I cannot delete chrome bookmark collection in Safari

I had Google Chrome installed but deleted it. I also imported a bunch of bookmarks long ago. Anyway there is a collection called Chrome that I want to delete but cannot. Everytime I try it causes Safari to crash with the spinning multicolored pinwheel and I have to force quit.
I had the collection deleted yesterday after many crashes and forced reboots but today it had reappeared. I can turn the Chrome collection off in preferences but I want to delete them from my HD.
Please help, this is really frustrating since all I should have to do is highlight the collection and select DELETE. I also tried going to the library folder and deleting the bookmarks.plist but the Chrome collection is still there. I do not have a google account - I deleted it two weeks ago - so it should not be syncing from anywhere to make the bookmarks reappear.
I thought everything was suppose to be easy with a Mac!

Please read this whole message before doing anything.
This procedure is a diagnostic test. It won’t solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The following procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed. Don’t be alarmed by the complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac. 
These steps are to be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. 
Below are instructions to enter some UNIX shell commands. The commands are harmless, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you have doubts about the safety of the procedure suggested here, search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. 
Some of the commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it. The headings “Step 1” and so on are not part of the commands. 
Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. The other steps should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply. 
Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
Step 1 
Triple-click the line of text below to select it:
kextstat -kl | awk '!/com\.apple/{printf "%s %s\n", $6, $7}' | open -f -a TextEdit 
Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). A TextEdit window will open with the output of the command. If the command produced no output, the window will be empty. Post the contents of the TextEdit window (not the Terminal window), if any — the text, please, not a screenshot. You can then close the TextEdit window. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that. No typing is involved in this step.
Step 2 
Repeat with this line:
{ sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix)|org\.(amav|apac|cups|isc|ntp|postf|x)/{print $3}'; sudo defaults read com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook 2> /dev/null; } | open -f -a TextEdit 
This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. 
Note: If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before taking this step. If that’s not possible, skip to the next step. 
Step 3
launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)/{print $3}' | open -f -a TextEdit 
Step 4
ls -1A /e*/{la,mach}* {,/}L*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,Keyb,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo,Sta}* L*/Fonts .la* 2> /dev/null | open -f -a TextEdit  
Important: If you formerly synchronized with a MobileMe account, your me.com email address may appear in the output of the above command. If so, anonymize it before posting. 
Step 5
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get name of every login item' | open -f -a TextEdit 
Remember, steps 1-5 are all copy-and-paste — no typing, except your password. Also remember to post the output. 
You can then quit Terminal.

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    If you don't want to see these bookmarks when you open a new tab and you don't want to delete them you'll need to move them. Now as you probably know there isn't really a move function for Bookmarks in iPad, so what I'd recommend is Tap Bookmarks>Favourites tap one of the bookmarks in this folder and when it loads up save it to another location on your iPad - repeat for all bookmarks in this folder, once done tap Bookmarks>Favourites select EDIT and delete all bookmarks in the favourites folder.
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    I assume you mean in Safari?
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    Back up all data.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Select the login keychain from the list on the left side of the Keychain Access window. If your default keychain has a different name, select that.
    If the lock icon in the top left corner of the window shows that the keychain is locked, click to unlock it. You'll be prompted for the keychain password, which is the same as your login password, unless you've changed it.
    Right-click or control-click the login entry in the list. From the menu that pops up, select Change Settings for Keychain "login". In the sheet that opens, uncheck both boxes, if not already unchecked.
    From the menu bar, select
    Keychain Access ▹ Preferences ▹ First Aid
    If the box marked Keep login keychain unlocked is not checked, check it.
    Keychain Access ▹ Keychain First Aid
    from the menu bar and repair the keychain. Quit Keychain Access.

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    Back up all data before proceeding.
    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership, permissions, and access controls to the default. If you've intentionally set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it, but you do need to follow the instructions below.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user, and the one in question is not an administrator, then go to Step 2.
    Triple-click anywhere in the following line on this page to select it:
    sudo find ~ $TMPDIR.. -exec chflags -h nouchg,nouappnd,noschg,nosappnd {} + -exec chown -h $UID {} + -exec chmod +rw {} + -exec chmod -h -N {} + -type d -exec chmod -h +x {} + 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The command may take several minutes to run, depending on how many files you have. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Take this step only if you have trouble with Step 1, if you prefer not to take it, or if it doesn't solve the problem.
    Start up in Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
              Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open. In that window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window will open. You’re not going to reset a password.
    Select your startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
               ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

  • Cannot delete bookmarks in Safari

    Every time I try to delete a bookmark from the bookmark bar, Safari locks up and I have to force quit.  I can't get the bookmark icon to open at all.  When I go to Bookmarks on the Safari toolbar, it shows what I want to delete, but locks up when I try to actually perform the task.  This is getting old really fast!  I bet I've sent 25 "reports to Apple" in the past 2 days.  Advice welcomed and appreciated.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    If you still have the original file from your other computer, first trash the existing bookmarks.plist file found (via the Finder) in your Home>Library>Safari folder. Then, copy that file to your new computer via Airport, or copy to a flash drive, or CD. Copy it to the Safari folder.
    Next, restart Safari.
    If you don't have access to that file, export your existing bookmarks to the Desktop via the File Menu. Then, trash the existing bookmarks.plist file. Now open Safari, File>Import bookmarks. Navigate to the file you exported to your desktop. Try to delete or add a bookmark.
    If the problem persists, try Safari from another User Account (you can create one, if necessary, in System Preferences>Accounts. If the Bookmarks function doesn't work there, then reinstall Safari.
    Post back
    Message was edited by: Hawaiian_Starman

