I have broken default website on moutain lion server

I am not sure how I did it exactly but do take full responsibility.
I switched on Website from server.app and all was well. I got the greating, nice globe, the lot.
However, I am now getting (from a browser) unable to connect, as if no website/server exisits.
I have rebooted, stopped and started from GUI, and command line.
Everything looks like it is working but no webpage.
I even created a simple index html to say hello world and place this in the document root. Nothing.
So, where do I start looking, there must be a log file somewhere? Right.
The reason I was playing with websites is I intend to load Roundcube Webmail but this may be difficult without a working apache server!

OK and this get strange now...
I left it alone for a while. As you do...Honest no poking...
And the localhost now displays It Works!
Which is good enough for me but seems a bit tempermental plus where did the pretty MAC SERVER page go ?

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    Thank you very much for your time and input.  My birthday was fantastic! Thanks for asking.
    I found out about SNI while researching an error I was getting in the log.  I really never found any definitive "this is what you need to do", so I was going to get back to it later.
    You probably know this, but Lion Server breaks out all of the virtual hosts into seperate documents in the "sites" directory.   All I do is I launch the server.app, and in the web component, I enter the name of the website that I want to resolve to my server, and I give it the path to the docs.  Thats it.  There is no DNS configuration to speak of, on my part, and I don't believe that its necessary (?) to touch the httpd.conf file at this point yet either, even though I think I hear others saying you do.  (I have no issues with getting into the file and making any changes, I just thought it was interesting.)
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    Here is the contents of what appears to be the first file read, that is for SSL enabled sites:
    This is "0000_any_443.conf:"
    ## Default Virtual Host Configuration
    NameVIrtualHost *:443
    <VirtualHost *:443>
      ServerAdmin [email protected]
      DocumentRoot "/path/to/the/docs"
      DirectoryIndex index.html index.php /wiki/ default.html
      CustomLog "//log" cmbndvhst
      ErrorLog "/"
      <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
      SSLEngine On
      SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1
      SSLProxyEngine On
      SSLCertificateFile "/sslcerts/certs/*.DOMAIN.COM.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.cert.pem"
      SSLCertificateKeyFile "/sslcerts/certs/*.DOMAIN.COM.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.key.pem"
      SSLProxyProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1
      <Directory "/Path/To/The/Docs/XXXX/SDFSDD">
      Options All +MultiViews -ExecCGI -Indexes
      AllowOverride None
      <IfModule mod_dav.c>
      DAV Off
      Include /httpd_passwordreset_required.conf
    ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````
    So..  my questions are:
    Where in the .confs do I add what I need from your above items?  Would it go each of the site docs that I need?  I am really not sure what apple is doing here.
    I have 4 domain names resolving to my server right now, and subdomains to each of the domains.  So there are a total of about 10 "site" docs, not a big deal to change each, I just wonder if Lion overwrites these docs with each refresh or what? Also, If I try to add a third .com right now it breaks the whole site.
    (Out of conversation, but I just remembered this.  I just had to "quit" out of the server.app.)  When installing the directory server,  it hangs on "getting certificates". The spinning wheel (not the rainbow collered one, but the black one by the words "Getting Certificates") just sits there and spins.  I finally just hit the red X and relaunch server.
    Lastly, you meniton importing the key.  I am using the key manager within the server app.  I am not sure where and how I would make the cert and key you are referring to for the importing?  I have tried to use the key manager in the OS, but I am not sure of the relationship between that key manager app, and the key manager within the server.app.  I have tried to create certs in the keymanager in the OS side, but I do not know how to get them to show up for use in the keymanager in the server.app.
    BTW: Thanks.   Thanks for the help.  I really appreciate it.

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    There's a bit of guesswork on my part here because I have not used OS X Server.
    Obviously you've found httpd.conf.
    The root directory of the standard web server is defined in there - on OS X it is:
    DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"
    <Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">
    Require all granted        <-------------- means anyone can access it from any domain ----------------->
    The instructions to which you are referring I guess are the ones about allowing users to set up their own sites, needing the relevant modules to be activated in that file:
    #LoadModule userdir_module libexec/apache2/mod_userdir.so
    LoadModule userdir_module libexec/apache2/mod_userdir.so
    #Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
    Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
    ...then in http-userdir.conf....
    #Include /private/etc/apache2/users/*.conf
    Include /private/etc/apache2/users/*.conf
    At this point I am assuming that Apache doesn't really care that this is a user-related issue and so any file ending in .conf in that directory will be included in the Apache Server config (once stopped and started). However, the fact the the site name is then ~shortname suggests the user model is important and access permissions may mean you need to be logged in as that user for all I know.
    ....in the shortname.conf file in that /private/etc/apache2/users/ directory would be something like this:
    <Directory "/Users/shortname/Sites/">
        AddLanguage en .en
        LanguagePriority en fr de
        ForceLanguagePriority Fallback
        Options Indexes MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from localhost
         Require all granted
    The relevant directory is /Users/shortname/Sites/ ---- I suggest putting a simple index.html page there to test first.
    ....then http://localhost/~shortname
    .....should work.
    Remove the line Allow from localhost and access from elsewhere should also be possible.
    I wish I could be more help - but without a server to use and check what I am saying I think that is about all I can offer, and I suspect none of this is new to you.

