I cant load my lacie hard drive till i can DL os10.0???

Help I can't load my lacie hard drive on my old G4 untill I update to Leopard 10.0??

Contact LaCie for assistance. If you have to install OS X, then you must install no later than Leopard depending on exactly which G4 model you have.

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    Your PC-oriented drive is undoubtedly formatted NTFS. Drives in that format are read-only for the Mac OS, unless you install third-party software such as NTFS-3G (freeware) or Tuxera NTFS (commercial) that enables full access to them.

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    Any help?
    Thank you.

    Welcome to the forum.
    Have a look at the comments on THIS THREAD. Perhaps there's something there that will help.

  • My Lacie Hard Drive is no longer being recognized by my MacBook, please help.

    Hi all,
    I have a Lacie external hard drive (LaCie Rugged XL eSATA 3Gb/s | USB 2.0) that I have been using on my MacBook (timemachine) (late 2008, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with OS X 10.9.1). One day it stopped being recognized, not showing up on the desk top, the disk utility program, etc.
    I Googled many articles, blogs and support communities but have yet to find any solution. I also went to the Lacie support site and followed the trouble shooting instructions - changed my power source, usb cable, and tried the drive out on 3 different computers. The results: The drive works fine on the other computers (OS X and Windows) using the same power and usb cords. So Lacie recommened I contact Apple but my MacBook is not under warranty so I have decided to try my luck with the Apple Support Community. If any one has had this problem or knows the solution, please let me know. I would like to continue to use my MacBook with this Lacie hard drive.

    Hi Dibenkorn,
    Yes, both USB ports are not recognizing this lacie external hard drive. I also tried the SMC reset but that did not change anything. I have another external hard drive (smaller one) and it works on this computer fine and like I said before the Lacie works fine on my other (older) MacBook. I just can not figure out what went wrong or what happened...

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    First, you cannot do this if you have a Boot Camp partition.
    Second: Create a new partition.
    1. Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    After the main menu appears select Disk Utility and click on the Continue button. Select the hard drive's main entry then click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    2. You should see the graphical sizing window showing the existing partitions. A portion may appear as a blue rectangle representing the used space on a partition.
    3. In the lower right corner of the sizing rectangle for each partition is a resizing gadget. Select it with the mouse and move the bottom of the rectangle upwards until you have reduced the existing partition enough to create the desired new volume's size. The space below the resized partition will appear gray. Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.  (Note: You can only make a partition smaller in order to create new free space.)
    4. Click on the [+] button below the sizing window to add a new partition in the gray space you freed up. Give the new volume a name, if you wish, then click on the Apply button. Wait until the process has completed.
    You should now have a new volume on the drive.
    It would be wise to have a backup of your current system as resizing is not necessarily free of risk for data loss.  Your drive must have sufficient contiguous free space for this process to work.
    Third: Install Snow Leopard.
    Boot from your Snow Leopard DVD. Follow instructions for installation being sure that before you actually install Snow Leopard you have selected the new partition as your target destination.
    Booting From An OS X Installer Disc
      1. Insert OS X Installer Disc into the optical drive.
      2. Restart the computer.
      3. Immediately after the chime press and hold down the "C" key.
      4. Release the key when the spinning gear below the dark gray Apple logo
      5. Wait for installer to finish loading.

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    Do a restore from Time Machine. That will tell you.