  • Deleting a bookmark in Safari

    This is a safari question, but I am unable to access the safari board, and thought this was a basic enough question that any experienced Apple user could answer it.
    I am unable to delete bookmarks. I can add them, of course, but cannot figure out how to delete individual bookmarks I am no longer interested in.
    Can anyone help with this question?

    Up at the top of Safari, below the URL Toolbar bar, you should have a bookmark bar on which at the left is a small open page icon.
    Create a new Tab (Apple = T) then click on that icon to open the bookmark window in a new Tab.
    On the left you should see a COLLECTIONS group and a BOOKMARKS group.
    The entries in the BOOKMARK group can be removed (right click and then select Delete). They can be moved to reorder them and so on.

  • Enable the extension to keep chrome bookmarks up to date with the safari bookmarks on your iphone

    on my laptop icloud comes up and tells me i need to enable the extension to keep chrome bookmarks up to date with the safari bookmarks on your iphone! if someone could help me i would be grateful !!

    Once you click "get new recovery key" all data on your sync account is erased forever. There is no way to get that back. If you have data on your iPhone you cannot move it from your iPhone to desktop Firefox. the iPhone sync is 1-way only. Unless you have a Firefox profile somewhere, you will ahve to manually rebuild your bookmarks.

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    Any suggestions?
    Thansks,  Sue

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then take one of the actions that you're having trouble with. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • I don't have a history option in bookmarks bar... So I cannot delete visited sites from address bar...how do I restore this ?, I don't have a history option in bookmarks bar... So I cannot delete visited sites from address bar...how do I restore this ?

    I don't have a history option in bookmarks bar... So I cannot delete visited sites from address bar...how do I restore this ?, I don't have a history option in bookmarks bar... So I cannot delete visited sites from address bar...how do I restore this ?

    The history option is the little clock icon at the bottom of the Bookmarks menu - the icon in the center between the open book and the eye glasses icons. You don't have that? Try closing Safari and see if the history option comes back
    Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the task bar will appear with all of your recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar. Restart the iPad.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    You can also clear the history in Settings>Safari>Clear History.

  • Have been using Firefox for years, but downloaded BearShare and now it has taken over the browser. Deleted it but still have it on start page. Tried downloading firefox again and again but its still there. Cannot access my bookmarks or anything else on

    Cannot delete BearShare tool bar from top of Mozilla browser.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == a day or two ago ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.16

    Hello Joe.
    If BearShare is an extension, you can go into ''Tools > Add-ons > Extensions'' to disable or uninstall it.
    If it's a plugin, go into ''Tools > Add-ons > Plugins'', where you can disable it. To uninstall it completely, you need to contact its author for support, as it's done outside the browser. In case it's a plugin.
    I hope this helps.

  • We have a new iPad Mini.  I cannot save a new Bookmark.  In Safari, I go to "Share" and select "Add a Bookmark" yet when I click on the Bookmarks icon, my saved Bookmark is not there.  Am I doing something wrong?

    We have a new iPad Mini, and I'm having inconsistent results using Bookmarks in the Safari icon.
    For a long time, on the iPad, I could only see five items under the Bookmark icons and the Bookmarks Bar was empty. 
    Occasionally, in Safari, the iPad would pick up and display all of the Bookmarks from the Safari browser on my iMac. 
    Other times, there are only a bare few Bookmarks available on the iPad, the Bookmarks Bar goes away and I cannot save a new Bookmark.  It looks like I can save one, but I cannot find it after allegedly saving. 
    Then, all of the Bookmarks will come back and I can save a new Bookmark again. We can't figure out why all of the Bookmarks will show and then they won't.
    I want to think this involves iCloud some way, but for right now, I'm stumped.  Perhaps we're just too inexperienced and haven't come around the learning curve yet.
    Thanks for any help.

    No, I see the three areas at the bottom of the Bookmark area that you refer to, but that also highlights an issue.  When I want to save a story to my Reading List and click on Share then "Add to Reading List" then go back to look at what is stored in the Reading List, my recently-saved item is not there.
    I looked thru the History tab and the Reading List tab and have been in the Bookmark tab.  But even when I Save a Bookmark, that newly-saved Bookmark does not show up in the Bookmark area.
    But then again, the next day (and actually just in the last half-hour) all of the functionality came back.  When I look at the Bookmarks, suddenly, again, all of the Bookmarks that are on my Safari browser on my iMac are now there, and I can now Save a Bookmark.
    It keeps coming in and out and that is what is driving me a little nuts.

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