I need another color where two objects meet

Sorry, bad subject, but I cant do it better.
So, I have two objects. One circle and one rectangle.
The circle is on top of the rectangle. Just in one corner, so its not covering all of the rectangle.
I would like to have another color where these two objects meet.
Which is the easiest way to do this ?
Thanks / E.......

Perhaps you should consider makign 3 shapes... One for the circle, one for the rectangle, and one for the intersection. Determining the intersection might be fun, but is not an impossible task, especially if you can represent your shapes as equations (which for circles and rectangles is easy) Good luck to you.

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    Hello , How do I swap colors between these two in Photoshop Elements 12
    Thank you very Much
    [email protected]

    wasserluft wrote:
    Hello , How do I swap colors between these two in Photoshop Elements 12
    Thank you very Much
    [email protected]
    Open picture file
    Duplicated background layer
    With eyedropper tool, sample the color of the dark gear. This will be the foreground color
    Shut off visibility of the background layer by clicking on its eye icon
    Working on the background copy layer, use the magic wand tool to delete the white background. Tolerance 32, with "contiguous" checked worked well for me. You should see the 2 gears surrounded by transparency.
    Duplicate the layer from step #5
    On this layer, use the eraser tool to get rid of the small gear. You will be left with the large gear. Press CTRL+left click the layer thumbnail of this layer (not the name). You should see "marching ants" surrounding the large gear. Go to Edit>fill selection>use foreground color
    Go back to the background layer, and with the eyedropper tool sample the original color of the large gear
    Repeat this process on the middle layer to fill the small gear with the foreground color.

  • Don't know where two commands go .... Need Help!

