I need help for reading from a .txt file.

My goal in this program is to display the data from the text file to the command prompt. Everything compiles, but its doesnt display the data.
It probably has to do with my constructer. So help with revising the constructing would be appreciated. I am new to programming by the way.
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
     class Inventory
     public static void main(String[] args)
          final int MAX = 50;
          InventoryItem[] items = new InventoryItem[MAX];
          StringTokenizer tokenizer;
          String line;
          String name;
          String file = " inventory.txt ";
          int units = 0;
          int count = 0;
          float price;
               FileReader fr = new FileReader ("inventory.txt");
               BufferedReader inFile = new BufferedReader(fr);
               line = inFile.readLine();
               while (line !=null)
                    tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (line);
                    name = tokenizer.nextToken();
                         units = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken());
                         price = Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken());
                         items[count++] = new InventoryItem(name, units, price);
                    catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                         System.out.println("error in input.Line ignored:");
                    line = inFile.readLine();
               for (int i = 0; i<count; i++)
                    System.out.println (items);
          catch (IOException exception)
               System.out.println("The file " + file + "was not found.");
     } //end of main method
}// end of Inventory class
public class InventoryItem
     private String name;
     private int units;
     private float price;
     public InventoryItem (String nameOfItem, int numOfUnits, float priceOfItem)
          name = nameOfItem;
          units = numOfUnits;
          price = priceOfItem;

Use CODE tags
What's not printing?
units =
its = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken());
price =
ice = Float.parseFloat(tokenizer.nextToken());
items[count++] = new InventoryItem(name, units,
nits, price);
                    catch (NumberFormatException exception)
System.out.println("error in input.Line <========= THIS ???????
.Line ignored:");
                         System.out.println(line); <============= AND THIS???
                    line = inFile.readLine();
               for (int i = 0; i<count; i++)
                    System.out.println (items); <========== THIS IS OK, right?
If I have correctly indentified your problem, then the reason it's not printing is that your print statements are within a catch block, and evidently your code is not throwing any NumberFormatExceptions

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    hey i have a problem with this code, Im trying to read a txt file, containing users and scores, and list scores separate, but I get the fist 3 scores empty(0) can any one help plz?
       String uname;
        int theScore;
        int noScores = 0;
        int [] scores;
         public highScores()
                   FileReader gamers = new FileReader( "Gamers.txt" );
                  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( gamers );
                  String stringRead = br.readLine( );
                  while( stringRead != null )
                        StringTokenizer st = new
                              StringTokenizer( stringRead, "," );
                      String uname = st.nextToken( );
                      theScore = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken( ) );
                      noScores = noScores + 1;
                      scores = new int[noScores];
                      for(int i = (noScores - 1);i < noScores;i++)
                              scores[i] = theScore;
                    System.out.println("" + uname + "," + theScore);
                      stringRead = br.readLine( );
                   br.close( );
                   for(int i = 0;i < noScores;i++)
                        System.out.println("" + scores);
              catch( IOException ioe )
              ioe.printStackTrace( );
    //file im reading from (Gamers.txt)
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Why are you creating the score array inside he while loop? What's that for? It looks like it's for all the scores, but if you have 3 lines, then you're creating 3 different scores arrays--one with 1 element, 1 with 2 elements, and 1 with 3 elements.
    For all but the last one, you're creating it, populating the last element, then throwing it away.
    For the last one, you create it, populate the last element (leaving the first three with their default value of 0) and then that's what gets printed.
    When you have this kind of problem, print out a bunch of relevant stuff (and even some stuff that you think is not relevant) at each step of the way, so ou can see what your code is doing. Yout THINK you know what it's doing, but obviously you're mistaken. If you can't figure it out from staring at it, then you'll have to let the code itself tell you what's really going on.
    You'll have to create the array before you start the while loop, which means you'll have to know ahead of time how many scores you have, or know some maximum that you could possibly have and make it big enough to hold that many.
    Or,instead of an array, you couse use a List, such as java.util.ArrayList.

