I finally figured how to enter patch list

I entered successfully (i hope and guess) my Motif ES Rack and Roland XV 5050, i 've created multi instrument and change bank change messages MSB, LSB, all the patches copied, pasted and it worked. But still have problem:
I will create 4 midi channels and i will choose different banks and patches. Then i will click on track 1, it won't play the one i selected for. It will play the last one. (track 4) No matter which track i select, it will play the last one i set.
In the environment window it works, i can actually change patch and banks, after i do this for second midi track also ok. But in arrange window i click the tracks it won't change.
I don't know how you guys deal with this. That was already difficult setting bank messages which i had no idea before.
I will record on video if you didn't understand what i am talking about. Sorry for English:
4 midi tracks created, all of them plays same sound?

Hi, my first post here..
Im having a problem like that, i have the geforce FX 5600 from msi 128 mb when i try to install media center deluxe II on my computer it reboots automatically before getting into the instalation wizard.
im trying the compatibility thing , but i dont know if that will work
I want to input my playstation 2 to the video card so i can play in the monitor and hear it on the surround system.
If anyone knows another way of plugging my playstation 2 on the computer without having to install media center please let me know. I cant figure out how to see the input image on the monitor and stuff without the software...  X(
How do you change the advanced text thing??? i couldn´t find it
well bye and thanx
I edit now:
I changed that.. the wizard ran fine, but i got an error in the middle of the instalation... now i can´t install or uninstall, because the program tells me if i want to completely remove it when í´ve already done that (in theory). so i go to the settings in windows to uninstall the program... and the computer reboots automatically every time, and then the same, i cant really uninstall or try to uninstall again.
The card is expensive, its hard to find and hard to buy in a place like mexico city, i cant get support over here because they just dont know what the hell happens.
i want support, and i want good support, and i want now... i payed for the product, and i want it to work as MSI tells me it will work.
So im taking to the admins here or whoever is in charge of the support in these forums, dont get me wrong, im not being a pain... im asking for what i was promised, and my time is expensive, as your cards are.
Service please.
compaq Evo D315
Athlon XP 1.7
768 RAM
xp professional
Geforce FX 5600 128 mbs

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    Hi, my first post here..
    Im having a problem like that, i have the geforce FX 5600 from msi 128 mb when i try to install media center deluxe II on my computer it reboots automatically before getting into the instalation wizard.
    im trying the compatibility thing , but i dont know if that will work
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    If anyone knows another way of plugging my playstation 2 on the computer without having to install media center please let me know. I cant figure out how to see the input image on the monitor and stuff without the software...  X(
    How do you change the advanced text thing??? i couldn´t find it
    well bye and thanx
    I edit now:
    I changed that.. the wizard ran fine, but i got an error in the middle of the instalation... now i can´t install or uninstall, because the program tells me if i want to completely remove it when í´ve already done that (in theory). so i go to the settings in windows to uninstall the program... and the computer reboots automatically every time, and then the same, i cant really uninstall or try to uninstall again.
    The card is expensive, its hard to find and hard to buy in a place like mexico city, i cant get support over here because they just dont know what the hell happens.
    i want support, and i want good support, and i want now... i payed for the product, and i want it to work as MSI tells me it will work.
    So im taking to the admins here or whoever is in charge of the support in these forums, dont get me wrong, im not being a pain... im asking for what i was promised, and my time is expensive, as your cards are.
    Service please.
    compaq Evo D315
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    ((kMDItemContentTypeTree = 'com.apple.application') && (kMDItemContentType != com.apple.mail.emlx) && (kMDItemContentType != public.vcard))\"")
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    Applications: 1684
    Classic*: 795
    Command+F "Other" items: 44
    3181684+79544 = 2841
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    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Do I have to do it using DOS window or any other toolYes, you should use DOS window.
    Is there any other way (than OPath) to apply patches to Oracle client?
    OPatch is the tool to use so as to apply intermediates Patches.
    You should read carrefully the Readme and, check the OPacth release before running it.
    Hope this help.
    Best regards,

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    Thanks in advance.

    "Example: In my RS 7000 Fat Bass 1 is MSB 063, LSB 007, PC 007. How do I enter that in Logic?"
    That's the problem: you don't. Or I couldn't, not in the rational way you're (quite rationally) suggesting.
    If you go to the Environment window and create an external multi-instrument and double-click its header (title) bar, you'll see a drop-down menu for Bank, and another for Bank Message. I had to experiment with the Bank Message possibilities, because the Roland manual says Bank Select is "controller 0, 32" and LE8 makes you choose between those two (or choose the method of some similar product, though the similar ones aren't very similar to each other!). Pick a plausible one, and then initialize a bunch of banks in the Bank menu and see what sounds your keyboard produces. Try to match those up, by ear, with the sound banks listed in the manual for your external synth. When you find a Bank Message/Bank pair that produces something recognizable, try other banks and see if they fall into line also. If not, try again with a different Bank Message choice.
    Once you find a Bank Message that produces reasonable results with several Banks, then you start double-clicking patch names within each bank and typing in names. It's a really stupid process. If there's a better one, I couldn't find it.
    On the good side, once you've got the banks of patches all set, the whole package is transferable from one project to another through the Import Environment menu item. Which means, by the way, that you might want to do all this in a new, blank project that contains nothing but your external multi-instrument environment item.
    Good luck--meaning I hope you had better luck than I did. It took several hours. If you want a bright side: it sure familiarizes you with all the sounds in your synth.
    Message was edited by: Charles Hartman

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