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    To be honest, I've had 2 Lacie drives crash out of 2 bought.  That's not a good track record for me.
    Your best bet  (I'm a computer professional, for what it's worth):
    Get a hard drive case or enclosure that supports firewire 800 and put your own PC hard drive (SATA for example) 7200rpm or higher hard drive into it.
    Let me explain a bit more.  External hard drive manufacturers often put no-name hard drives into fancy cases to cut costs and that's how they make a profit.  I've have had nothing but problems with with these types of drives. (Like Lacie) You are much better off getting some type of decent drive enclosure and getting your own GOOD hard drive.  I would highly recommend Seagate, I have NEVER had a problem with a Seagate drive in 20 years of owning PCs and Macs.  Western Digital is also a good brand (though I had 1 crash). These are the types of drives you would put in your Mac Pro.  You want to get an SATA hard drive.
    I have owned several external cases where the case electronics fried, but the hard drives were still in good shape. Take the hard drive out, put it into a new case you're good to go!
    For video you want to make sure that your hard drive case supports Firewire 800!  This is mandatory.
    My personal favorite, (and I own 5 of these) is Vantec's NexStar hard drive enclosure.  They accept any SATA 3.5" drive (I bought mine from a company called ComputerStop).  I have yet to have a single problem with any of them.  They are solid aluminum casing, you can literally throw them into your backback, drop them on the floor and your hard drive is fairly well protected from impact damage (at least you won't break the case with anything short of a sledgehammer).  I am currently looking at getting a second one of these:
    (My bad, this is an IDE case up to 750GB)
    This the one you want:
    As far as the hard drive, you can get a Seagate Baracuda drive 1TB at 7200rpm drive for about $60.  The case and hard drive together, maybe a few over $100 for the whole thing.  With shipping, and tax figure about $150.
    Don't let the price fool you.  It will rock.
    Story: I got an iOmega "raid" case with two Seagate drives in it and the iOemga case fried, but the hard drives were still good. Fortunately, they were in two removable trays.  I put them into two "rocketfish" hard drive cases almost 3 years ago and I am still using them every day today. 
    Moral of this story:  It's the quality of the hard drive that matters, not what case it's in.
    Is it hard to set up?
    Not at all.  You put the hard drive into a tray, (with Vantec case), screw it in.  It only goes in 1 way.  Plug in a power cable to the drive.  Slide the tray into the case (carefully, don't munch the power cable!) and screw it in place. You can literally do it in 10 minutes or less.  There are, of course instructions, but if you are reasonably clever, you can literally see what plugs into what just by looking at it.
    Sorry for the long reply, but I have a lot of experience with external drives and I hope this helps others.
    Finally, when you make it to the big time you can spend $400, get yourself a firewire RAID enclosure and you can upgrade to 4 external hard drives in 1 enclosure.  Figure $800 for that set up, but you can go up to 12 TB of drive space with that, or up to 3TB if you are running redundant discs.  But that's a whole other ballgame...

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    Sync it.
    Open itunes, connect ipod, select what you want, sync

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    Consider these options...
    SuperDuper  http://www.shirt-pocket.com/
    or CCC  http://www.bombich.com/
    Which create a Bootable Clone of your existing Hard Drive...

  • Opening previous itunes on my LaCie Hard Drive

    My powerbook was stolen recently. Just before that, luckily, I had gone to the Genius bar (trying to selectively move music from my itunes library on the laptop to my LaCie Hard Drive, to free up some space). I learned that moving your library is an all or nothing proposition, I wouldn't be able to selectively move music to the LaCie. So I copied the entire library to the LaCie HD. Then, we set up some alias folders on my desktop whereas I could switch the itunes library folder, that I wanted access to, into the Mac HD music folder. Then, when I opened itunes, I could open it on the LaCie HD, or open the itunes music library on my laptop. Then I could just delete all the music on the laptop I didn't want to carry with me for work travel. But then, the laptop got stolen. Now, I'm on my old G4 Quicksilver, trusty ol' guy, where I have an old music library on it. I've also bought a few cds from itunes using this library. Now, I'm about to go on another trip, want to update my ipod and transfer new music to it, the first time on this computer, but I can't get access to my itunes music library on the LaCie HD. I tried changing, (under preferences -advanced- location change to La Cie HD), but it still opens the Mac HD, not the LaCie. I even tried changing the location, (same pref-adv-change location), and restarting, didn't work. It would still open the Quicksilver itunes. I tried changing out the itunes music folder, moving the folder from the Mac HD music window onto the desktop and moving the LaCie itunes music folder into the Mac HD Music window/folder, but it tries to copy it there ("not enough room to copy").
    So - how can I use the itunes on the LaCie, where the bulk of my music is? When I updated itunes, did it not allow me to have two libraries anymore? I'm willing to sacrifice the Quicksilver itunes library to switch to the one on the LaCie. I just need to keep itunes on the LaCie because it's too big for my Mac HD. And if I have to sacrifice the Quicksilver itunes music library, how can I save the music I've bought from itunes that's only in that library? Do I have to burn it to a disc and then re-import it? I must say, there are definite advantages to just going out and buying actual cd's!
    Thanks for any help you can offer! Edward

    Still a little problem. I did everything you said, and it seems itunes updated with the library on the external, and I saw that the album artwork was updating. I can play songs that I click on, the only thing now seems to be that all the albums/playlists, that go with the music, are missing. Only the playlists/albums from the old internal itunes are there.
    The one link you sent "Moving you iTunes Music Folder" - talked about consolidating after moving. Should I do that? It was odd, however, because some of the steps mentioned in that procedure were not available to me - like "click the new folder button in the Change Music Folder Location Window." I just did as you said and navigated to the external.
    From itunes now, should I consolidate library? Once I plug my ipod into this new computer, it will be synched to it and any mistakes will be reflected on it too right? I could loose music if I hook the ipod up with itunes not being in total working order?
    Thanks. I really appreciate your help. Hopefully I can cancel my genius bar appt. tomorrow and not have to lug the tower and drives in, especially because I'm leaving town early Tues. AM and have a million things to do first. Thanks.