  • Need help pulling data from an outside file into my array.  Please help  =)

    I need help adapting my array to read the interest rates from an outside file. Here is my code and the outside file I wrote. Please help. Oh, the array in question is on line 259, inside of my calculation() method.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Workshop5 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare gui components
         //declare labels
         JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
         JPanel graphPane = new JPanel();
        JLabel instructionLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel amountLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel orLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel comboBoxLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel termLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel rateLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel calcLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel paymentLabel = new JLabel();
         JLabel tableLabel = new JLabel();
         //declare font object
         Font labelFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16);
         //declare text fields
         JTextField amountField = new JTextField(20);    
         JTextField termField = new JTextField(20);     
         JTextField rateField = new JTextField(20);
         JTextField paymentField= new JTextField(20);
         //declare combo box for loan selection
         JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
        //declare button group and radio buttons
        ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
        JRadioButton enterRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Enter amount, term, & rate", true);
        JRadioButton selectRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Select a preset term/rate loan", false);
         //declare button objects
         JButton clearButton = new JButton();
        JButton calcButton = new JButton();
        JButton quitButton = new JButton();
         //declare text area for amortization
         JTextArea amortTextArea = new JTextArea();
         JTextArea testTextArea = new JTextArea();
         //declare scroll bar for amortization table
         JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(amortTextArea,ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
         public Workshop5()
              instructionLabel.setText("Choose one of the following payment calculation options:");
              instructionLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.PLAIN,16));
              //adds both buttons to button group     
             enterRadioButton.addActionListener(this); //adds action listener to enter radio button
              orLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,18));
              selectRadioButton.addActionListener(this); //adds action listener to select radio button
              amountLabel.setText("Enter mortgage amount");
              amountLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,16));
              termLabel.setText("Enter term length in years:");
              termLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
              rateLabel.setText("Enter interest rate:");
             rateLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
                comboBoxLabel.setText("Select a loan:");
             comboBoxLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
             comboBox.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
             comboBox.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 14));
              calcLabel.setText("Press Calculate button to determine monthly payment.");
             calcLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
             calcButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14));
                //define monthly payment label
             paymentLabel.setText("Monthly payment:");
             paymentLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
             //define monthly payment text field
             paymentField.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,16));
             paymentField.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
              //define clear button
              clearButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
              //define quit button
              quitButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
              tableLabel.setText("Amoritization Table");
              tableLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 16));
              //add components to content     
              addComponent(contentPane, instructionLabel, 80,10,450,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, enterRadioButton, 30,40,220,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, orLabel, 280,40,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, selectRadioButton, 335,40,350,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, amountLabel, 100,80,220,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, amountField, 300,80,150,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, termLabel, 15,125,200,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, termField, 195,125,125,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, rateLabel, 62,160,200,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, rateField, 195,165,125,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, comboBoxLabel, 400,125,200,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, comboBox, 400,155,150,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, calcLabel, 100,200,400,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, calcButton, 250,240,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, paymentLabel, 150,285,200,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, paymentField, 300,285,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, clearButton, 100,330,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, quitButton, 400,330,100,30);
              addComponent(contentPane, tableLabel, 200,370,300,26);
              addComponent(contentPane, scrollPane, 10,400,450,360);
