I have an app updating, how to delete it?

I hace an app updating, but i can´t stop it. In itunes i can´t delete it from there too. Someone can help me??!

Try putting it in airplane mode so it can't update, then try to delete it.  Not sure if it will work but it is an alternative.

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    No you cannot delete the update notifications unless you delete the app. If you do not want to delete the app, you can move the App Store icon to another screen so that you don't see the notifications. But that may not be such a good idea because then you will have to check for notification for the apps that you do want to update.
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    You installed a hacked app, originally from the Mac App Store. It contains the receipt for a different app, downloaded using an account that you don't control. You need to identify and remove the hacked app.
    Important: The app you need to remove is not necessarily the one named in the App Store notice. For example, if the App Store says you need to update "Twitter," the hacked app may be "Angry Birds" or something else entirely. Don't make any assumptions about which app you're looking for. To find it, you have to carry out a systematic search.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    In the Finder, press the key combination command-F to open a search window, or select
    File ▹ Find
    from the menu bar. In the search window, select
    Search: This Mac
    from the row of tokens below the toolbar. Below that is a popup menu initially showing Kind. From that menu, select  Other...
    A sheet will drop down. In that sheet, select Raw Query and click OK or press return.
    Now there will be a text box to the right of popup menu. Click in that box and paste (command-V).
    The search window will show all the App Store products you've installed. Compare those search results with the list of your purchases from the App Store. To see the complete list, you may need to unhide hidden purchases. If any apps were download from the App Store using other Apple ID accounts that you control, sign in to the store under each of those ID's and check the purchases.
    At least one of the items listed in the search window is not among your purchases in the App Store. Move each such item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator password. Empty the Trash.
    Log out and log back in. Test.

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    As long as the app remains in the store then you can re-download it via the Purchased tab in the App Store app, or via the Purchased Link under Quick Links on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunes : re-downloading.
    Similarly ibooks can be re-downloaded, and depending upon what country that you are in then music, films and tv shows may also be re-downloadable (if they remain available in the store).

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    Apple's official advice is here... HT2905 - How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library. It is a manual process and the article fails to explain some of the potential pitfalls.
    Use Shift > View > Show Exact Duplicate Items to display duplicates as this is normally a more useful selection. You need to manually select all but one of each group to remove. Sorting the list by Date Added may make it easier to select the appropriate tracks, however this works best when performed immediately after the dupes have been created.  If you have multiple entries in iTunes connected to the same file on the hard drive then don't send to the recycle bin.
    Use my DeDuper script if you're not sure, don't want to do it by hand, or want to preserve ratings, play counts and playlist membership. See this thread for background and please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping.
    (If you don't see the menu bar press ALT to show it temporarily or CTRL+B to keep it displayed)

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    isthisonetaken wrote:
    I'm having this problem. It started yesterday. I have 2 updates, but when I open the App Store, they won't appear.
    Do you have apps purchased with a differnt AppleID?
    For example, mine shows 12 updates but only 2 show up as being available.
    The others are on my daughters account.
    I log out of my iTunes account and log in with hers and those updates show up.

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    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps...  Sign Out of the Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.

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    It seems Apple has a problem. There are dozens of posts asking the same question, if you take a moment to look around.

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    If you can't find it on any of your home screens or via the spotlight search screen then check to see if it's hidden via Settings > General > Restrictions > Safari being set 'off'

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    You either haven't understood my question or just don't want to answer (about How to delete unwanted updates, whether they are for pirated apps or useless things whatsoever).
    Why would I waste my time here (I run a very successful business in Mexico) if I had a shortcut solution to your issue but was refusing to give it to you. That would be stupid.
    The reason there is no cheap, fast & dirty, conventional solution is because this is not a conventional problem. You did not download this app from the MAS. You don't have the actual app that is calling for the update. You have that app's MAS receipt hidden inside the app bundle of a pirated app that you installed. Because of that this app does not appear in your Purchased list. If it did, the solution would as easy as hiding the purchase and that would stop the notice of update.
    This is not an app that you downloaded a long time ago, unless you have had this issue a long time. If this recently appears, then it is likely due to an app you installed recently.
    You have been given the only solution. I am the resident expert on the issue, no one else will have anything else to offer.

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    Please see the screenshot.

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    Until Apple resolves this problem, when you are in the App Store, if you have updates, try going to your "Purchased" Apps and you can update from there. Apps with updates will show "Update" next to them, just tap on "Update" and the update will be installed.

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