I have a problem, when I execute an mapping from Desing Center, its frezeen

I have a problem, when I execute an mapping from Desing Center, its frezeen, this doesnt send error can you help me plis

If I would be you, I will check mapping activity from backend using (TOAD/SESSION-BROWSER) your map should be under JDBC THIN CLIENT. Also check if your target table is locked by running this query (select
v$locked_object a ,
v$session b,
dba_objects c
b.sid = a.session_id
a.object_id = c.object_id;).

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    Hi Gurus,
    I have a problem when i print a report from Tcode : FBL3N
    - i didn't have the last line of the report
    - i have two pages : i want just one because it is a small report
    I choosed this Format : X_65_200
    Please help me to solve these issues.

    Try to choose a layout that has 65 lines.
    If the report is too wide you might change the line layout (take out columns you do not need) until it is ok to print on 1 page.
    P.S. assign points if useful

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    at examples.TestSessionBean_knby6k_EOImpl.Toupper(TestSessionBean_knby6k_EOImpl.java:61)
    ... 15 more
    Any clue on this.
    With Regards,

    If you are trying to create a Tuxedo service in Java using WTC you need to develop an EJB that implements the TuxedoService interface and register its home in JNDI so WTC can look it up. Once that is done you can then export the service to a remote domain in the WTC configuration.
    Todd Little
    Oracle Tuxedo Chief Architect