    I have three files: ExpressionConverter.java, postfix.java and postfix2.java.
    ExpressionConverter is the base file that sets up the frame which has four fields InfixField (The user types in a math formula like 5*(2+1)), PrefixField (Another file, prefix.java-which I am still tweaking, will review the characters in the InfixField and transform them into a prefix format like *5+21), PostfixField (the postfix.java file will review the InfixField characters and transform them into a postfix format like 21+5*) and ResultField (the postfix2.java file will review the created PostfixField stack and generate the actual formula's result like 15).
    The ExpressionConverter.java file works right now, but it includes a postfix formula that is incorrect (it messes up when parenthesis are used) and the prefix and result fields do not have anything associated with them, so they are blank; however, you can run this program and see the general idea of how I want it to work.
    ****THIS IS WHAT I NEED!*****
    I have been told that the postfix.java file and the postfix2.java file need to have "PostfixField.setText(findPostfix(InfixFieln.getText()));" and "ResultField.setText(calculatePostfix(PostfixFiels.getText()));" placed in my ExpressionConverter.java file for the whole thing to work - minus the Prefix formula. I need to know where they go and how I can delete the postfix formula out of the ExpressionConverter.java file so I can use the formula in postfix.java without causing errors.
    Here are the codes - with a lot of spaces between them to differentiate them. Thanks for the help!
    package ExpressionConverter;
    * <p>Title: </p>
    * <p>Description: </p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p>
    * <p>Company: </p>
    * @author unascribed
    * @version 1.0
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ExpressionConverter
    public static void main(String args[])
    Frame f = new TheFrame();
    class TheFrame extends Frame implements TextListener {
    //Here are the textfields that input and output the expressions
    TextField InfixField = new TextField("0", 15),
    PrefixField = new TextField("0", 15),
    PostfixField = new TextField("0", 15),
    ResultField = new TextField("0", 15);
    int Infix;
    int Prefix;
    int Postfix;
    int Result;
    public Frame Example;
    char StackArray[];
    Button stack[];
    int i = 9;
    int j = 0;
    int StackPointer;
    int k = 0;
    char Operation = '0';
    int ExpressionLength;
    public String Answer;
    public TheFrame()
    setTitle("Infix Conversion Calculation");
    setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
    //Labels for the textfields
    Label InfixLabel = new Label("Infix Original Formula"),
    PrefixLabel = new Label("Prefix Calculated Formula"),
    PostfixLabel = new Label("Postfix Calculated Formula"),
    ResultLabel = new Label("Calculated Result");
    Panel InfixLabelPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)),
    PrefixLabelPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)),
    PostfixLabelPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)),
    ResultLabelPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
    Panel InfixFieldPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)),
    PrefixFieldPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)),
    PostfixFieldPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)),
    ResultFieldPanel = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
    addWindowListener(new TheAdapter(this));
    addWindowListener(new TheAdapter(this));
    addWindowListener(new TheAdapter(this));
    public void textValueChanged (TextEvent e)
    Object source=e.getSource();
    if (source == InfixField)
    String Expression = InfixField.getText();
    //This stores the length of the expression
    ExpressionLength = Expression.length();
    //This converts the Expression into seperate characters stored in a char[]
    StackArray = Expression.toCharArray();
    //This finds the * and / operations and if they are * or / then
    //it switches the values in the array into postfix form, if not,
    //it leaves them the same
    for (int i = 1; i < ExpressionLength; i++)
    if (StackArray[i] == '(' || StackArray[i] ==')')
    char temp = StackArray;
    StackArray[i] = StackArray[i+1];
    StackArray[i+1] = temp;
    else if (StackArray[i] == '/' || StackArray[i] =='*')
    char temp = StackArray[i];
    StackArray[i] = StackArray[i+1];
    StackArray[i+1] = temp;
    //This method does the + and - conversion after the / * is completed.
    //it moves through the STackArray and moves the operation into Operation
    //then moves through each element shuffling left until encountering another
    //+ - when it then deposites the old operation and picks up hte new one
    // and continues shuffling left until hte end of the expression.
    Operation = '0';
    for (StackPointer = 0; StackPointer < ExpressionLength - 1; StackPointer++)
    int NextPointer = StackPointer + 1;
    if (StackArray[StackPointer] == '+' || StackArray[StackPointer] == '-')
    while (StackPointer < ExpressionLength -1 && StackArray[NextPointer] != '+' &&
    StackPointer < ExpressionLength-1 && StackArray[NextPointer] != '-')
    Operation = StackArray[StackPointer];
    StackArray[StackPointer] = StackArray[NextPointer];
    StackArray[NextPointer] = Operation;
    int Temp = Operation;
    Operation = StackArray[StackPointer];
    //This converts answer back to a string value and outputs the answer
    String Answer = new String(StackArray);
    catch (NumberFormatException ex) {}
    class TheAdapter extends WindowAdapter {
    Frame TheFrame;
    TheAdapter(Frame f) {
    TheFrame = f;
    //public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    // TheFrame.dispose();
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) {
    postfix.java file
    package ExpressionConverter;
    * <p>Title: </p>
    * <p>Description: </p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p>
    * <p>Company: </p>
    * @author unascribed
    * @version 1.0
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class postfix
    public static void main(String args[])
    new findPostfix(args[0]);
    class findPostfix
    Vector stack=new Vector();
    String postfix="";
    public String findPostfix(String ex)
    String exp=ex;
    int explength=exp.length();
    for (int i=0;i<explength;i++)
    if (isDigit(exp.charAt(i)))
    int s=stack.size();
    for (int j=0;j<s;j++)
    return postfix;
    public void checkOperator(char op)
    if (isParenthesis(op)==1)
    stack.add(new Character(op));
    else if (isParenthesis(op)==2)
    int s=stack.size();
    for (int j=0;j<s;j++)
    if (((Character)stack.lastElement()).charValue()=='(')
    else if (stack.size()!=0)
    if (hasPriority(((Character)stack.lastElement()).charValue(),op))
    stack.add(new Character(op));
    stack.add(new Character(op));
    public boolean hasPriority(char c1,char c2)
    //c2 has higher priority than c1
    if (c1=='(')
    return true;
    else if ((c1=='+'||c1=='-')&&(c2=='*'||c2=='/'))
    return true;
    return false;
    public boolean isDigit(char c)
    if (c=='0'||c=='1'||c=='2'||c=='3'||c=='4'||c=='5'||c=='6'||c=='7'||c=='8'||c=='9')
    return true;
    return false;
    public int isParenthesis(char c)
    if (c=='(')
    return 1;
    else if (c==')')
    return 2;
    else return 0;
    package ExpressionConverter;
    * <p>Title: </p>
    * <p>Description: </p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p>
    * <p>Company: </p>
    * @author unascribed
    * @version 1.0
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class postfix2
    public static void main(String args[])
    new calculatePostfix(args[0]);
    class calculatePostfix
    Vector stack2=new Vector();
    public calculatePostfix(String postfix)
    int size=postfix.length();
    stack2.add(new Integer((int)postfix.charAt(0)-48));
    Integer tmp;
    for (int i=1;i<size;i++)
    if (isDigit(postfix.charAt(i)))
    stack2.add(new Integer((int)postfix.charAt(i)-48));
    tmp= new Integer(calculate( (Integer)stack2.elementAt(stack2.size()-1),(Integer)stack2.elementAt(stack2.size()-2),postfix.charAt(i)));
    return (string)stack2.elementAt(0);
    public int calculate(Integer cc1,Integer cc2,char op)
    int c1=cc1.intValue();
    int c2=cc2.intValue();
    if (op=='+')
    return (c1+c2);
    else if (op=='-')
    return (c1-c2);
    else if (op=='*')
    return (c1*c2);
    return (c1/c2);
    public boolean isDigit(char c)
    if (c=='0'||c=='1'||c=='2'||c=='3'||c=='4'||c=='5'||c=='6'||c=='7'||c=='8'||c=='9')
    return true;
    return false;

