I can't seem to download Premiere CS6?

Hi there,
I am a CC member and today I realised that Encore isn't included in the apps. After speaking to a couple of Adobe staff, I was told if I uninstall Premiere Pro CC and the Cloud App, I would then be given the option to install the CS6 version of Premiere which includes Encore. I was told that if I clicked on the Premiere icon, I would be given the option to choose between CC and CS6. I have followed their instructions but cannot download from the site - nothing at all happens - and the Cloud app only gives me the option to download Premiere Pro CC.
Please can you help, I've spent most of the day on this...

I was told if I uninstall Premiere Pro CC and the Cloud App, I would then be given the option to install the CS6 version of Premiere which includes Encore.
No need to uninstall CC first. Just download Premiere Pro CS6 and you'll get Encore CS6.
Have you followed these steps?
http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/download-previous-versions-creative-applications. html

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    Please find the direct link to download the CS6 software: http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cs6-direct-download-links.html . Kindly follow the very important instructions mentioned.
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    Hi shuster9,
    It seems the downloaded setup for InDesign has got corrupt.
    Could you please clear the TEMP from your computer and then retry.
    Manish Sharma

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    It's possible something has become corrupted in your AppStore cache folder. I had the same problem that occurred after I did a partial download, paused it, and attempted to restart it again later. Here's how I fixed my problem:
    Enable AppStore Debug menu:
    1. Quit AppStore completely.
    2. Run Terminal and enter the following on the command line: defaults write com.apple.appstore ShowDebugMenu -bool true
    3. Restart the AppStore. You should see a new menu called "Debug".
    Clear the download cache:
    4. In AppStore, select Debug menu / Show Download Folder
    5. Quit AppStore completely, but leave download folder open
    6. In the download folder, select all files/folders, then delete them.
    7. Restart AppStore. You may need to sign in to your Apple account again.
    You may need to restart your computer to be able to delete the files from the trash.
    You can then try the download again.

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    Please download the updates manually from below link : http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?platform=windows&product=10

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    Mac or PC? Basic specs on your machine ... CPU/RAM/GPU? This can at times have an affect on PrPro working ... especially say if your computer is running a 32-bit system or less than adequate RAM.
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    Check in Restrictions... Settings > General > Restrictions
    Understanding Restrictions  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4213
    Gregroy 1232 wrote:
    I can't seem to download in-app purchases when I did it before
    If necessary... Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    Because too much time has passed I can't edit this into the prior comment, but here is the info regarding reverting to iTunes 11.0.2 (assuming you do have a time machine backup) from https://discussions.apple.com/message/22057703#22057703
    W. Raider wrote:
    Repairing permissions doesn't fix it.
    I reverted to the previous version, 11.0.2.
    1. Quit the new crash-prone iTunes.
    2. Delete the app.
    3. Restore v. 11.0.2 with Time Machine.
    4. In your iTunes folder look for a folder called "Previous iTunes Libraries", find the latest one.
    5. In the iTunes folder itself you'll see "iTunes Library.itl", delete it (or compress it and save a copy for later just in case.
    6. Copy the newest .itl file in Previous iTunes Libraries to the iTunes folder and rename it "iTunes Library.itl".
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    My crashing has seemed to have ceased with a revert to an older version. I noticed today that the newer crashing iTunes had been launched for hours but not playing anything, when I played internet radio it crashed within 5mins, fed up I reverted to an older version.
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    Libelle do you receive a specific error message when you are downloading?  I would recommend reviewing Error downloading Creative Cloud applications - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/error-downloading-cc-apps.html.

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    Nothing the XML export from Premiere is for legacy versions of FCP not for FCPX.

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    i check the system requirements,
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    A common cause of a Memory Address issue, is that some process, or program has either mis-reported its used memory addresses, or has told the OS that it has released them, when it has not.
    Are you on a PC?
    If so, at Start>Run, type MSCONFIG. Then, look in your Services and Startup Tabs, to see just what is loading at bootup. Post a screencap of both Tabs, and someone might be able to see processes, or programs, that are totally unnecessary, and can be the cause.
    It might be helpful to see this article, on what info (especially your system) is necessary for others to help you: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/961741?tstart=0
    Good luck,

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