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    Hi experts,
        I am with problem when I execute a program (SCM) in background. I inserted a new field (estoque_seg(10)) and the process stopped at execute in background.When I call transaction and press F8, works but for this, I need jump the consistence  IF sy-batch IS INITIAL....Dont has any bath imput, only functions. Any idea?
    Follow below the code:
    Estrutura para tabela ENTRADA
    DATA: BEGIN OF st_entrada,
            matnr(40)            TYPE c,
            werks(20)            TYPE c,
            ponto_abas(10)       TYPE c,
            estoque_max(10)      TYPE c,
            cobertura(10)        TYPE c,
            estoque_seg(10)      TYPE c, " Erlon Lourenço 20/01/2011
          END OF st_entrada.
    Estrutura para tabela de LOG
    *TYPES: BEGIN OF st_saida,
           pernr(8)             TYPE c ,
           date(10)             TYPE c,
           er_contribuition(15) TYPE c,
           tax(15)              TYPE c,
           msg_erro(80)         TYPE c,
         END OF st_saida.
    Tabela para obter descricao da mensagem
                                                  INITIAL SIZE 0.
    Tabela que recebera o arquivo texto
    DATA: BEGIN OF ti_entrada OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE st_entrada.
    DATA: END OF ti_entrada.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_matid OCCURS 0,
      matnr TYPE /sapapo/matkey-matnr,
      matid TYPE /sapapo/matkey-matid,
    END OF it_matid.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_locid OCCURS 0,
      locno TYPE /sapapo/loc-locno,
      locid TYPE /sapapo/loc-locid,
    END OF it_locid.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_matlotsz OCCURS 0,
      target_dur TYPE /sapapo/matlotsz-target_dur,
      END OF it_matlotsz.
    DATA:        wa_matloc       LIKE /sapapo/matloc   OCCURS  0 WITH HEADER LINE,
                 wa_matlsim      LIKE /sapapo/matlsim  OCCURS  0 WITH HEADER LINE,
                 wa_matlotsz     LIKE /sapapo/matlotsz OCCURS  0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    Variáveis Globais
    DATA: v_tabix   TYPE sy-tabix,
          v_vrsioid TYPE /sapapo/apo01-vrsioid,
          v_tam     TYPE i.
        Select-Options & Parameters
    PARAMETERS:  p_versao    TYPE /sapapo/apo01-vrsioex OBLIGATORY DEFAULT '000',
                 p_abas  AS CHECKBOX  ,
                 p_est   AS CHECKBOX  ,
                 p_cober AS CHECKBOX  ,
                 p_estsg AS CHECKBOX.   " ERLON LOURENCO - 20/01/2012 - Estoque Segurança
      PERFORM consiste.
      PERFORM f_upload.
      PERFORM f_processa_batch.
      PERFORM f_saida_dados.
      MESSAGE i000 WITH 'Processo encerrado com Sucesso'.
    *&      Form  F_UPLOAD
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM f_upload .
      DATA: lc_file TYPE string.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF st_ent,
             END OF st_ent.
                                                  INITIAL SIZE 0.
      RANGES: r_file       FOR zget0001-field_content.
      r_file[] = zbs_constantes=>obter( i_bukrs = space i_field = 'FILE' i_process = 'PONTO-REAB' ).
      READ TABLE r_file INDEX 1.
      lc_file = r_file-low.
      CLEAR: ti_entrada,
    abrir arquivo para leitura
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE i000 WITH text-e01.
    Leitura de arquivos
        READ DATASET lc_file INTO ti_ent.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        APPEND ti_ent.
    Fechamento do arquivo
      CLOSE DATASET lc_file.
      LOOP AT ti_ent.
        SPLIT ti_ent AT ';' INTO ti_entrada-matnr ti_entrada-werks ti_entrada-ponto_abas ti_entrada-estoque_max ti_entrada-cobertura ti_entrada-estoque_seg.
        APPEND ti_entrada.
    ENDFORM.                    " F_UPLOAD
    *&      Form  F_PROCESSA_BATCH
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM f_processa_batch .
      LOOP AT ti_entrada.
        v_tabix = sy-tabix.
            input  = ti_entrada-matnr
            output = ti_entrada-matnr.
            input  = ti_entrada-ponto_abas
            output = ti_entrada-ponto_abas.
            input  = ti_entrada-estoque_max
            output = ti_entrada-estoque_max.
            input  = ti_entrada-cobertura
            output = ti_entrada-cobertura.
    IA - ERLON LOURENCO - 20/01/2012
            input  = ti_entrada-estoque_seg
            output = ti_entrada-estoque_seg.
    FA - ERLON LOURENCO - 20/01/2012
        MODIFY ti_entrada INDEX v_tabix.
      CLEAR: it_matid,
      SELECT matnr matid INTO TABLE it_matid FROM /sapapo/matkey
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ti_entrada WHERE matnr = ti_entrada-matnr.
      SELECT locno locid INTO TABLE it_locid FROM /sapapo/loc
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ti_entrada WHERE locno = ti_entrada-werks.
      IF p_versao = '000'.
        LOOP AT ti_entrada.
          READ TABLE it_matid WITH KEY matnr = ti_entrada-matnr.
          IF sy-subrc = 0 .
            READ TABLE it_locid WITH KEY locno = ti_entrada-werks.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              SELECT SINGLE * INTO wa_matloc FROM /sapapo/matloc WHERE matid = it_matid-matid  AND
                                                                       locid = it_locid-locid.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                IF p_abas = 'X'.
                  wa_matloc-reord    = ti_entrada-ponto_abas.
                IF p_est = 'X'.
                  wa_matloc-maxstock = ti_entrada-estoque_max.
                " IA - Erlon Lourenço - 23/01/2012
                if p_estsg = 'X'.
                  wa_matloc-safty    = ti_entrada-estoque_seg.     " Erlon Lourenço - 23/01/2012
                "FA - Erlon Lourenço - 23/01/2012
                IF p_abas  = 'X'   OR
                   p_est   = 'X'   OR
                   p_estsg = 'X'.      " Erlon Lourenço - 23/01/2012
                  APPEND wa_matloc TO wa_matloc.
                SELECT SINGLE * INTO wa_matlotsz FROM /sapapo/matlotsz WHERE lszid = wa_matloc-lszid.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  IF p_cober = 'X'.
                    wa_matlotsz-target_dur = ti_entrada-cobertura.
                    APPEND wa_matlotsz TO wa_matlotsz.
        ENDLOOP.   " LOOP AT ti_entrada.
    Verifica versáo para saber se preenche a tabela wa_matlsim
        SELECT SINGLE vrsioid INTO v_vrsioid FROM /sapapo/apo01 WHERE vrsioex = p_versao.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          SELECT * INTO TABLE wa_matlsim FROM /sapapo/matlsim WHERE simid = v_vrsioid.
          IF wa_matlsim[] IS NOT INITIAL.
            LOOP AT ti_entrada.
              READ TABLE it_matid WITH KEY matnr = ti_entrada-matnr.
              IF sy-subrc = 0 .
                READ TABLE it_locid WITH KEY locno = ti_entrada-werks.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  READ TABLE wa_matlsim WITH KEY matid = wa_matloc-matid
                                                 locid = wa_matloc-locid.
                  IF sy-subrc = 0.
                    wa_matlsim-reord    = ti_entrada-ponto_abas.
                    wa_matlsim-maxstock = ti_entrada-estoque_max.
                    wa_matlsim-safty    = ti_entrada-estoque_seg.     " Erlon Lourenço - 23/01/2012
                    MODIFY wa_matlsim INDEX v_tabix.
            ENDLOOP.  " LOOP AT ti_entrada.
          ENDIF.     " IF wa_matlsim[] IS NOT INITIAL.
        ENDIF.     " IF sy-subrc = 0. 1º
      ENDIF.     "IF p_versao = '000'
    Funcáo que atualiza campos nas bases de dados.
          iv_vb         = 'U'
          it_matloc     = wa_matloc
          it_matlsim    = wa_matlsim
          it_matlotsz   = wa_matlotsz
          not_qualified = 1
          insert_failed = 2
          update_failed = 3
          OTHERS        = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " F_PROCESSA_BATCH
    *&      Form  F_SAIDA_DADOS
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM f_saida_dados .
    IF ti_saida[] IS NOT INITIAL.
       DATA: lc_file TYPE string.
       lc_file = p_erros.
      BIN_FILESIZE                    =
           filename                        = lc_file
      FILETYPE                        = 'ASC'
           data_tab                        = ti_saida
      FIELDNAMES                      =
          file_write_error                = 1
          no_batch                        = 2
          gui_refuse_filetransfer         = 3
          invalid_type                    = 4
          no_authority                    = 5
          unknown_error                   = 6
          header_not_allowed              = 7
          separator_not_allowed           = 8
          filesize_not_allowed            = 9
          header_too_long                 = 10
          dp_error_create                 = 11
          dp_error_send                   = 12
          dp_error_write                  = 13
          unknown_dp_error                = 14
          access_denied                   = 15
          dp_out_of_memory                = 16
          disk_full                       = 17
          dp_timeout                      = 18
          file_not_found                  = 19
          dataprovider_exception          = 20
          control_flush_error             = 21
          OTHERS                          = 22
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE i005 WITH 'Error to unload file !'.
    ENDFORM.                    " F_SAIDA_DADOS
    *&      Form  CONSISTE
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM consiste .
      IF p_abas  IS INITIAL  AND
         p_est   IS INITIAL  AND
         p_cober IS INITIAL AND
         p_estsg IS INITIAL.   " ERLON LOURENCO - 20/01/2012 - Estoque Segurança
        MESSAGE i000 WITH text-e03.
      IF sy-batch IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i000 WITH text-e02.
    Best regards,
    Erlon Lourenço
    Edited by: Erlon Louren on Jan 27, 2012 11:09 AM