    Try user folder/Movies.

  • Need this explained: Two objects reporting back same values...

    I have a datagrid and a form binded to the selectedItem record of the datagrid.  I need to update the values according to whatever is typed into the form fields.
    I use a CFC to handle the update.  I have a newBean class which holds the new values from the form and also an oldBean object which holds old values to verify I'm updating the correct record.
    In my actionscript I have two objects, newObj and oldObj.  Here is how I set them up in my update function.
    var oldObj:Object = new Object;
    oldObj = dg.selectedItem;
    var newObj:Object = newObject;
    newObj = dg.selectedItem;
    newObj.value1 = field1.text;
    newObj.value2 = field2.text;
    newObj.value3 = field3.text;
    remoteObject.update(oldObj, newObj);
    So, I set the oldObj to the selectedItem and then I set the newObj to that same item, which initially should give them the current values of the selectedItem in the datagrid.  Then I set the values of newObj to match the form fields.  Lastly I have a remoteObject method "update()" send the two objects to the CFC I mentioned above.  When I found out it wasn't updating properly, I set up a cfdump to my email to list the values for both oldObj and newObj.
    newObj properly takes all the new values as intended.  oldObj strangely also takes on the new values, yet I never assigned oldObj to accept the new values.  So why is oldObj also accepting the values in the form fields when there's no visible connection between oldObj and any of the fields?