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    No that won't be an issue.
    As far as SharePoint is concerned each web application is capable of functioning a more or less independent system.
    This process describes the process
    You would simply follow that process twice, using a different domain name in the host header field.

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    Racha Rams

    The document for installing BAM for B2K13 in a multi-computer environment is available as part of the BizTalk documentation available for download from
    You will most likely also need to refer to the TechNet Blog
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    I went looking for this answer, to no avail.
    Solution I used:
    step 1 - Navigate to the folder /usr/share/collabd/coreclient/locales/en.lproj/ and open the only file there called default.strings.
    step 2 - somewhere around lines 74 & 164 you will see the default title "OS X Lion Server". I'm sure only one of the is required to be changed to adjust the title on the window, but I changed both to my desired title. Save and close. If asked for authentication, enter you administrator details.
    step 3 - restart the server (or wiki service may work too)
    step 4 - done and your Wiki welcome page should show the new title
    Finally I have a bookmark that means something by default.
    Hope this helps


         I have to download OS X MOUTAIN lion 10.8. X, but when I go to install(settle) him(it) she says to me that he(it) can not be to install(settle) on OS X on my Macintosh
    I neeeed heeelllp !
    I have make everything his(her,its) to have the new version of imovie which I cannot have if I is not OS X 10.7.4 because mine it is 10.6.8

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Where did you download OS X Mountain Lion? Note that you have to buy it at the Mac App Store.
    If you get an error running the installer you downloaded at the Mac App Store, what does the error say?

  • Lion server  Indexes (Folder Listings in apache?)

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    I have tried modifying a number of files all seem to be overridden. Not sure what im doing wrong as the server tools/apple configuration dont seem to resepect .htaccess by default.
    I want to simply enable to the +Indexes option.
    I have tried the
    and the 0000 .conf that applies to my specific site.

    Have you tried to use the Server Admin utility? I've got an old 10.5 Leopard Server so I don't know if the Admin looks the same, but for the Web server there's a Sites tab at the top of the window. From there you go to Options in the lower half of the window and it looks like this:
    So the most important setting in the GUI Server Admin tool is the Allow All Overrides, that way it will read your .htaccess in whatever folder you need to override the httpd.conf file.

  • Many Lion Server Problems

    I think I have run into most of the Lion Server issues mentioned so far and perhaps a few self inflicted new ones.
    1) Upgrade from Snow Leopard worked except the migration failed.  Naturally I did not have a backup of the server configuration.
    2) Manual configuration has many problems related to the machine name.  I was using a linux box for DNS and a private LAN DNS name space.  My router is configured to forward many services to my OSX Server box.  Somehow I could not configure Lion Mail to operate.  The machine name, Internet name, local internet name, etc. are very confusing and different things happen depending upon using Server or Server Admin.  In Snow Leopard I could use a command line utility to set the return mail address to my MX record but under Lion I had to eliminate the private LAN name space, configure Lion to be the DNS before I could get e-mail to operate correctly from both IMAP and WEB mail.
    3) Once you attempt to use Open Directory the only way to correct a failed configuration is to re-install from scratch.
    4) If LDAP and the Password process fail to launch then they ping on/off every 10 seconds forever.  Only a re-install from scratch is the fix.  When this happens it appears that the permissions on the boot drive are hopelessly broken.  I do not mess with the permissions but now I am pondering a nightly permissions repair script.
    5) Using self signed certificates seems to cause many problems.  If I use them for the mail server everything is OK.  If I use them for Open Directory I cannot seem to get the other systems to connect.
    6) Under Snow Leopard I could see all users and their pictures on the remote Mac's.  I can't find this on Lion.
    7) Open Directory quit after a week of operation requiring a clean install from my backup.  I turned off Reserve Server Resources.  I hope this helps.
    8) Timeouts on Lion seem to be infinite.  Once one application falls into a timeout you eventually must power cycle the whole machine.
    9) The first time a user users mail I have to force kill it and restart before it performs the initial configuration.  This has happened 3 times so far.
    10) Manually editing user permissions from Finder within the Admin account (i.e. correcting my old user directories to match my new user ID's) is an exercise in futility.  Using the command line seems to be the only reliable way.
    11) I still cannot get profiles to work but I am afraid to try because the server seems to fragile.
    12) Carbon Copy Cloner is a required tool with Lion.  As soon as you have something working, make a fresh backup so you do not have to redownload everything.  I now make a nightly backup of the boot drive with CCC and cron.
    13) Some settings only take affect on a reboot, when you are making/testing changes this causes an interesting phase delay between making a change and observing an effect.
    My system is a Mac Mini with 8GB and 24TB of RAID storage on Firewire.
    It hosts home directories, e-mail, wiki's, etc for my wife & kids.  All data is on the Mini so the other macs at home are bare except for OS and Apps.
    This upgrade has caused more trouble than all other system upgrades I have ever done.  It is making me think seriously about making another stab at LDAP/OD on Linux for my home server.