    Hi Raja,
                Check weather there are  any enhancements to the datasource.If yes once check the code in CMOD.Seems there is some discrepency in that.

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    Guys i have a problem, I used to download apps from one of my friends apple id, now i created my new account, but when i was about to update my apps its asks for my friends id and password. now how could i update my old apps from my new apple id?

    The_Tonmoy wrote:
    I have no communication with my that friend :/ So it means i need to delete those apps? There's no other solution to update those apps?
    No.  purchases are forever tied to the apple ID used to buy them.  Delete them and buy your own copies.

  • I have recently had a problem when turning my iPad on from shutdown, in that it takes at least four attempts to slide my finger across to get the home page. The screen is clean, and when I do eventually get the home page it all works perfectly. Any ideas?

    I have a problem getting my IPad to start from shutdown. I get the Apple logo then when it is ready for me to slide my finger across the lower part of the screen to get the home page, it takes at least four attempts. When it does eventually open the home page, all works perfectly well. The screen is clean so I cannot see any reason for this annoying problem. Any suggestions will be gratefully received. Thank you. Colin.

    i would reset it, then restore as new

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    Hi applerinneedforhelp,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    If iTunes is asking you to authorize the computer, and you've already done so, the troubleshooting steps in this article can help:
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

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    I have some problem when I want to download app in iTunes some security question ask me about my visa when I right my visa number I got an errors and on top of the page told me go to iTunes support I do these things and now what should I do

    Most of the people on these forums, including myself, are fellow users - you're not talking to iTunes Support here.
    You can contact iTunes Support via this link : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

  • Hi There, I have a problem when trying to print either Email or from a web page.