    I don't have an external site I can load this on.  It's a component of an application as well, so I'd have to publish the whole thing.  Instead, I'll just post all relevent code.  Notes: cfc is generated from the ColdFusion wizard.  apptTable is a valueObject that contains the structure of the record data.
    The Remote Object:
        <mx:RemoteObject id="apptRO" endpoint=""
            destination="ColdFusion" source="cms.cfc.apptTableDAO" showBusyCursor="true" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString, 'Error')">
            <mx:method name="read" result="apptsReceived(event)"/>
            <mx:method name="create" result="apptCreated(event)"/>
            <mx:method name="update" result="apptUpdated(event)"/>
            <mx:method name="deleted" result="apptDeleted(event)"/>
    The original update function in Flex:
        private var upObj:apptTable;
        private var oldObj:Object;
        private function updateAppt():void{
            oldObj = new Object;
            oldObj = dg.selectedItem;
            upObj = new apptTable;
            upObj = apptTable(dg.selectedItem);
            upObj.clientName = clientNameInput.text;
            upObj.topic = topicInput.text;
            upObj.info = infoInput.text;
            upObj.apptDate = dateInput.text;
            upObj.apptTime = timeInput.text + ' ' + ampmCbx.value.toString();
    The UPDATE function in the CFC:
        <cffunction name="update" output="false" access="public">
            <cfargument name="oldBean" required="true" type="cms.cfc.apptTable">
            <cfargument name="newBean" required="true" type="cms.cfc.apptTable">
            <cfset var qUpdate="">
            <cfquery name="qUpdate" datasource="cmsdb" result="status">
                update dbo.apptTable
                set clientName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getclientName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    topic = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.gettopic()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    info = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getinfo()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    dateSubmitted = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getdateSubmitted()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    apptDate = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptDate()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    apptTime = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptTime()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    userID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" null="#iif((arguments.newBean.getuserID() eq ""), de("yes"), de("no"))#" />,
                    userName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                where apptID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getapptID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and clientName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getclientName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and topic = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.gettopic()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and info = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getinfo()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and dateSubmitted = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getdateSubmitted()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptDate = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getapptDate()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptTime = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getapptTime()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and userID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getuserID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and userName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getuserName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
            <!--- if we didn't affect a single record, the update failed --->
            <cfquery name="qUpdateResult" datasource="cmsdb"  result="status">
                select apptID
                from dbo.apptTable
                where apptID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and clientName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getclientName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and topic = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.gettopic()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and info = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getinfo()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and dateSubmitted = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getdateSubmitted()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptDate = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptDate()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptTime = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptTime()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and userID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and userName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
            <cfif status.recordcount EQ 0>
                <cfthrow type="conflict" message="Unable to update record">
            <cfreturn arguments.newBean />
    If you look at the update code from the CFC, you can see all my table columns, some of which are not present in my form fields because they should never change.
    Fields in form: clientNameInput, topicInput, infoInput, dateInput, timeInput, and a combo box for am/pm.
    Columns not in form: apptID, dateSubmitted, userID, userName
    Working code:
    private function updateAppt():void{
            oldObj = new Object;
            oldObj = dg.selectedItem;
            upObj = new apptTable;
            upObj.apptID = dg.selectedItem.apptID;
            upObj.clientName = clientNameInput.text;
            upObj.topic = topicInput.text;
            upObj.info = infoInput.text;
            upObj.dateSubmitted = dg.selectedItem.dateSubmitted;
            upObj.apptDate = dateInput.text;
            upObj.apptTime = timeInput.text + ' ' + ampmCbx.value.toString();
            upObj.userID = dg.selectedItem.userID;
            upObj.userName = dg.selectedItem.userName;
    This code does not set upObj to the selectedItem record of the dg.  Instead it just accepts the values of the form fields and any values in the datagrid that do not change.

  • HT4436 Why is my daughter receiving my text messages on her itouch when I send them from my iphone? We are both on icloud so how can I separate the two? Do I need another icould or apple account??

    Why is my daughter receiving my text messages on her itouch when I send them from my iphone? We are both on icloud so how can I separate the two? Do I need another icould or apple account??

    It's happening because you are using the same Apple ID for iMessage.  You don't need to do anything with your iCloud account to fix this.  You should create a separate Apple ID for her device to use with iMessage and FaceTime.  (You can continue to share the same ID for purchasing from the iTunes and App stores if you wish; it doesn't need to be the same as the ID you use for other services.)  Once you've done this, on her device go to Settings>Messages>Send & Receive, tap the ID, sign out, then sign back in with the new ID.  Do the same thing in Settings>FaceTime.
    Another caution is that if you share and iCloud account with her, any data you both sync with the account such as contacts, will be merged and the merged data will appear on both devices.  If you don't want to end up with each other's contacts, calendars, etc. on your devices, you should have separate iCloud accounts to.  If you want to make this change, go to Settings>iCloud on her device and tap Delete Account.  (This only deletes the account from the device, not from iCloud.)  When prompted about what to do with the iCloud data be sure to choose Keep On My iPod.  Then set up a new iCloud account with her new ID, turn on iCloud data syncing again, and when prompted choose Merge.

