I just Draw a shap in Geometry and key framing and everything is good

I just Draw a shape in Geometry and key framing and everything is good ,but as soon as I get to the secondary for set the changes everything will change !The shape will automatically change its place to couple pixel up and to the right ! my footage is in 2K red and was shot by Red Camera . I really don`t know what is the problem , any helps ?

SKF5656 wrote:
I just purchased a new laptop, so consequently had to buy Itunes Match to get all of my music back.
No you didn't.
Now everything is in the cloud
Except for anything you did not purchase in iTunes Store.
Only you iTunes purchases are in the cloud.
Reada the article that brenden dv posted to copy your iTunes library to new computer.

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  • I just Draw a shape in Geometry and key framing and everything is good ,bu

    I just Draw a shape in Geometry and key framing and everything is good ,but as soon as I get to the secondary for set the changes everything will change !The shape will automatically change its place to couple pixel up and to the right ! my footage is in 2K red and was shot by Red Camera . I really don`t know what is the problem , any helps ?

    This is a really good question about one of the bigger challenges of building a 3D project. When you add objects to the Canvas (including drawing), they get added in the camera's viewspace, facing the camera and sharing the same up-vector (i.e. positive Y is up). This is all well and good, but what about doing what you ask, where you want to add an object in the localspace of another object? Let's look at your example: adding a shape that is coplanar to a photo, with the camera not necessarily aligned with the photo.
    As Mark suggested, you can draw the shape in the camera's viewspace and then drag-and-drop the Position and Rotation channels from the photo onto the shape. This will replace the shape's Position and Rotation values with that of the photo, making them coplanar and located in the same place. The shortcoming of this method is that you draw the shape at a size that seems correct in the Canvas, but once it's moved to the same place as the photo, it will often turn out to be too small or large. Then you have to make further tweaks.
    Another solution is to use the Isolate command. Isolate temporarily aligns the current view to the selected object and solos that object. So you could isolate the photo and then draw the shape in the Canvas and it will be coplanar with the photo. The only caveat is that the moment you finish drawing the shape, it will disappear. This is because the photo is still isolated (and soloed). As soon as you de-isolate the photo, everything will reappear.
    The easiest way to use Isolate for new photos—not ones already in the project—is to place the photo in a 3D group, position the group where you want the photo and shape to be, then isolate the group and add anything you want to it (shapes, image, text, etc).

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    This is a really good question about one of the bigger challenges of building a 3D project. When you add objects to the Canvas (including drawing), they get added in the camera's viewspace, facing the camera and sharing the same up-vector (i.e. positive Y is up). This is all well and good, but what about doing what you ask, where you want to add an object in the localspace of another object? Let's look at your example: adding a shape that is coplanar to a photo, with the camera not necessarily aligned with the photo.
    As Mark suggested, you can draw the shape in the camera's viewspace and then drag-and-drop the Position and Rotation channels from the photo onto the shape. This will replace the shape's Position and Rotation values with that of the photo, making them coplanar and located in the same place. The shortcoming of this method is that you draw the shape at a size that seems correct in the Canvas, but once it's moved to the same place as the photo, it will often turn out to be too small or large. Then you have to make further tweaks.
    Another solution is to use the Isolate command. Isolate temporarily aligns the current view to the selected object and solos that object. So you could isolate the photo and then draw the shape in the Canvas and it will be coplanar with the photo. The only caveat is that the moment you finish drawing the shape, it will disappear. This is because the photo is still isolated (and soloed). As soon as you de-isolate the photo, everything will reappear.
    The easiest way to use Isolate for new photos—not ones already in the project—is to place the photo in a 3D group, position the group where you want the photo and shape to be, then isolate the group and add anything you want to it (shapes, image, text, etc).

