I deleted mailbox from dock without TM backup

I accidently deleted the mailbox application without the backup from time machine. However, my mail accounts are still there. The mailbox application picture has turned into 2 pieces of paper with a pencil, ruler, and paint brush. Does anyone know how I can fix this? I also cant find my install disc on my mac mini. Please Help!
Thanks in advance for anyones help.

Dude, seriously?  There's a search box: type 10.6.7 combo update in it and hit the return key.  You don't even need to do that, probably, since it was at the bottom of the Featured Downloads sidebar when I looked at the page, but...
Look, this is a very tech-savvy way of solving this issue, and I'm getting concerned you might not be up to it. No offense intended, I just don't want you to mess up your system further by getting in over your head with tricky solutions.  The easy and unbreakable way of solving this problem is to get an install DVD and reinstall the system software (making sure you preserve user accounts).  do that, run software update a couple of times, and you should be good as gold. A 10.6 DVD costs $30, new: that (plus driving time to your local BestBuy or whatever) is worth the cost if it saves you major headaches from a botched repair effort.

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    Hi James,
    I was able to use VI server to invoke LV 6.1 VI's using LV 7.0 without issue.
    After discovering this and mentioning it in a post somewhere, Rolf Kalbermatter indicated that was expected. and I should not be suprised.
    Vi Server may help you.
    James Mamakos wrote:
    Is there a separate place for me to post VIs to be converted?  What's a ballpark figure for the maximum file size i could put on to be converted?
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    THe largest attachment I have managed to upload was 3 or 4 Meg.
    Just trying to help,
    Message Edited by Ben on 04-28-2009 08:58 AM
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    Thanks a lot, roam! That worked

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    If you mean you deleted the files from Pages on your phone whilst using iCloud, then yes they will disappear from Pages on your iPad too.
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    Hi, welcome to Apple Discussions.
    I assume you've already consisdered manually managing your iPod's contents and rejected that idea.
    I wouldn't recommend it as a solution, but if you delete the files for the albums leaving the entries in the iTunes library you can carry on syncing normally. iTunes will complain that it can't sync the missing files but it won't remove the copies from your iPod. Once you're happy with how things work you can can choose to suppress the error message.
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    '''[http://kb.mozillazine.org/Menu_differences_in_Windows,_Linux,_and_Mac Tools|Account Settings]|{select the account}'''
    At the bottom of the pane listing your accounts, look for '''Account Actions''', and when you click that, look for and click on '''Remove Account'''.
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    This is a topic that has been covered in-depth on this forum.
    You can delete individual songs by swiping across them and tapping the delete button. Or, in the Artist of Album view tap-n-hold for a second, then tap the "x" in the upper left to delete. Or you can delete all downloaded music by going to Settings > General > Usage, tapping Music, then swiping and tapping the delete button.
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    delete the database files, and bring them back online and that will kill these zombie mailboxes, but I was hoping someone had a way I can delete them gracefully so I don't feel like I've just used a sledgehammer on my servers.  I tried Remove-StoreMailbox,
    but it requires that the mailbox have a status of either SoftDeleted or Disconnected - and from what I've read online, those are the only two accepted options.
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    There were two active mailboxes showing from the "Get-MailboxStatistics -Database <database name>" command, even though the database showed no active mailboxes when running "Get-Mailbox -Database <database name>" command.  Neither of these
    had a disconnected date, and neither showed a value in the Reason field.  Now for your answers:
    1.  One of these mailboxes showed as being on another database, same GUID, etc, and was able to be accessed on that other database.  However, Get-MailboxStatistics - Database <database name> showed that it also existed on this database. 
    We couldn't connect an account to this mailbox, nor could we delete it - the command (below) said the mailbox was on another database (which it was).
    Connect-Mailbox -Identity <mbx GUID> -Database <name of the database we wished to delete> -User <account SAM account name> -Alias <account SAM account name> -Shared -DomainController <domain controller>
    2.  The command was what I show above.
    Post Mortem:  Since we had to delete the database, and since neither of them were needed, we just went forward with our work.  I was hoping we'd be able to remove these mailboxes gracefully, but none of the tools we had available worked for the

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    Best thing to do is either upgrade your PC's hard drive to a larger one or buy an external drive and keep your library on that.
    But to do what you want, you have to switch your iPod from auto sync mode to Manually Manage mode.
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    Good luck,

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