for Class should be
    : : : java.lang.Class
    : : : - JDeveloper Team
    : : : You can browse the class
    : : : Sujit Hazra (guest) wrote:
    : : : : I have created a java file using HTML-Java Wizard.
    : : : : when compiling the java file it gives an error
    : : : : method getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String,null) not found
    : in
    : : : : class in java.lang.class
    : : : : can anyone tell me how can I remove the error ?
    : : : : waiting for your early reply in this regard.
    : : : : Thanks

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    $gcc dbm1.c -o gdbm1 -lgdbm
    /tmp/cc2vMknU.o: In function `main':
    dbm1.c: (.text+0x2d): undefined reference to `dbm_open'
    dbm1.c: (.text+0x244): undefined reference to `dbm_store'
    dbm1.c: (.text+0x2ee): undefined reference to `dbm_fetch'
    dbm1.c: (.text+0x379): undefined reference to `dbm_close'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    try compile 2:
    $ gcc dbm1.c -o gdbm1 -lndbm -L/usr/lib
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lndbm
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <ndbm.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define TEST_DB_FILE "/tmp/dbm1_test"
    #define ITEMS_USED 3
    /* A struct to use to test dbm */
    struct test_data {
    char misc_chars[15];
    int any_integer;
    char more_chars[21];
    int main() {
    struct test_data items_to_store[ITEMS_USED];
    struct test_data item_retrieved;
    char key_to_use[20];
    int i, result;
    datum key_datum;
    datum data_datum;
    DBM *dbm_ptr;
    dbm_ptr = dbm_open(TEST_DB_FILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
    if (!dbm_ptr) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open database\n");
    /* put some data in the structures */
    memset(items_to_store, '\0', sizeof(items_to_store));
    strcpy(items_to_store[0].misc_chars, "First!");
    items_to_store[0].any_integer = 47;
    strcpy(items_to_store[0].more_chars, "foo");
    strcpy(items_to_store[1].misc_chars, "bar");
    items_to_store[1].any_integer = 13;
    strcpy(items_to_store[1].more_chars, "unlucky?");
    strcpy(items_to_store[2].misc_chars, "Third");
    items_to_store[2].any_integer = 3;
    strcpy(items_to_store[2].more_chars, "baz");
    for (i = 0; i < ITEMS_USED; i++) {
    /* build a key to use */
    sprintf(key_to_use, "%c%c%d",
    /* build the key datum strcture */
    key_datum.dptr = (void *)key_to_use;
    key_datum.dsize = strlen(key_to_use);
    data_datum.dptr = (void *)&items_to_store[i];
    data_datum.dsize = sizeof(struct test_data);
    result = dbm_store(dbm_ptr, key_datum, data_datum, DBM_REPLACE);
    if (result != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "dbm_store failed on key %s\n", key_to_use);
    } /* for */
    /* now try and retrieve some data */
    sprintf(key_to_use, "bu%d", 13); /* this is the key for the second item */
    key_datum.dptr = key_to_use;
    key_datum.dsize = strlen(key_to_use);
    data_datum = dbm_fetch(dbm_ptr, key_datum);
    if (data_datum.dptr) {
    printf("Data retrieved\n");
    memcpy(&item_retrieved, data_datum.dptr, data_datum.dsize);
    printf("Retrieved item - %s %d %s\n",
    else {
    printf("No data found for key %s\n", key_to_use);
    Last edited by 009lin (2007-08-19 02:29:54)

    GDBM includes dbm and ndbm compatability.
    I found the solution from the man page, it said:
    If you wish to use the dbm or ndbm  compatibility  routines,  you  must
           link in the gdbm_compat library as well.  For example:
                gcc -o prog proc.c -lgdbm -lgdbm_compat
    Last edited by 009lin (2007-08-19 02:29:27)

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    Julien Félix

    I found it, thank you fT!

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    Now I use jdk1.4 and Tomcat 4.0.4, and put in the directory d:\j2sdk and d:\tomcat. Even I set the classpath as follow, I still compile jsp.
    SET CLASSPATH=.;D:\j2sdk\lib\tools.jar;D:\tomcat\common\lib\servlet.jar
    but at before, i can run it at Tomcat 3.2.
    type Exception report
    message Internal Server Error
    description The server encountered an internal error (Internal Server Error) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPNote: sun.tools.javac.Main has been deprecated.
    D:\tomcat\work\Standalone\localhost\_\userCounter$jsp.java:4: Class or interface declaration expected.
    import javax.servlet.*;
    D:\tomcat\work\Standalone\localhost\_\userCounter$jsp.java:10: Superclass org.apache.jsp.HttpJspBase of class org.apache.jsp.userCounter$jsp not found.
    public class userCounter$jsp extends HttpJspBase {
    2 errors, 1 warning
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Compiler.java:285)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(JspServlet.java:548)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.loadIfNecessary(JspServlet.java:176)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service(JspServlet.java:188)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:381)
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:473)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:247)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:243)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:566)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:472)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:943)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:190)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:566)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.CertificatesValve.invoke(CertificatesValve.java:246)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:564)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:472)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:943)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(StandardContext.java:2347)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:180)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:566)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(ErrorDispatcherValve.java:170)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:564)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:170)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:564)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke(AccessLogValve.java:468)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:564)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:472)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:943)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:174)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:566)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:472)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:943)
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor.process(HttpProcessor.java:1027)
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor.run(HttpProcessor.java:1125)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)
    pls help, thank you very much!

    This is a new problem with jdk1.4 when compiling with tomcat.
    The solution is to ensure that any classes in WEB-INF/classes are in a package structure and the relevant jsp calls the same using the package name.

  • Can anyone get the SimpleVideoPlayer demo to work with 6u13?

    I have tried it on a Vista machine and a Windows Server 2003 machine both with Java 6 Update 13 and the result is the same:
    playing http://sun.edgeboss.net/download/sun/media/1460825906/1460825906_2956241001_big-buck-bunny-640x360.flv+
    Error with Media: MediaError: media unsupported:com.sun.media.jmc.MediaUnsupportedException: Unsupported media: http://sun.edgeboss.net/download/sun/media/1460825906/1460825906_2956241001_big-buck-bunny-640x360.flv+
    * mediaSourceURL=http://sun.edgeboss.net/download/sun/media/1460825906/1460825906_2956241001_big-buck-bunny-640x360.flv*
    Can anyone get this demo to actually work? If so, what's the secret?
    The Gibbon

    Can someone please try it and let me know?
    This is the link:
    The Gibbon

  • The CompileSPL.exe in the Lync Server 2013 SDK can't compile the application manifest file

    My windows server version is 2012 standard, I deployed the lync server 2013 to my environment, and ran the lync server 2013 SDK on the front end pool. Today, I wanted to compile a application manifest file, but I got the warning that this app can't run on
    your pc, to find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher.

    The issue is related to Lync Server 2013, I suggest you ask for help from Lync Server 2013 SDK forum for better and accurate answer to the question.:
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
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