I keep losing my aduio?

I create a new composition, but when dragging and dropping a video file onto it the sound seems to not be arriving in the composition with the video.
It was all working fine earlier, but now when dropping on a video file It only adds just video.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

I have done all of the above but wthout luck.
Let me describe what I do stroke by stroke:
.Click 'composition' and then 'new compostition'
. Within the 'composition settings' window I have: PRESET: custom, WIDTH: 180pc, HEIGHT: 400px (this is the size that the client wants the video), PIXEL ASPECT RATIO: D1/DV pal (1.09 - I am in the UK), FRAME RATE: 25 per second, RESOLUTION: full, Duration: 2:30 (this is the length of the video)
.Click 'ok'
.Click 'File', 'Import' , 'Multiple Files'
. I then add my 2 files, a picture and my .Mov video file,
. A box appears called 'Interpret Footage'.  I have the Alpha set to 'Straight - unmatted'.
.Click 'ok'
. I then drag my picture over and drop it into the composition preview, resizing it to fit
.I then click once on my video file, and in the tiny preview box under the 'Project' tab can see my video with the audio wave underneath.
.I place this over the picture (chromakeying will eventually take place here), and resize it to fit
. Now, if I click and hlighlight 'Comp1' again, with my 2 files underneath it in the list, the small preview box under the 'projects' tab shows my composition as it appears in the main window, but the audio waves have vanished, and don't play if rendered or exporded.
It's slowly driving my crazy, I was up for 21 hours yesterday trying to sort it, and have spent a further ten today. Any suggestions guys?
I have the audio enabled in the timeline etc, and it was working fine for a short period today. Wonder what I am doing wrong!

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    LB60 wrote:
    What am I looking for in the window that pops up?
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    OS X fan
    This helped meRe: Time Capsule keeps losing connection in Finder 
    Dec 17, 2013 4:08 AM (in response to whootang12)
    Left click on the Finder icon from the Dock and click "Connect to server...", go to recent server and click on your Airport Time Capsule.
    THANK YOU!!!!
    This solved it for me!

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    Same problem!!!
    There are many ways to fix it
    First you must change the USB cable... Or download new version iTunes bro...
    Or if your laptop says " the usb  NOT recognize " try to pull up the laptop charger,
    It's work for my device, try this bro !! 
    Im sorry my english is bad!!!

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Maybe you are looking for