I'm trying to import CD's for my daughter, several have worked fine , but now itunes tests show no CD detected. Why did it stop working?

I'm new to this. Going on a trip, bought an ipad for my daughter-figured most of it out. I transferred her music from my computer to my ipad. Still in the process of importing CD's to my computer....all of a sudden, stopped importing! Tried the trouble shooting, and it says it's not detecting a CD in the drive. What happened? How do I fix this?

Could you post your diagnostics for us please?
In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
... and click "Next".
When you get through to the final screen:
... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here.

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