I cannot reset icloud password by mail.

I forgot my icloud password. Everytime i try to recover it by email, it says,"email sent to ypur address" but there is none :-(
How can i reset icloud password or access i cloud.
please help me out.

Try contacting iTunes store support: http://www.apple.com/emea/support/itunes/contact.html.  Even though this is an iCloud ID, it's still an Apple ID.  iTunes store support deals with Apple ID issues all the time so they can probably help you with this.

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    Call Apple and ask for Account Security.

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    You are correct. This is a very bad hardware error of the WiFi Chip on the Logic Board. The Chip malfunctioned or was previously damaged, but the initialization error was not detected until you Update/Restore the iPhone recently. The Problem was there, just not detected yet. The repair or replacement of the WiFi Chip is very difficult. Because Apple does not repair iPhone 4S, they only replace iPhone 4S, it costs $199.

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    Hi Donald, first do this...
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    Hello frazetone,
    I would advise to use a different email address all together to reset your password for ePrintcenter. If that doesn't work you can visit www.eprintcenter.com for additional support.
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    Look at these links.
    Here's the instructions if you have the discs.
    *Mac OS X: Changing or resetting an account password*
    *Changing your administrator password*
     Cheers, Tom

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    See http://support.apple.com/kb/PH2617.  An iCloud ID is an Apple ID, and you reset the password the same way you reset the password for any other Apple ID.

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    Hi lgmmo,
    I think your best best to get this resolved is to contact Adobe Customer Care. Here's the contact info: Contact Customer Care.
    A quick Chat session should get you fixed up.
    Please let us know if you have additional questions.

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    What exactly did you change, your account's password and/or the primary email address on the account ? If you are using the same account for the stores and the cloud then changing the account's password will change it for both places.
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    This should fix the issue:
    Special thanks to Roger Wilmut for providing the detailed instructions below.
    1. Shut down Mail.  Next, deselect "iCloud Mail" in the iCloud preferences pane in System Preferences FIRST.  If not, it will automatically pre-populate the wrong p9X.mail.me.com server names again overwriting all your work.
    2. Now restart Mail and go to preferences.  If "iCloud" mail is still showing, select it and click on the "-" at the bottom to remove it.
    3. Now follow the instructions here: http://www.wilmut.webspace.virginmedia.com/notes/icloudmail.html (disregard that this is for Snow Leopard, it DOES work on Lion) paying attention to the use of the "option" key when needed to avoid Mail automatically "creating" the account and closing out the preferences window.
    4. Ensure the correct server names of "imap.mail.me.com and smtp.mail.me.com" are still there and close Mail preferences and now select "get mail".  It may prompt one last time for your iCloud password, enter it and you are done.
    Good Luck.

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    Alternatives for Help Resetting Security Questions and/or Rescue Mail
         1. If you have a valid rescue email address, then use this procedure:
             Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions.
         2. Fill out and submit this form. Select the topic, Account Security. You must
             have a Rescue Email to use this option.
         3. This is the only option if you do not already have a valid Rescue Email.
             These are telephone numbers for contacting Apple Support in your country.
             Apple ID- Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security. Select
             the appropriate country and call. Ask to speak to the Account Security Team.
         4. Account security issues almost always require you to speak directly to an
             Apple representative to securely establish your identity as the account holder.
             You can set it up so that Apple calls you, either immediately or at a time
             convenient to you.
                1. Go to www.apple.com/support.
                2. Choose Contact Support and click Contact Us.
                3. Choose Other Apple ID Topics and choose the appropriate topic for
                    your issue.
                4. Follow the onscreen instructions.
             Note: If you have already forgotten your security questions, then you cannot
             set up a rescue email address in order to reset them. You must set up
             the rescue email address beforehand.
    Your Apple ID: Manage My Apple ID.
                            Apple ID- All about Apple ID security questions.

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