I have 4.3 - Killed my Wi-Fi on my I-Pad

I hate this.. All excited for 4.3 and now my Wi-Fi is dead, b/g will not connect despite all the attempts listed below.
This is a major bug!
Don't upgrade until they fix this error!!

[[ WOW - Talk about posting on the wrong thread. I have several tabs open relating to wifi issues with Apple devices and posted on the wrong one. Apologies!]]
I have the exact same issue. I only just got an Apple TV 2 so I'm not sure if old versions had this issue as I upgraded the first time I ran it.
I've swapped out my wireless router for three different ones (DLink one, Belkin one and a white labeled one that my ISP provided). I'm a geek so I had these kicking around. All exhibit the same issue. I've also checked that all devices are on their latest firmware. I've also rotated the wireless channels in case there was an interference issue at play also.
Streaming from a PC that is using a Netgear WNA3100 USB wireless adapter.
I can run my wireless on my PC without any issue for days - with high network usage like pushing GB of data around my home network etc and have no issues at all.
But, the minute I watch something on the Apple TV...
The PC's wireless disconnects, falls over. Happens approximately every 10 minutes of watching things on the AppleTV. The further annoying thing is that often this will happen even when the AppleTV has fully copied the movie into its buffer. But if the network goes down it blows up (and then when it wants to resume, it resumes to the wrong place. Another fail for another thread).
I've switched out all my networking hardware, I've set different speeds (I have an N network, but I lowered it down to use 54Mb/s to see if it stabalises - no love) and I don't have a large house. I have maximum signal strength and the PC, Router and AppleTV have line of sight - about 10 meters apart at most.
The network stays up happy as larry when there's multiple people using the network but, as I say, Apple TV ALWAYS takes down the whole network.
Would be great to get a fix for this. If there's more data I can provide to Apple I'd be happy to do so.
Message was edited by: traskjd

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