  • HT5299 I have a Gdrive mini and 2 LaCie hard drives that connect fine using USB. Thunderbolt to fire wire 800 adaptor will not connect to either my MAC air or LaCie drives. Help

    I have a G drive mini and 2 LaCie hard drives that connect fine using USB. Thunderbolt to fire wire 800 adaptor will not connect to either my iMAC  or Mac air or LaCie drives. Help

    Have you tried any of these soundcards designed for 2.0?
    The 3.0 port is categorically designed to be comoatible with all 2.0 devices. The port itself will adapt to the usage parameters of the device.
    But if you really want to downgrade, then simply plug any 2.0 hub into a MBA 3.0 port. The ports on the hub will be 2.0.

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    I had Adobe Acrobat Serial loaded before the hard drive crashed on my old PC.  I have tried to download Acrobat 9 on my new PC, but always get the message “This is not a valid serial number”.
    I had Adobe 9 Standard on the old.  But what downloads from the page http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/acrobat-8-9-product-downloads.html is Adobe 9 Pro.  Perhaps this Pro version is the problem. 
    Anyway, can you point me to a way to install Adobe on my new PC?

    You can try Download Adobe CS5 Free Trials – All Direct Links without Akamai | ProDesignTools.

  • Lacie Hard Drives won't mount

    My two Lacie hard drives won't mount on my G5 running Tiger. They were fine on my G4 iMac running Panther. I've tried using the Lacie Update Tool but the drives aren't recognised. I've tested the firewire cables on another drive that works and they're fine, so it's not cables.
    Both drives power up okay and whir into action, but just aren't talking to the G5.
    Lacie d2 HD 80GB FW DV
    Lacie 40GB (no model number, "DESIGN BY F.A.PORSCHE", no model number).
    Any ideas much appreciated.

    This happened to me with a LaCie external drive as well.
    The problem is that LaCie formats the drives as PC-based
    and not Mac Extended, so unless you reformatted the
    drives to Mac when you started using them, your access
    to them on any Mac may result in a failure to mount.
    Once that happens retrieval of data is made more difficult
    because of this formatting incongruity.
    There is no way you can get the data once your G4 quits
    mounting them. If you can get the data off of the drives,
    back it up and then reformat the drives using Mac's Disc
    Utility. Then you can reload the data and I suspect all of
    your Macs will then mount the drives via Firewire.
    Good Luck!
    My two Lacie hard drives won't mount on my G5 running
    Tiger. They were fine on my G4 iMac running Panther.
    I've tried using the Lacie Update Tool but the drives
    aren't recognized. I've tested the firewire cables on
    another drive that works and they're fine, so it's
    not cables.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • When trying to do a system backup to my remote LaCie hard drive, what does it mean when I get a message that says "waiting for volume LaCie disk"?  While this message apears no back-up occurs.  Is there a setting I need to change?

    When trying to do a system backup to my remote LaCie hard drive, what does it mean when I get a message that says "waiting for volume LaCie disk"?  While this message apears no back-up occurs.  Is there a setting I need to change?

    You can't do a backup of icloud to an external drive.  In fact, does your post have anything to do with icloud (you're in the icloud forum)?
    What kind of "system backup" are you doing?  Are you using Time Machine?

  • I have recently bought a LaCie Hard Drive,

    I have recently bought a LaCie Hard Drive, it works fine, and I have formatted for use with Mac OS X.
    I share my iMac with other users, 3 others to be exact, and I want them to be able to use the external hard drive to store their files, music etc. However, I do not want the other users to be able to view the other users information.
    I have created 4 Individual folders, with the users names on it, and when I try to prevent access to the folders I seem to block access to everyone.
    How can I prevent other users from accessing others users' folders on an external hard drive?

    Select the drive in the Finder and choose Get Info from the File menu. Next, uncheck the box 'Ignore ownership on this volume'. When done, create the four folders on this drive. Change the Group and Other access for each folder to No Access in the Get Info window, and then change the owner to that of the account you want to be able to access the folder. You may be asked to enter your administrator password one or more times.
    Some disk formats, such as Mac OS Standard, don't support file permissions; to check what format a disk is in, select it, choose Get Info from the File menu, and look at the General section.

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