              addComponent(contentPane, graphPane, 475,400,305,360);
              //add window listener to close window when user presses X
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)    
         //method to add components
         private void addComponent(Container container, Component c, int x, int y, int width, int height)
              c.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
         //action performed method
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              Object source = event.getSource();
              if (source == calcButton)
              if (source == clearButton)
              if (source == quitButton)
              //defines active area based on user selection of mortgage calculation method
               //if user chooses to enter the mortgage manually, combo box fields are inactive
               if (source == enterRadioButton)
              //if user chooses to select from a preset mortgage, rate and term fields are inactive
              if (source == selectRadioButton)
         }//end of action performed method
         //combo box method
          public void ComboBox()
               String[] LoanArray = {" 7 years at 5.35 %", " 15 years at 5.50 %", " 30 years at 5.75 %"};
               for (int i = 0; i < LoanArray.length; i++)
         }//end combo box method
         //calculation method
         void Calculate()
              //resets fields
              //calculation variables
         NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
              int [] termArray = {7, 15, 30};                               //array of years
                   double [] yearlyInterestArray = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};           //array of interest
                   int totalMonths = 0;                                    //total months
                   double Loan = 0.0;                               //amount of loan
                   double MonthlyInterest = 0.0;                               //monthly interest rate
                   double Payment = 0.0;                               //calculate payment
                   double monthlyPayment = 0.0;                                   //calculate monthly payment
                   double Interest = 0.0;                                              //variable for Interest Array input
                   int Term = 0;                                              //variable for Term Array input
                   double NewMonthlyInterest = 0.0;                               //new interest amount
                   double NewLoan = 0.0;                               //new loan amount
                   double Reduction = 0.0;                               //principle reduction
                   //validate input
                        Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText());
                   catch (NumberFormatException e)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid Entry. Please enter valid loan amount.", "Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
                   //resets input fields after error message
                   //if select button is chosen
              if (selectRadioButton.isSelected())
                   int index = comboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                   Term = termArray[index];
                   Interest = yearlyInterestArray[index];
              //if user chooses to enter mortgage information
                   if (enterRadioButton.isSelected())
                        //validates input
              Term = Integer.parseInt(termField.getText());
              catch (NumberFormatException e)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid term length in years.", "Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
                   //clears fields after error message
                   Interest = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
              catch (NumberFormatException e)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid rate (without percent symbol).","Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
              //clears fields after error message
                   //perform calculations
                   if (Loan > 0)
                        Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText());
                        MonthlyInterest = (Interest / 12)/100;
                        totalMonths = Term * 12;
                        monthlyPayment = Loan * MonthlyInterest *(Math.pow((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)/(Math.pow((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)-1));
              paymentField.setText("" + currency.format(monthlyPayment));
                        //send information to amortization text area
                   amortTextArea.append(" Amount\t");
              NewLoan = Loan;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= totalMonths; i++)
                             NewMonthlyInterest = MonthlyInterest * NewLoan;
                             Reduction = monthlyPayment - NewMonthlyInterest;
                             NewLoan = NewLoan - Reduction;
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + i +"\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(monthlyPayment) + "\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewMonthlyInterest)+ "\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(Reduction) + "\t");
                             amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewLoan) + "\n");
                        //resets fields if loan amount is less than zero
                        if((Loan <= 0 || Term <= 0 || Interest <= 0))
         }//end calcualtion method
         //clear method
         void Clear()
         }//end of clear method
         //main method
         public static void main(String args[])
              Workshop5 f = new Workshop5();
              f.setTitle("Carol's Mortgage Calculator");
         }//end of main method
         //exit method
         void Exit()
         }//end of exit method
    }//program end
    My data file is called: "InterestData.dat" and only contains the following text:
    5.35, 5.5, 5.75

