I'm new on using Mac product

I accidentally change the hard disk to dynamic, where all my mac osx mountain lion is gone. is there any way for me to recover back the mountain lion osx. i'm currently using windows 7 as operating system.

For instance, a professional can
1: Clone the Windows Boot Camp partition for later restore.
2: Use Data recovery software to grab either the entire OS X boot partition, or just your files.
3: Wipe and reset the entire machine.
4: Reinstall OS X and your programs or the image, return your files
5: Restore the BootCamp partition.
You can of course do all this yourself, but your new to Mac's and thus that learning curve will inhibit your self-restore efforts as there is a lot of hidden from view things about Mac's and OS X, just like there is with Generic PC's.
Plus there is about $200 in software involved and external powered drives, which 2 are needed at least and those go for about $100 each.
So perhaps $400 spend on a tech will be a lot easier for you in this case.
https://discussions.apple.com/community/notebooks/macbook_pro?view=documents#/?p er_page=50
Lesson to be learned, DO NOT use Windows drive altering software on a Mac.

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    I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
    Once you get a reply, if you click on their name, you will see a screen like this. Click on the link as shown below.
    Please do not send them a personal message, as they may not be on duty for a long time, and your message will not be tracked properly.
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    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If you really have a new MacBook, iPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand come with the Mac for free.
    As you see their price at the Mac App Store, it's clear that there's a problem with your MacBook. Simply return it if you purchased it less than 14 days ago and you will receive a new MacBook

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    It is now confirmed  that iWeb, and iDVD, has been discontinued by Apple. This is evidenced by the fact that new Macs are shipping with iLife 11 installed but without iWeb and iDVD.
    On June 30, 2012 MobileMe will be shutdown. However, iWeb will still continue to work but without the following:
    Features No Longer Available Once MobileMe is Discontinued:
    ◼ Password protection
    ◼ Blog and photo comments
    ◼ Blog search
    ◼ Hit counter
    ◼ MobileMe Gallery
    All of these features can be replaced with 3rd party options.
    I found that if I published my site to a folder on my hard drive and then uploaded with a 3rd party FTP client subscriptions to slideshows and the RSS feed were broken.  If I published directly from iWeb to the FPT server those two features continued to work correctly.
    There's another problem and that's with iWeb's popup slideshows.  Once the MMe servers are no longer online the popup slideshow buttons will not display their images.
    Click to view full size
    However, Roddy McKay and I have figured out a way to modify existing sites with those slideshows and iWeb itself so that those images will display as expected once MobileMe servers are gone.  How to is described in this tutorial: #26 - How to Modify iWeb So Popup Slideshows Will Work After MobileMe is Discontinued.
    It now appears that the iLife suite of applications offered on disc is now a discontinued product and the remaining supported iApps will only be available thru the App Store from now on. However, the iLife 11 boxed version that is still available at the online Apple Store (Store button at the top of the page) and those still on the shelves of retailers will include iWeb and iDVD. Those two apps were listed in small, gray text on the iLife 11 box that I bought.
    Personally, if I didn't already have a copy I would purchase one to have it for reinstallation purposes if ever needed.
    This might be of some interest to you at this time: Life After MobileMe.

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