    Hi There,
    I have a problem when trying to print contents fro either Email's or from web pages, the problem started after i opened Google earth and it down loaded Google Chrome i do not like Google chrome so i removed it from my pc via add and remove programmes since then when i try to print an email i get what looks like the computer settings for writing the email and not the text same for web pages, as anyone come across this problem before i can print any word or spreadsheet documents but problem is with email's and web pages.
    Many Thanks.

    Something changed on your system, possibly when Google Chrome installed. It could  be many things, but what it boils down to, is it needs to go back to the way it was. Either by removing whatever else might still be left from the install, or maybe by reinstalling the printer itself.
    I was a support engineer for HP.
    If the advice resolved the situation, please mark it as a solution. Thank you.

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    I HAVE A PROBLEM WHEN SYNC CONTACTS IN MY COMPUTER TO IPHONE 4S after update to iOS6. The message are " waiting for change to be applied".
    PLAESE advise how to solve this problem.

    Hi applerinneedforhelp,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    If iTunes is asking you to authorize the computer, and you've already done so, the troubleshooting steps in this article can help:
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

  • Hello i have a problem when i start woorksheet, my computer crash with blue screen sometimes.

    hello i have a problem when i start woorksheet, my computer crash with blue screen.
    OS: Win 2000 pack 2 and dasylab 7.00.05 ;ddi7.02 ;nidaq 7.0
    I hve this problem sometimes and need to reebot my computer.This worksheet is used to generate 4 signals to output and have an acquisition tooin this 4 channels.
    The error is in the blue screen:0x00000076 (0x00000000 , 0x81358300, 0x000001c2, 0x00000000).
    Thanks for your help.

    The DASYLab development team has read your message, and advises that there is insufficient information to be able to even start diagnosing the problem. We suggest that you send a note directly to [email protected], with your full contact information, DASYLab serial number, and the following technical information:
    -The Help-->Report information - this will tell us more about the computer, video and installed memory
    -Installed hardware - what DAQ devices are you using (exact models!)
    -The worksheet that crashes - we need to see how the timing is configured in the worksheet
    -What other programs are running at the same time?
    -Does the worksheet crash every time?
    -Does the NI-DAQ Test Panel work correctly for both inputs and outputs?
    Sorry that we cannot be more help in this forum; we do not have much experience with blue screen under Windows 2000. This is very hard to do, and is almost always related to a hardware problem - either a resource conflict, or problems with one of the installed hardware devices (DAQ, Video, Memory...).
    - cj
    Measurement Computing (MCC) has free technical support. Visit www.mccdaq.com and click on the "Support" tab for all support options, including DASYLab.

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    Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    Power cycle the router.
    Basic troubleshooting from the User's Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).  Try each of these in order until the issue is resolved.

  • I have a problem when I updated CS6:

    I have a problem when I updated CS6:
    Extension Manager 6.0.5 Update
    Installation failed. Error Code: U44M1P7
    Adobe Photoshop 13.0.5
    Done with Errors. Error Code: U44M1P6
    What is it?
    Message was edited by: PhotoPlusMore

        m: 0408 96 11 40
        p: (02) 955 22 707
    Begin forwarded message:
    From: Lee_Ann_H <[email protected]>
    Subject: I have a problem when I updated CS6:
    Date: 23 June 2013 2:40:39 PM AEST
    To: PhotPlusMore <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: [email protected]
    Re: I have a problem when I updated CS6:
    created by Lee_Ann_H in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Hi PhotPlusMore, these links may help.
    Extension Manager: http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/error-u44m1p7-installing-upda tes-ccm.html
    Photoshop: http://blogs.adobe.com/photoshopdotcom/2013/06/photoshop-cs6-13-0-5mac -13-0-1-2win-perpetual-license-updates-now-available.html
    Let us know if you're still having trouble. Thanks!
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