Here is the following decode in an SQL statement.
and v.lcl_er_form_cd = '4'
and acv.cmd_cd = v.mil_cmd_asgn_cd
and nvl(acv.lcl_code_stat,'N') = 'Y'
and NVL(v.lcl_omit_from_stats_ind,'N') <> 'Y'
AND (V.LCL_ER_RECV_DT >= '01-MAR_2007' AND V.LCL_ER_RECV_DT <= '31-MAR-2007')
I get the following error message ORA-00907 Missing right parenthesis
I want to sum up all the records when the difference between 2 dates is greater than 0 and less than 30. I know that I can do it by using a COUNT function and without a DECODE but I would like to use a DECODE. How do I go about doing this?

in DECODE() you cannot include an operators such as the greater than, less than, and/or equal sign.
instead you can use the CASE...WHEN in the SELECT statement:
SELECT Sum(case when (V.LCL_ER_RECV_DT - ADD_MONTHS(V.IND_ER_PER_END_DT,3)) between 0 and 30 then 1
                else 0
           end) as sm
   and v.lcl_er_form_cd = '4'
   and acv.cmd_cd = v.mil_cmd_asgn_cd
   and nvl(acv.lcl_code_stat,'N') = 'Y'
   and NVL(v.lcl_omit_from_stats_ind,'N') <> 'Y'
   AND V.PSC_CD IN ('FS10')
   AND (V.LCL_ER_RECV_DT >= '01-MAR_2007' AND V.LCL_ER_RECV_DT <= '31-MAR-2007')
   AND V.LCL_ER_RECV_DT = NE.LCL_ER_RECV_DT(+)note: untested.

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    columbus new boy wrote:
    How crap is that?
    It's not crap at all.
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    Why not simply make a playlist with the songs you want on the iPhone?
    and maintain a current backup of your computer.

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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It won’t solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of this test is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account. Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your personal files or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault in OS X 10.7 or later, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The "Guest User" login created by "Find My Mac" is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.

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    Hi pystyke,
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    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting

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    Hi balalbas,
    If you are having issues changing the country associated with your iTunes Store account, you may find the following article helpful:
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    This sort of error message only comes up for Lightroom when your hard disk is full. Indeed this has nothing to do with internal memory as that will be intelligently be dealt with. If you have a mac Book Air that is not so surprising as the cheapest versions come with very small hard disks and if you shoot raw with any recent camera, you'll fill up your hard disk very quickly and you can probably only store a few months of pictures if you are a typical photographer. So the bottom line is that you need to create some room on your hard disk. You should move some of your originals to an external hard disk. You can also delete some of your backup copies of your catalog file that Lightroom automatically generates every few days and that quickly gobble up hard disk space. So first figure out how full your hard disk is. To see that, go to the apple menu, hit -> About this Mac -> More info->Storage. You should see your internal hard disk on top and you'll find that it is almost entirely full with photos. Now find your Lightroom catalog file using Finder. It is usually in a folder in the Pictures folder in your home directory. You should see a Lightroom 5 Catalog.lrcat file, a previews file and a folder called backups. Inside the backups folder, you'll find a lot of subfolders. They have names that show the dates the backups were created. If you have backups of your entire hard disk, you can delete these backups when they are older than a few months. I usually only keep the last 4 around. Just drag the folders into the trash can on the dock on the bottom of your screen and empty the trash. This will probably free up enough space that Lightroom will already run again. Now start thinking about where you will want to store older images. If you have a good USB3 or Thunderbolt hard disk that is probably the best option. There is a video here by Adobe that has some instructions on how to do this: Is Your Hard Drive Full? Here’s How to Move Images to Another Drive in Lightroom. « Julieanne Kost's Blog If that doesn't work because you don't have enough hard drive space to run Lightroom yet, here is another set of instructions to move your files using the finder to the other hard disk: How do I move only my photos to another hard drive, leaving the catalog where it is? - The Lightroom Queen. If you follow that, as soon as you confirm all your images are on the new hard disk, you can delete them from your internal one. She is not so clear about that part but if you don't delete the originals that you moved off you don't free up space. You should move the folder structure over to the new hard disk and then reconnect the folders in Lightroom. That should make it refind all your images.
    That said, if you are uncomfortable with the computer in itself, your best bet is to find a local photography club. There is invariably a Lightroom savvy person in there that could help you move your files. That might be your best bet if you are uncomfortable moving these yourself. A general mac savvy person like you would find at an Apple store or so generally will not be able to help you with this except when they are photographers themselves and know Lightroom. You might get lucky with that.

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    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [/questions/821825]</blockquote><br>
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    Try to redo the default browser and make another browser like IE the default browser and then let Firefox do it again.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Default_browser
    * [[Setting Firefox as the default browser does not work]]

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    Hi ...
    I have a problem with my ipod touch:
    I can not activate my ipod with my Apple ID, it tells me that my account can not activate this device, but my apple ID is OK.
    The proposed me as ipod help entering previous credentials, but the ipod is mine from the beginning, in fact I have my ballot, not bought down to another user.
    Actually I do not know how to activate it in Chile were unable Store MacOnline solve my problem, it is for this reason that I am writing to see if someone can help me.
    Thank you.