  • InfoSet in SAP BI 7.10 and Key figure aggregation

    HI SAP Gurus,
    I am new in SAP BI area. I have my first problem.
    I want to create a report for the profit of goods. 
    The cost of goods(cogs) are constant for each material for one month.
    The formula to calculate the profit of goods = sales turn over u2013 cogs of month *sales amount.
    I have defined in BW time dependent infoObejct with attribute cogs.
    I have 2 info Sources.  InfoCube for transactional sales data from R/3 and material cogs master data loaded from csv file each month to infoObject.
    The info Provider for report is InfoSet (transactional Cube and cogs infoObject) .
    My problems are
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    2) The new technical name infoSet erased my aggregation references characteristic (=calmonth)
    3) In the report the key figure cogs was aggregated for each customer sales and customers,    that means the value of cogs is not constant, when it is aggregated according to customer sales order.
    Thanks a lot for your support
    Solomon Kassaye
    Munich Germany

    Solomon find some code below for the start routine, change the fields and edit code to suit your exact structure and requirements but the logic is all there.
    4) Create a Start Routine on the transformation from sales DSO to Profit of Goods InfoCube.
    Use a lookup from the the COG DSO to populate the monthly COG field in the COG DSO.
    **Global Declaration
    /BIC/COG TYPE /BIC/A<DSO Table name>-/BIC/COG,
    DATA: I_T_COG type standard table of I_S_COG,
    wa_COG like line of i_t_COG.
    *Local Declaration
    data: temp  type _ty_t_SC_1.
    *move SOURCE_PACKAGE[] to temp[].
    temp[] = SOURCE_PACKAGE.
    /BIC/A<DSO Table name>
    into corresponding fields of table i_t_COG for all entries in
    temp where /BIC/GOODS_NUMBER = temp-/BIC/GOODS_NUMBER.
    sort i_t_COG by /BIC/GOODS_NUMBER.
    loop at SOURCE_PACKAGE assigning <source_fields>.
    move-corresponding <source_fields> to wa.
    loop at i_t_COG into wa_COG where /BIC/GOODS_NUMBER =
    <source_fields>-/BIC/GOODS_NUMBER and /BIC/PERIOD =
    modify SOURCE_PACKAGE from wa transporting /bic/COG.
    5) Create an End Routine which calculates Profit using the formula and updates the result set with the value in the Profit column.
    Given your requirement for the profit calculation
    profit of goods = sales turn over u2013 cogs of month * sales amount
    Write a simple end routine yourself
    *Local Declaration
    loop at RESULT_PACKAGE.
    <result_fields>-profit = <result_fields>-sales turn over - <result_fields>-COG * <result_fields>-sales amount.
    modify RESULT_PACKAGE from <result_fields> transporting profit.
    As the above start and end routines are used to enhance your sales DSO, your fields for customer number and the sales order should already be in your DSO for drilldown.
    Let me know how you get on.

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    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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  • Draw a shape and add it to cells in a JTabel. Help Please

    Hi all
    I have written some code that draws a shape using Graphics2D.
    What I am after being able to do is create this shape then place it in a cell of a JTable.
    One Other thing is I need to create different color shapes for each row in the table.
    is this posable ??
    Any help would be appreciated
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class RectangleDemo2D extends JFrame {
      private Color color1 = new Color(255, 3, 3);// Color
      private Color color1a = new Color(255, 3, 3, 155); // Color with Alpha
      private Color color2 = new Color(255, 255, 255, 155); //Color White
      int x = 150;
      int y = 150;
      int w = 12;
      int h = 12;
      int arc = 6;
      GradientPaint gradient = new GradientPaint(5, 0, color1, 5, 90, color2, false);
      final static BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f);
      public void paint( Graphics   g) {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
        g2.fillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, arc, arc);
        g2.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, arc, arc);
        //ImageIcon ico = new ImageIcon("check.png"); // This adds a check image
       // g2.drawImage(ico.getImage(), x, y - 3, this);
      public static void main(String s[]) {
        RectangleDemo2D demo = new RectangleDemo2D();
        demo.setSize(new Dimension(300, 300));

    You can check out a similar thread where the poster has opted to use imageicons instead of shapes. That thread is here.
    As for creating different color shapes for different cells of the jtable, it is definitely possible once you have a custom renderer for your jtable. Just read up on how to create custom table cell renderer.