  • I have a students excel package intalled on my Mac Book - can I also install this software on my new mac mini - do I need another license or can I populate two machines?

    I have a students excel package intalled on my Mac Book - can I also install this software on my new mac mini - do I need another license or can I populate two machines?

    Normally Microsft allows the installation of their programs, except Operating Systems, to be installed on a desktop and notebook at the same time as long as both system are used exclusively by the same person and Not at the same time.
    So this should also be true for MS Office for Mac. The only way to tell is to install it on the Mini and then use the same key to activate it. If the activation goes through you are fine. But if you run both system at the same time do not open any of the Office programs on both system at the same time. That may trigger MS to disallow one of the activations.
    MS Office for both Mac and Windows checks the local network and logs into the MS activation site everytime one of the apps is started to check current activation and to check if you have it running on more then one computer on your local network using the same key.

  • I have 4 computers running Adobe CC under two different accounts (as 1 account can only be installed on two computers) i need it on a 5th computer now, do i need another account or can i set up something so all 5 run from the same account making it easier

    I have 4 computers running Adobe CC under two different accounts (as 1 account can only be installed on two computers) i need it on a 5th computer now, do i need another account or can i set up something so all 5 run from the same account making it easier?

    Check into a Team account
    -assign a new team member http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1460939?tstart=0 may help
    -Team Installer http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1363686?tstart=0

  • Why in Ai CC 2014, when I use a pathfinder tool on two objects, their anchor points snap slightly off from where they were? I'm looking under all the snap to options under VIEW & cannot find the culprit. Please help!

    Why in Ai CC 2014, when I use a pathfinder tool on two objects, their anchor points snap slightly off from where they were? I'm looking under all the snap to options under VIEW & cannot find the culprit. Please help!

    You're welcome.
    There are a couple of issues connected to it:
    I don't think that list is complete

  • I have two Airports, one connected to the router and the other one in another room where the connection is bad. How do I get better connection in that room? Merry them?

    in another room, where the connection is bad to say the least... How do I get the airports to work together? To marry?

    If you have not already done so, configure the AirPort Base Station not connected to the router to "extend" the wireless network created by the other AirPort Base Station. Read this for a more thorough explanation:
    Wi-Fi base stations: Extending the range of your wireless network by adding additional Wi-Fi base stations
    Take note of the following in the above, which I recommend:
    If you have configured your Wi-Fi base stations in the past, it may be helpful to do a factory default reset of each Wi-Fi base station that will be part of the wireless extended network before you begin.
    As well as the following:
    The physical location of extended Wi-Fi base stations will vary according to the building environment and may require some experimentation.
    If feasible for your installation, a "roaming network" is the ideal configuration, and precludes the need for experimentation.

  • How to add two objects on scene and how to rotate them?

    I am beginer on 3d. I am trying do write applet where are 3x3x3 rubic.
    My plans are to have 27 litle cubes. There are 6 flats (9 cubes in a flat) so i have six objects groups. My problem at this moment is that i cant find out how to make two objets. Each of this two objects consists from couple more litle objects. Some of litle objects can be in first and second big object. For example it can be two flats of rubic (corner).
    Is anybody have some examples or somehow to hepl me to find out.
    Thanks a lot