    Ok, now I am getting this error message:
    cannot resolve symbol method lenght()
    Please help me out here, this is due tomorrow and I've been killing myself on it...
    attaching program with revised code included, see beginning of calculation method line 250:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.* ;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Workshop5 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare gui components
        //declare labels
        JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
         JPanel graphPane = new JPanel();
         JLabel instructionLabel = new JLabel();
            JLabel amountLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel orLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel comboBoxLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel termLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel rateLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel calcLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel paymentLabel = new JLabel();
        JLabel tableLabel = new JLabel();
        //declare font object
        Font labelFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16);
        //declare text fields
        JTextField amountField = new JTextField(20);
        JTextField termField = new JTextField(20);
        JTextField rateField = new JTextField(20);
        JTextField paymentField= new JTextField(20);
        //declare combo box for loan selection
        JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
            //declare button group and radio buttons
            ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
            JRadioButton enterRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Enter amount, term, & rate", true);
            JRadioButton selectRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Select a preset term/rate loan", false);
        //declare button objects
        JButton clearButton = new JButton();
            JButton calcButton = new JButton();
            JButton quitButton = new JButton();
        //declare text area for amortization
        JTextArea amortTextArea = new JTextArea();
        JTextArea testTextArea = new JTextArea();
        //declare scroll bar for amortization table
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(amortTextArea, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
         public Workshop5()
             instructionLabel.setText("Choose one of the following payment calculation options:");
            instructionLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.PLAIN,16));
            //adds both buttons to button group
            buttonGroup.add (selectRadioButton);
            enterRadioButton.addActionListener(this); //adds action listener to enter radio button
            orLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,18));
            selectRadioButton.addActionListener (this); //adds action listener to select radio button
              amountLabel.setText("Enter mortgage amount");
            amountLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,16));
            termLabel.setText("Enter term length in years:");
            termLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
            rateLabel.setText("Enter interest rate:");
            rateLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
            comboBoxLabel.setText("Select a loan:");
            comboBoxLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN,14));
            comboBox.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
            comboBox.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 14));
            calcLabel.setText("Press Calculate button to determine monthly payment.");
            calcLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
            calcButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14));
            calcButton.setBackground(new Color(202,255,112));
            //define monthly payment label
            paymentLabel.setText("Monthly payment:");
            paymentLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16));
            //define monthly payment text field
            paymentField.setFont (new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,16));
            paymentField.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
              //define clear button
            clearButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
            clearButton.setBackground(new Color(202,255,112));
            //define quit button
            quitButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD,14));
            quitButton.setBackground(new Color(202,255,112));
              //define label for amortization table
            tableLabel.setText ("Amoritization Table");
              tableLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 16));
            //add components to content
              addComponent(contentPane, instructionLabel, 80,10,450,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, enterRadioButton, 30,40,220,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, orLabel, 280,40,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, selectRadioButton, 335,40,350,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, amountLabel, 100,80,220,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, amountField, 300,80,150,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, termLabel, 15,125,200,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, termField, 195,125,125,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, rateLabel, 62,160,200,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, rateField, 195,165,125,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, comboBoxLabel, 400,125,200,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, comboBox, 400,155,150,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, calcLabel, 100,200,400,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, calcButton, 250,240,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, paymentLabel, 150,285,200,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, paymentField, 300,285,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, clearButton, 100,330,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, quitButton, 400,330,100,30);
            addComponent(contentPane, tableLabel, 200,370,300,26);