    You might want to take a look at the much more functional AirPort Utility 5.6 for Mac OS X Lion on a "test" Mac to see if that works better for you. Oddly, 5.6 was released on the same day as AirPort Utility 6.0.
    You can keep both 5.6 and 6.0 on a Mac (You cannot delete 6.0).

  • Setup Lion Server for use in Small Office of Windows & Mac Clients

    I've purchased a Mac Mini Server with Lion Server installed to be used in my small office of less than 10 people.
    The primary goal of this server is to used for File Sharing, bother locally, and remotely.
    In the process of setting up Lion Server I have come across a couple things that I am confused about.
    The first is Open Directory.
    It is my understanding that this is not a necessary setup for the number of users in my office, however I set it up anyway as it appeared to be something that would be useful in the future.
    I have come across information that states Lion Server will not be accessible for Windows users connected via Open Directory. Thus my inclination is to disable the service, and set up my users as local users.
    My question is, for local and remote File Sharing, is there any benefit to using Open Directory?
    The second has to do with Remote Access.
    I am familiar with the notion of a VPN, but I need some clarification as to my remote access options.
    When I go to setup my Server's hostname, I am presented with three options. 1) Host name for local network, 2) Host name for private network, and 3) Host name for Internet.
    I have a domain name for my company's website, so I set up a subdomain (server.mycompany.com), asked my ISP for a Static WAN IP, and pointed thesubdomain to said IP using my DNS. Thus this appears to be option number 3; to allow users to connect to my server from the local network, as well as the Internet.
    My question is, how does this differ from a VPN both in setup, as well as method with which users will access the server? Is there a benefit to one over the other? I would Google this to find an answer, but I can't seem to find a name for what this setup is called.
    I very much appreciate any help you can provide.

    Well, I spoke too soon.  Lion Server is unstable, awkward and is far too limited to qualify as an Apple product. Even though there's quite a few enhancements, the omissions of technologies in the server 10.6 edition makes this "server" a no go for us.
    Even after installing mysql, I still cannot run a Joomla website on Lion server as it should be done. The wiki's a nice thing to have, but isn't a "professional grade" solution.  There's too much iOS as well.
    With that said, I think it's a shame that apple would put customers through so much frustration and disappointment by releasing such a lame product. In order for us to use Lion server, we would have to be able to run a second (totally separate) instance of Apache. It also appears that server settings are changing to the extent that services become inaccessible as the system is running.

  • Framesets support on Lion Server?

    I am hosting a website on my Lion Server Mac Mini - I use a redirection service for the domain I own. The redirection service offers masking to hide the the IP address of my server. It is supported only if the web server supports framesets.
    "Our URL masking is done with a frameset so if your webserver isn't configured to handle framesets the masking option will not work."
    Does Lion's webserver support framesets and how do I invoke it?

    Jonathan Melville wrote:
    Why do you think AFP is limited to 10 connections?
    Because when I connect 11 different macs to the server, the 11th one fails with an error saying that the server isn't allowing any more connections.  That was also the case on Snow Leopard.  There is also this entry in /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleFileServer.plist
    MaxConnections Number 10
    I tried changing it, but the only difference was a longer pause before the error message, so I think the limit is built deeper into the software.
    Lion Server, to my understanding, has no concurrent connection limitations.
    I'll feel wonderful if you can say that more definitively.  Do you have Lion Server?  Have you made more than ten connections? 
    Thank you for your help.

  • Mountain Lion Server Workgroup Login Selections

    Hi All,
        I am installing a Mountain Lion Mac Mini server which is replacing our Snow Leopard Mac Mini server.
    The system is bound to 2008R2 ADS. When I log into the Snow Leopard Server from a client I am presented with which group I would like to log in to as in ADS I am a member of two groups. ie admins and staff. This is how we have set it up so all is good there.
    The issue that I am having is that the groups are not being being presented on the client when logging into Mountain Lion Server although the configuration on the two servers is the same.
    Has anybody experienced this problem before? Maybe this is now default behaviour with Mountain Lion server? The problem is its automatically logging us in with the most restrictive group so we have no admin rights on the clients.
    Thanks in advance for any info!!

    I had this problem on a clean install.
    The solution was incredibly simple for me, but only  after I saw Ross.M's note about opening the Users & Groups settings panel (in the OS System Prefs, not in server) and rebinding to OD server under Login Options.
    That was not the solution for me, but under Login Options I discovered a previously unnoticed pref for "Allow network users to login at login window."  I had this option set (apparently by default) to "Only these network users:"  but with an empty list.  Adding my users to the list made it work perfectly.
    Talk about KISS

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