    I have code :
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.MainFrame;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse;
    import javax.media.j3d.*;
    import javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f;
    import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
    import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
    public class RubicApplet extends Applet implements MouseListener
         TransformGroup objRotate = null;
    public BranchGroup createSceneGraph(SimpleUniverse su,Canvas3D canvas)
         // Create the root of the branch graph
         BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();
    Transform3D transform = new Transform3D();
         transform.setRotation(new AxisAngle4f(.5f,1f,1f,.5f));
    BoundingSphere behaveBounds = new BoundingSphere();
    // create Cube and RotateBehavior objects
    objRotate = new TransformGroup(transform);
    // Colors
    Color3f gray = new Color3f(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f);
    Color3f red = new Color3f(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
    Color3f white = new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
    Color3f yellow = new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
    Color3f green = new Color3f(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
    Color3f blue = new Color3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
    Color3f purple = new Color3f(1.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
         // Object possition
    float x=-0.5f;
    float y=-0.5f;
    float z=-0.5f;
         // colors for: back, front, right, left, bottom, top
    Color3f[] myColors0 = {white,gray,gray,red,blue,gray};
    RCube cube1 = new RCube(myColors0,new Vector3f(x-1,y-1,z-1));
         // colors for: back, front, right, left, bottom, top
    Color3f[] myColors1 = {gray,gray,gray,red,blue,gray};
         RCube cube2 = new RCube(myColors1,new Vector3f(x-1,y-1,z+1));
         // colors for: back, front, right, left, bottom, top
    Color3f[] myColors2 = {gray,yellow,gray,red,blue,gray};
         RCube cube3 = new RCube(myColors2,new Vector3f(x-1,y-1,z+3));
    // colors for: back, front, right, left, bottom, top
    Color3f[] myColors3 = {white,gray,gray,red,gray,gray};
         RCube cube4 = new RCube(myColors3,new Vector3f(x-1,y+1,z-1));
    MouseRotate myMouseRotate = new MouseRotate();
    myMouseRotate.setSchedulingBounds(new BoundingSphere());
    MouseTranslate myMouseTranslate = new MouseTranslate();
    myMouseTranslate.setSchedulingBounds(new BoundingSphere());
    MouseZoom myMouseZoom = new MouseZoom();
    myMouseZoom.setSchedulingBounds(new BoundingSphere());
    // Let Java 3D perform optimizations on this scene graph.
         return objRoot;
    public RubicApplet()
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    GraphicsConfiguration config =SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();
    Canvas3D canvas3D = new Canvas3D(config);
    add("Center", canvas3D);
    SimpleUniverse simpleU = new SimpleUniverse(canvas3D);
    BranchGroup scene = createSceneGraph(simpleU,canvas3D);
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Frame frame = new MainFrame(new RubicApplet(), 600, 600);
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    I need to rotate with some event two cubes and with some other event rotate three cubes

  • How can I change the color of a object inside a symbol?

    I'm working on this study and I need to change the color of an object inside a symbol when I click another object.
    The object is called "bola", wich is inside the symbol "ponto" and the clicking object are the colored pencils (each pencil should change the color of the symbol's object, giving the impression you'd selecting a different pencil to draw).
    I think it's simple to understand what I mean when you see the files.
    I already tried this line on click event of the pencils, but it didn't work:
    Anyone knows how to make that work?
    I would like to improve the experience of drawing as well. I made it with the "mousedown" event. Is that a better way to get a similar effect?
    My files
    Thanks a lot,
    Clayton F.

    Ok here is another sample:
    You need to create a var that changes the css background color..
    Hopefully you can understand what I did...
    The text I left showing so that you could see it change...
    I updated the files and all colors should work now.
    Message was edited by: ♥Schrene

  • I need help with controlling two .swf's from third.