            addComponent(contentPane, scrollPane, 10,400,450,360);
            addComponent(contentPane, graphPane, 475,400,305,360);
            //add window listener to close window when user presses X
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
           //method to add components
           private void addComponent(Container container, Component c, int x, int y, int width, int height)
                   c.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
           //action performed method
           public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object source = event.getSource();
                   if (source == calcButton)
                   if (source == clearButton)
                   if (source == quitButton)
                   //defines active area based on user selection of mortgage calculation method
                   //if user chooses to enter the mortgage manually, combo box fields are inactive
                   if (source == enterRadioButton)
                   amountField.setText ("");
                       paymentField.setText ("");
                   //if user chooses to select from a preset mortgage, rate and term fields are inactive
                   if (source == selectRadioButton)
                           rateField.setEnabled (false);
                           termField.setText ("");
           }//end of action performed method
           //combo box method
            public void ComboBox()
                   String[] LoanArray = {" 7 years at 5.35 %", " 15 years at 5.50 %", " 30 years at 5.75 %"};
                   for (int i = 0; i < LoanArray.length; i++)
    }//end combo box method
    //calculation method
         void Calculate()
              //resets fields
              //calculation variables
              NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
              //declare input stream object
              InputStream istream;
              //create a file object to refer to the outside file
              File interestData = new File("InterestFile.dat");
              //assign instream to the new file object
              istream = new FileInputStream(interestData);
                   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(interestData));
                   String line = "";
                   while((line = in.readLine()) != null)
                   String fileData = sb.toString();
                   String[] splitData = fileData.split(", ");
                   double [] yearlyInterestArray = new double[splitData.length()];
                   for(int j = 0; j < splitData.length(); j++)
                        yearlyInterestArray[j] = new Double(splitData[j]).doubleValue();
              catch (IOException e)
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "File does not exist." + e.getMessage());
              int [] termArray = {7, 15, 30}; //array of years
              double [] yearlyInterestArray = { 5.35, 5.5, 5.75}; //array of interest
              int totalMonths = 0; //total months
              double Loan = 0.0; //amount of loan
              double MonthlyInterest = 0.0; //monthly interest rate
              double Payment = 0.0; //calculate payment
    double monthlyPayment = 0.0; //calculate monthly payment
    double Interest = 0.0; //variable for Interest Array input
    int Term = 0; //variable for Term Array input
    double NewMonthlyInterest = 0.0; //new interest amount
    double NewLoan = 0.0; //new loan amount
    double Reduction = 0.0; //principle reduction
    //validate input
         Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText());
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid Entry. Please enter valid loan amount.", "Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
    //resets input fields after error message
    amountField.requestFocusInWindow ();
              //if select button is chosen
              if (selectRadioButton.isSelected())
                   int index = comboBox.getSelectedIndex ();
                   Term = termArray[index];
                   Interest = yearlyInterestArray[index];
              //if user chooses to enter mortgage information
                   if (enterRadioButton.isSelected())
              //validates input
                   Term = Integer.parseInt(termField.getText());
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid term length in years.", "Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
         //clears fields after error message
         Interest = Double.parseDouble(rateField.getText());
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid entry. Please enter valid rate (without percent symbol).","Error",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
         //clears fields after error message
              //perform calculations
              if (Loan > 0)
                   Loan = Double.parseDouble(amountField.getText ());
                   MonthlyInterest = (Interest / 12)/100;
                   totalMonths = Term * 12;
                   monthlyPayment = Loan * MonthlyInterest *(Math.pow ((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)/(Math.pow((1 + MonthlyInterest), totalMonths)-1));
    paymentField.setText("" + currency.format(monthlyPayment));
    //send information to amortization text area
    amortTextArea.append(" Amount\t");
                   NewLoan = Loan;
                   for (int i = 1; i <= totalMonths; i++)
         NewMonthlyInterest = MonthlyInterest * NewLoan;
         Reduction = monthlyPayment - NewMonthlyInterest;
         NewLoan = NewLoan - Reduction;
         amortTextArea.append(" " + i +"\t");
         amortTextArea.append (" " + currency.format(monthlyPayment) + "\t");
         amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewMonthlyInterest)+ "\t");
         amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(Reduction) + "\t");
         amortTextArea.append(" " + currency.format(NewLoan) + "\n");
    //resets fields if loan amount is less than zero
    if((Loan <= 0 || Term <= 0 || Interest <= 0))
         }//end calcualtion method
    //clear method
    void Clear()
    }//end of clear method
    //main method
    public static void main(String args[])
    Workshop5 f = new Workshop5();
    f.setTitle("Carol's Mortgage Calculator");
    }//end of main method
    //exit method
    void Exit()
    }//end of exit method
    }//program end