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         Thank You

    Try this it is a free download and it is a great program. I almost feel guilty not paying anything:)

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    First let me apologize for posting a reply that was only suitable for advanced users.  Photoshop is broad and powerful therefore has a huge learning curve.  In fact I would state no one knows and uses all of Photoshop.  When we first get Photoshop it intimidate us and we're very uncomfortable using it.  Many thing are not intuitive there in much learning involved.  After some time we begin to know something and we are able to do some thing.  Learning become rapid and we start playing in Photoshop.  It is very important to play with Photoshop.  Playing with Photoshop and asking for help with in forums like this IMO is the best way to learn. 
    Photoshop Power lies in layers, selection and automation.  However it takes knowledge to use photoshop well so most powerful tool you have ins Photoshop is the gray matter between your ears.  Most at one time or another want to watermark or put a logo on their image.  So its best to automate this process. All run into a problem in the process. "Size"  We find our assets vary in size and aspect ratios. Landscape, Portraits, Panoramas and others. This complicates automation.  Vector graphics works best when size vary greatly.  If you can not work out how to create a vector solution like a custom shape.  Create your Logo and watermark large thing scale down better the up. Text scale well for text uses vectors graphics however if you rasterize text it will not scale well.
    I do not type or do English well so let me do some screen captures.  I can not stress enough how important Black, White, Grays and Blending is when it come to image processing.  Become friends with Multiply, Screen, Overlay and Luminosity blending.....
    However when there is a white or black background though you can blend them you can not add a style like a drop shadow, emboss or make it invisible setting fill to 0 so only the style is visible.  When there is contrast between the logo and background it is easy to separate the two. To select the background and delet it to have the logo with a transparent background.  Many tools can be used to create the selection hee I use my action kill white.
    Vector Shape would work better for scaling However it would be best to create the logo from scratch in a vector program like illustrator but I never had the resources to justify the Creative suite. I only had Photoshop.  Recently Adobe gave me and other a year subscription to the creative suite for our participation here.  I still have not installed anything but Photoshop,  A while back I found a program that can create vector patf for black and white art work.  It will not be as good as using something like illustrator. However vector paths can be edited in Photoshop and cleaned up some. Here is the PSD it 13MB because od the gradient http://www.mouseprints.net/old/dpr/AmPm24-7.psd

  • Drawing a shape with a mouseclick

    How could i set up an Applet that draws a shape such as a square or circle when the mouse is clicked?

    Basically I think you must have a thread that invokes your panel paint() method all the time. In the paint method I think you are painting different rectangles found in an array list. What you do is (as CeciNEstPasUnProgrammeur) add a mouse listener on the your panel, and on click you just create a new rectangle, and add it in that array. This will be cought immediatly by your paint method and you will see a rectangle displayed on the screen :)

  • How to draw 2D shapes on the image generated by JMF MediaPlayer?

    Hello all:
    IS there any way that we can draw 2D shapes on the image generated by JMF
    I am currently working on a project which should draw 2D shapes(rectangle, circle etc) to
    mark the interesting part of image generated by JMF MediaPlayer.
    The software is supposed to work as follows:
    1> first use will open a mpg file and use JMF MediaPlayer to play this video
    2> if the user finds some interesting image on the video, he will pause the video
    and draw a circle to mark the interesting part on that image.
    I know how to draw a 2D shapes on JPanel, however, I have no idea how I can
    draw them on the Mediaplayer Screen.
    What technique I should learn to implement this software?
    any comments are welcome.
    thank you

    If anyone can help?!
    thank you

  • Slowing Down Arrow Keys when Drawing Geometric Shapes?

    I have a MacPro Intel 8-core with 16 GB RAM and running Mac OSX 0.5.6 and AICS4.
    I also use a WACOM Intuos3 Tablet.
    This is not a new problem - also happened with AICS3.
    When I try to draw a shape - say a polygon, or star, etc., the up/down arrow keys on the keyboard do add/subtract sides, vertexes, etc. as they should, but they won't increase/decrease in increments. For instance if I draw a 5 sided Polygon and tap the down arrow while using the polygon tool, instead of giving me a 4 sided polygon, I get a triangle. Conversly, if I tap the up arrow it jumps to maybe a 20 sided polygon, but no way to slow it down to get say a 10 sided polygon.
    Does anyone else experience this behavior. Is there a trick i am missing?

    It's a very common issue and primarily due to the WACOM drivers from what I see. There is no work around for it that I'm aware of, other than to unplug the tablet.

Maybe you are looking for