    Thanks for your answer.
    actually, my ipod will not let me activate it with apple id, this happened when the new iOS acutalizó understand that has more security, but do not know what to do.

  • K7N2 deltas mainboards have a problem with usb devices ??

    Ok here is my problem..
    I had installed WinXP Pro with SP1..
    I got a 20 GB USB2.0 disk.i connected it on the both front or rear usb ports.
    When i tried to transfer files to my usb disk or to my PC, in the middle of the copying, i got "Write Delay Failed" error and lost my usb connection..
    I had to plug it out and in again..
    Now, i have an DSL modem..Last night, i was disconnected from internet and my modem's lights gone..I plug it again, no lights..restarted my PC, also completely shutdown Windows XP..Again no lights..
    Then, formatted PC and installed windows 2000 Pr and SP4, until now, my modem worked fine..But USB 2.0 ports are still no use for my usb disk...
    In bios , it's enabled as USB 1.1+2.0..
    I think this K7N2 deltas have a problem with usb 2.0 devices and Win XP Pro..
    Some guys talking about, removing 9th wire earth, but couldn't understand which wire from where ? From mainboard or from usd device's cable ?
    Those cables are fabricated, i think it's impossible ?
    My processor is Athlon 2500+, ram Twinmos 512 DDR 400
    Thanks for reply

    I'm also having this problem. It's happening with my USB flash disk. I was almost buying another one when I tried it with Windows Vista on the same machine and it worked ok, then I tried Arch Linux (with kernel on another machine and got the same error. After that I tried Ubuntu and it worked ok. Seems that Arch's kernel doesn't like my USB flash disk.
    Last edited by esdrasbeleza (2009-09-02 01:16:09)

  • Hi, I have a problem with getting my apple Id working for me. It's been 2 months since it happened and Apple failed to act. I can tell my story proerly, but am not sure, you guys can help, so I just copy my message to them today, I am trying to get it acr

    Hi, I have a problem with getting my apple Id working for me. It's been 2 months since it happened and Apple failed to act. I can tell my story proerly, but am not sure, you guys can help, so I just copy my message to them today, I am trying to get it across all the places around to pay their attention. This is a desperate move, so if you are not the right people to help me to get my message accross, may be you can advise where can I go.
    Thank you, and sorry for the language.
    Vitas Dijokas
    I am sorry to say that, but your security makes my life miserable – it’s been 2 months since my Apple ID account got stuck, and since then I cannot update 37 applications (to date), i.e. most of my applications. Half of them I bought. I also paid for iCloud, and it is not working. I paid money and I am stuck with old applications and no iCloud. Your security *****. Your service ***** too. It took your service 1 month to finally understand why this happened to me, and it took me tens of emails to you and 3 hours of telephone conversation to find out the reason for my problem. And the problem is still not fixed. NOT FIXED. You just leave your customer – the one who paid you money and spent so much time with you trying to help you help me – and nothing. You tell me:  “Vitas, Stick your stinky iphone in your *** and enjoy life, we do not care!” *************.
    It is ******* outrageous, and you should know that,  guys. Get into the ******* database and correct the bug. Get someone in the partners-telephone carriers company (it is Orange as carreer and Cellcom as seller of the phone)  authorized to Identify me in personal encounter in one of the branches in Israel (where I live) and make sure it is really me, and get the ******* system accept my password and let me use my phone.
    Otherwise **** off. None of my friends will get my advise to buy an iphone or any of apple products. And I think you should be very attentive to cases like this, guys. Do your work for the money we pay, or disappear. There are many others eager to take your place, and if the problem is not fixed I will eventually go to the others. My patience is lost, and as soon as I can afford another phone I will change it. AND I WILL TRY TO GIVE BAAAAAD PUBLICITY TO APPLE – I am threatening here, so ACT NOW.
    Vitas Dijokas

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    I take it you haven't unticked any of the songs listed on your iTunes Library? Also have you tried selecting all your songs which you wish to add to your iPod, and dragging them over your Devices "iPod Nano"; and seeing if that copies all songs on to your iPod?
    Another idea is just check that your iPod has enough space for the rest of your songs to be added to your device.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi, I have a problem with my Epson Stylus NX420. I had it connected to my computer, and it worked fine. But I preformed a remodel and before the printer was connected to a windows desktop, and now it is not. I don't know if this could the be the cause of the problem. But I tried to print something and it showed me the printer as offline, but it wasn't. Thus to try to fix this, as I have done before I deleted the printer and tried to add it again. But as I went to add it, the printer was not there. I have searched the internet for an answer and I have found nothing. I do not understand why this has happened, nor how to fix it. Please help me.

    Because you had the printer connected to Windows, the print queue on your Mac was for this connection. With you moving the printer away from the Windows computer, the print queue on the Mac will no longer work and will show offline. So for the new connection of the printer you have to create a new print queue.
    Now the question is; how is the printer connected to the Mac. If it is connected by USB to the Mac then it should appear in the Default Add Printer view. If it is connected to the Mac via some other method, then could you reply with how it is connected.
    If it is connected to the Mac by USB then the most likely cause for the printer not appearing in the Default Add Printer view is thenUSB printer cable. So try disconnecting it and reconnecting it or even try another USB printer cable.

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