  • Reading from a txt file and storing into a list

    i want to read a list of counters(String) which are there in a flat txt file and store them into a List.
    Any suggestion will be helpful

    Try this
    try {
              FileReader fr = new FileReader("C:/abc.txt");
              BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
              String record = null;
              while ((record = br.readLine()) != null)
                   System.out.println(record );     

  • Need help for capturing from handycam

    Can anyone help me with a question about capturing?
    I have a Sony Handycam and a firewire cable. I'm trying to capture mini dv footage from the camera to my G4 Powerbook in Final Cut Pro. I don't have access to a deck right now, that's why I need it to work with the camera.
    The computer is not reading that the camera is attached.
    Is there some setting or something that I need to change?
    When I try and capture, the window is black because the media isn't coming through.
    I can't capture in iMovie either.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help!

    Hi Warren,
    If you are using FC Pro, you should probably post your question in that forum. That said, which model Handycam do you have and is it MicroMV format? If so, even though it may have a FW connection you probably need Sony MovieShaker software, Pinnacle 8 or Ulead Videostudio. FCE and iMovie won't work with MicroMV and I don't believe FCP does, either.

  • Need help loading data from Excel data file to oracle tables

    i need to load an Excel spreadsheet to Oracle table.
    The spreadsheet contains 20 columns, the first 8 columns contains basic info, but the rest 12 columns contains info like
    1stQtr_08, 2ndQtr_08, 3rdQtr_08, 4thQtr_08
    1stQtr_09, 2ndQtr_09, 3rdQtr_09, 4thQtr_09
    1stQtr_10, 2ndQtr_10, 3rdQtr_10, 4thQtr_10
    So what i need to accomplish is:
    break that one record(with 20 fields) in Excel to 3 records for each fiscal year in the Oracle table, so each record in the database table will look like
    8 basic field + fiscal_year + 1stQtr_08, 2ndQtr_08, 3rdQtr_08, 4thQtr_08
    8 basic field + fiscal_year + 1stQtr_09, 2ndQtr_09, 3rdQtr_09, 4thQtr_09
    8 basic field + fiscal_year + 1stQtr_10, 2ndQtr_10, 3rdQtr_10, 4thQtr_10
    There are about 10000 rows in the data file, so how can i use sqlldr to perform such task? beside sqlldr, any other good suggestions?

    External Tables is just an Oracle API for sqlloader. If you going to load this data over and over again, External tables would be a good idea, but if it's a one time thing, sqlldir is simpler, unless you just want to learn how to use External Tables.
    I used to run a data warehouse, so I have done, at least similar, to what you are doing in the past.

  • Read numbers from a .txt file and display them in a graph

    How can I get Labview 7 to read from a txt. file containing a lot of
    coloumns with different datas? There`s only two of the coloumns that are
    interesting to me, the first, that contains the time of the measuring, and
    one in the middle, that contains the measured temperatures. I want Labview
    to read this datas and display them graphicly.
    Thanks from Stale

    Here's one way.
    You can also use the help-> find examples and search for "text".
    2006 Ultimate LabVIEW G-eek.
    Graph.vi ‏21 KB

  • Read from a text file line by line

    I am new to Labview and I am trying to output a text file line by line. For example if my text file is
    SETRPM 1000
    WAIT 10s
    RAMP RPM linear,1000,2000,2 MAF linear,5,7,2
    WAIT 5s
    RAMP RPM sine,2000,1500,3 MAF sine,7,3,3
    I want it to output
    SETRPM 1000
    SETMAF 5 ...and so on
    I tried modifying this code provided by Altenbach but it is still not working as I want it to. Can anyone direct me toward how I can fix this?
    Thank you!

    Your program does exactly what you asked it to do.  In particular, it will repeat 10 times, at one per second, reading (and storing in String) the (unchanging) data that you bring in on the Shift Register.  This data will consist of the first line of the (assumed-)multi-line file you specified.
    I suppose your question is "Why is it only showing me one line?"  This is where it really pays to "Read the Directions Carefully" (or, in this case, carefully read the Help for Read from Text File).
    Bob Schor
    P.S. -- I pointed your code at a text file of 7 lines on my PC.  When I made a few small changes (including doing away with the silly For loop that shows the same thing over and over) , I got out an array, size 7, containing the lines of text.

  • I have a VI and an attched .txt data file. Now I want to read the data from the .txt file and display it as an array in the front panel. But the result is not right. Any help?

    I have a VI and an attched .txt data file. Now I want to read the data from the .txt file and display it as an array in the front panel. But the result is not right. Any help?
    try2.txt ‏2 KB
    read_array.vi ‏21 KB

    The problem is in the delimiters in your text file. By default, Read From Spreadsheet File.vi expects a tab delimited file. You can specify a delimiter (like a space), but Read From Spreadsheet File.vi has a problem with repeated delimiters: if you specify a single space as a delimiter and Read From Spreadsheet File.vi finds two spaces back-to-back, it stops reading that line. Your file (as I got it from your earlier post) is delimited by 4 spaces.
    Here are some of your choices to fix your problem.
    1. Change the source file to a tab delimited file. Your VI will then run as is.
    2. Change the source file to be delimited by a single space (rather than 4), then wire a string constant containing one space to the delimiter input of Read From Spreadsheet File.vi.
    3. Wire a string constant containing 4 spaces to the delimiter input of Read From Spreadsheet File.vi. Then your text file will run as is.
    Depending on where your text file comes from (see more comments below), I'd vote for choice 1: a tab delimited text file. It's the most common text output of spreadsheet programs.
    Comments for choices 1 and 2: Where does the text file come from? Is it automatically generated or manually generated? Will it be generated multiple times or just once? If it's manually generated or generated just once, you can use any text editor to change 4 spaces to a tab or to a single space. Note: if you want to change it to a tab delimited file, you can't enter a tab directly into a box in the search & replace dialog of many programs like notepad, but you can do a cut and paste. Before you start your search and replace (just in the text window of the editor), press tab. A tab character will be entered. Press Shift-LeftArrow (not Backspace) to highlight the tab character. Press Ctrl-X to cut the tab character. Start your search and replace (Ctrl-H in notepad in Windows 2000). Click into the Find What box. Enter four spaces. Click into the Replace With box. Press Ctrl-V to paste the tab character. And another thing: older versions of notepad don't have search and replace. Use any editor or word processor that does.

