I downloaded Adobe immigration software for Aperture, opened Lightroom, but the Aperture library was grayed out so it couldn't be selected to import. How do I get it to work? I only have a few days left on the test version of Lightroom to see how it works

I downloaded Adobe immigration software for Aperture, opened Lightroom, but the Aperture library was grayed out so it couldn't be selected to import. How do I get it to work? I only have a few days left on the test version of Lightroom to see how it works with my Aperture library.

Gracias photo-enthusiast por tu respuesta pero hay docenas de de usuarios que tienen esta mismo problema, me da la sensación que nos tomas por gagas que no tenemos ni idea de lo que tenemos entre manos.
Me alegro enormemente que no hayas tenido tu este problema.

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