    Hi, thanks for reading!
    I need help with controlling two .swf's from third.
    I have a problem where I need to use a corporate designed
    .swf in a digital signage solution, but have been told by the legal
    department that it can not be modified in any way, I also can't
    have the source file yada yada. I pulled the .swfs from their
    website and I decompiled them to see what I was up against.
    The main swf that I need to control is HCIC.swf and the
    problem is it starts w/ a preloader, which after loading stops on a
    frame that requires user input (button press) on a play button,
    before the movie will proceed and play through.
    What I have done so far is to create a container swf,
    HCIC_container.swf that will act as Target for the HCIC.swf, and
    allow me to send actionscript to the file I'm not allowed to
    I managed to get that done with the help of someone on
    another forum. It was my hope that the following script would just
    start HCIC.swf at a frame past the preloader and play button, and
    just play through.
    var container:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("container",
    var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    mcLoader.loadClip("MCIC.swf", container);
    function onLoadInit(mc:MovieClip) {
    But unfortunately it didn't solve my problem. Because there
    is a media-controller.swf, that is being loaded by HCIC.swf that
    has the controls including the play button to start HCIC.swf.
    Here's a link to a .zip file with all 3 .swf files, and all 3
    .fla files.
    What I need to do is automatically start the HCIC.swf file
    bypassing the pre-loader and play button without editing it or the
    media-controller.swf in anyway. So all the scripting needs to be
    done in HCIC_container.swf.
    I know this is confusing, and its difficult to explain, but
    if you look at the files it should make sense.
    ActionScripting is far from my strong point, so I'm
    definitely over my head here.
    Thanks for your help.

    Got my solution on another forum.

  • Adding color to an object in a black and white photo

    Can someone please help? I just bought Aperture and I was wondering if it is possible to add color to an object in a black and white photo? or keep an object in color and turn the rest of the picture into black and white?

    I am 90% sure this cannot be specifically done in Aperture as it can in Photoshop.
    I assume you mean adding spot colour to a B&W photograph.
    You can choose an external editor such as Photoshop, if you have it, create the effect, and re-import the image back into Aperture.
    There are some powerful colour controls for selectively improving colour in a photo within Aperture. Whereby you can make a particular colour stand out more by selectively adjusting the red, blue,cyan,magenta, yellow colour's. These are accessed via the colour controls in the adjustments inspector.
    You can create B&W images with two tones (of your choice) by using the Monochrome mixer ( in the adjustments panel )
    Or you can create colour monochrome effects by using the colour monochrome effects slider ( in the adjustments panel, where you see a + sign with a downward pointing arrow ) click the arrow and select "colour monochrome" from the menu, it will appear at the bottom of the adjustments panel.
    Give some of these a go..... play around with it, you can get some stunning result's..........
    Hope this helps some.......

  • Need to color the  different textfield with different color in J2ME

    i am developing an application where i need to color the different textfield in the form with different color. but i am not able to do this even with the canvas class also. Can you please help me ? Thanks in advance..

    In J2ME, I don't think you can do that easily by setting color. If you want to use specific color in a text field, you need to construct the text box your own. Use Graphics object to draw text field (as image) and here specify a color of your choice.
    Hope this helps.

  • I need to know where can I write a complain. or a phone number to call

    I am having problems with the apple store I am going for training. I need to know where can I get an address or phone number to be able to complain or a solution. my reservations keep desappearing, changing (appointments - workshops schedule etc.) I bought a ONE TO ONE last year to be able to go two times a week for training. beacuse an illness I only went on July 2011 and then didn't go for training until Jan. 2012. I needed the very basics training (because i have problems with memory due to medication taken) that ment i need to take notes, and the expert trainer have to go slow. Well most of the trainers do not know how to tech an old person, don't know very well their subject. go too fast or don't tell you thinks or jumping from one thing to another or... don't have idea of what they are teaching. I have been going for one hour (traveling) to go to the store two and three times a week because their lack of or poor training techniques or ... and other issures like a bad actitude, been rude, etc etc...
    <Edited by Host>

    there should be classes for newbie and advanced (not in age) and I would think they would if there are enough, have classes aimed at elderly as well - many need to and love to keep in touch with far-flung family and friends through Skype, video, IM and other new social formats.
    I know my father went to classes for awhile when he got a laptop and the classes was one of the reasons he choose the store he did, and had it custom configured for him (the computer, not the adult class).
    For many, just getting someone to understand what RAM and storage and what virtual memory vs real is a stretch of imagination. And we see that here with some questions.
    Try explaining 3D to someone that lives on a mobius strip in a flat world.
    One idea:
    I would think there are YouTube courses to follow at home on your own and that can output from computer to a TV or view on a tablet (and iPod and tablets output to TVs just fine too).

Maybe you are looking for