  • By. i need help for photoshop connective...from 2 days ave a problem of connective.thank you

    by i need help for my photoshop connective..if you ceck problem please.

    Does your Cloud subscription properly show on your account page?
    If you have more than one email, are you sure you are using the correct Adobe ID?
    https://www.adobe.com/account.html for subscriptions on your Adobe page
    If yes
    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Cloud programs do not use serial numbers... you log in to your paid Cloud account to download & install & activate... you MAY need to log out of the Cloud and restart your computer and log back in to the Cloud for things to work
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/account-password-sign-faq.html
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    If no
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    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

  • I need autocomplete  for search for words in a txt. file

    i am not so good in java.
    I have a running code for search in text with a txt. file (from user bluefox815).
    But I need a solution with autocomplete for search for words in a txt. file.
    test_file.txt (Teil des Inhaltes):
    Roboter robots
    Mechatronik mechatronics
    and so on
    Can you help me please.
    Here is the code:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    * this program searches for a string in a text file and
    * says which line it found the string on
    public class SearchText implements ActionListener {
    private String filename = "test_file.txt";
    private JFrame frame;
    private JTextField searchField;
    private JButton searchButton;
    private JLabel lineLabel;
    private String searchFor;
    private BufferedReader in;
    public SearchText() {
    frame = new JFrame("SearchText");
    searchField = new JTextField(80);
    searchButton = new JButton("Search");
    // this is used later in our actionPerformed method
    // this sets the action listener for searchButton, which is the current class
    // because this class implements ActionListener
    lineLabel = new JLabel("nach dem Fachbegriff suchen");
    public void createGUI() {
    JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
    topPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(topPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
    JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel();
    JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
    mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    // now we get the action command and if it is search, then it is the button
    if ("search".equals(e.getActionCommand())) {
    searchFor = searchField.getText();
    private void searchTheText() {
    // I initialize the buffered reader here so that every time the user searches
    // then the reader will start at the beginning, instead of where it left off last time
    try {
    in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filename)));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    String lineContent = null;
    int currentLine = 0;
    // this will be set to true if the string was found
    boolean foundString = false;
    while (true) {
    // get a line of text from the file
    try {
    lineContent = in.readLine();
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // checks to see if the file ended (in.readLine() returns null if the end is reached)
    if (lineContent == null) {
    if (lineContent.indexOf(searchFor) == -1) {
    } else {
    foundString = true;
    if (!foundString)
    lineLabel.setText("Es kann kein Fachbegriff gefunden werden.");
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    new SearchText().createGUI();

    Markus1 wrote:
    But I need a solution with autocomplete for search for words in a txt. file.What is your question? What have you tried so far? What are you having difficulty with?

  • Problem on reading and writing from from a *.txt file

    I get Problem on reading and writing from from a *.txt file. The following is the read() method...
    The software said the DataInputStream is depreciated. Can anyone help me please?
    public void read()
        File file = new File("C://Documents and Settings//Charles//My Documents//Brunel//EE2065//Assignment and Lab//Assignment 4 and Lab 4//data.txt");
        FileInputStream in = null;
        String str = "";
          in = new BufferedReader(file);
          //in = new FileInputStream(file);
            str = new BufferedReader(in).readLine();
            //str = new DataInputStream(in).readLine();
            if(str == null)
        catch(IOException e)
            System.err.println("execution error: " +e);

    Thank you for your reply. I have made some change. However, there is an incompetable type found error.
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));The following are all of the code.
    public void read()
        File file = new File("C://Documents and Settings//Charles//My Documents//Brunel//EE2065//Assignment and Lab//Assignment 4 and Lab 4//data.txt");
        FileInputStream in = null;
        //BufferedReader in = null;
        String str = "";
          in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
          //in = new FileInputStream(file);
            BufferedReader Bstr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
            //str = new BufferedReader(in).readLine();
            //str = new DataInputStream(in).readLine();
            if(str == null)
        catch(IOException e)
            System.err.println("execution error: " +e);

  • Need Help for Nokia 6500 slide

    Hi all I'm A new Guy here ,
    But I do really need help for hard reset my phone
    I already try *#7073# But It doesn't work ,
    If Anybody know to make a hard reset please help

    rwss wrote:
    I'v got te same problem with my 6500 Slide, is there a button combination that we have to press
    to hard reset the 6500 Slide?!
    How does the 6500 slide hard reset?
    That's simple.
    All you have to do is:
    From MENU goto SETTINGS, When there scroll down and select 'Restore Factory Setting'.
    There are two options in there:
    "Restore Settings only"
    "Restore all"
    Select "Restore All"
    When done the phone will delete every thing on the Phone memory(C:\)(contacts,picture,messages etc)
    and also restore phone to its original settings and will restart.
    This proceedure is mostly common on S40 phone.
    Hope this explain and solve the problem.

  • Need help for access list problem

    Cisco 2901 ISR
    I need help for my configuration.... although it is working fine but it is not secured cause everybody can access the internet
    I want to deny this IP range and permit only TMG server to have internet connection. My DHCP server is the 4500 switch.
    Anybody can help?
             DENY –
    Permit only 1 host for Internet
           ------ TMG Server
    Using access-list.
    ( Current configuration  )
    object-group network IP
    description Block_IP
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    ip address
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in max-fragments 64 max-reassemblies 256
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    description ### ADSL WAN Interface ###
    no ip address
    pppoe enable group global
    pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
    interface ATM0/0/0
    no ip address
    no atm ilmi-keepalive
    interface Dialer1
    description ### ADSL WAN Dialer ###
    ip address negotiated
    ip mtu 1492
    ip nat outside
    no ip virtual-reassembly in
    encapsulation ppp
    dialer pool 1
    dialer-group 1
    ppp authentication pap callin
    ppp pap sent-username xxxxxxx password 7 xxxxxxxxx
    ip nat inside source list 101 interface Dialer1 overload
    ip route Dialer1
    ip route
    access-list 101 permit ip any
    access-list 105 deny   ip object-group IP any
    From the 4500 Catalyst switch
    ( Current Configuration )
    interface GigabitEthernet0/48
    no switchport
    ip address interface GigabitEthernet2/42
    ip route

    Host will can't get internet connection
    I remove this configuration......         access-list 101 permit ip any
    and change the configuration ....      ip access-list extended 101
                                                                5 permit ip host any
    In this case I will allow only host but it isn't work.
    No internet connection from the TMG Server.

  • Need help for writing extract program

    i need help for writing extract program to retriew data from legacy system.
    i already developed bdc programs for me31k and me21.
    my requirement is to write extract program s for those t.codes.
    to retriew data from legacy system and stored in flat file.

    i need help with a java program. it is a program that allows the user to enter a student's GPA, number of extracurricular activities, and number of service activities. The user can not enter a gpa above 4.0 or below 0. The user can not enter a negative number for the number of both activities. If the student meets the following criteria: 1) GPA of 3.8 or above and at least one extracurricular activity and one service activity, 2) GPA below 3.8 but at least 3.4 and a total of at least three extracurricular and service activities, 3) GPA below 3.4 but at least 3.0 and at least two extracurricular activities and three service activities, the message "Scholarship candidate" should display. If the student does not meet the criteria above, then the message"not a candidate" should display. Can you help me, please?
    You haven't posted ANY 'java program' for us to help with.
    The forum is NOT a coding service. It is to help you with YOUR code.
    Post the code you have written and SHOW us (don't just tell us) how you compile it and execute it and the results you get. Then we can help you with any problems you are are having.
    If you need help understanding just what the program should be doing you need to ask your instructor to clarify the assignment.

Maybe you are looking for

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